Cardiovascular Diseases 3
Cardiovascular Diseases 3
Cardiovascular Diseases 3
Although bacteria most often cause these diseases, fungi and other
microorganisms may also cause infection; thus, the term infective
endocarditis (IE) is used to reflect this multimicrobial origin.
✓ Streptococci are the most common cause of IE 30%-65%, of which
streptococci viridans (alpha-hemolytic streptococci), which are
normal constituents of the oral flora and gastrointestinal tract,
remain the most common cause of community acquired NVE.
✓ Staphylococci are the cause of at least 30%-40% of cases of IE;
mostly coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus which is the most
common pathogen in IE associated with IV drug abuse, it is also the
most common pathogen in nonvalvular cardiovascular device
✓ In some recent studies, S. aureus has emerged as the most common
cause of IE and rates of viridans streptococci have decreased.
✓ Other microbial agents that less commonly cause IE such as the
HACEK group (Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, Cardiobacterium,
Eikenella, Kingella), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Corynebacterium,
Bacteroides fragilis, and fungi.
• Antibody response to the infecting organism with subsequent
tissue injury caused by deposition of preformed immune
complexes or antibody/complement interaction with antigens
deposited in tissues.
Medical Management
Generally, it consists of antibiotics and surgery. The most widely used
antibiotics include penicillin, ceftriaxone, gentamicin and vancomycin
while most staphylococcus aureus organisms that produce
betalactamase respond to nafcillin and oxacillin and for strains
resistant to oxacillin, vancomycin is combined with rifampin and
Dental management
➢ The dentist should identify from history taking those patients with
cardiac conditions that increase risk for IE and should remain alert
and refer the patient with signs or symptoms of IE to physician. This
would apply whether or not the patient has received prophylactic
antibiotics for dental procedures.
✓ Repaired CHD with residual defects at the site or adjacent to the
site of a prosthetic patch or prosthetic device, which inhibits
4. Cardiac transplantation recipients who develop cardiac
Ampicillin 2g IM or IV 50 mg/kg
Unable to take oral IM or IV
medication Cefazolin or 1 g IM or IV 50 mg/kg
Ceftriaxone IM or IV
Cephalexin 2g 50 mg/kg
➢ In patients who are already taking penicillin or amoxicillin for
eradication of an infection or for long-term secondary prevention
of rheumatic fever are likely to have streptococcus viridans that
are relatively resistant to penicillin or amoxicillin. Therefore:
✓ Clindamycin, azithromycin, or clarithromycin should be
selected for prophylaxis if treatment is immediately necessary.
Cephalosporins should be avoided because of cross resistance.
✓ An alternative approach is to wait for at least 10 days after
completion of antibiotic therapy before administering
prophylactic antibiotics. In this case, the usual regimen can
be used.
Clinical manifestations
The clinical manifestations of acute rheumatic fever are so variable that
the diagnosis is made only if at least two of the major criteria are fulfilled
Diagnostic criteria
Major Minor
Commented [WU1]: Chorea is a movement disorder
Carditis Pyrexia that causes involuntary, irregular, unpredictable muscle
Polyarthritis Arthralgia movements. The disorder can make you look like
Chorea Previous rheumatic fever you're dancing (the word chorea comes from the
Greek word for “dance”) or look restless or
Erythema marginatum Raised ESR and C-reactive protein fidgety. Chorea is a movement problem that occurs in
Subcutaneous nodules Characteristic ECG changes many different diseases and conditions.
➢ A sore throat may be followed after about 3 weeks by an acute febrile
illness with multiple joints pain (migratory arthralgia) which heals
without permanent damage in about 3 weeks.
➢ Cerebral involvement causing spasmodic involuntary movements
(Sydenham chorea, St. Vitus dance).
➢ A characteristic rash (erythema marginatum).
➢ Lung involvement
➢ Subcutaneous nodules (usually around the elbows).
➢ The most serious cardiac complication is subendocardial
inflammation, particularly along the lines of closure of the mitral and
aortic valve cusps, resulting in the formation of fibrinous vegetations
and later scarring, fibrotic stiffening and distortion of the heart
valves, often causing mitral valve and/or aortic valve stenosis. This
is essentially a mechanical, hemodynamic disorder, in which the
defective valves may become infected at any time, leading to infective
endocarditis. Cardiac failure can develop, often after many years.
