TI No. 145

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Ref No. AAI/Member (Pig.)/Tech-Inst./2024/ P-1~gjf L{ s;- Date: f~M April, 2024

Technical Instruction No. 145

Subject: Amendment in AAI Engg. Works Manual 2017 in line with DoE Manuals -Reg.

1. Updated Manuals for Procurement of Works, Goods, Consultancy & Other services (June 2022)
have been issued by Dept. Of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance. As per CVC directions Vigilance
Dept. vide ION dated 22.07.2022 has requested to update/align AAI procurement manuals in
line with the manuals issued by DoE.

2. Accordingly, Amendments in AAI Engg. Works Manual have been made and attached as

3. The relevant clauses of NIT/Tender Documents have also been a modified in line with above
provisions and enclosed as Annexure-B.

4. The above amendments/modification shall come in to force from the date of issue this TI.

5. This TI supersedes the earlier TI No-97 dated 29.08.2022.

6. All Technical Instructions/Technical Circulars issued are available at AAI website under following
www.aai.aero/en = > Emp. Login = >Circular & Orders => Dept. (Engineering) = > Circular
Types (Technical Instructions) = > Search

Encl.: Annexure- A, Annexure- B, Appendix- 4A, 48 & 4C.

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(Dr. Sharad Kumar)
Member (Ops. -Planning)
Distribution: As per standard list
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www.aai.aero/en => Emp. Login => Circular & Orders => Dept. (Engineering) =>
Circular Types (Technical Instructions) => Search

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Amendments in Engg. Works Manual-2017

S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
1. Classification of New para 8.6. Definition of Procurement of Works, Goods and Consultancy
Works & Services is defined as:
8.6.1 Procurement of Works: -
Any activity, sufficient in itself to fulfil an economic or technical
function, involving construction, fabrication, repair, overhaul,
renovation, decoration, installation, erection, excavation,
dredging, and so on, which make use of a combination of one or
more of engineering design, architectural design, material and
technology, labour, machinery and equipment. Supply of some
materials or certain services may be incidental or consequential
to and part of such works. The term “Works” includes-
(i) Civil works for the purposes of roads, railway, airports,
shipping-ports, bridges, buildings, irrigation systems, water
supply, sewerage facilities, dams, tunnels and earthworks; and
so on.
(ii) Mechanical and electrical works involving fabrication,
installation, erection, repair and maintenance of a mechanical or
electrical nature relating to machinery and plants.
(iii) Provision/DSITC/SITC of the following E&M installations,
executed through a separate contract or executed under
Composite work/ Project Contract shall be treated as “Works” for
all purposes:
a) Provision/ SITC of Substation e.g. DG sets, Transformers,
Panels, UPS, SCADA, BEMS etc.
b) Provision / SITC of HVAC System, BMS etc.
c) Provision / SITC of Fire Fighting, Alarm & Detection System
d) Provision / SITC of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), Water
Treatment Plant etc.
e) Provision / SITC of Solar Power Plant
f) Provision / SITC of Signages
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
g) Provision / SITC of Air Field Lighting system / Ground Lighting
Facilities (GLF) system
h) Provision / SITC of BHS System/ In-line BHS System
i) Provision / SITC of Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB), AVDGS
j) Provision / SITC of Elevators, Escalators & Travellators etc.
k) Provision / SITC of PAVA System/ AV System
l) Provision of Internal & External electrification/ lighting works
8.6.2 Procurement of Goods: -
All articles, material, commodity, livestock, medicines, furniture,
fixtures, raw material, consumables, spare parts, instruments,
machinery, equipment, industrial plants, vehicles, aircraft, ships,
railway rolling stock, assemblies, sub-assemblies, accessories, a
group of machines comprising an integrated production process
or such other goods (but excludes books, publications,
periodicals, and so on, for a library), or intangible products like
software, technology transfer, licenses, patents or other
intellectual properties procured or otherwise acquired by a
procuring entity. Procurement of goods may include certain small
work or some services, which are incidental or consequential to
the supply of such goods, such as transportation, insurance,
installation, commissioning, training and maintenance
(AMC/CMC) (Rule 143 of GFR 2017).
*Procurement of electrical items/ spares shall be treated as
procurement of Goods.

8.6.3 Procurement of Consultancy & other Services: -

All "Services" defined by exception as any subject matter of
procurement other than goods or works, except those incidental
or consequential to the service, and includes physical,
maintenance, professional, intellectual, training, consultancy and
advisory services or any other services but does not include
appointment of an individual made under any law, rules,
regulations or order issued in this behalf. It includes ‘Consultancy
Services’ and ‘Other (Non-consultancy) Services’ like
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
Management consultants, policy consultants, communications
consultants, Advisory and project related Consulting Services
which include, feasibility studies, project management,
engineering services, finance, accounting and taxation services,
training and development etc.
Procurement of Repair, Maintenance, Overhauling, AMC/CMC or
similar work for existing Electrical or Mechanical assets should
normally be handled as procurement of Services.

