School Management System Project Report.: January 2022
School Management System Project Report.: January 2022
School Management System Project Report.: January 2022
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1 author:
Kamal Acharya
Tribhuvan University
All content following this page was uploaded by Kamal Acharya on 08 May 2024.
(Tribhuvan University)
Date: 2022/10/05
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School Management System
development of open-minded global citizens securing the future for everyone. Advanced
processes to promote solidarity among students, teachers and the school staff.
record keeping to control absentees, producing report cards, producing official transcript,
preparing timetable and producing different reports for teachers, officials from
Automation is the utilization of technology to replace human with a machine that can
perform more quickly and more continuously. By automating SMS documents that took
up many large storage rooms can be stored on few disks. Transcript images can be
annotate. It reduces the time to retrieve old transcripts from hours to seconds.
Company’s Profile:
Future heaven school is the renowned school. The school is enlightening the futures
of students in Federal B.Area Karachi. It is under the management of Dr.Mohiuddain
Education foundation. The school is educating the students of
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Montessori, prep to matric. Currently the school is totally manual. They are not using
any software. The want to automate their process by using the new world technology.
For this we are designing the application. This will cover the key areas of the school.
The details of the project are listed in remaining document.
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User Requirements:
1. The system will deal with Student Information.
2. The system will manage the payroll and typical H.R process
3. The system will have the Attendance module which stores the teacher
and student attendance.
4. The system will manage the class time table.
5. The system will manage the fesses from student.
6. The system should Manage the exams results and save according to
academic year
₰ Results
₰ Salary Sheet.
₰ Attendance Sheet.
₰ Time Table.
Software Objective:
The objective of the system is to provide the user friendly application which mange the
whole school. The software helps the user to record the student and employees data.
Give a path for better reporting
Software Scope:
The scope of the system is to manage the
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₰ Report cards are fully customizable - you get to have your own grading
criteria, grading flow, report card format. You can print beautiful report
₰ Fees management. Track the fees of the students. Automatic generation
and branches.
₰ Employee attendance is marked in the system.
₰ Employee salaries are calculated in the system automatically. Theses
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Feasibility Report:
Owing to the captioned evaluation, the best solution is to design and develop the
information system on RDBMS coupled with front-end support on the latest visual tools
and efficient utilization of reporting tools.
Keeping in view the earlier discussion pertaining to terms of reference that is Project
Scope, Problem and Opportunity Identification, and Option Evaluation; the key areas of
feasibility can be analyzed as follows:
Technical Feasibility
Operational Feasibility
Social Feasibility
In social ground there would be no conflicts among the system functionalities and
personal policies, job specification, skill requirements and motivational factors.
Economic Feasibility
On grounds the project deemed to be no or very little cost project to the academy owing
to the availability of very low priced software. Furthermore the existing hardware ca
easily be utilized for the system implementation.
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In the project “school management system” we are using the incremental model. The
model is based on the different increments and each increment has some tasks.
Incremental model:
When an incremental model is used, the first increment is often a core product. The
core product is used by the customer or undergoes a detailed review. As a result of use
and/or evaluation a plan is developed for the next increment. The plan addresses the
modification to the core product to better meet the needs of the customer and delivery
of additional features and functionality. Software is constructed in a step-by-step
manner. While a software product is being developed, each step adds to what has
already been completed.
Incremental -1 –core product Student information System
Incremental -2 School administration Module
Incremental -3 H.R module
A n a l y s i s
D e s i g n
C o d e
T e s t
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Process Decomposition:
Processes Sub-Processes
Gathering User Requirements
Do Validation Testing
Implementation of Software by
beta version
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Cost estimation:
Practitioner cost 5000 * 2 = 10,000
Utility Bills
Computer Cost
Total 15,000
Time Estimation
The system is being developed to give the user to manage the school efficiently. Track
the income by the business. Give timely information to the higher management and
staff so necessary action will be taken.
