Titus Assignment
Titus Assignment
Titus Assignment
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Name: Titus Ndanyengwa Ngolomwena
Signature: bd-~ ~
Date: 05 th May 2023
In dry dock, the surveyor will inspect the vessel's hull, looking for any signs of corrosion or
damage. They may use ultrasonic testing or other methods to check the thickness of the hull plating
and ensure that it meets the required standards. The surveyor will also inspect the propeller, shaft,
and rudder, checking for any signs of damage or wear. Other areas of the vessel that may be
inspected during a survey include the engine room, electrical systems, navigation equipment, and
safety systems such as fire detection and suppression. The surveyor will also typically conduct a sea
trial to test the vessel's performance and handling characteristics.
Overall, the goal of a vessel survey for class renewal is to ensure that the vessel is safe and
seaworthy, and that it meets all of the necessary regulatory requirements to continue operating. The
surveyor will provide a detailed report of their findings, and any necessary repairs or maintenance
will need to be carried out before the vessel can be re-certified.
1. International Load Line Certificate: This cert· ~ by the vessel's flag state and
certifies that the vessel complie" _...... the International Convention on Load Lines. The
certificate confirms that the vessel's free-board and other structural features meet the
required standards to ensure safety at sea.
2. International Tonnage Certificate: This certificate is also issued by the vessel's flag state and
certifies the vessel's tonnage in accordance with the International Convention on Tonnage
Measurement of Ships. The certificate is required for the vessel to operate legally and may
4. Radio Certificate: This certificate confirms that the vessel's radio communication equipm
meets the relevant international standards and is in good working order.
5. Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate: This certificate confirms that the vessel has
necessary equipment and procedures in place to prevent oil pollution and comply with
international regulations.
The specific certificates that are renewed during a class renewal survey will depend on the
type and
size of the vessel, its intended operation, and the applicable regulations.
As a vessel gets older, the requirements for its class renewal survey may change based
on several
factors such as the vessel's age, type, size, operating conditions, and applicable regulations.
Some of
the different requirements that may apply to older vessels during a class renewal survey include:
2. More comprehensive inspections: Older vessels may require more thorough inspecti
ons to
assess the condition of the hull, machinery, systems
-_::.a-~L.~_~T'liimrrpirment. This may include more
detailed testing and such as the engines, boilers, and
electrical systems.
3. Upgrades and modifications: Older vessels may need to undergo upgrades and modific
to meet changing safety and regulatory requirements. For example, the vessel may need
install new safety equipment or upgrade its navigational systems.
s reasons:
The type of defects exp ect ed plu
be found,
vey of a ves sel for clas s ren ewa l, var ious types of defects can be expected to
During a sur
vessel. The types
can affe ct the safety, stru ctu ral inte grity, and regulatory compliance of the
ide ntif ied dur ing a clas s renewa l surv ey can vary depending on several
of defects that may be
age and typ e of the vessel, its operating conditions, and the applicable
factors, including the
e of the com mo n typ es of def ects that may be found during a class renewal surv
regulations. Som
stru ctu ral dam age: Corrosi on and structural damage can occur due to
I. Corrosion and
sea wat er, che mic als, and oth er env ironmental factors. This can weaken the hull
exposure to
er crit ical com pon ent s, incr easing the risk of failure and compromising the ves
and oth
structural integrity.
due to wear
chinery and equipment failures can occur
2. Machinery and equipment failures: Ma
ma inte nan ce, or imp rop er ope ration. This can affect the vessel's propulsion,
and tear, lack of
the risk of accidents and breakdowns.
navigation, and safety systems, increasing
and elec tron ic sys tem s failure s: Ele ctrical and electronic systems failures
3. Electrical
to issu es suc h as fau lty wir in~ ~Et eq[ Uate insulation, or component failures. Thi
occur due
ing the risk
affe ct the ves sel' s lig•-.....:....- ,
.c- com mu nication, and navigation systems, increas
of safety incidents.
ur due to
n-c om plia nce wit h reg ula tion s: No n-compliance with regulations can occ
4. No
g safety and
nt or failure to keep up with evolvin
changes in the regulatory environme
stan dar ds. Thi s can resu lt in the vessel being unable to operate legally or
being subject to fines and penalties.
Human error can contribute to a range of defects, including maintenance and repair errors,
operational mistakes, and non-compliance with safety procedures. This can increase the risk of
accidents and incidents and compromise the vessel's safety and regulatory compliance.
A class renewal survey is designed to identify any defects that may affect the safety, structural
integrity, or regulatory compliance of the vessel. Identifying and addressing these defects can help
to ensure the vessel remains seaworthy and compliant with applicable regulations.
What items are looked at during the claim if the damage is said to be damage to the
AUXILIARY GENERATOR ENGINE? What photographs are taken? What may be requested
for testing purposes?