Medical management
Dental management
Congenital heart diseases
Congenital heart diseases (CHD) are the most common type of cardiac
diseases present in children. They can broadly be classified as Cyanotic
and Acyanotic (non-cyanotic).
❖ Cyanotic CHDs
The cyanosis results from shunting of deoxygenated blood from the
right ventricle into the left side of the heart and the systemic circulation
(right to left shunt) leading to chronic hypoxemia, they include:
✓ Eisenmenger syndrome (Named after Victor Eisenmenger who
described this condition in 1897).
✓ Fallot's tetralogy (Named after the French physician Etienne-
Louis-Arthur Fallot 1850-1911).
✓ Pulmonary atresia.
✓ Pulmonary valve stenosis.
✓ Total anomalous venous drainage.
✓ Transposition of great vessels.
✓ Tricuspid atrasia.
Patients may crouch to improve venous return, but eventually
polycythemia with hemorrhagic and thrombotic tendencies develop,
finger and toe clubbing develops but after 3 months of age. If untreated,
40% of patients with cyanotic CHD die within 5 years.
❖ Acyanotic CHDs
They are further divided into those with no shunt like; Aortic stenosis,
bicuspid aortic valve, coarctation of the aorta, dextrocardia and mitral
valve prolapse. The other division of the Acyanotic CHD is those
diseases with left to right shunt and these include; Atrial septal defects
(ASD), Ventricular septal defects (VSD) and patent ductus arteriosus
Some CHD start as Acyanotic diseases and become cyanotic with time.
Most of these cardiac defects are well tolerated in utero, and it is only
after birth that their anatomic and hemodynamic abnormalities become
CHD is most commonly diagnosed through echocardiography, and
confirmed by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Early
correction of the congenital defect, often by transvenous catheter
techniques, is the treatment of choice. More complex defects may
require an operation. Medical treatment may be needed for the
management of pulmonary edema, heart failure, polycythemia,
infection or emotional disturbances.
Modern surgical and medical care helps children survive into adult life
and patients are then often called adult or ‘grown-up’ CHD.
Nevertheless, complications observed in adults who were previously
thought to have had successful repair of CHD include arrhythmias,
valve disorders and cardiac failure, and residual defects can still
predispose to complications such as infective endocarditis.
Dental management
➢ The most important aspect for dentists to consider is how well the
patient’s heart condition is compensated. Consultation with the
physician is recommended.
➢ Patients with heart disease should take their medications as usual
on the day of the dental procedure, and should bring all their
medications to the dental office for review at the time of the first
➢ Patients with stable heart disease receiving atraumatic treatment
under local anesthesia can receive treatment.
➢ Late morning or early afternoon appointments are advisable.
➢ Stress-reduction and good analgesia should be provided.
➢ Limited use of vasoconstrictor with aspirating syringes.
➢ Retraction cords containing adrenalin should be avoided.
➢ Conscious sedation preferably with nitrous oxide can be given with
the approval of the physician. General anesthesia should only be
provided by expert anesthetists in hospital.
➢ Bleeding tendencies due to platelet dysfunction or coagulation
defects should be evaluated and managed accordingly.
➢ There may be susceptibility to infective endocarditis, so prophylactic
antibiotics should be used in the following cases:
✓ Unrepaired cyanotic CHD, including those with palliative shunts and
✓ Completely repaired CHD with prosthetic material or device by
surgery or catheter intervention during the first 6 months after the
procedure. Prophylaxis is reasonable because endothelialization of
prosthetic material occurs within 6 months after the procedure.
✓ Repaired CHD with residual defects at the site or adjacent to the site
of a prosthetic patch or prosthetic device, which inhibits
➢ Prior to cardiac valve surgery or replacement or repair of congenital
heart disease, it is recommended that preoperative dental evaluation
be performed and necessary dental treatment provided whenever
possible in an effort to decrease the incidence of late PVE caused by
viridans group streptococci.
Oral manifestations