Abstract—As advancements in information and throughout the exam. Rather dynamic security policy must be
communication technology increases rapidly in our day to day life, enforced for conducting the e-exams if the student writes the
the e-learning system has gained more attention in the educational exam through the device such as a mobile/tablet.
institutions. Many educational institutions try to progress from
pen-paper examination to online examination for many reasons, If the student wants to write the exam, then the
including personalized environment, secured system, and accurate authentication of the student must be ensured. Previous works
evaluation. This research work focuses on a simple scheme for [6] have suggested QR-code based authentication, in which the
mutual authentication between the student and the server and student will be given an access stamp to write the exams. The
secure delivery of question paper from the server. The access stamp is generated by the server, which consists of
experimental results shown in this research work are based on a student details such as registration number, subject name, seat
set of survey questions given for students and instructors. The no, hall no, etc. The exam access stamp is generated for each
results are promising towards the use of the proposed system student by the following steps.
during the examination
1. The server generates the private key and public key
Keywords— e-learning, online examination, mutual using the RSA algorithm. The private key is used for
authentication signing the QR-code access stamp, and the public key
is used to verify the signature.
I. INTRODUCTION 2. For each student, the server produces an exam access
In the present era, e-learning has witnessed tremendous stamp with the above said student details.
growth in many educational institutions and organizations. The 3. The SHA-1 algorithm is applied to the access stamp to
main advantage of e-learning is that it can reach to all categories get the message digest which is the hashed value of the
of people in which the age, place or time to learn the contents is exam access stamp.
not a barrier [1]. The most prominent tool of this e-learning 4. The private key is used to sign the message digest.
system is the Learning Management System (LMS). The LMS 5. Now the signed message digest is used to generate the
is used by many educational institutions and organizations QR-code.
which served as a platform to access the e-learning contents [2].
In e-learning scenario, the learners can decide on the device such The student's device will be installed with the exam
as mobile/tablet/laptop to use for learning the contents. Since the software, and he enters his user name and password into the
information can be accessed from any place, the security of an software to write the exam. When the student enters the exam
e-learning system is of primary concern [3], [4], [5]. Once the hall, the invigilator will distribute the QR-code based exam
learners have learned the contents, they must be assessed by access stamp. After collecting the exam access stamp, the
conducting exams. Hence, for accessing the performance of the student scans the QR-code based exam access stamp with the
learner, exam plays a prominent role in an e-learning system. help of the device camera which he has to write the exam. But
The traditional method of e-exam needs dedicated the drawback of this approach is, many universities consist of
examination centers along with computers for conducting the many blocks and each block may have many floors. In turn, each
exams. Moreover, to provide security measures during the exam, floor may have a large number of rooms. The student needs to
security policies need to be framed for conducting the exam. locate his exam hall correctly to collect the exam access stamp
Here, the students use the configured system setup for writing during the examination time. But finding the exact location of
their exam, which uses the security policy that never changes the exam hall will be a tedious process, and hence the student
Q. No Questions
1. I choose online exam rather than writing the exam
in the paper
2. I would be comfortable with the online exam
3. Performance assessment would be better using
online exam
4. The online exam prevents malpractice
5. The online exam gives us accurate valuation results
Fig. 1. Mutual authentication during the online examination
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Fig. 3. Instructors’ feedback
This research work proposes a simple mutual authentication
dialogue to enable the students and the server for completing the
mutual authentication. Moreover, the online examination system
securely distributes and collects the question papers and answers
to the students and from the students respectively. The future
enhancement of this work can be done by imposing dynamic