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Lesson 7: THE NOVEL OF A Rizal started writing "Noli Me colonial rule and critiques the

GENIUS Tangere" while in Madrid, Spain, and oppressive nature of the Spanish
completed most of it in Paris before Regime
José Rizal, a revered figure in finishing the book in Berlin, Germany. • REFLECTION OF THE TOWN:
Philippine history, stands as a beacon Vicente Blasco Ibañez volunteered to → Injustices, corruption and abuses
of courage, enlightenment, and be a proofreader and consultant of his prevalent in the Philippine Society
patriotism. As a book. During the final during the Spanish Colonial Period
renowned Filipino nationalist, stages in December 1886, Rizal faced
intellectual, and visionary, he dedicated financial struggles and doubted he CHARACTERS:
his life to advocating for social reform, could publish the novel. Fortunately, Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin
equality, and national identity during a his friend Maximo Viola, a wealthy → He is sophisticated, highly
pivotal era in Philippine history. Rizal's supporter,visited him in Berlin and esteemed, possesses idealistic beliefs,
enduring legacy continues to shape helped fund the printing. Rizal has a liberal mind, and is quite
Filipino culture, politics, and identity, presented Viola with the galley proofs outspoken.
earning him the distinction of a national on March 29, 1887, the day "Noli Me → Crisostomo Ibarra was a shining
hero. Central to his legacy are his Tangere" was printed example of the ideal that Jose Rizal
iconic novels, "Noli Me Tangere" wanted to see realized in the lives of
(1887) and "El Filibusterismo" Society During Rizal’s Time (Late young people in the Philippines during
(1891) 19th Century) his lifetime. In
addition, he is the lover of Maria Clara.
"Noli Me Tangere"(HUWAG MO SOCIO-ECONOMIC Maria Clara de los Santos y Alba
AKONG SALINGIN) serves as a INEQUALITIES → This beautiful young lady is the
groundbreaking critique of Spanish girlfriend of Crisostomo Ibarra. Leonor
colonialism in the Philippines, vividly Rivera, who was Jose Rizal’s childhood
portraying the harsh realities of DISCRIMINATION sweetheart, served as an inspiration for
oppression, corruption, and injustice her character. → Maria Clara is
faced by Filipinos under colonial rule. CULTURAL REPRESSION portrayed as a trustworthy young
This seminal work ignited a revolution woman, one who is both a loyal
of ideas and sparked a renewed sense friend and a respectful daughter.
of national consciousness among EXPLOITATION
Filipinos. Elias
Themes Explored in Noli Me → Elias in "Noli Me Tangere" is
"El Filibusterismo," its compelling Tangere Ibarra's enigmatic friend and skilled
sequel, delves deeper into themes of • Critique of Spanish Colonialism and boatman, known as "the pilot." He
social unrest and resistance, examining its Oppressive Mechanisms embodies the average Filipinos and
the consequences of colonial abuse and • Advocates for Social Reform, their desire for freedom from
the yearning for freedom through the Education, and National Consciousness oppression, preferring revolution over
character of Simoun. • Exposes Injustices, Abuses, and reforms and trusting in divine will
Corruption in Filipino Society above all else.
English Name: Touch Me Not Impact on Modern Society Sisa
Publication Date: March 21, 1887 • National Awakening and Sense of → In "Noli Me Tangere," Sisa
Author: Dr. Jose Rizal Identity epitomizes the archetype of the
Publisher: Serzerinnenschule des • Rise of Nationalist movements mistreated Filipina wife, enduring her
Lettevereins • Relevant in addressing contemporary husband's abuse while maintaining an
Publication Place: Berlin, Germany issues unwavering devotion to him. → Her
Language when Published: Spanish deep love for her sons, Crispin and
People who are Affected by the Novel Basilio, reflects her sacrificial maternal
Rizal was inspired by Harriet Beecher • Common Filipino Society instinct, mirroring the Philippines'
Stowe's novel (Uncle Tom's Cabin) • Spanish Authorities struggle under colonial rule. Through
which is about the suffering of black • Filipino Intellectuals Sisa's tragic experiences, her character
slaves in America to write a similar • Philippine Literature symbolizes the nation's suffering and
novel depicting the abuses endured by resilience, serving as a poignant
Philippine natives under Spanish friars. SUMMARY OF THE NOVEL allegory for the broader fight for
