Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Epicurus emphasizes
is someone who is especially appreciative of food and drink
It suggests that they are devoted to what some have called
the “lower” pleasures such as sex, food, drink, and sensual
indulgence in general
Hedonistic Conception of Good Life
2. Worry only about the things that are in your control, the
things that can be influenced and changed by your actions,
not about the things that are beyond your capacity to direct or
each man's life has a purpose and that the function of one's life is to attain
that purpose.
each human being should use his abilities to their fullest potential and should
obtain happiness and enjoyment through the exercise of their realized
human beings have a natural desire and capacity to know and understand the
truth, to pursue moral excellence, and to instantiate their ideals in the world
through action.
What is Human Existence?
The public good is public in the sense that the beneficiaries are the
general public.
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