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Subject Name: Structural Analysis-I

Subject Code: CE-4005

Semester: 4th
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Subject Name: Structure Analysis- I Subject Code- CE4005

Virtual work and Energy Principles: Principles of Virtual work applied to deformable bodies, strain
e e g a d o ple e ta e e g , E e g theo e s, Ma ell s ‘e ip o al theo e , A al sis of Pi -
Jointed frames for static loads.
Energy Methods in Structural Analysis
Virtual Work
. F o Castiglia o s theo e it follo s that fo the stati all dete i ate st u tu e; the pa tial
derivative of strain energy with respect to external force is equal to the displacement in the direction
of that load. In this lesson, the principle of virtual work is discussed. As compared to other methods,
virtual work methods are the most direct methods for calculating deflections in statically determinate
and indeterminate structures. This principle can be applied to both linear and nonlinear structures.
The principle of virtual work as applied to deformable structure is an extension of the virtual work for
rigid bodies. This may be stated as: if a rigid body is in equilibrium under the action of a system of
forces and if it continues to remain in equilibrium if the body is given a small (virtual) displacement,
the the i tual o k do e the F−F−s ste of fo es as it ides alo g these i tual displa e e ts
is zero.

Complementary Strain Energy:

Consider the stress strain diagram as shown Fig 1.1. The area enclosed by the inclined line and the
vertical axis is called the complementary strain energy. For a linearly elastic material the
complementary strain energy and elastic strain energy are the same.

Figure 1.1: Stress strain diagram.

Let us consider elastic nonlinear prismatic bar subjected to an axial load. The resulting stress strain
plot is as shown.

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Figure 1.2: The resulting Stress strain diagram.

The new term complementary work is defined as follows

Figure 1.3: The resulting Stress strain diagram.

So in geo et i se se the o k W* is the o ple e t of the o k W' e ause it o pletes e ta gle

as shown in the above figure

Complementary Energy

Likewise the complementary energy density u* is obtained by considering a volume element

subjected to the stress s1 and Î1, in a manner analogous to that used in defining the strain energy
density. Thus

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The complementary energy density is equal to the area between the stress strain curve and the stress
axis. The total complementary energy of the bar may be obtained from u* by integration

Sometimes the complementary energy is also called the stress energy. Complementary Energy is
expressed in terms of the load and that the strain energy is expressed in terms of the displacement.

Castigliano's Theorem: Strain energy techniques are frequently used to analyze the deflection of
beam and structures. Castigliano's theorem were developed by the Italian engineer Alberto
Castigliano in the year 1873, these theorems are applicable to any structure for which the force
deformation relations are linear

Castigliano's Theorem:

Figure 1.4: The loaded beam.

Consider a loaded beam as shown in figure 1.4

Let the two Loads P1 and P2 produce deflections Y1 and Y2 respectively strain energy in the beam is
equal to the work done by the forces.

Let the Load P1 be increased by an amount DP1.

Let DP1 and DP2 be the corresponding changes in deflection due to change in load to DP 1.

Now the increase in strain energy

Suppose the increment in load is applied first followed by P1 and P2 then the resulting strain energy is

Since the resultant strain energy is independent of order loading,

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Combing equation 1, 2 and 3. One can obtain

or upon taking the limit as DP1 approaches zero [ Partial derivative are used because the strain energy
is a function of both P1 and P2 ]

For a general case there may be number of loads, therefore, the equation (6) can be written as

The above equation is castigation's theorem:

The statement of this theorem can be put forth as follows; if the strain energy of a linearly elastic
structure is expressed in terms of the system of external loads. The partial derivative of strain energy
with respect to a concentrated external load is the deflection of the structure at the point of
application and in the direction of that load.