In liberation and justice in Filipino
1884, he suggested to his Filipino SETTING OF THE NOVEL society.
friends in Madrid, including the
Paternos and Graciano Lopez Jaena, San Diego Crispin and Basilio
that they collaborate on a novel about • San Diego is a symbol of the → Basilio in Noli Me Tangere is one of
Philippine life. However, his friends Philippines under the Spanish rule Sisa’s sons and Crispin’s older brother.
preferred to focus on women's stories • It portrays the mix of Spanish and He and his younger brother work as a
and were more interested in gambling Filipino cultures, traditions, and social sexton.
and flirting than writing. classes. → Basilio makes a hasty escape for
• Through the portrayal of San Diego, their home the night Crispin is pulled
Consequently, Rizal undertook the task Rizal has been able to picture the away. The next day he tries to locate
alone and wrote the novel himself. challenges faced Filipinos under his younger brother, but his efforts to
do so are useless. In the last chapter of personal vendettas and political Filipinos by opportunistic Spaniards
the book, Elias tells Basilio that he influence. during colonial rule.
wants him to burn him to death in → His significant role in the novel
exchange for a treasure box that can be involves plotting to ruin Ibarra's Alfonso Linares
found where he was buried. engagement to Maria Clara while → Linares is a distant nephew of Don
→ Basilio will later play a major role in harboring a secret admiration for her. Tiburcio de Espadaña. He is a young
El Filibusterismo. respectable Spaniard.
→ Crispin in Noli Me Tangere is the Don Anastacio (Pilosopo Tasyo) → Along the same lines as his uncle, he
younger brother of Basilio. They were → Pilosopo Tasyo in "Noli Me has falsified his credentials with the
introduced in Chapter 15 as one of the Tangere" is a symbol of educated aim of advancing his social standing.
Noli Me Tangere characters. Just like Filipinos disillusioned by the stark → Linares is the would-be fiance of
his brother, Crispin is also a sexton. contrast between Spanish colonial Maria Clara.
The senior sexton had accused him of culture and the mistreatment of
stealing two pieces of gold from their Filipinos. As a member of a wealthy Lieutenant Guevarra
collection. Crispin is a symbol of family, he embodies pessimism and → Lt. Guevara in "Noli Me Tangere" is
people who have been falsely accused skepticism a morally upright
of committing a crime when in reality towards others' selflessness, reflecting Spanish lieutenant in the Civil Guard
they are innocent. the loss of wonder experienced upon who respects both Crisostomo Ibarra
returning to the Philippines. and his deceased father, Don Rafael.
Don Santiago de los Santos (Kapitan → Tasyo serves as a representation of He supports the Ibarra family and
Tiago) Paciano Rizal, Jose Rizal's older openly criticizes Father
→ He is a wealthy Filipino who is brother, reflecting Rizal's own → Damaso's influence, providing
native-born and lives in Binondo. He sentiments and Crisostomo with insights into the
has absolutely no respect for religion, experiences. Damaso's role in them.
and he
blatantly participates in others’ racial Father Hernando de la Sibyla Doña Consolacion
remarks directed toward his own → Father Sibyla in "Noli Me Tangere" → Doña Consolacion in "Noli Me
people. serves as a rational and peaceful Tangere" is the quarrelsome wife of
→ He was inspired by Capitan Hilario counterpoint to the corrupt and The Ensign, ashamed of her Filipino
Sunico of San Nicholas, a well known perverse priests like Father Damaso heritage and pretending to be unable to
Manila-based bell caster and Father Salvi. speak Tagalog.
→ Despite representing a liberal stance, → Despite her wealth from marrying a
Don Rafael Ibarra he prefers to remain in the background Spaniard, she isridiculed for her
→ Don Rafael Ibarra, Crisostomo's to avoid conflict with the controlling unattractive appearance, filthy
father in "Noli Me Tangere," criticizes priests, all language, and cruel treatment of Sisa,
Spanish friars' abuses and incurs while discreetly monitoring Ibarra's embodying the complexities of colonial
jealousy from Father Damaso. Falsely activities. identity and internalized oppression.
accused of heresy and sedition, he dies
in prison, his body desecrated by Ensign (Alperez/Alferez)
Damaso's vindictiveness. → He is the Chief of the Guardia Civil
