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Mark Scheme (Results)

November 2023

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

In Further Pure Mathematics (4PM1)
Paper 1

International GCSE Further Pure

Mathematics 4PM1-01

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November 2023
Question Paper Log Number P73584
Publications Code 4PM1_01_2311_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2023
General Marking Guidance
• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must
mark the last candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be
rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than
penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme - not
according to their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the
answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be
prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not
worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and
exemplification/indicative content will not be exhaustive.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark
scheme to a candidate’s response, a senior examiner must be
consulted before a mark is given.
• Crossed out work should be marked unless the candidate has
replaced it with an alternative response.

• Types of mark
o M marks: method marks
o A marks: accuracy marks
o B marks: unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M marks)

• Abbreviations
o cao – correct answer only
o ft – follow through
o isw – ignore subsequent working
o SC - special case
o oe – or equivalent (and appropriate)
o dep – dependent
o indep – independent
o awrt – answer which rounds to
o eeoo – each error or omission
• No working
If no working is shown then correct answers normally score full marks
If no working is shown then incorrect (even though nearly correct) answers
score no marks.
• With working
If the final answer is wrong, always check the working in the body of the
script (and on any diagrams), and award any marks appropriate from the
mark scheme.
If it is clear from the working that the “correct” answer has been obtained
from incorrect working, award 0 marks.
If a candidate misreads a number from the question. Eg. Uses 252 instead
of 255; method marks may be awarded provided the question has not been
simplified. Examiners should send any instance of a suspected misread to
If there is a choice of methods shown, then award the lowest mark, unless
the answer on the answer line makes clear the method that has been used.
If there is no answer achieved then check the working for any marks
appropriate from the mark scheme.

• Ignoring subsequent work

It is appropriate to ignore subsequent work when the additional work does
not change the answer in a way that is inappropriate for the question: eg.
Incorrect cancelling of a fraction that would otherwise be correct.
It is not appropriate to ignore subsequent work when the additional work
essentially makes the answer incorrect eg algebra.
Transcription errors occur when candidates present a correct answer in
working, and write it incorrectly on the answer line; mark the correct

• Parts of questions
Unless allowed by the mark scheme, the marks allocated to one part of the
question CANNOT be awarded to another.
General Principles for Further Pure Mathematics Marking
(but note that specific mark schemes may sometimes override these general principles)

Method mark for solving a 3 term quadratic equation:

1. Factorisation:
( x + bx + c ) = ( x + p )( x + q ) , where pq = c leading to x = ....

( ax + bx + c ) = ( mx + p )( nx + q ) where pq = c and mn = a leading to x = ....


2. Formula:
Attempt to use the correct formula (shown explicitly or implied by working) with
values for a, b and c, leading to x = ....

3. Completing the square:

x 2 + bx + c = 0 : ( x  b2 )  q  c = 0, leading to x = ....

Method marks for differentiation and integration:

1. Differentiation
Power of at least one term decreased by 1. (x n
→ x n−1 )
2. Integration:
Power of at least one term increased by 1. (x n
→ x n+1 )

Use of a formula:

Generally, the method mark is gained by either

quoting a correct formula and attempting to use it, even if there are mistakes in
the substitution of values

or, where the formula is not quoted, the method mark can be gained by implication
from the substitution of correct values and then proceeding to a solution.

Answers without working:

The rubric states "Without sufficient working, correct answers may be awarded no

General policy is that if it could be done "in your head" detailed working would not be
required. (Mark schemes may override this eg in a case of "prove or show...."Exact
When a question demands an exact answer, all the working must also be exact. Once a
candidate loses exactness by resorting to decimals the exactness cannot be regained.

Rounding answers (where accuracy is specified in the question)

Penalise only once per question for failing to round as instructed - ie giving more
digits in the answers. Answers with fewer digits are automatically incorrect, but
the isw rule may allow the mark to be awarded before the final answer is given.
November 2023
4PM1 Paper 1
Mark Scheme
Question Scheme Marks
1 1
34 + 11 5 =  2 + 4 5 a + b 5
)( ) M1

a+b 5 =
2  34 + 11 5 ) or a + b 5 =
(34 + 11 5 ) oe
2+4 5 1+ 2 5

(34 + 11 5 )  (1 − 2 5 ) = 34 − 68 5 + 11 5 − 110 oe or
(1 + 2 5 ) (1 − 2 5 ) −19

( 68 + 22 5 )  ( 2 − 4 5 ) = 136 − 272 5 + 44 5 − 440 oe
(2 + 4 5 ) (2 − 4 5 ) −76
=4+3 5 or a = 4, b = 3 [4]
34 + 11 5 =  2 + 4 5 a + b 5
)( ) oe

(34 + 11 5 ) = a + b 5 + 2a 5 + 10b oe eg 68 + 22 5 = 2a + 2b 5 + 4a 5 + 20b M1

(34 + 11 5 ) = ( a + 10b ) + ( 2a + b ) 5 oe eg ( 68 + 22 5 ) = 2a + 20b + ( 4a + 2b ) 5
 34 = a + 10b and 11 = 2a + b oe eg  68 = 2a + 20b and 11 = 4a + 2b
Solves simultaneous equations by any method M1
= 4 + 3 5 or a = 4, b = 3
Total 4 marks
Mark Notes
M1 For the correct statement for the area, this may be explicit or implied by working, but must be
a fully correct statement. Allow a + b 5 to be written as BC or denoted by a letter.
M1 For correctly rearranging to the form