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Project Plan
NO. Phases Start End Dependencies
date Date
1 Gather 10 Oct 17th Oct
requirements 2011 2011
2 Analysis of 18th 30th Oct
the system Oct 2011 1
3 Make 1st Nov 20 Nov
diagrams 2011 2011
4 Make 21st 27th Nov
prototypes Nov 2011 3
5 Approve the 28th 29th Nov
prototypes Nov 2011
from the 2011
6 Coding of 30th 10th Dec
Student Nov 2011 5
module 2011
7 Approve 11th 11th Dec
Student Dec 2011 6
module 2011
8 Coding of 11th 19th Dec
School Dec 2011
management 2011
9 Approve of 20th 20th Dec
School Dec 2011
management 2011
10 Coding of HR 1st Jan 10th Jan
module 2012 2012
11 Approve of 11th 11th Jan
HR module Jan 2012 10
12 Coding of Fee 12th 30th Jan
module Jan 2012 3,7,8,11
13 Approve of 1st Feb 1st Feb 12
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Q) Who is responsible for a function?
All the technical jobs will be done by Hassam Ahmed and all the managerial job is
done by Hifza Nisar
Role Responsibilities
Hifza Nisar Analysis phase
UML diagrams
Front End ERD
Hardware Resources Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.6 GHz Processors,
120gb H.D.D, 2gb Ram.
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There are three types of resources that we will use in our project:
Human Resource:
Role Responsibilities
Hifza Nisar Analysis phase
UML diagrams
Front End ERD
Dev Express: this software will help in making the forms .the tools are up to date and
make the work more efficient.
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Application blocks are a type of guidance; they are provided as source code, test cases,
and documentation that can be used "as is," extended, or modified by developers to use
on complex, enterprise-level line-of-business development projects
Environmental Resources:
In our project we need different software’s and hardware’s to make better and efficient
Hardware Resources: Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.6 GHz Processors, 120gb H.D.D, 2gb Ram.
Software Resources: we need, Ms. Visio for mapping the analysis phase, Ms. SQL
Server for generating Database, Ms. Visual studio for Coding, , Ms. Word for writing the
The project is titled "SCHOOL Data Management System". This package once developed will help
the school/institute to manage various details pertaining to its students. This will help accounts
department in maintaining the details related to the fees & basic details like their security deposits,
conveyance and etc, it will also help management or we can say administration department in
maintaining students basic details as well as keeping a check on fees details. This package is basically
developed for the authorities of the school/institute to make their task easier or we can say this package
automate their tasks like maintaining students personal details, marinating cash details, printing of
receipts. This package helps the administrative & accounts department in maintaining the students
personal & fees related details.
It is basically a Database management package for the authorities of the school/institute like
management, accounts & administrative department. All the details of the students & the daily work
of various departments are managed by the package i.e. Personal details, Cash details, Fees status,
printing of receipts etc. The package is by the name of School/institute Data Management Package.
Package helps the various departments in maintaining & manipulating the data. School/institute data
are divided into Personal information, Cash details, fee status & etc it helps in manipulating the divided
parts of the data.
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Fees Details
Fees Status
Report Generation
This module helps in managing the personal information of the students like their Name, Address,
Phone no., Roll no & etc. The package helps in adding the personal records, editing the records,
retrieval of records, report generation & etc.
Fees Details:
This module helps in managing the fees details of the student like their tuition fees, security, late fees
& etc. The basic purpose behind the development of this module is printing of receipts of the fees paid
by the students.
Fee Status:
This module helps in managing the fees records of the students like how many have paid their fees &
how many are yet to pay their fees & what is the receipt no. of the student who have paid their fees.
Basically this module generates the list of all the students who have paid their fees & it also generates
a list for those students who haven’t paid their fees.
Report Generation:
This module is basically all about report generation; in this package quite a few reports are generated
which are embedded in the form like student details, cash details & etc.
This package helps in managing the student information like their Name, Roll no. annual charges or
we can say personal details, it also manages their fees details, receipt generation & etc. The package
helps in adding the official records, editing the records, retrieval of records, report generation & etc.
The package provides security by the help of Username & Password, the package has been
designed to be used on a stand-alone system & by specific user hence there was no need for
multi-user approach.
