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Presented to the Faculty of the Institute of Information and Computing Sciences

Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Dasmariñas City of Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree








APRIL 2024



Project Context

Guidance Counselor primarily works by advising about the student’s

career, and personal problems in a way to have a better self-understanding to

further achieve their academic goals. Aside from this, the guidance counselor

also handles paperwork and creates monthly reviews of the overall

performance of the guidance services and career development unit. These

reviews help the said unit to generate reports that are passed on to higher-ups,

guiding future changes in the guidance services.

However, having a manual system for managing attendance and

generating reports will consume a lot of paper. Additionally, sorting and storing

files manually consumes a lot of time and space considering that the counselor

takes more than thirty minutes in counseling combined with their daily

schedule of teaching which greatly affects the efficiency of their work.

To address these issues, the researchers come up with a solution by

creating a system that will integrate computer software and database into the

office and produce statistics with the use of software developing applications

and database implementation that will be used for reports in Kolehiyo ng

Lungsod ng Dasmariñas.

Purpose and Description

The purpose of this study is to create an automated system for recording

important student details, entry dates, and their reasons for visiting the

guidance office. It aims to assist the Guidance Service and Career Development

Unit at Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Dasmariñas in generating reports regarding the

data of students who have visited the facility, both in terms of the overall count

and categorized count. Additionally, it serves as a more secure and efficient way

of storing data, as the current system occupies office space considering the

population rate of the school increased yearly. To sum it up, the system will

help organize and sort the inputted data.

Objectives of the Study

General Objectives

This study aims to build a specialized record management system for

Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Dasmariñas’ Guidance Career Services and Career

Development Unit.

Specific Objectives

 To provide precise tracking of engagements in the facility: Develop

mechanisms within the system to meticulously record instances of

student engagements, capturing crucial details such as the profile of the

student and visitors, the date and time of the session, and the underlying

reasons for going to the facility.

 To analyze of trends and patterns in entering the facility: Integrate

analytical tools within the system to facilitate in-depth analysis of

counseling trends and patterns over time, enabling stakeholders to

identify prevalent issues, assess the effectiveness of interventions, and

make data-driven decisions to enhance counseling services.

 To give some enhancement in supportive interventions: Utilize insights

gleaned from the data analysis to inform the development and

refinement of targeted support interventions, ensuring that guidance and

counseling services are tailored to address the evolving needs of students


Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework for developing an automated record

management systems follows a systematic approach that aligns with the IPO

Model. It begins with an Input phase, which involves the identification of the

problem, its functionalities and shortcomings, gathering information and

interviews from the guidance faculty as well as the review of related

literature. Under the Process, a System Development Life Cycle is selected:

AGILE Methodology was used. First is Requirement Gathering which aims to

define evaluation criteria, gather stakeholder feedback to the existing

evaluation system and provide initial solutions to the proposed system. Next

is Design the Requirement,

wherein a system model is developed to showcase the key features of the

proposed system. Constructive/iteration and Testing which designs and

implements the automated system incorporating the identified criteria,

ensuring technical feasibility and compatibility with existing technology

infrastructure. Data collection mechanisms, storage protocols, and retrieval

interfaces are intensively developed. Lastly, Deployment involves intensive

testing, evaluation, final touches, and system simulation.

The Output Phase expects results in an enhanced guidance record

management system with automated data collection, centralized storage,

and user-friendly interfaces for guidance faculty. In addition, improved

record management aligned with educational standards and faculty review

outcomes results from the pilot tests, stakeholder feedback and evaluation,

and continuous monitoring reports. If all requirements for the developed

system are met, researchers may proceed to the next step.

The Outcomes include increased efficiency by streamlining the evaluation

process, reducing administrative burden, and saving time. In addition,

automation improves the accuracy and reliability of record data, minimizing

errors and inconsistencies. The system significantly enhances faculty-student

interactions by providing actionable feedback and performance insights.

Scope and Limitations

The proposed system focuses on managing and analyzing data concerning

students who are filling on, counseling, and visitors who have other

concerns. It is designed to assist guidance counselors, school administrators,

and relevant staff by storing and accessing information related to disciplinary

incidents across all academic years and courses. Key features include

recording incidents, tracking student behavior trends, and generating

reports. The system aims to provide comprehensive coverage for addressing

well-being, and maintaining legal compliance concerns throughout the entire

school community. The proposed system, however, is limited to appointment

and scheduling, thereby restricting its capacity to address broader

administrative needs such as resource allocation, task management, and

comprehensive data analysis.


Definition of Terms

Counseling Engagement: An instance where a student meets with a guidance

counselor or staff member to receive support, advice, or intervention

regarding personal, academic, or behavioral concerns.

Counseling Inquiry: A request or question posed by a student to the

guidance and counseling department, whether in-person, by phone, or

through other communication channels.

Counseling Services: The range of support, guidance, and interventions

provided by the school's guidance and counseling department to address

students' personal, social, academic, and career-related needs.

Disciplinary Action: The consequences or punitive measures taken by the

school administration in response to a student's violation of policies or codes

of conduct.
Disciplinary Incident: An occurrence where a student has violated school

policies or codes of conduct, resulting in some form of disciplinary action or


Guidance and Counseling Record Management System: An automated

software application designed to comprehensively document, track, and

analyze data related to student interactions with the school's guidance and

counseling department.

Guidance Counselor: A licensed and trained professional who is responsible

for providing counseling, support, and resources to students within the

school setting.

Incident Report: A formal documentation of a disciplinary incident, including

details about the event, the parties involved, and any actions taken.

Intervention Effectiveness: The degree to which a supportive intervention or

program is successful in achieving its intended goals and positively impacting

student outcomes.

School Affiliation: Individuals who are officially enrolled, employed, or

otherwise formally connected to the Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Dasmarinas

Student Attendance: The record of a student's presence or absence from

scheduled classes, activities, or school events.

Student Engagement: The level of a student's active involvement,

participation, and investment in their educational experience.

Student Retention: The ability of the school to keep students enrolled and

progressing through their academic program.

Supportive Intervention: A targeted program, service, or strategy

implemented by the guidance department to address identified student

needs and promote positive behavioral changes.

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