a+b 5 =
2  34 + 11 5 ) oe or a + b 5=
(34 + 11 5 ) oe
2+4 5 1+ 2 5
This mark may also be awarded for rearranging an initial formula, missing the
(34 + 11 5 ) oe
( )( )
ie for correctly rearranging 34 + 11 5 = 2 + 4 5 a + b 5 to a + b 5 =
2+4 5
Allow a + b 5 to be written as BC or denoted by a letter.
For multiplying eg
(34 + 11 5 )  (1 − 2 5 ) or
( 68 + 22 5 )  ( 2 − 4 5 ) - allow the 2 to
(1 + 2 5 ) (1 − 2 5 ) (2 + 4 5 ) (2 − 4 5 )
remain factorised.
or, if missing the for the first method mark
(34 + 11 5 )  ( 2 − 4 5 ) = 68 − 136 5 + 22 5 − 220
(2 + 4 5 ) (2 − 4 5 ) −76
Allow one error in multiplying out. Look for equivalences.
The question precludes the use of a calculator, so method must be shown.
A1 4 + 3 5 or a = 4, b = 3
M1 For the correct statement for the area, this may be explicit or implied by working, but must be
a fully correct statement. Allow a + b 5 to be written as BC or denoted by a letter.
M1 For multiplying out correctly as shown in the scheme.
But if the initial formula is missing the , the mark may also be awarded for
(34 + 11 5 ) = 2a + 2b 5 + 4a 5 + 20b
M1 For correctly equating coefficients and any valid complete method to solve a pair of
simultaneous equations, each equation in a and b, allow one error. This work may also be done
with the missing from the formula and that doesn’t count as ‘one error’.
The question precludes the use of a calculator, so method must be shown.
A1 4 + 3 5 or a = 4, b = 3
Question Scheme Marks
For part (a) of this question, mark using the scheme which gives the most marks.
2a 1 97 B1B1B1
p = 2, q = , r = −
8 32
ALT  1   2 1 3  2 1 
 g ( x ) = 2 x + x − 3 =  2  x + x −  or 2  x + x  − 3
 2   4 2  4 
 2
1 3  2
1 
("2")   x +
1 1
 − −  or ( "2" )   x +  − −3
 8  64 2  
 8  64  M1
 1  97 1 97 A1
2 x +  − or p = 2, q = , oe r = − oe
 8  32 8 32 [3]
(b) 97
(i) ( g( x)min = ) "− " B1ft
(ii) ( x =) − " " B1ft
8 [2]
(c) 97
(i) h( x) min = "− " B1ft
1 1
(ii) x = 3 "− " = − B1ft
8 2 [2]
Total 7 marks

Part Mark Notes

• Mark using the B scheme first.
• If not full marks – use the MMA scheme also, if appropriate.
• Same score – apply the B marks.
• Higher score – apply the marks from the MMA scheme.
(a) B1 For one of p, q, or r correct.
Different B1 For two of p, q, or r correct.
to Epen B1 For all of p, q, or r correct – note q and r can be written as equivalent fractions.
ALT M1 Correctly takes out 2 as a common factor to give either of the 2 expressions shown.
M1 Completes the square correctly, regardless of any factor on the outside – follow
through their factorisation.
( x2 + ax + b ) or ( x 2 + ax ) + c 
ie  2
a a
  a a 
2 2

 x +  −   + b  or  x +  −    + c a , b, c  0
 2 2   2   2  
A1 Fully correct answer – note q and r can be written as equivalent fractions.
Note part (a) does not ask students to show working nor preclude the use of a calculator, so if
values are simply listed, these can be given marks from the B scheme
(b) (i) B1ft For the correct value or ft their r
(ii) B1ft For the correct value or ft their – q
If no labelling of (i) and (ii) is present for parts (b) and (c) – marks may be awarded for the
values presented in the correct order.
B0 B0 if not labelled and work doesn’t meet this condition.
(c) (i) B1ft 97
For the correct value or ft their −
(ii) B1ft 1
For the correct value or ft the cube root of their − (evaluated).
Question Scheme Marks

( y =  ( mx ) mx3
3 2
− 10 x − 37 ) dx =
3(a) 10 x
− − 37 x ( +c ) M1
 At (1, 20 ) 
m  13 10  12  m  dM1
20 = − − 37  1 + c   62 = + c  oe
3 2  3 
 Factor of ( x − 5 ) 
m  53 10  52  125m 
0= − − 37  5 + c   310 = + c  m = 6 c = 60 M1 M1
3 2  3 
 ( g ( x ) = ) 2 x 3 − 5 x 2 − 37 x + 60 * A1cso
ALT 3rd and 4th method marks

( x − 5)  x 2 + bx  = x3 − 5x 2 − 37 x  c  m = 6 c = 60
m c m M1 M1
(b = 5)
3 5 3
Special Differentiates the given expression for g (x)correctly to give SC1
case 2(3x 2 ) − 5(2 x) − 37 ( = 6 x 2 − 10 x − 37 )
up to SC3
– mark as and concludes m = 6
M0A0 in Correctly substitutes x = 5 into the given function and shows g (x) = 0 SC1
Epen ( g(5) = ) 2  53 − 5  52 − 37  5 + 60 = 0
Correctly substitutes x = 1 into the given function and shows and g (x) = 20
( g(1) = ) 2 13 − 5 12 − 37 1 + 60 = 20 SC1
(b) 2 x 2 + 5 x − 12
x − 5 2 x 3 − 5 x 2 − 37 x + 60 M1

2 x 2 + 5 x − 12 = ( 2 x − 3)( x + 4 ) M1
( g ( x ) = ( x − 5)( 2 x − 3)( x + 4 ) = 0)
3 A1
 x = 5, , −4
2 [3]
Total 8 marks
Part Mark Notes
(a) M1 For a minimally acceptable attempt to integrate the given expression (see general
guidance). No power of x to decrease.
+c is not required for this mark
dM1 Correctly substitutes x = 1 and y = 20 to form an equation – simplification is not
Dependent on 1st method mark.
A fully correct equation with no incorrect working can imply this mark.
We will be lenient on not seeing the substitution of x = 1 as this is trivial, so long as
the resulting equation is correct from their g (1) = 20.
+c is not required for this mark
M1 Uses the information correctly that (x – 5) is a factor of g (x) by correct substitution
of x = 5 and g(x) = 0 into their g (x).
Their g (x) must be a 4 term cubic expression.
A fully correct equation with no incorrect working can imply this mark – but if the
equation is incorrect we must see substitution of x = 5 such that g(5) = 0.
M1 Uses a valid and complete method to solve their resulting simultaneous equations
which must be in two variables. Allow up to 2 errors.
A1 For the correct function as shown or the correct expression.
cso This is a show question. There must be no errors for the award of this mark.
ALT 3rd M1 Uses the information correctly that (x – 5) is a factor of g (x) by writing a correct
statement like the one shown for their g (x).
Their g (x) must be a 4 term cubic expression.
4th M1 Uses a valid and complete method to solve their resulting simultaneous equations in
three variables. Allow up to 2 errors. It is not necessary to see the value for “b”.
(b) M1 For an attempt at polynomial division or equate coefficients to reach a 3 term
The minimally acceptable quotient is 2 x 2  5 x  k k  0 where k is a constant.
In the absence of any other working, 2 x 2  5 x  k k  0 may be accepted as evidence
of working.
M1 For attempting to factorise their quotient which must be of the form
2 x 2  5 x  k k  0 - we must at least see a quadratic factor to factorise.
See General Guidance for the definition of an attempt. It would also be possible to
see a minimal attempt to use the quadratic formula or completing the square to solve
(see general guidance) if their quadratic, of the form 2 x 2 + 5 x  k k  0 does not
factorise. If using the formula the substitution of their a, b and c must be completely
A1 For the correct values of x
Candidates have clearly been directed to use algebra in the question and therefore 0 marks can be scored
without seeing M1 M1
Question Scheme Marks
4(a) ( 3 14 − 2 12 − p = 0 ) p = 18 B1