→ Don Rafael represents resistance in the town of San Diego, but no one
against colonial injustice. knows his name. He has a drinking
Doña Victorina de los Reyes de problem and is
Father Damaso Verdolagas Espadana married to Doña Consolacion, with
→ Father Damaso in "Noli Me → In "Noli Me Tangere," Doña whom he has regular arguments.
Tangere" is a corrupt, racist, and Victorina is an ambitious → The Ensign is a man of Spanish
tyrannical Franciscan priest who abuses character who pretends to be Spanish heritage who is a mortal enemy of the
his authority to punish by wearing makeup and seeking to priests for the power in San Diego to
anyone who opposes him, regardless of elevate her social status through control the city.
the offense's triviality. Representing the marriage.
oppressive and power-hungry friars, he → She symbolizes individuals with a
exhibits pettiness and vindictiveness, colonial mentality, reflecting a
seeking to maintain control and distorted perception of identity rooted
dominance over the Filipino in aspirations for higher social Kapitan Heneral
community. standing. → The unnamed Captain General in
→ His character serves as a symbol of "Noli Me Tangere" holds the highest
the injustices and abuses perpetrated by Don Tiburcio de Espadana position in the Philippine government
the Spanish colonial clergy. → Don Tiburcio de Espadaña in "Noli and is a close
Me Tangere" is the limp and friend of Crisostomo Ibarra.
Father Bernardo Salvi submissive Spanish husband of Doña → Despite his disdain for corruption
→ Father Salvi in "Noli Me Tangere" is Victorina, introduced as a guest at and secular priests, he is unable to
a cunning and politically ambitious Capitan Tiago's gathering. intervene when Father Salvi falsely
Spanish priest who assumes control → He is revealed as a fraudulent con accuses Ibarra,
over Father Damaso's position in San artist posing as a doctor, symbolizing highlighting the limitations of his
Diego, using his religious authority for the exploitation and manipulation of power in the face of entrenched
→ An individual whose father was put word was taboo and associated with
Don Filipo Lino to death by members of the Civil revolutionary suspicion by Spanish
→ Don Filipo Lino, vice mayor of the Guard. Tarsilo and his brother Bruno, authorities and newspapers. For
city in "Noli Me Tangere," leads a are persuaded by Lucas to launch an educated Filipinos, it signified a
younger generation less bound by assault on the military barracks by dangerous patriot or subversive figure.
religious doctrine telling them that Ibarra is the one By the late nineteenth century,
but is marginalized in effect due to the organizing the rebellion. "filibustero" had evolved to mean
mayor's strong alignment with → After the attack, the ensign seizes "subversive" in the Philippines,
the Catholic Church. Tarsilo and subjects him to torturous reflecting the themes of subversion and
→ Despite his disdain for lavish interrogation. He died when the ensign resistance in Rizal's novel.
spending on feast days, his position as drowned him in a well. • The exact number of copies printed in
deputy mayor renders him powerless to the initial publication is
effect change, Bruno Alasigan not documented, but it was a limited
perpetuating the church's influence over → Tarsilo Alasigan’s brother, Bruno printing due to the challenges Rizal
the town's power structures. Alasigan, was among those killed on faced in getting the novel published
the night of the barracks attack. Just abroad.
Tiya Isabel before he passes away, Bruno reiterates
→ She is a cousin of Captain Tiago. what Lucas has conveyed to him, that SOCIETAL BACKGROUND
After Maria Clara’s mother passed Ibarra
away from an untimely death, she took is the leader of the rebellion. Society During Rizal’s Time
care of Maria (Late 19th Century)
Clara as if she were her own child. El Filibusterismo
Kapitan Pablo (Tandang Pablo) Publication History EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM
→ He is the leader of the “persecuted”
men’s rebel group that is out for Important Information:
vengeance against the Civil Guard. The English Name: Reign of Greed INDOCTRINATION
Spaniards were Date of Completion: March 29, 1891
responsible for the death of his family. Author: Dr. Jose Rizal
Editor: Raul Locsin RACIAL
Lucas Translator: Ma. Soledad Lacson- DISCRIMINATION
→ Lucas is the Yellow Man’s brother. Locsin