8.6.4 In case of composite contracts for Goods and Services. If

the procurement value of Goods is substantial and rendering of
Services is incidental, then such procurement should be handled
as procurement of Goods. Similarly, if the procurement value of
Services is significant and supply of goods is incidental to the
contract then such procurement can be handled as procurement
of Services.
2. Tender action Para-9.12 For urgent/ operational necessary urgent works, in anticipation
for the works Para-9.12.1 For urgent/ operationally urgent works, in of A/A&E/S, to save time, tender action may be taken, based on
pending anticipation of A/A&E/S, to save time, press notice for preliminary estimate pending issue of A/A&E/S and T/S with the
A/A&E/S and pre-qualification of agencies may be released, based on approval of concerned A/A & E/S authority as per DoP. However,
Technical preliminary estimate pending issue of A/A&E/S and T/S concerned Member shall have full power. Work shall be awarded
Sanction (T/S) with the approval of Chairman. after obtaining approval of A/A&E/S and T/S from competent
Para-9.12.2 Where prequalification of agencies are required, to
save time, press notice may be released based on Deleted
preliminary estimate after issue of A/A&E/S but pending
issue to T/S with the approval of Member (Planning).

3. Time Schedule Para- 22.3.1 Para- 22.3.1

for Payment of The time schedule indicated in table below for payment of bills The time schedule indicated in table below for payment of bills
Bills and issue of completion certificates shall be strictly adopted: and issue of completion certificates shall be strictly adopted:

Stage Time limit Stage Time limit

[1] [2] [1] [2]
Payment of Running Bills As far as possible before expiry of Payment of The bill shall be prima facie scrutinized
ten working days from the Running Bills and certified for ad-hoc payment of 75%
by Engineer-in-charge.
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
presentation of the bill, AME/ME Ad-hoc payments amounting to 75% of
and SM/AGM (C & E) should not the eligible running account bill/due stage
take more than 5 working days payment shall be made to the contractor
each. within 10 working days of submission of
the bill.
The remaining payment is also to be
made after final checking of the bill,
maximum within 28 working days of
submission of bill by the contractor. In
case the payment has not been released
within 10 working days as prescribed
above, it shall be made as soon as
possible and after payment a written
explanation for the delay shall be
submitted to the next higher authority by
the Engineer-in-Charge within three
working days.
In case of delay in payment of
intermediate bills after 30 working days of
submission of bill by the contractor,
provided the bill submitted by the
contractor found to be in order, a simple
interest @ prevailing rate of interest of
General Provident Fund shall be paid to
the contractor from the date of expiry of
prescribed time limit.
Contractor’s notice of 10 days of completion of the work Contractor’s notice No change
Completion of works of Completion of
Issue of completion 30 days Issue of completion No change
certificate for work certificate for work
Submission of final bills by One month of the date final Submission of final Within one month from the date of final
the contractor certificate of completion furnished bills by the certificate of completion furnished by
by Engineer-in-Charge or three contractor Engineer-in-Charge or three months
month of physical completion of from physical completion of the work
the work whichever is earlier. whichever is earlier.
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
Payment of final bills for 2 Months of receipt of final bill Payment of final Final bill should be paid to the contractor
works up to Rs. 50.00 Lac from the contractor. bills for works up to within three months after completion of
Rs. 50.00 Lac work or submission of final bill by the
Payment of final bills for 3 Months of receipt of final bill Payment of final contractor, whichever later.
works between Rs. 50.00 from the contractor. bills for works lf the final bill is submitted by the
Lac to 250 Lac between Rs. 50.00 contractor within the period specified
Lac to 250 Lac above and payment of final bills is made
Payment of final bills for 6 Months of receipt of final bill Payment of final by the AAI within above prescribed time
works over Rs. 250 Lac from the contractor. bills for works over limit, if delay in payment, a simple
Rs. 250 Lac interest @ prevailing rate of interest of
General Provident Fund shall be paid to
the contractor from the date of expiry of
prescribed time limit, provided the final
bill submitted by the contractor is found
to be in order.
4. Mobilization Para-23.1- Lump Sum Advance (Mobilization Advance) Para-23.1- Lump Sum Advance (Mobilization Advance)
Advance For capital works (Not applicable for ARMO works)