3 y − 2q − "18" = 0  3  2 − 2q − "18" = 0  q = M1
q = −6

( X ( x, y ) = )  1 "− 6"3+ 2 12 , 1 2 +32 14  oe = ( 6,10 )

(b) B1B1
or M1A1
 
( Gradient of AB = ) = oe B1

( Gradient of L = ) − 2  = − 
1 3 B1ft
" " 2
1  3 
y − "10" = − ( x − "6")   y = − x + 19  M1
" "  2 
 3 x + 2 y − 38 = 0 oe A1
Where a, b and c are integers. [6]
Total 9 marks

Mark Notes
(a) B1 For p = 18
M1 Uses their value of p and substitutes y = 2 and finds a value for q.
A1 For the correct value of q.
First 2 marks of (b) – use the scheme which gives the most marks to candidates.
(b) B1 (M1 ePen) For one correct value (6, 10).
B1 (A1 ePen) For both correct values (6, 10).
or M1 Correct method for finding both coordinates, using their q. Look for any equivalent
methods eg similar triangles.
or A1 Both correct values.
B1 For a fully correct unsimplified or simplified gradient of AB
Note this mark is awarded for finding or stating the gradient and if simplified, it
2 14 − 2
must be clear that is not a fraction from the given ratio. Accept
3 12 − −6
This mark may be implied for a correct gradient of − used in further work.
B1ft For finding the negative reciprocal of their gradient – does not need to be simplified.
M1 For a full and correct method to find the equation for the line L using their
coordinates of X and their perpendicular gradient. This need not be simplified.
If y = mx + c is used, the correct value of c must be found for their coordinates and
It must be clear the candidate is using their coordinates for X and not, for example
simply the numbers from the coordinates of A and B
A1 For the correct equation of the line in the required form – any equivalent where a, b
and c are integers.
Question Scheme Marks
5 x x 2x 2
x2 4x M1
2x + 6 = + 1  2x + 6 = + +1 − −5=0
3 9 3 9 3
 x 2 − 12 x − 45 = 0  ( x + 3)( x − 15 ) = 0  x = −3,15 M1A1

 When x = 15, y = 6
(V = )  '−3' ( 2 x + 6 ) dx −    '6'2  ( '15'− '− 3' )
 2 x2 
(V = )( )  + 6 x  − 216 M1
 2  '−3'
 2  '15'2   2  ( '− 3' )
(V = )  
 + 6  '15'  −  + 6  ( '− 3) '   − 216 ( = 324 − 216 ) = 108
 2   2 
 M1A1
ALT last OR [8]
5 marks
 x2 2 x 

(V = )  '−3' ( 2 x + 6 ) dx −  '−3'  + + 1 dx or  '−3' ( 2 x + 6 ) dx −  '−3'  + 1 dx

'15' '15' '15' '15' x
 9 3  3 
'15' '15'
 2 x2   x3 2x2 
(V = )( )  + 6 x  −   + + x M1
 2  '−3' 9  3 3 2  '−3'
 2  '15'2   2  ( '− 3')
V =   + 6  '15'  −  + 6  ( '− 3' )  
 2   2 
 '15'3 2  '15'2   ( '− 3') 2  ( '− 3' )
3 2
−   + + 15  −  + '− 3'   = 108
 9  3 3 2   9  3 3 2 
Total 8 marks
Mark Notes
M1 Sets the equation of the curve = equation of line and attempts to form a 3TQ, which must include
1  1 
an attempt to expand  x + 1 x + 1 . Allow only 1 error in processing overall.
3  3 
Accept as a minimum for this mark:  Jx − K = 0 or x 2  Lx − M = 0 J , K , L, M  0
M1 Solves their 3TQ using a full and minimally acceptable method (see general guidance) to find two
values. They must show their method if using an incorrect 3TQ.
Note this is not a dependent mark, so the candidate can solve a 3TQ not of the form required for
the first M mark.
A1 x = – 3, 15
M1 M1 A1 may be awarded for both correct values given without working.
M1 For the correct expression for the volume of rotation under the curve including  and ft their x =
– 3, 15.
M1 For the correct expression for the volume of the cone. Ft their x = – 3, 15 and their value of y
only (must be clear they are using a value of y. ‘6’ cannot be 15 or – 3).    '6'2  ( '15'− '− 3')
M1 For an attempt to integrate their expression for the curve. Minimally acceptable attempt (see
general guidance) – no power of x to decrease.  and limits don’t need to be present.
M1 For substitution of their limits into any changed expression representing their volume of the curve
and evaluation of the final volume using their volume of the cone.
Not a dependent mark but substitution must be into their changed expression.
This mark may be awarded for the work being done in parts and subtracted in any order at any
point, but there must be a subtraction. This M mark may be implied by a correct final answer.
A1 For V = 108
This mark may not be awarded if the subtraction is the incorrect way around and the sign
of the answer is simply changed at the end.
ALT last 5 marks
M1 For the correct expression for the volume of rotation under the curve including  and ft their x =
– 3, 15
M1 For the correct expression for the volume of rotation under the straight line including  and ft
their x = – 3, 15
15  x 
Where candidates have combined the 2 expressions, M1 M1 can be awarded for    − − 5  dx or
 9 3 
for a clear attempt to combine the correct two expressions, even if the following simplification is incorrect.
15  x2 4 x 
[Note for final A mark correct integral is    − + + 5  dx
 9 3 
M1 For an attempt to integrate the expression for either the curve or the line or what they intend to
be their combined expression. Minimally acceptable attempt (see general guidance) – no power
of x to decrease.
 and limits do not need to be present for this mark.
M1 For substitution of their limits into any changed expressions representing their volume of the line
and the curve and evaluation of the final volume or their combined expression.
There must be at least one correct substitution of both limits into each expression.
Not a dependent mark but substitution must be into changed expressions.
This mark may be awarded for the work being done in parts and subtracted in any order at any
point, but there must be a subtraction. This M mark may be implied by a correct final answer.
A1 For V = 108 This mark may not be awarded if the subtraction is the incorrect way around
and the sign of the answer is simply changed at the end.
Questio Scheme Mark
n s
Throughout the question where lengths are in brackets eg (AC =), this means you don’t
have to see AC =.
But the mark cannot be awarded for a clearly incorrect method eg VO = x 2 + x 2 for the
first method mark in (a) scores M0
( )
( AC = ) x 2 + x 2 = 2 x or ( AC = )
sin 45
or ( AC = )
cos 45
x x M1
2 2
 