When assessing a claim for damage to the auxiliary generator engine, several items are typically
examined to determine the cause and extent of the damage. The specific items that are looked at can
vary depending on the circumstances and the insurance company's protocols. However, here are
some common items that may be considered during the claim assessment:
1. Initial Incident Report: The claim process often begins with an initial incident report
provided by the vessel owner or operator. This report describes the details of the damage,
including the time, location, and circumstances surrounding the incident.
2. Visual Inspection: An on-site visual inspection of the auxiliary generator engine is typically
conducted. This involves examining the engine and its components for any visible signs of
damage, such as cracks, leaks, misalignment, or mechanical failures.
4. Failure Analysis: If necessary, a fai,,, ...,.__..-na ysis may be carried out to determine the root
cause of the damage. This can involve detailed examination of the failed components,
material analysis, and investigation into any potential design flaws, manufacturing defects,
or maintenance issues.
5. Operational Conditions: The operational conditions under which the auxiliary generator
engine was operating when the damage occurred are assessed. This includes evaluating
factors such as load profile, fuel quality, cooling system performance, and any abnormal
operating parameters. It helps determine if the damage resulted from normal wear and tear
or if external factors contributed to the failure.
6. Maintenance Practices: The maintenance practices employed for the auxiliary generator
engine are evaluated. This involves reviewing the adherence to recommended service
schedules, use of genuine spare parts, and compliance with manufacturer's guidelines. Any
deviations from prescribed maintenance procedures may be considered in the claim
7. Data Analysis: If available, operational data and diagnostics from the engine's monitoring
systems or logbooks may be analysed. This data can provide insights into the engine's
performance leading up to the damage event, helping assess if there were any anomalies or
trends that could have contributed to the damage.
By examining these items, the insurance company can assess the cause and extent of the damage to
the auxiliary generator engine, determine the validity of the claim, and make decisions regarding
coverage and reimbursement.
For assurance and evidence, photographs are taken to support the conclusions derived during the
survey. The following may be taken into consideration:
Overall Damage: Photographs of the auxiliary generator engine as a whole are taken to provide an
overview of the damage. This includes capturing images of the engine from different angles to show
the general condition and any visible signs of damage:
1. Close-Up Shots: Close-up photographs are taken to focus on specific areas of damage or
components. This includes capturing detailed shots of affected parts, such as pistons,
cylinder heads, valves, or fuel injection systems, to highlight any visible defects, fractures,
or signs of failure.
mechanical failure.
3. Wiring and Electrical Connections: If electrical issues are suspected as the cause of damage,
photographs may be taken of wiring and electrical connections within the engine. This
includes documenting any visible damage to wires, burnt connections, or signs of short
4. Fluid Leaks or Spills: If there are fluid leaks or spills associated with the damage,
photographs may be taken to capture the extent and location of these issues. This can include
images of oil leaks, coolant spills, or any other visible fluid-related damage.
5. Surrounding Environment: Photographs of the immediate surroundings of the auxiliary
generator engine may be taken to provide context and document any relevant factors. This
can include capturing images of the engine compartment, adjacent equipment, or
environmental conditions that may have contributed to the damage.
If the damage is claimed to be to the auxiliary generator engine of a ship, several tests may be
requested to determine the cause and extent of the damage. These may include:
l. Visual Inspection: A visual inspection of the engine can be carried out to determine the
location and extent of the damage. This may involve the use of endoscopes or borescopes to
inspect the internal components of the engine.
3. Oil Analysis: An analysis of the oil in the engine can provide valuable information about the
condition 'o f the engine, including any contaminants or wear particles that may indicate
4. Vibration Analysis: Vibration analysis can be used to detect any abnormal vibrations or
resonances in the engine that may indicate damage.
5. Load Testing: Load te · g can be carried out to determine the engine's capacity to handle a
-:;,;,,,,-- - - - J any issues with the engine's performance under load.
The results of these tests can help to determine the extent of the damage, identify the root cause, and
determine the appropriate course of action to repair or replace the damaged engine.
engine is reviewed to
2. Repair History: The repair history of the auxiliary generator
helps identify any
understand any previous repairs, modifications, or overhauls. This
ase explosion.
potential factors or previous issues that could have contributed to the crankc
ines, operating manuals,
3. Manufacturer's Guidelines and Manuals: The manufacturer's guidel
ine if the engine
and specifications for the auxiliary generator engine are examined to determ
from the guidelines
was being operated within recommended parameters. Any deviations
can indicate possible causes for the explosion.
engine are studied to
4. Operational Logs: The operational logs of the auxiliary generator
This includes fuel
understand the engine's performance leading up to the incident.
conditions or alarms
consumption, load profile, running hours, and any abnormal operating
owner or operator,
5. Incident Report: An incident report is usually submitted by the vessel
ion. This report
detailing the time, location, and circumstances of the crankcase explos
company to initiate
provides initial information about the incident, allowing the insurance
the claim assessment process.