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This facility help in searching the required record from the database, package has the provision
of searching of the record through admission no. which is Primary Key & through the name &
class of the student.
This facility provides for help for the usage of the system. It provides help to the novice
regarding the usage of the package.
The School/institute Data management Package provides the user of the System with a window like
interface. The Front end of the package is developed in VB i.e. Visual Basics, Back end is made in
MS Access.
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The basic need for the package was to automate the whole procedure of maintaining of student details,
earlier it was all done manually. By developing this package lot of burden was removed from the
department, which was maintaining students details. It improved the efficiency, reduced the cost, and
reduced the time need to do the work manually. With the help of this package the past details of the
students can assessed and reports can be generated on this details.
In brief we can say this system was required to automate the processing of students details, which was
done manually before the development of the package. Earlier all the information / data pertaining to
the students was maintained manually or we can say it was on paper, hence it created a problem for
the organization/ school, how to manage it properly. With the help of this system the
organization/school is able to maintain the data properly & accurately.
The solution for all this problem was to automate the system, automation of the students data
maintenance would reduce the manpower, man days will result in accurate data & above all increase
the efficiency of the concerned department.
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Feasibility is the test of the system it helps in deciding whether it is viable to go through the project or
not. Feasibility study studies the system & tells whether to develop the system or not. In lay mans
terms it can be described as the test of the system & if the system passes in the test then it is viable to
develop the project otherwise not or we can say feasibility study check’s whether project is feasible or
1. Technology
2. Finance
3. Time
4. Resources
The feasibility of the system “ SCHOOL Data Management System ” is viewed with the help of these
four dimensions.
This system uses one of the simplest technologies in use, for the development purpose it uses simple
to use & easily available technology. This system is based on windows like interface, which is very
easy to use. The package is been developed for the department, which is not very familiar with software
hence technology used, must be easily understandable, because of which windows like interface has
been chosen. The technology used in this project is VB i.e. Visual Basics 6.0, M S Access & DAO
controls. Visual Basic helps in providing windows like environment. This system uses menu-based
approach in which every thing is given with the help of menus.
This dimension measures the system in respect to money or we can say funds. This dimension checks
whether its viable to spend the required amount on the system or it will be a waste. There is no problem
of finance in this project because it uses simple technology, which is very easy to install. This system
is been developed for a standalone computer hence for this system hardware requirement is very low.
For this system to be developed & installed properly we require very easily available technologies &
very basic hardware and all these requirements doesn’t cost much.
This particular dimension measures the systems worth in respect to time, which is one of the most
important factors to be considered. In this project time factor is very important this system is
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scheduled to be installed in one months time. This system is not very big & hence can be completed
within the time period it requires approx. 30 man-days of work. Time is a crucial factor to be
considered & we can say this system can be developed within the required time period.
This dimension takes into count the recourses required to develop the system. For this particular system
the resources required are quite nominal which can be fulfilled, the resources required for this system
are basic hardware, an operating which is compatible with VB.
With the help of all these dimension we can measure the feasibility of the system & can decide whether
to go forward with the project or not. By take in count the dimension & their role in this particular
system we can say this system is feasible from all these dimension point of view & it is viable to go
through the project.
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Scope of the system measures the scope of the project, which is going to be developed. Answering
following aspects can answer the project scope:
1. Context
2. Information objective
4. Interfaces
The system “SCHOOL data management system” is a data management of students. All the details of
the students are managed with the help of this package i.e. their Personal information, fees information
& their report generation, with the help of this package the organization can maintain & manipulate
students data. This package has the provision for adding new records, editing old records, viewing the
database, searching facility, report generation, help i.e. how to use the package & etc. Scope of the
system can be measured with the help of the dimensions.
This project is related to management of students data and the daily activities of the authorities with
the help of this package the user of this package, which is the department i.e. administrative will be
able to maintain the data through the computer which will help in increasing he efficiency, accuracy
of the department as well as help in electronic inter change of the data. Administrative department can
use this package to check for the details of the students, whether they have paid their fees amount or
whether it is due to them, through which receipt no. it was paid they can study the past records analyze
the trends.