( AO = )   +    =
x x x x
=  or ( AO = ) 2 or ( AO = ) 2
2 2  2 2  sin 45 cos 45

 " 2x"  1 2 
 1 2
(VO = ) x − 
 or x −
x + x2  or x2 −  = x 
 2  2  2  2  M1
or (VO = ) tan 45

= x (cm)* A1*cso
ALT Any indication the candidate realises triangle AVC is right angled and M1
sin 45 = or x sin 45 = VO
VO = x * A1*cs
2 o
(b)  2 
 x2 + x2 − 2x
( ) 2
 x
−1   or AVC = 2  sin −1  2
( AVC = ) cos   ( ) 
 2 x x   x 
   
  M1
 2   2 
 x  x
or ( AVC = ) 2  cos −1  2  or ( AVC = ) 2  tan −1  2 
 x   2 
   x
   2  A1
= 90o [2]
(c) Let M be the midpoint of AB and let N be the midpoint of DC

 x  3 

(VM = VN = ) x −   = 
x M1
 2   2 
2 2
 3   3 
" x " +  " x " − x2
2   2
cos MVN =   or
 3   3 
2  " x "   " x"
 2   2 
  3 2  3 2 
 " x " +  " x " − x2 
 2   2 
( MVN = ) cos −1   
 or
 2   " 3 x "   " 3 x" 
     
 2   2  

 2   1 
 x   x 
( MVN = ) 2  cos −1  2  or ( MVN = ) 2  sin −1  2 
 3   3 
" x"  " x" 
 2   2 
or ( MVN = ) 2  ( MVO = ) and cos MVO = 2
" x"
2 A1
70.528...o  70.5o [3]

OM =
 x 
    1  
( MVN = ) 2 tan −1  2  =  2 tan −1   =  70.528...o  70.5o [3]
 2x    2 
 2 
(d) 1  2  2 2 3
Volume =   x   x  = x  oe M1
3  2   6 
1  2  2
200 =   x x  x =
3  2  dM1

x = 9.4672...  9.47 ( cm ) A1
Total 11 marks
Part Mark Notes
For part (a), we must see the algebraic proof, including x throughout.
(a) M1 For correct use of Pythagoras theorem or any correct appropriate trigonometry and a
complete method to find the length AC or AO ie candidates must rearrange correctly –
minimum steps as shown in mark scheme and no errors must be present.
M1 For a full, correct and complete method to find VO, using their AC/AO.
A1 2
cso For x (cm) – correct solution only, no errors or omissions, minimum steps as
ALT M1 Any indication the candidate realises triangle AVC is right angled and isosceles. This
mark may be implied by correct working for the next method mark or present on the
M1 For the correct trig minimum steps as shown and no errors.
A1 2
cso For x (cm) – correct solution only, no errors or omissions.
(b) M1 For any correct appropriate trigonometry to find angle AVC. ( AVC = )
If finding AVO , must be doubled for this mark.
AC must be 2x oe, AO must be x oe.
A1 For 90o
Allow M1A1 for candidates writing down the correct answer by inference.
Consistent omission of x is permissible for all marks in part (b).
(c) M1 For correct Pythagoras theorem to find the lengths of VM or VN
M1 For any correct trigonometry to find angle MVN, such as the statements shown in the
mark scheme.

The candidate can state, for example,

cos(MVN) = fully correct expression (using their VN and VM)
or, for example,
cos-1(fully correct expression), where they do not have to write angle MVN =
i.e – this can involve any fully correct method to reach an equation which would allow
them to use inverse trig to find MVN or if they use inverse trig, a fully correct
expression must be seen with the correct inverse trig function. Send any items where
allocation of marks is unclear (potentially using other methods to the main and ALT) to

or fully correct method to find angle MVO which must then be doubled for this mark.
A1 For any answer stated which rounds to 70.5º (ie more decimal places is condoned).
Consistent omission of x is permissible for all marks in part (c).
ALT M1 x
States or uses OM =
M1 For fully correct method to find angle MVO which must then be doubled for this mark.
A1 For any answer stated which rounds to 70.5º (ie more decimal places is condoned).
(d) M1 For a correct unsimplified expression for the volume of the pyramid as shown.
dM1 For placing their expression = 200, which must involve a term in x3, and a fully correct
method/rearrangement to solve.
Note this mark is dependent on the first method mark, so they must have got the correct
unsimplified expression even if then simplified incorrectly.
A1 For any final answer stated which rounds to 9.47 (ie more decimal places is condoned).
Question Scheme Marks
7(a) 2704
 ar 2  625 M1
 = r =
 a  16
( r =)  oe A1
25 [2]
(b) 16 100
( S = ) 13 = oe M1A1
1−" " 3
25 [2]
(c)   13  n 
16 1 −  " "  
  25  
  33   1 −  13   0.99  oe
 M1
   