Wanting revenge on Crisostomo Ibarra, Publisher: F. Meyer van Loo Press
he conspires with Father Salvi to make (publishing house) EXPLOITATION
the Publication Place: Ghent, Belgium
young man look like the mastermind Language when Published: Spanish
behind the attack on the military Translated into: English, German, POLITICAL REPRESSION
barracks. French, Japanese,Tagalog, Ilonggo, and
other languages Themes Explored in El
The Schoolmaster Filibusterismo
→ Ibarra is informed by the TIMELINE • Colonial Oppression and Injustice
Schoolmaster of the poor conditions October 1887 → Started writing • Social Class Disparity
surrounding education in San Diego, El Filibusterismo in Calamba • Religious Hypocrisy and Corruption
which pose a significant • Education and Enlightenment
barrier to learning for the town’s • Nationalism and Patriotism
pupils. London (1888) → Revised some plot • Injustice and Revenge
→ Even while the schoolmaster is and chapters • Fatalism and Despair
appreciative of Ibarra’s assistance, he is • Individual Sacrifice and Heroism
pessimistic about the likelihood that • Ethical Responsibility and Moral
Ibarra will be more March 29, 1891 in Briarritz → Awakening
successful in building a powerful Finally
secular academy than either he or Completed the book Impact on Modern Society
anybody else has been in the past. • Rizal's works, including "El
September 1891 in Ghent, Belgium Filibusterismo," shaped Filipino
Pedro → El identity
→ Pedro was described as an abusive Filibusterismo was published and resistance against colonialism,
husband to Sisa and an abusive establishing him as a national hero.
father to his two sons: Basilio (who • Rizal had to explain the meaning of • The novel inspired subsequent
was only about ten years old at the time the word "filibustero" to his German Filipino writers, fostering literature
of Noli) and Crispin (seven years old) friend Ferdinand Blumentritt, who was addressing social justice, nationalism,
Nol Juan (Nyor Juan) unfamiliar with its usage in "Noli Me and identity.
→ He supervises the building of Tangere." Rizal described how the • Rizal's writings inspired generations
Crisostomo Ibarra’s school and was in word was little known in to fight for independence and
charge of its construction. the Philippines, with the masses only reforms, fueling modern Filipino
hearing it during the tragic executions activism.
Tarcilo Alasigan (Tarsilo) of the Gomburza priests in 1872. The
• "El Filibusterismo" serves as a → Accused of distributing anti-friar → The former parish priest of San
reminder of Filipino resistance history, pamphlets, he is imprisoned during a Diego, Father Salvi is now the director
highlighting ongoing struggles for climactic moment in the novel, and chaplain of the Santa Clara
social and economic equality. highlighting the injustices faced by convent.
those who challenge the colonial → Implied to have assaulted Maria
regime. Clara, he remains fearful of Ibarra’s
potential revenge.
People who are Affected by the Novel → Isagani, Basilio's friend and aspiring Don Custodio de Salazar y Sanchez
poet in "Noli Me Tangere," is depicted de
• FILIPINO NATIONALIST AND as the passionate and idealistic nephew Monteredondo
REVOLUTIONARIES of Father Florentino, valuing his → Custodio de Salazar y Sanchez de
principles above his relationships, even Monteredondo is a contractor tasked
• COMMON FILIPINOS with his girlfriend, Paulita Gomez. with developing a proposal for a
→ He symbolizes the youth's fervent Spanish language academy.
• CRITICS OF COLONIALISM patriotism and willingness to stand up → An opportunist and social climber,
for their beliefs, despite the personal he is portrayed as incompetent and
Summary sacrifices it may entail. laughably ineffective.
Paulita Gomez Quiroga
Setting of the Novel → Isagani’s girlfriend and Doña → A Chinese businessman aspiring to
Victorina’s niece, Paulita eventually become a
• The novel explores themes of breaks up with Isagani to marry Juanito consul for China in the Philippines.
oppression, social inequality, and the Pelaez, believing she has no future with Simoun coerces him into hiding
quest for justice and freedom against Isagani. weapons in his warehouses for the
the backdrop of Manila's bustling city planned revolution.
life and the stark divide between the Father Florentino
Spanish elite and the impoverished → Father Florentino, Isagani's uncle Kabesang Tales
Filipino populace. and a retired priest in "Noli Me → Telesforo Juan de Dios, also known