Regarding the possible cause of damage in _,..-,;,se of a crankcase explosion, several factors could
Tn ..
Our reference:
MV SS NUJOMA 05052023
Survey Rep ort No:
KLMC 0505023
Mar ine Surveyor:
TN Ngolomwena
Date Inst ruct ed:
051h May 2023
Date of Damage:
1st May 2023
Cape Town
Tim e:
'Typ e
Flag Nam ibia j
Port of Registry Liideritz
IMO Number 9761918
Gross Tonnage 7971
Net Tonnage 2391
Summer Draught 7.05m
Yard Kleven Verft shipbuilding group, Norway
This survey was conducted at the request of DeBeers Group represented by Mr. Titus Ndanyengwa
Ngolomwena [Marine Surveyor of Cape Town Port Authority] on May 5 • 2023. Based on the
instructions, the following was conducted.
Assienment brief.
~ ' . . ..,·
Survey the cl · ed damage to MV SSN main engine units - to Atlantic 1 from Cape Town
on May I st, 2023 .
Verify the cause of Auxiliary Generator 1's black out, as Crank Case Explosion
Determine the extent of the damage
Analyze and determine the financial implication of the repair
Identify if the vessel can sail with two auxiliary generators only
KLMC Maritime Consultants conducted the s ey and have provided the report on an entirely
'without prejudice' and 'without liabili ' asis of KLMC Maritime Consultants or for any Party for
whom that we act. The damage to SSN Mining Vessel was surveyed in the presence of the
following representatives:
third engineer on board the Sam Nujoma MV
On May 15\ 2023, at approximately 05:00, the
tion of heat in the engine room. Whilst en route
(hereby referred to as SSN) noticed the accumula
n (South Africa) and when the vessel was some
between Atlantic I (Namibia) and port of Cape Tow
Liideritz registered vessel Sam Nujoma suffered
80 nautical miles Southwest of Oranjemund, the
to auxiliary generator one which ignited. There
crankcase explosion creating an oil mist external
ge and heat damage in the engine room was
were no personnel injuries although physical dama
also disabled. Ships staff conducted crankcase
significant. The vessel 's auxiliary generator 1 was
· us hot spots in the crankcase that could be
and scavenged space inspections. They found
the crowns of
expected to have initiated the ex · n, there were however cracks and oil found on
no 1 and 6 pistons.
found to be a hole through to the piston cooling
Upon dismantling, the crack on no. 1 piston was
een the combustion space and crankcase throu
space. This aliowed direct communication betw
source that initiated the explosion. The reason for
cooling oil passages and considered to be the heat
ction in material strength due to erosion from fuel
the crown failure was abnormal wear and a redu
mist ignition was failure of the flame arrestor
impingement. The reason for the external oil
function as designed/anticipated.
QMI hich lmk. . n if the
monitoring sys tem man ufa ctur ed bY w s mto a main engine slowdown functio
A fi room and pum p
measured oil mis t exc eed s a pre-set eveI. 1xed CO 2 system protects the engine
d c. m is located within the
room in add itio n to man ual dampers an 1an remote stops. The control roo
t II ·· e though the machinery space
engine roo m and has mea ns of a ccess no norma y req um ng passag
general conversation
arations made by crew members andfrom
Common factors arising from witness decl
during the investigation follow.
(272,386 tonnes) of
ves sel was full awa y on pas sage carrying a mining tool in excess
1.1. The
ine room
881011 . Nor mal nav igat iona l wat ches were being maintained and the eng
Caterpillar X01
was operating in an unmanned conditi
ine room followed by
two detonations were heard in the eng
1.2. Just after 03 :45hrs local time,
n system were in an
on of the gen eral alar m, num erou s zones of the engine room fire detectio
acti vati
alarm condition, the system then faile
t to their
ded to mus ter at thei r fire stat ions , the second and fourth engineers, wen
1.3. Cre w pro cee
ke in the
trol roo m and wer e able to adv ise the master of the presence of thick smo
station in the con t.
roo m thro ugh a dam age d win dow ) but with a low level of associated hea
engine room (and con trol
engineer also voiced
indicated to the master and the second
Suspicion of a crankcase explosion was
unted for, which muster reports later did.
his concerns that all personnel be acco
proceed into the engine
were instructed by the master, not to
1.4. The second and fourth engineers
tilation fans had tripped
m but to wai t in the con trol room if the atmosphere allowed it. The ven
the bridge and
mai n eng ine whi ch had gon e into automatic slowdown was stopped from
and the
vessel lost speed.