1−" "
  25  
 13 
  " "   0.01 oe dM1
 25 
 13 
n lg  " "   lg ( 0.01) oe M1
 25 
lg ( 0.01)
n  n  7.04...oe  ( n = ) 8 dddM1A1
 13  [5]
lg  " " 
 25 
Total 9 marks
Part Mark Notes
(a) M1 For any correct unsimplified expression for r or r2.
A1 13
For r =  oe
(b) M1 Uses the correct formula for the sum to infinity of a geometric series using their
positive r < 1 and the given first term.
A1 •
For oe . Allow 33.33……, 33.3r , 33.3 etc.
The question demand is for an exact answer so there must be some indication of
recurrence. This could be min 1 dp with dots after ie 33.3….., but cannot be a
terminating decimal.
(c) M1 Uses the correct formula for the sum of a geometric series to set up an inequality or
equation in terms of n, ft their positive r < 1, must be using a = 16
Allow < or > or =
dM1 For simplifying (allow errors in simplification) their inequality or equation in n to
 13  13
the form  " "   d d  0 . Allow " " to be their positive r < 1.
 25  25
Allow < or > or =. Dependent on the 1 method mark.
M1 Takes logarithms (any base) of their exponential equation or inequality correctly
on both sides and correctly uses the power law to reach n lg ( a )  lg ( b ) .
or ‘de-logs’ their exponential equation or inequality correctly to get log c d  e

This isn’t a dependent mark, but the candidate must be able to correctly take logs of
both sides and use the power law or correctly de-log their equation/inequality.
r can be any value carried through from part (a) for this mark.

Allow < or > or =, the inequality doesn’t need to have been reversed at this point.
dddM1 For finding a value for n setting up the correct inequality (with their positive r < 1)
from the beginning and where the inequality sign has been reversed at the appropriate
point during their work.

Dependent on all previous method marks.

If candidates give a final answer of (n =) 8 – this mark can be implied even if the
inequality sign is not correctly reversed.
A1 For (n =) 8
Question Scheme Marks
3 x +1 3 x +1
 dy  5 x  2  3  e − 10 x  2e
8(a) 2

 = oe
(5x2 )
 dx 

 dy  xe ( 30 x − 20 ) 10 xe3 x +1 ( 3 x − 2 )
3 x +1

 =  or dM1
 dx  25 x 4 25 x 4
10e3 x +1 ( 3 x − 2 )  2e3 x +1 ( 3 x − 2 ) A1
= = [5]
 25 x3  5 x3
ALT –  dy  3 x +1 2 −2 3 x +1 2 −1
use of  =  2e (−1)  2  5 x  (5 x ) + 2  3e (5 x ) oe M1A1A1
 dx 
rule = x  (5 x 2 ) −2 e3 x +1 (−20 + 30 x) or 10 x  (5 x 2 ) −2 e3 x +1 ( −2 + 3 x) dM1
10e ( 3x − 2 )  2e
3 x +1 3 x +1
( 3x − 2 )
= = A1
 25 x3  5 x3
 2 xe ( 3x − 2 ) 2e3 x +1 ( 3x − 2 )
3 x +1
(b)  y 100 100
  100 =  " 4
"  x  or " 3
"  x  oe M1
 y  5x y 5x y
2 xe3 x +1 ( 3x - 2 ) 2e3 x +1 ( 3 x - 2 ) ( 3x - 2 )   x
or ( y = ) " 4
"× δx or " 3
"  x or y 
5x 5x 5x
 x may also be written as 0.02 x

 y  2e
 100 = 
3 x +1
( 3x − 2 )  0.02 x  100 dM1
 oe
 y  5x 3
2e3 x +1
5x2 A1

or y 
( 3x - 2 )  0.02 x 
100 [3]
x y
( % change in y = ) 6 x − 4
Total 8 marks
Part Mark Notes
(a) M1 For attempting to use the quotient rule.
The definition of an attempt is as follows:
• The denominator must be correct.
• The terms in the numerator subtracted either way around
The expression must be of the form:
K  x 2  e3 x +1 − L  x  e3 x +1
K  10 or 15 and L  10 and K , L  0
(5x )
2 2

Note K and L may not be simplified and will often need to be checked.
A1 Following M1 (general principle of marking), at least one fully correct simplified or
unsimplified term on the numerator.
A1 Fully correct unsimplified derivative
dM1 For correctly taking out common factors of x and e3 x+1 and attempting to simplify.
A numerical factor does not need to be taken out at this point.
Dependent on the 1st method mark.
A1 For the correct derivative in the required form.
ALT M1 For attempting to use the product rule to give an expression of the form
use of Me3 x +1 x  (5 x 2 ) −2 + Ne3 x +1 (5 x 2 ) −1 M  0 and  4,10 N  0 and  2,3
product A1 Following M1 (general principle of marking), at least one term is fully correct.
rule A1 Fully correct unsimplified derivative
M1 For correctly taking out common factors of x and (5 x 2 ) −2 and e3 x +1 and attempting
to simplify. A numerical factor does not need to be taken out at this point.
Dependent on the 1st method mark.
A1 For the correct derivative in the required form.
For the final M mark in particular – any work felt to be of credit not fitting the mark scheme – send to
(b) M1 For any of the statements shown, using their answer from part (a), which must be of
Ae3 x +1 ( Bx − C )
the form:
Note, we’ll allow candidates to use an expression here that is not quite of the form
given in part (a).
This mark may be implied by further correct working.
dM1 For substituting in the expression for y and a correct attempt to simplify their
expression to the required form.
You must check their working here, do not allow an answer that has come from
incorrect working (general principle anyway, but extra care needed for this
Condone 100 written as 100% if the candidate is correctly multiplying by 100.
Dependent on previous method mark.
A1 For the correct expression as shown.
Question Scheme Marks
9(a)  1  1 
−  − − 1 ( −8 x 2 )

 1

(1 − 8 x ) 2 −2
= 1 +  −  ( −8 x 2 ) + 
 2
2  2 

 1  1  1 
 −  − − 1 − − 2  ( −8 x )
2 3

2  2  2 
1 A1A1
(1 − 8 x ) 2 −2
= 1 + 4 x 2 + 24 x 4 + 160 x 6 + ... [3]
(( a + bx )"(1 + 4 x 2
+ 24 x 4 + 160 x 6 ) " = ( a + bx + 4ax 2 ) + 4bx3 + 24ax 4 M1A1ft

4b = 20  b = 5 A1
24a = 48  a = 2 A1
(c)  0.2 0.2  2 + 5 x  
 0 g ( x ) dx = 0   dx = 