• Throughout the story, Rizal uses Tangere," is a respected figure despite as Kabesang Tales, transitions from
various locations such as Binondo (the his past romantic involvements, being a former community leader to
Chinatown of Manila), Intramuros (the symbolizing the secular Filipino priests becoming the bandit leader
historic walled city), and surrounding of Rizal's era who faced personal Matanglawin in “El Filibusterismo,"
rural areas to illustrate the diverse sacrifices for their faith. driven by the loss of his land to the
social and economic → His character underscores Rizal's Dominicans and enduring hardships.
landscapes of the Philippines under stance against violent rebellion, → Symbolizing Filipinos pushed to
Spanish governance. advocating for reform and change rebellion by injustice
• The settings in "El Filibusterismo" through peaceful and land seizure, Kabesang Tales
serve as a microcosm of the broader means. embodies the plight of those who
societal issues and tensions prevalent resist oppression and fight for their
during that era, ultimately contributing Father Irene rights.
to the novel's powerful critique of → Father Irene, Capitan Tiago's
colonialism and its impact on Filipino spiritual adviser in "Noli Me Tangere," Don Santiago de los Santos (Kapitan
society. is criticized for leveraging his position Tiago)
for power and monetary gain, betraying → Don Santiago de los Santos, Maria
Characters the trust of the student association and Clara's father in "Noli Me Tangere," is
secretly supplying opium to Capitan a wealthy landowner who succumbs to
Simoun Tiago. depression and develops an opium
→ Simoun, the alter ego of Crisostomo → Despite his actions, he represents addiction following Maria's entrance
Ibarra from Noli Me Tangere, is a one of the few Spaniards who exhibit into the convent, influenced by his
wealthy jeweler who disguises himself sympathy towards Filipinos amidst the association with Padre Irene.
after being presumed dead. oppressive colonial system. → Capitan Tiago hires Basilio as a
→ Simoun symbolizes revolutionaries servant-student, later becoming his
who advocated for a bloody revolt Father Camorra caregiver and estate manager, but
against the Spanish government, but his → Father Camorra, the parish priest of ultimately dies from shock upon
death in El Filibusterismo shows Tiani in "Noli Me Tangere," mocks learning of Basilio's arrest and the
Rizal’s disapproval of Ben-Zayb's liberal views and is violent revolt.
armed rebellion. infamous for his insatiable lust,
culminating in his attempted assault on Juliana “Juli” de Dios
Basilio Juli, leading to her tragic suicide. → Juliana de Dios, known as Juli in
→ Basilio, Sisa's son in "Noli Me → As a result of his misconduct, he is "Noli Me Tangere," symbolizes purity
Tangere," is depicted as a hardworking confined to "house arrest" in his order's and innocence among lower-class
student nearing completion of his opulent riverside villa near Manila. women during Rizal's era, exemplified
medical degree, symbolizing youth by her selfless actions and unwavering
striving for personal advancement but Father Bernardo Salvi integrity.
lacking social awareness.
→ When faced with dishonor at the → He is a liberal friar who values beloved by professors and manages to
hands of Padre Camorra during reason. pass his courses despite his antics.
Basilio's imprisonment, Juli chooses → Following the outlawing of the
death over Father Million student association, he willingly
submission, jumping from the church → A Dominican priest who serves as a welcomes imprisonment and celebrates
tower in a tragic act of defiance. physics professor at the University of his release by
Santo Tomas. burning his books, embodying a disdain
Macaraig for formal education and a rejection of
→ A wealthy leader of the student Tandang Selo societal norms.
association, Macaraig owns several → Father of Kabesang Tales and
houses, one of which he lends for use grandfather of Tano and Juli, Tandang Señor Pasta
as a Spanish Selo is a deer hunter and broom-maker. → An elderly Filipino lawyer, Señor
language academy. → After Juli’s suicide, he leaves town Pasta refuses to support Filipino
→ After the association is outlawed, he and later dies at the hands of his students in their push for educational
posts bail and leaves the country. grandson Tano during a skirmish with reforms.
bandits. → He represents the portion of society