allowed to run down to standstill as the
e starting to
ies arri ved in the con trol room , by which time the diesel alternators wer
1.5. Fire part
choked turbocharger air
through air starvation, caused by soot
give high exhaust temperature alarms
ef enginee o had by now taken command in the
filters. Permission was given by the chi
power and
for the thir d eng inee r to cha n Ilters in order to maintain the vessels
lighting for firefighting purposes.
fires still burning in the
to the chi ef engineer there were no
1.6. The second engineer confirmed
to clear the smoke.
er to re-start the exhaust ventilation fans
engine room and the Chi ef gave the ord
made a lot of noise.
ove rloa d pro tect ion requ ired to be re-set and on start-up, No.3 exhaust fan
exhaust fan continued to extract smoke.
It was immediately stopped again, No.4
ssed by
was mai ntai ned , and the full exte nt of the incident was subsequently asse
1. 7. A fire watch
rity issues.
uded personnel and vessel safety/integ
the master and chi ef engineer which incl
bl k
2.1 . The engine room was smoke/soot ac ened on the starboard side, deck plates around the
. d . . .
cylinder head area were distorted and d•Is1O ged from their ongmal location, thennoplastic diffusers
on fluorescent light fittings had me1ted sufficiently to flow easily under gravity and their own
arent in a number of locations.
weight , physical contact damage was app
•;. . .
ly in
2. 7. Fixed steel deck plating at cyl ·r head level was dislodged, distorted or lifted, particular
space around the engine is restricted, many
way of the turbochargers an air coolers where the clear
securing screws had been sheared or stripped of their
0Pc k p l ;1hng b)' turborh..ir gt>:l'S
1 i;;
2.8. Signifi cant soot and smoke d
amage on the starboard hi .
ducts was apparent. s ps side, plates, walkways, pipes and
e of a hot spot in
2.11. During the investigation, a further crankcase inspection failed to find evidenc
the crankcase sufficient to initiate an explosion.
brushes were free
2.12. The shaft earthing device was found an and in an operational condition,
to move within their holders.
found to be cracked and holed which penetrated to the oil cooling
crankcase via the
space thereby allowing direct communication of the combustion space with the
cooling oil passages and would indicate a probable initiation site.
~:It: -- . i ; sto·1 ~·OM ~e 1 'C 1u:Jd for ~caie
He, •; uer1~\rdt re tc cccl1ng cil sp"ce
2 -14 -Following dismantling, carbonised oil sludge was found to be coating the interior of the piston
2.15 • From historical records, it was determined that the engine performance monitoring system was
not fully functional prior to the incident, this may have provided useful diagnostic information to
developing problems with the combustion process.
2.16. Fuel valves removed from the engine following the incident were found in some instances to
have a static opening pressure 20-30 bar lower than design (314 bar), one had blocked atomiser
holes and carbon deposits were evident on the tips of others, spares tested before replacement were
also found to be wrongly adjusted so a full set of spares was overhauled for complete change-out on
the engine. Piston crowns exhibited "elephant skin" surface breakdown, an indicator of fuel
2.17. This particular engine has no means of manually taking a closed power indicator card as it is
not possible to input crankshaft/timing cam position relative to the piston (and thus developed
pressure relative to timing). Pressure transducers together with crankshaft position transducers do
this electronically where the results are fed into the centralised computer system as a means of
performance monitoring and comparison with design nru:~frt€.
shown they were within wear tolerance for a further service period of 8,000 -10,000 running hours
(approximately 11 - 14 months continuous service).
No. I exhaust valve was also measured with the maximum allowed wear (12mm) and was
recommended for exchange and reconditioning.
keeping practice monitors various systems using all individuals' senses, unfortunately the lack of
local reading equipment would hinder this process.
Yes, a vessel can sail with two auxiliary generators even if one of them is commissioned out or not
in service. Auxiliary generators are typically installed on ships to provide electrical power for
various onboard systems and equipment. Ships usually have multiple generators for redundancy and
to ensure continuous power supply in case of maintenance or failure of any individual generator.
If one auxiliary generator is commissioned out, meaning it is taken out of service for maintenance,
repairs, or other reasons, the remaining operational generator(s) can still provide sufficient power to
meet the vessel's electrical requirements. The operational generator(s) would need to compensate
for the loss of the commissioned generator by supplying the additional power needed.
However, it's worth noting that operating with reduced generator capacity may limit the vessel's
ability to handle peak power demands or may require more careful load management to ensure
power distribution remains stable. Therefore, the vessel's operations and power consumption may
need to be adjusted accordingly until the commis · ned generator is back in service.
In any case, the decisjon to sail with one commissioned-out generator would depend on the specific
circumstances, the vessel's power requirements, safety considerations, and the regulations or
guidelines set by the ship's operators or regulatory bodies.