 1 − 8x 
 

 ("2"+ "5" x + "8" x + "20" x3 + "48" x 4 ) dx

2 M1

( )
 5 x 2 8 x3 20 x 4 48 x5 
g ( x ) dx = "2 x +
+ + + " M1
 2 3 4 5 0

( g ( x ) dx = ) "2  0.2 +
0.2 5  0.2 2
8  0.23 20  0.24 48  0.25
+ + + " M1
0 2 3 4 5
= 0.532405333  0.5324
Note: The calculator value is 0.5347698
Total 11 marks
Part Mark Notes
(a) M1 For an attempt at the binomial expansion.
The expansion must:
• Begin with 1
• The denominators must be correct
( )
• The powers of −8x must be correct eg −8x 2

Do not allow missing brackets unless recovered later – this is a general point of marking.
Ignore any terms with powers higher than 3.
1 1
Allow a misread of for − but not 8 x 2 for − 8 x 2 - see gen guidance for misreads.
2 2
A1 Following M1 (this is a general point of marking, A marks can only follow M marks).
All conditions above met and at least one algebraic term correct and simplified.
A1 Fully correct and simplified
(b) M1 ( 2 4
For attempting to expand ( a + bx ) 1+cx + dx + ...... to reach at least the correct terms in x3
and x for their expansion from part (a) ie 4bx and 24ax 4 or cbx3 and dax 4

Ignore terms with powers higher than 4.

It is only necessary to see the correct terms (for their expansion) in x3 and x4.
They must be using an expansion from (a) of the form 1+cx2 + dx4 + .....
This mark may be implied from any following working.
A1ft For a fully correct expansion in terms of x, a and b,up to the term in x4
or for 4b = 20 AND 24a = 48.
or if using an incorrect expansion from part (a) of the form 1+cx2 + dx4 + .....
for a fully correct expansion or cb = 20 AND da = 48.
Ignore terms with powers higher than 4.
A1ft Either a or b correct
ft their expansion from (a) of the form 1+cx2 + dx4 + .....
and cb = 20 AND da = 48.
A1ft Both a and b correct.
ft their expansion from (a) of the form 1+cx2 + dx4 + .....
and cb = 20 AND da = 48.
(c) M1 For using their expansion from (b) with the correct limits.
Although their expression does not need to be fully correct, it must be clear it has arisen from
attempting to find a and b in part (b) and using these values.
The expression must include the first 5 terms in their expansion of the form
p + qx + rx 2 + sx3 + tx 4 from part (b) using their a and b and may include more for this mark.
It is not necessary to see the integral sign, if the candidate clearly integrates later.
Similarly, if the limits are not present until substitution, this mark can be awarded.
M1 For an attempt to integrate an expression (see general guidance) – no power of x to decrease.
This is not a dependent method mark and the mark is for an attempt to integrate, but they
must integrate all their terms and there must be a minimum of 2 algebraic terms.
M1 For substitution of the given limits the correct way around. There must be at least one correct
substitution of limits into their changed expression with a minimum of 2 algebraic terms (ie
this again is not a dependent method mark). 0 need not be substituted if substitution into the
changed expression gives an evaluation of 0.
This may be implied by a correct answer, but must be shown if the final answer is not correct.
A1 For awrt 0.5324 ie condone more decimal places.
The question does not demand that students use algebraic integration or show their working clearly and therefore
a correct answer of 0.5324…. may imply the method marks and full marks should be awarded.
A value of 0.5347…..will score 0 marks.
Question Scheme Marks
10(a)(i) sin ( A + A) = sin A cos A + cos Asin A = 2sin A cos A * B1
(ii) cso
cos ( A + A) = cos A cos A − sin A sin A
 cos 2 A = cos 2 A − sin 2 A M1
= cos 2 A − (1 − cos 2 A) A1*cso
= 2cos A − 1 *
2 [3]
(b) sin 
 2 tan  
 =  cos2
 +   1 + sin  M1
1 tan
cos 2 
sin  sin  sin 
2 2 2
cos  cos  or 2sin  cos
= cos or cos or dM1
cos 2  + sin 2  1 cos 2  sin 2  cos 2  cos 2  + sin 2 
1 + − 1 +
cos 2  cos 2  cos 2  cos 2 
sin 
 sin    2sin  cos  
= cos  = 2  cos 2   or   = 2sin  cos ddM1
1  cos   cos  + sin  
2 2

cos 2 
= sin 2 * [4]
ALT sin 
 2 tan   cos
 =
 1 + tan   1 + sin  M1
2 2

cos 2 
sin  dM1
= cos2
1 + tan 
sin 
 sin  
 cos  = 2
cos 2 + sin 2  = 1  tan 2  + 1 =  cos 2   = 2sin  cos 
cos 
1  cos  ddM1
cos 

= sin 2 *
(c)  
5 tan  x + 
 6     5        
= 1 − 2cos 2  x +    sin  2  x +   = 1 − 2cos 2  x +   M1
   6  2   6    6 
1 + tan 2  x +  
 6
    M1
1 − 2cos 2  x +  = − cos  2 x + 
 6  3
5        2
 sin  2 x +  = − cos  2 x +    tan  2 x +  = − M1
2  3  3   3 5
  
  2 x + =  − 0.38050, 2.76108 M1
 3 
(  x = ) − 0.714, 0.857 A1A1

I =  2 ( 2sin 2 − cos5 + 2 ) {d } M1

 −2cos 2 sin 5 2 M1
= − + 2 
 2 5 0
   
 sin 5   

    + 2     −  − cos 2 0 − sin 5 ( 0 ) + 2  0 
2 
=  − cos 2   −    ( )  M1
 2 5  2   5 
 
 
  1   9
 = 1 − +   − ( −1 − 0 + 0 )  = +  A1
  5   5 [4]
Total 17 marks
Part Mark Notes
(a) B1 For sin ( A + A) or sin 2 A = sin A cos A + cos Asin A = 2sin A cos A *
cso No steps missing or incorrect work. Condone sin A + A with brackets missing if all other work
M1 For cos A cos A − sin A sin A  cos2 A − sin 2 A
A1* For cos ( A + A) or cos 2 A = cos A cos A − sin A sin A  cos 2 A − sin 2 A = cos2 A − (1 − cos2 A )
= 2cos 2 A − 1
No steps missing, no incorrect work. Condone cos A + A with brackets missing if all other work
Students who miss ‘A’ in their working, (eg coscos – sinsin) may be awarded M mark, but not A or B marks.
(b) M1 sin  sin 2 
Uses tan  = and tan 2  = in the given identity.
cos cos 2 
Allow the 2 to be missing for this mark but not the final A mark.
dM1  sin  
sin  cos  + sin 
2 2 2
cos 
2  2  2sin  cos 
For 1 + = or multiplying by to give  cos2 = 
cos 2
cos 
cos 
 1 + sin   cos  + sin 
2 2

 
 cos 2  
cos 2 
The  does not need to be explicitly written.
cos 2 
Dependent on previous method mark.
ddM1 For minimum steps (and dependent on previous method marks):
sin 
cos  or 2sin  cos  = 2sin  cos 
1 cos 2  + sin 2 
cos 

A1*cso Achieves the required result – minimum steps as shown, no errors.

