Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
and Society
Chapter 3
and Nation
Chapter 3
Science, Technology and
Nation Building
Agenda 1 highlights the latest advancements in research
and development geared towards the shared goal of improved
nutrition and health for all. Focused on health technology
development, drug discovery and development remains to be the
Pursue R&D to address high-impact and big ticket program supported by the Department
pressing national in the area of health.
problems. Central to this R&D program is the study of endemic
resources, partnered with documentation of traditional knowledge
and practices in health, that could eventually lead to decreased
cost of medicines and health interventions for diseases that affect
the quality of lives of many Filipinos.
The strategies to attain these outcomes are embodied in
the DOST Eleven Point Agenda as follows:
Agenda 7 features various S&T facilities that offer
technical services for carrying out research and development,
Upgrade STI facilities as well as addressing the needs of the industry in terms of
quality assurance, adherence to standards, product
and capacities to
development, and innovation.
advance R&D activities The electronics, semi-conductor, automotive parts,
and expand gear assembly manufacturing, agriculture produce, and food
S&T services. manufacturing industries can benefit from the various S&T
facilities and technical services.
The strategies to attain these outcomes are embodied in
the DOST Eleven Point Agenda as follows:
Agenda 8 focuses on S&T assistance provided to upgrade the
technological capabilities and improve the productivity and
efficiency of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
Expand STI assistance
to communities and The Department has continued to provide technological
the production sector, interventions such as process and system improvement,
particularly MSMEs. technical consultancy, packaging and labelling, training, testing
and calibration, and product development to empower MSMEs
to innovate, move up the technology scale and become more
The strategies to attain these outcomes are embodied in
the DOST Eleven Point Agenda as follows:
Provide STI-based
Agenda 9 highlights the role of the Department in
building a disaster-resilient community through the
solutions for disaster provision of accurate and timely information.
risks and climate Specifically, progress was made by establishing and
change upgrading observation and monitoring systems,
adaptation and efforts in hazard and risk assessment, and researches
mitigation. for disaster risk management, as well as climate
change adaptation and mitigation.
The strategies to attain these outcomes are embodied in
the DOST Eleven Point Agenda as follows:
Together, the RDLead and NICER Programs will capacitate HEIs to help improve
and hasten the use of research results that will contribute to the socio-economic
development of the country and help address pressing challenges. The NRCP is the
implementing agency for this program.
The Collaborative Research and Development to
Leverage Philippine Economy (CRADLE) Program is
specifically designed to foster collaboration between
academe and local companies to improve
competitiveness and catalyze innovation. It aims to
improve the country’s innovation ecosystem by
facilitating the smooth transition of new technologies
from universities and research and development
institutes (RDI) to industries - from lab to market.
Chapter 3
Personalities in
Science and
Technology in
the Philippines
Personalities in Science and
Technology in the Philippines
To light up the rest of the
Philippines sustainably was the vision of
Filipina scientist Aisa Mijeno when she
made the Sustainable Alternative Lighting
(SALt) lamp.
Maria Y. Orosa
Personalities in Science and
Technology in the Philippines She is also credited with the making of the
banana ketchup; wines from native fruits, like
casuy and guava; vinegar from pineapples;
banana starch; soyamilk; banana flour; cassava
flour;; jelly from guava, santol, mango, and other
fruits, as well as the invention of rice cookies,
known as ricebran or darak, which is effective in
the treatment of patients with beri-beri.
Angel Alcala
Personalities in Science and
Technology in the Philippines
Angel Alcala
Personalities in Science and
Technology in the Philippines