Information objective:
Basically this is related to the Inputs & Outputs to the system. In other way we can say it is related to
the inputs required by the system & outputs generated by the system.
This package is basically data management package, in which the inputs given by the user is itself the
output of system it performs few calculation like the total cash received from the students. We can say
it is data management package, it provides the user with front end which is very easy to use.
1. Inputs:
The input to the system is username & password for the system security, their Personal details
like Name, Address, Phone number, admission details, roll no for data management, their fees
details like admission fees, tuition, computer fee & etc .
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2. Outputs:
The output for this system is the maintained records, personal details, fees details, fee status &
report generated. The outputs of the system are the records that were added in the database as
well as the reports that are generated with the help of he data in the database.
1. Security:
The first function of the system is to provide security from unauthorized access to the data,
which is provided with the help of user name & password at the beginning of the package. This
system is been developed for a single user hence no rights are employed or we can say
administrator is only the user.
2. Data maintenance:
The most important function of the system is to maintain student data, the data is maintained
with the help of different menus like adding, editing, viewing, searching & etc. There are
different kinds of data in the system like personal information, fees information & cash details
with the help of the front end data is managed.
3. Report generation:
The last function of the system is to generate reports of the data like student details report, cash
report, fee status report & etc. With the help of this report the data can be electronically
exchanged as well as the reviewing of policies can be done with the help of reports.
These are some of the basic function performed by the system “Student Data Management”.
Interfaces are the link between the user and the system, basically we can say interfaces are the objects
through which user of the system interacts with the system. This system has different interfaces
through which user interacts with the system they are:
1. Login interface:
This is the first interface in which user is required to enter the username & password if the password is correct
then access is granted otherwise not. User has got three attempts to enter the correct password; if he is not able to
enter the correct password in three attempts then the system is exited.
2. Data maintenance:
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This is the most important interface in the system in which the user interacts with the system to store the data or
to retrieve the data from the database, this interface has got many sub parts like addition of records, editing of
records, searching of records & etc.
3. Reports:
This interface is the output for the system in which the user receives the results or output, which is required in the
form of reports like cash details, student details & fee status.
The following are the main objectives of the project titled "Student data management ":
The package provides the means of security, which makes sure that only the concerned modules and
screens are accessible to the particular department after verifying one's validity and all other modules
and screens remains disable. The package is meant to maintain and provide complete details about
students such as personal details, their fees details and cash details.
The basic objective of the system is to manage the student’s data efficiently & accurately. It provides
the user of the system with personal details of the students their name, address, phone & etc, it provides
the user with fees as well as cash details of the students, how much they have paid, what is the status
of the fees i.e. how many have paid fees & how many are yet to pay the fees. It also provides the user
with details of cash like conveyance details.
“ Student data management ” package is a Management & Information project, which has these
Student data management will be highly user friendly, management information system that will not
help only Accounts, Management & Administrative system to gather, communicate, computerize but
also help to act on critical information much faster and in a better manner. The solution envisages
linking of different departments to streamline the flow of data and timely availability of information
at both the ends. Further, it also aids in generating, maintaining user definable Queries, Reports. Salient
Features of the application will be as defines below:
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3. Sharing of data
User friendliness:
The package developed is easy to learn and understand. Even a new user can use the system effectively,
without any difficulty. The help and user manuals are provided to solve the further queries of the users.
With the help of the user manuals the user can get the full details of the functionality of the system.
User satisfaction:
The package is such that it stands up to the users expectations. The system is successful in generating
the reports of the task status and details of the student. The package is currently being successfully run
in the organization.
Response time:
The response time for all the operations is less. All the report generations and the listing tasks are
performed in significant time. The queries used are so as to reduce the execution time of query
Error handling:
Responses to users errors and undesired situation have been taken care of to ensure that the system
operates without halting. Proper error handling codes are put with the codes.
The package has relatively independent and single function parts that are put together to make
complete system. Thus as a result of this modular approach the system, in spite of being robust is not
cumbersome. It also contributes for the fast execution of the system.