Steps in brackets do not need to be shown.
ALT M1 sin  sin 2 
Uses tan  = and tan 2  = in the given identity.
cos cos 2 
dM1 sin 2 
For replacing 1 + with 1 + tan 2 
cos 2 
Dependent on previous method mark.
ddM1 sin 
 cos = 2sin  cos 
For replacing tan 2  + 1 =
cos 2  1
cos 2 
Dependent on both previous method marks.
A1*cso Achieves the required result – minimum steps as shown, no errors.
Steps in brackets do not need to be shown.
Students who miss  in their working, may be awarded M marks, but not the A mark.

Allow work throughout where candidates have let, for example  = x + and worked in  and 2 throughout in (c)
(c) M1  
5 tan  x + 
 6    
Rearranges the given equation into = 1 − 2cos 2  x +   and changes the left hand
    6 
1 + tan 2  x +  
 6
   
side into P sin  2  x +   where P is any constant.
  6 
M1    
Correctly states or uses 1 − 2cos 2  x +  = − cos  2 x +  (condone being replaced with – cos2A)
 6  3
M1  
For tan  2 x +  = Q where Q is any constant.
 3
M1 For −0.38050 or 2.76108
This may be awarded for either value being seen, ignore any extra values seen.
Accept any values with at least 3 significant figures.
A1 For ( x = ) − 0.714 or ( x = ) 0.857
This may be awarded for either value being seen, ignore any extra values seen.
Accept any value with more than 3 significant rounding to those given.
A1 For ( x = ) − 0.714 and ( x = ) 0.857
Ignore any extra values out of range. Extra values in range will mean A0.
Accept any value with more than 3 significant rounding to those given.
   
Students must use  or x + and 2 or 2  x + 
6  6 
(d) M1 
For changing the integral into ( I = )  2 ( 2sin 2 − cos5 + 2 ) {d } d may be omitted.

If the integral sign and limits are not present, these can be implied by a clear attempt in later work to
integrate all the terms and a substitution of limits. Students must use 2 and 5 in their working.
M1 For a minimum of 2 out of the 3 terms shown above correctly integrated.
Students must use 2 and 5 in their working.
M1 For substituting in the given limits the correct way around into their changed function with at least
two terms, there must be at least one explicit substitution of each limit.
If the candidate has a constant term as part of the function, they can omit this from this step (as the
terms cancel out anyway).
This mark may be implied by a correct answer.
If the candidate is working with an incorrect function and substitution of 0 clearly gives 0, this
substitution does not need to be shown.
A1 9
For +  The approximate decimal value 4.941…will usually indicate correct working (as a guide),
but a substitution of limits will be needed to get the 3rd method mark.
In this question, students are directed to use calculus, so must show a correct integration. The penultimate method
mark may be implied from a fully correct answer, but if the answer is not correct, we must see substitution of limits as
Question Scheme Marks
As with many log questions, there are a number of ways of reaching a correct answer.
The first scheme shows 3 common routes, with a set of general principles in the notes.
Not all variations in methods will have been captured, please mark to general principles,
referring ANY work where this is not possible and worthy of marks to REVIEW.
This includes work that converts everything to completely new bases.
11 2log 4 x = log3 3 y 2
2log 2 x 2log 2 x
= log3 3 + log 3 y 2  − 2log 3 y = 1
log 2 4 log 2 4 M1B1
 log 2 x − 2log 3 y = 1 oe M1M1

log 2 x3 + 8log 9 y = 13
8log 3 y
3log 2 x + = 13  3log 2 x + 4log 3 y = 13 oe
log 3 9
Solves the simultaneous equations by any method to find a value for
log 2 x or log 3 y
3log 2 x + 4log 3 y = 13 oe
log 2 x − 2log 3 y = 1 oe
15 10 A1
 log 2 x = or log 3 y = oe
5 10
15 10
x = 25 =8 y = 310 = 3 M1 A1
Eg2 2log 4 x = log 3 3 y 2
2log 4 x = log 3 3 + log 3 y 2  2log 4 x = 1 + 2log 3 y oe
log 2 x3 + 8log 9 y = 13 M1M1
log 4 x3 8log 3 y
+ = 13  2log 4 x3 + 4log 3 y = 13
log 4 2 log 3 9
 6log 4 x + 4log 3 y = 13 oe
Solves the simultaneous equations by any method to find a value for
log 4 x or log 3 y
2log 4 x = 1 + 2log 3 y oe dddM1
6log 4 x + 4log 3 y = 13 oe
15 10
 log 4 x = , or log 3 y = oe A1
10 10
15 10
M1 A1
x = 4 =8
y =3 =3
Eg3 2log 4 x = log 3 3 y 2
log 9 3 y 2
2log 4 x =  log 4 x = log 9 3 y 2  log 4 x = log 9 3 + log 9 y 2
log 9 3 M1B1
 log 4 x = 0.5 + 2log 9 y oe M1M1

log 2 x3 + 8log 9 y = 13
log 4 x3 13
+ 8log 9 y = 13  log 4 x3 + 4log 9 y =
log 4 2 2
 3log 4 x + 4log 9 y = oe
Solves the simultaneous equations by any method to find a value for
log 4 x or log 9 y
3log 4 x + 4log 9 y = oe dddM1
log 4 x = 0.5 + 2log 9 y oe
15 5 A1
 log 4 x = or log 9 y = oe
10 10
15 5
x = 410 = 8 y = 910 = 3 M1 A1
An aid to marking (please also see more detailed notes).
Correct application of addition/subtraction law, anywhere in working. M1
Once seen, ignore any other incorrect applications.
Any correct evaluation of a log a ab = b seen. B1
Look for implicit evaluation during change of base of log. a, b rational.
Correct application of the power law seen once anywhere. M1
Once seen, ignore any other incorrect applications.
Any correct change of base seen once anywhere. M1
Once seen, ignore any other incorrect applications.
Solve a pair of simultaneous equations – one error permitted, see detailed notes for dddM1
required form.
One correct log equation following from this solution. A1
Undoing a log of the required form – see detailed notes. M1
Both correct values of x and y. A1
Note also that:

2log 4 x = log 2 x or 8log9 y = 4log3 y or log 2 x3 = 2log 4 x3 or log 3 3 y 2 = 2log 9 3 y 2

will normally imply B1 and 3rd M1

ALT1 2log 4 x = log 3 3 y 2
2log 2 x
= log 3 3 y 2  log 2 x = log 3 3 y 2 M1
log 2 4
log 2 x 3 + 8log 9 y = 13  3log 2 x + 8log 9 y = 13 B1 M1

3log 3 3 y 2 + 8log 9 y = 13 M1
log 3 y
log 3 27 y 6 + 8 = 13 dddM1
log 3 9
log 3 27 y 6 + 4log 3 y = 13
log 3 27 y 6 + log 3 y 4 = 13
log 3 27 y10 = 13 A1
27 y = 3
10 13

y = 10 =3
27 M1
log 2 x = log 3 3  32  log 2 x = 3
x = 23 = 8 [8]
ALT2 2log 4 x = log 3 3 y 2
3 3
3log 4 x = log 3 3 y 2  log 4 x 3 = log 3 3 y 2 M1
2 2
log 2 x 3 B1 M1
= log 3 3 y 2  log 4 x 3 = 3log 3 3 y 2
log 4 2 2

3log 3 3 y 2 + 8log 9 y = 13 M1
log 3 y
log 3 27 y 6 + 8 = 13
log 3 9
log 3 27 y 6 + 4log 3 y = 13
log 3 27 y 6 + log 3 y 4 = 13
log 3 27 y10 = 13 A1
27 y10 = 313
313 M1
y = 10 =3
log 2 x = log 3 3  32  log 2 x = 3
x = 23 = 8 [8]
Total 8 marks
Mark Notes
M1 For any correct application of the addition (or subtraction) law eg
log 3 3 y 2 = log 3 3 + log 3 y 2
Seen anywhere in their working once, ignore any other incorrect applications.
B1 For log3 3 = 1 or if students do a change of base first, this mark can also be awarded for
example for log 2 4 = 2 or log3 9 = 2 or log 4 2 = 0.5 or log9 3 = 0.5 - note that this
evaluation may not be explicitly seen, but seen in the simplification of an equation,
particularly following a change of base of logs.
This mark may be awarded for any correct use of log a ab = b seen. a, b rational.
M1 For applying the power law correctly with either log p x3 or log q y 2
p = 2 or 4 q = 3 or 9
Seen anywhere in their working once, ignore any other incorrect applications.
M1 For changing the base of any log in either equation.
2log 2 x 8log 3 y log 4 x3 log 9 3 y 2
eg 2log 4 x = or 8log 9 y = or log 2 x3 = or log 3 3 y 2 =
log 2 4 log 3 9 log 4 2 log 9 3
This mark may be awarded for any correct change of base of logs seen.
Seen anywhere in their working once, ignore any other incorrect applications.
dddM1 For solving their simultaneous equations by any valid complete method.
Allow one error.
Candidates must reach a value for
log p x n or log q y m p = 2 or 4 q = 3 or 9 m, n constants
Dependent on all 3 previous method marks.

The equations must be in a form with log p ax n and log q by m in p = 2 or 4 q = 3 or 9

All methods of solving (substitution and elimination being the most common) are
A1 For the correct values of
log p x n or log q y m p = 2 or 4 q = 3 or 9 m, n constants
Markers will need to check the solution of candidates’ simultaneous equations, but
more than one error seen will result in dddM0 and A0.
The question asks students to show their working clearly.
This accuracy mark would generally only be gained after clearly seeing the work
for the previous 4 method marks. If there is a solution where it is clear the student
is working more concisely and fully correctly, perhaps taking shortcuts or missing
the odd step – please send this to Review.
M1 For a correct method to ‘undo’ the logs on any equation of the form
log p ax n = E or log q by m = F p = 2 or 4 q = 3 or 9 , E, m and n are non-zero
A1 For the correct values of x and y
ALTS For any similar methods mark using the same principles, but send to Review, if
not clear how to implement these.
ALT1 log x log y
M1 For change of base of log eg 2log 4 x = 2 2 or 8log9 y = 8 3
log 2 4 log3 9
This mark may be awarded for any correct change of base of logs seen.
B1 For log 2 4 = 2 or log3 9 = 2 .
This mark may be awarded for any correct use of log a ab = b seen. a, b rational.
M1 For applying the power law correctly with log 2 x 3
or in reverse 3log 3 3 y 2  log 3 27 y 6
M1 For correctly using log 2 x = log3 3 y 2 in 3log 2 x + 8log 9 y = 13
dddM1 For using the addition (or subtraction) law in reverse log 3 27 y 6 + log 3 y 4  log 3 27 y10
A1 For log 3 27 y10 = 13
M1 For a correct method to undo logs.
A1 For the correct values of x and y
ALT2 For applying the power law correctly in reverse 3log 2 x = log 2 x 3
B1 For log 2 4 = 2 or log3 9 = 2 .
This mark may be awarded for any correct use of log a ab = b seen. a, b rational.
M1 log x log y
For change of base of log eg 2log 4 x = 2 2 or 8log9 y = 8 3
log 2 4 log3 9
This mark may be awarded for any correct change of base of logs seen.
M1 For correctly using log 4 x3 = 3log 3 3y 2 in 3log 3 3 y 2 + 8log 9 y = 13
dddM1 For using the addition (or subtraction) law in reverse log 3 27 y 6 + log 3 y 4  log 3 27 y10
A1 For log 3 27 y10 = 13
M1 For a correct method to undo logs.
A1 For the correct values of x and y
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with its registered office at 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL, United Kingdom

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