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GPS Navigation and Tracking Device

Article in International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) · October 2011

DOI: 10.3991/ijim.v5i4.1781 · Source: DBLP


13 16,875

5 authors, including:

Yahya Salameh Hassan Khraisat Mohammad Al-Khateeb

Al-Balqa' Applied University Infinera


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GPS Navigation and Tracking Device


Yahya S. H. Khraisat, Mohammad A. Z. Al-Khateeb, Yahya K. Abu-Alreesh,

Anas A. Ayyash, Osama S. Lahlouh
Al-Balqa' Applied University, Irbid, Jordan

Abstract—Since the introduction of GPS Navigation systems

in the marketplace, consumers and businesses have been
coming up with innovative ways to use the technology in
their everyday life. GPS Navigation and Tracking systems
keep us from getting lost when we are in strange locations,
they monitor children when they are away from home, keep
track of business vehicles and can even let us know where a
philandering partner is at all times.

Because of this we attend to build a GPS tracking device to

solve the mentioned problems.

Our work consists of the GPS module that collects data

from satellites and calculates the position information be-
fore transmitting them to the user’s PC (of Navigation sys-
tem) or observers (of Tracking System) using wireless tech-
nology (GSM).

Index Terms—Navigation, Tracking, GPS, Target and Ob-


Nowadays global positioning system and wireless
communication system became the most usable tech-
niques all over the world, due to their many advantages
and applications. Wireless technology also introduces the
principles of mobile communication that can be also be
used in some applications.
This paper consists of two Parts:
1. GPS Navigation Device.[1] Figure 1. Design Block Diagram

2. GPS Tracking Device

The GPS Navigation device is a PC required system II. PART 1: GPS NAVIGATION DEVICE
that will display position information to user; this Position This system has four parts:
information can be put on Google Maps or any mapping  GPS module EM 408.
software. In order to make this part we used the GPS
 Level converter MAX3232.
module and connect it to PC.
The GPS Tracking Device is a small device which  PC connection RS232 (9 pin).
plugs into mobile phone to make a GPS tracker .The  PC
Tracker responds to text message commands, and sends As we mentioned in the block diagram, one of the ap-
you its exact position in SMS (or Email) mode, ready for plications that we want to apply on our project is connect
Google Maps or your mapping software, in order to make PC with the GPS module, which receives the coordinate
this part we used GPS module that provide the position information. Then the level converter converts voltage
data which was processed by a microcontroller, this mi- level from TTL level to CMOS level. After that the PC
crocontroller is connected to a Motorola phone that sends receives position information and gives it to user. The user
the position information to the observer by an SMS. uses it to know his position on the Google maps or map-
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of our design. ping software.

iJIM ‒ Volume 5, Issue 4, October 2011 39


The software that support the GPS receiver is: III. PART 2: GPS TRACKING DEVICE
 BSGPS. This system have three parts:
 Sirf(DEMO).  EM 408 GPS module.
BSGPS: We used this program because this software is  ATMEL Attiny84 Microcontroller.
free and user friendly, and have the ability to detect the
GPS module by scanning the PC ports, and have an inte-  Motorola C168 phone.
grated Maps in the same program. In figure 2 [2] we could As we mentioned in the block diagram, one of the ap-
see that the position is obtained after waiting a few min- plications that we want to apply on our design is the
utes. We noted that the accuracy is very high. The system Tracking system and here is a short summary of how it
was taken inside a building. works:
Sirf(DEMO): This is the second Program that we used GPS module receives data from GPS satellites. The
in our project. We used this program because it’s free and module calculates the exact position of the Tracker in the
user friendly, and have an additional features like GPS form of NMEA Data. The output data (NMEA) of the
radar which show the satellites in view. GPS module will be received by the MCU, and then the
After selecting the PC port then click in the connect MCU will process an SMS (or Email) have the coordinate
button on the program, it is start receiving data from the of GPS (longitude, latitude, time and date) then the MCU
GPS and after a few minutes the location is maintained. command the Motorola phone to send that SMS (or
The figure 3 shows the program screen after the location Email) to the destination (observer).
is obtained.[3] The observer will receive an SMS containing the exact
position of the tracker (longitude, latitude, height, date and
time....).Figure 4 shows the received message.
Figure 5 shows the complete circuit of our design

Figure 2. BSGPS program interface (Navigation device)

Figure 3. Sirf DEMO program interface (Navigation device) Figure 4. Message received by the observer containing the position of
the tracker

40 http://www.i-jim.org

Figure 5. circuit diagram of our design


1. Our GPS Navigation and Tracking device is a very [1] http://forum.sparkfun.com/viewtopic.php?t=6623
precise positioning device use in local (Navigation [2] http://www.afterdawn.com/software/desktop/navigation_maps/bsg
mode) or remotely (Tracking mode). ps.cfm
[3] http://www.4shared.com/file/rN3PDFs1/SiRFdemo.htm
2. GPS Navigation and Tracking systems are very im-
portant for our daily life (business, vehicle and peo-
3. GPS Tracking device must be used safely and put in Yahya S. H. Khraisat, Mohammad A. Z. Al-
good hands so it will not be used by bad staff. Khateeb, Yahya K. Abu-Alreesh, Anas A. Ayyash, and
Osama S. Lahlouh are with Al-Balqa' Applied Univer-
V. FUTURE WORK: sity, Irbid, Jordan. (yahya@huson.edu.jo).
We will try to add new features (operations) for our Received 3 August 2011. Published as resubmitted by the authors 27
tracking device like security and give the observer more September 2011.
commands to control the operation of the tracker.

iJIM ‒ Volume 5, Issue 4, October 2011 41

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