Ben-Zayb that caters only to the wealthy and
→ Ben-Zayb, a patriotic journalist Tano influential.
writing for the Manila Spanish → Son of Kabesang Tales, Tano is
newspaper El Grito de la Integridad nicknamed “Carolino” after completing
under the pen name Ybañez, is Guardia Civil training in the Carolines.
characterized by his unscrupulous → He unknowingly kills his Don Timoteo Pelaez
storytelling, grandfather Tandang → Father of Juanito Pelaez and a
→ often distorting facts for Selo in a battle against bandits. business associate of Simoun.
As a symbol of corrupted media during Hermana Penchang Doña Victorina
his era, BenZayb reflects the → A wealthy woman who lends Juli → Aunt of Paulita Gomez and wife of
manipulation of information for money to ransom her father from Don Tiburcio.
personal or political gain. bandits.
→ Although pious, her virtues are Don Tiburcio
Placido Penitente influenced by the teachings of the → Hides from his wife, Donya
→ Placido Penitente, a University of friars. Victorina, and seeks refuge with Padre
Santo Tomas student in “El Florentino.
Filibusterismo," reluctantly continues Hermana Bali
his studies at his mother's insistence but → A mother-figure and advisor to Juli, Kapitan Basilio
becomes deeply involved in Simoun's Hermana Bali assists her in securing → A wealthy captain in San Diego,
revolutionary cause after clashing with ransom for Kabesang Tales and later married to Kapitana Tika, and father of
his physics professor. helps her in efforts to free Basilio. Sinang.
→ His name, translating to "silent
suffering," mirrors his temperament Pecson Kabesang Andang
and internal struggle, emphasizing his → A pessimistic, chubby student, → Mother of Placido Penitente and a
silent but Pecson often opposes Sandoval’s resident of Batangas.
profound commitment to the optimistic speeches.
revolutionary movement. → He suggests a torch-lit dinner at a Kapitana Tika
restaurant after receiving disappointing → Wife of Captain Basilio and mother
Kapitan General news about the Spanish language of Sinang.
→ The Captain-General in “El academy
Filibusterismo" is the highest-ranking project. Mr. Leeds
official in the Philippines during the → An American who hosts a fair.
Spanish colonial period, serving as Juanito Pelaez
Simoun's friend and confidant, driven → Juanito, the son of a metalworks Imuthis
by an insatiable lust for gold. trader in “El Filibusterismo," is a → A talking head in the fair.
mischievous prankster and a favorite
Sandoval among professors who competes with Pepay
→ A Peninsular government employee Isagani for Paulita Gomez's affection → A dancer who is asked by students
identifies with the Filipino students’ and eventually marries her following for help in speaking with Don Custodio
cause. Isagani's arrest. about the Spanish language academy.
→ He uses his oratorical skills to pass → Initially involved in the student
his courses even after the student association, Juanito quickly abandons it Sinong
association is outlawed. when it is outlawed, showcasing his → A coachman who gets beaten up
opportunistic nature. multiple times for forgetting his
Father Hernando de la Sibyla residence certificate and having his
→ Introduced in Noli Me Tangere as Tadeo lights go out during a procession.
the curate of Binondo, Father Sibyla → Tadeo, a truant and charlatan in “El
now serves as the director and chaplain Filibusterismo," dreams of escaping Mautang
of the University of Santo Tomas. school permanently but remains
→ A Filipino civil guard who mistreats
fellow Filipino prisoners.

Tiyo Kiko
→ A close friend of Camaroncocido.

Paciano Gomez
→ Brother of Paulita Gomez.

→ A Spaniard who is disdained by his
peers due to his appearance.

→ Friend of Maria Clara; daughter of
Captain Basilio and Kapitana Tika.

→ A guest at Paulita Gomez and
Juanito Pelaez’s wedding who
discusses the chaos at their feast.

Kapitana Loleng
→ Discusses the chaos at Paulita
Gomez and Juanito Pelaez’s feast and
advises Isagani to hide from potential

Kapitan Toringgoy
→ Discusses the chaos at Paulita
Gomez and Juanito Pelaez’s feast,
speculating that friars, Quiroga, or
Makaraeg may be responsible.

→ Discusses the chaos at Paulita
Gomez and Juanito Pelaez’s feast,
suggesting that Simoun planted a
basket full of

Maria Clara
→ Dies in the Santa Clara convent,
believed to have been repeatedly raped
by Padre Salvi.

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