International Phonetic Alphabets
International Phonetic Alphabets
International Phonetic Alphabets
Vowels Consonants
q Only one vowel sound in a syllable q Combination of two vowel sounds in a syllable
Ø 2 types: long and short monophthongs ü Transcribed with two symbols such as / aʊ /
Look at the word banana /bəˈnɑː.nə/. Look at the word again / əˈɡen /.
/s/ so / səʊ /
/ ɑː / car / kɑːr /
/ ɔː / door / dɔː /
/ tʃ / chain / tʃeɪn /
/ u: / boo / buː /
/ ɜː / bird / bɜːd /
Consonants (voiced)
/ dʒ / jam / dʒæm /
/ eɪ / say / seɪ /
/ əʊ / go / ɡəʊ /
/ aɪ / five / faɪv /
/ aʊ / now / naʊ /
Consonants ( Th__ / __th ) sounds
/ ɔɪ / soil / sɔɪl /
/ ɪə / near / nɪə /
/ eə / hair / heə /
/ ʊə / pure / pjʊə /
Consonants (voiced)