In a similar fashion, Castiglia o s theorem can also be valid for applied moments and resulting
rotations of the structure


Mi = applied moment

qi = resulting rotation

Castigliano's First Theorem:

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In similar fashion as discussed in previous section suppose the displacement of the structure are
changed by a small amount ddi. While all other displacements are held constant the increase in strain
energy can be expressed as


¶U / di ® is the rate of change of the strain energy w.r.t di.

It may be seen that, when the displacement di is increased by the small amount dd ; work done by the
corresponding force only since other displacements are not changed.

The work which is equal to Piddi is equal to increase in strain energy stored in the structure

By rearranging the above expression, the Castigliano's first theorem becomes

The above relation states that the partial derivative of strain energy w.r.t. any displacement d i is
equal to the corresponding force Pi provided that the strain is expressed as a function of the

Maxwell-Betti Law of Reciprocal Deflections

Maxwell-Betti Law of real work is a basic theorem in the structural analysis. Using this theorem,
it will be established that the flexibility coefficients in compatibility equations, formulated to
solve indeterminate structures by the flexibility method, form a symmetric matrix and this will
reduce the number of deflection computations. The Maxwell-Betti law also has applications in the
construction of influence lines diagrams for statically indeterminate structures. The Maxwell-Betti
law, which applies to any stable elastic structure (a beam, truss, or frame, for example) on
unyielding supports and at constant temperature, states:
The deflection of point A in direction 1 due to unit load at point B in direction 2 is equal in the
magnitude to the deflection of point B in direction 2 produced by a unit load applied at A in
direction 1.
The Figure 4.31 explains the Maxwell-Betti Law of reciprocal displacements in which, the
displacement is equal to the displacement.

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In order to prove the reciprocal theorem, consider the simple beams shown in Figure 4.32. Let a
vertical force at point B produces a vertical deflection at point A and at point B as shown
in Figure 4.32(a). Similarly, in Figure 4.32(b) the application of a vertical force at point A produces
a vertical deflections and at points A and B, respectively. Let us evaluate the total work done
by the two forces and when they are applied in different order to the zero to their final value.

Case 1: applied and followed by

(a) Work done when is gradually applied

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(b) Work done when is gradually applied with in place

Total work done by the two forces for case 1 is

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Case2: applied and followed by

(c) Work done when is gradually applied

(d) Work done when is gradually applied with in place

Total work done by the two forces for case 2 is

Since the final deflected position of the beam produced by the two cases of loads is the same
regardless of the order in which the loads are applied. The total work done by the forces is also the
same regardless of the order in which the loads are applied. Thus, equating the total work of Cases 1
and 2 give

If , the equation (4.31) depicts the statement of the Maxwell-Betti law i.e.

The Maxwell-Betti theorem also holds for rotations as well as rotation and linear displacement in
beams and frames.
Example 4.21 Verify Maxwell-Betti law of reciprocal displacement for the direction 1 and 2 of the pin-
jointed structure shown in Figure (a).

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Solution: Apply the forces and in the direction 1 and 2, respectively. The calculation of total
strain energy in the system is given in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5

Membe Length Force P

rAB L -( )

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Since , hence the Maxwell-Betti law of reciprocal displacement is proved.

Example: Verify Maxwell-Betti law of reciprocal displacement for the cantilever beam shown in
Figure 4.34(a).

Solution: Apply the forces and in the directions 1 and 2, respectively. The total strain energy
stored is calculated below.

Consider any point X at a distance x from B.

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Since , the Maxwell-Betti law of reciprocal displacement is proved.

Example: Verify Maxwell-Betti law of reciprocal displacement for the rigid-jointed plane frame
with reference to marked direction as shown in Figure 4.35(a). EI is same for both members.

Solution: Apply the forces and in the directions 1 and 2, respectively as shown in Figure (b).

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Consider AB: (x measured from A)

Consider BC: (x measured from B)


The displacement in the direction 1 due to unit load applied in 2 is

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The displacement in the direction 2 due to unit load applied in 1 is

Since , proves the Maxwell-Betti law of reciprocal displacements.

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