The system is able to decrease the time and effort for program maintenance. The full details of the
projects being undertaken, and the task status corresponding to each student is stored carefully and the
reports are generated as per the requirement.
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The package is able to operate well under normal peak and recovery conditions.
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The system is developed in Visual Basics 6.0 / M S Access and run under windows 95/98 & upper
M.S. Access:
Access is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that you can use to store and
manipulate large amounts of information. Because its tools are user-friendly and because it is a
powerful development environment, Access is equally appropriate for novices and MIS professionals.
2. Log information such as auto repairs for cars, doctor visits, etc.
3. Create contact management databases that can track contacts, but phone calls, meetings, and
any other interactions with contacts.
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Sequence Diagram
Registration Sequence Diagram
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Activity Diagram
Registration Activity Diagram
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1) In the first step, we will select the test factors and rank them. The selected test
factors such as reliability, maintainability, portability or etc, will be placed in the
matrix according to their ranks.
2) The second step is for identifying the phases of the development process. The
phase should be recorded in the matrix.
3) The third step is that identifying the business risks of the software deliverables.
The risks will be ranked into three ranks such as high, medium and low.
4) The last step is that deciding the test phase of addressing the risks. In this step, we
will decide that which risks will be placed each development phase.
phase Desig Dynamic Integra Mainta
Requirements Build
n test te in
Test factors
Processin g
Ease of
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Ease of
Operation s
Formal Reviews:
The SQA will ensure that the necessary revisions to the document have been made and
that the document would be released by the stated date. In case there are any shortcomings
then the same would be pointed to the software project management
The primary goal of unit testing is to take the smallest piece of testable software in the
application, isolate it from the remainder of the code, and determine whether it behaves
exactly as you expect. Each unit is tested separately before integrating them into modules
to test the interfaces between modules. Unit testing has proven its value in that a large
percentage of defects are identified during its use.
It allows for automation of the testing process, reduces difficulties of discovering errors
contained in more complex pieces of the application, and test coverage is often enhanced
because attention is given to each unit.
Integration Testing:
Integration testing will execute on several modules together and need for the untested
modules. However it should be avoided “big bang” integrations when we are going
directly from unit tests to whole program tests. It is likely to have many big issues. In this
test, it is hard to identify which component causes each. This test interaction between
modules ultimately leads to end-to-end system test.
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In black box testing we will test the forms of the system. In this our scope is to test the
following Forms:
Modules Forms
Student Information Module Student Information Form-Registration
& admissions
Human Resource Module :
Employees Info- Registration
Result card
Alpha and Beta Testing: In software development, your alpha test will be a test among
yourselves (the teams) to confirm that your product works. Originally, the term alpha
test meant the first phase of testing in a software development process. During this
time you will compress files, edit for misspelled words and unclear directions
In software development, a beta test is the second phase of software testing in which a
sampling of the intended audience tries the product out. Beta testing can be considered
"pre-release testing. The Beat version of software is given to
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users .they use the software and not the errors and areas where changes and
improvements are needed. We have given the software to the employees of school and
also to the teacher
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SYSTEM." Authorea Preprints (2023).
Acharya, Kamal. "Library Management System." Available at SSRN
4807104 (2019).
Acharya, Kamal. "Online bus reservation system project report." Authorea
Preprints (2024).
Acharya, Kamal. "Online bus reservation system project report." (2024).
Acharya, Kamal. “Online Bus Reservation System.” SSRN ElectroNIC ASIA
Journal (2024): n. pag.
Acharya, Kamal. “Student Information Management System Project.” SSRN
ElectroNIC ASIA Journal (2024): n. pag.
Acharya, Kamal. “ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.” International
Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and
Science (2023): n. pag.
Acharya, Kamal. “College Information Management System.” SSRN ElectroNIC
ASIA Journal (2024): n. pag.
Acharya, Kamal, Attendance Management System Project (April 28, 2024).
Available at
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Online Food Order System (May 2, 2024). Available at
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, University management system project. (May 1, 2024). Available
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Online banking management system. (May 1, 2024). Available at
SSRN: or
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