23.1.1 NIT approving authority shall use their discretion carefully 23.1.1 Mobilization advances not exceeding 10% of the tendered
and may stipulate payment of mobilization advance value may be given, if requested by the contractor in
limited to 10% of the contract value against bank writing within six months of the order to commence the
guarantee issued by Scheduled bank but not by work. Such advance shall be released in two or more
cooperative/ Gramin Bank. The value of contract for instalments to be determined by the Engineer-in-Charge
stipulating issue of mobilization advance should be above at his sole discretion. The first instalment of such advance
Rs. 5 Cr. shall be released by the Engineer-in-charge to the
23.1.2 The application for release of mobilization advance must contractor on a request made by the contractor to the
be received from the contractor within 30 days for the Engineer-in-Charge in this behalf. The second and
works costing between 5 Cr. to 100 Cr. However, subsequent instalments shall be released by the Engineer-
contractor shall be permitted 45 days for submission of in-Charge only after the contractor furnishes a proof of
his application for works costing more than 100 Cr. for the satisfactory utilization of the earlier instalment(s) to
release of mobilization advance. the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
a. For works costing more than Rs. 100.00 Cr., the mobilization 23.1.2 Before any instalment of advance is released, the
advance shall be given in more than one instalment with 1st contractor shall execute Bank Guarantee Bonds not more
instalment not exceeding Rs. 10.00 Cr., the value of than 6 (six) in number from commercial Bank for the
subsequent instalment may be decided by NIT approving amount equal to 110% of the amount of advance and
authority considering urgency and requirement of T & P for valid for the period till recovery of advance. This (Bank
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
the project. Subsequently instalment shall be released only Guarantee from commercial Bank on prescribed format
after submission of utilization certificate by the contractor for for the amount equal to 110% of the balance amount of
the earlier instalment to the entire satisfaction of Engineer- advance) shall be kept renewed from time to time to
In-Charge. cover the balance amount and likely period of complete
b. The recovery of the mobilization advance may be rescheduled recovery.
by Engineer-In-Charge with the approval of NIT approving
authority, if the delay in handing over of site / issue of 23.1.3 If the circumstances are considered reasonable by the
drawings or any other reason is attributable to AAI. Engineer-in-Charge, the period mentioned for request by
c. The agency shall accordingly submit Bank Guarantee in the the contractor in writing for grant of mobilization
same proportion in parts and valid for the period as detailed advance may be extended at the discretion of the
at Para 23.1.4 below. Engineer-in-Charge.

23.1.4 All such advances shall be paid against submission of a 23.1.4 The interest, on mobilization advance shall be calculated
Bank Guarantee amounting to 110% of mobilization from the date of payment to the date of recovery (both
advance in the prescribed format as per Appendix – 38. days inclusive) on the outstanding amount of advance,
The advance payment may be released in stages; value simple interest @ prevailing State Bank of India (SBI)
of 1st installment should not exceed Rs.10Cr. The value Prime lending rate to be mentioned in the NIT at time of
of subsequent installment and total number of installment call of tender.
shall be decided by NIT approving authority depending
upon the progress of work and on receipt of documentary
proof for utilization of previous advance from the
contractor to entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.

23.1.5 The Bank Guarantee shall be valid for 3 (three) months 23.1.5 Recovery of such sums advanced shall be made by the
beyond schedule completion period or likely extended deduction from the contractor’s bills commencing after
period for completion of work. The BG will have to be first ten percent of the gross value of the work is
revalidated with each provisional extension of time. executed and paid, on pro-rata percentage basis to the
gross value of the work billed beyond 10% in such a way
23.1.6 The recovery of such advance shall be made in suitable that the entire advance is recovered by the time eighty
installments commencing from 2nd running account bill or percent of the gross value of the contract is executed
after 10% work is completed, whichever is earlier. and paid, together with interest due on the entire
outstanding amount up to the date of recovery of the
23.1.7 The entire amount of advance together with interest instalment.
should be recovered before 80% of the work is
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
23.1.8 Advance payment so made shall bear a simple interest @
10% per annum or instruction issued from time to time
by Competent Authority and stipulated in the contract.
23.1.9 Up-to date accrued interest should be recovered from
running account bills of the contractor along with recovery
of principal advance amount.

23.1.10 Recovery of mobilization advance shall be regulated in

such a manner that:
a. 25% of mobilization advance plus interest due shall be
recovered by 1/4 of the stipulated / extended period of the
b. 60% of mobilization advance plus interest due shall be
recovered by 1/2 of the stipulated / extended period of
c. 100% of mobilization advance plus interest due shall be
recovered by 3/4th of the stipulated / extended period of
completion or 80% of progress of work whichever is earlier.

23.1.11 In case the requisite amount as recoverable above is not

available in on-account payments mentioned above at any
stage, the agency shall deposit the same within 7 days of
its due, otherwise all Bank Guarantees submitted by the
agency towards mobilization advance shall be encased by
the Engineer-In-Charge.
23.1.12 However, in rare cases, wherein progress of work is
delayed beyond stipulated period of completion due to
reasons beyond control of contractor, deferment in
recovery of mobilization advance with accumulated
interest thereon may be considered by the Technical
Sanctioning Authority at an enhanced rate of interest i.e.
15% per annum with recovery of outstanding mobilization
amount @50% of gross value of running account bill(s),
subject to Engineer-In-Charge certifying that deferment
towards recovery of outstanding advance is proposed in
the overall interest of the project and is necessitated to
improve the progress of work.
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
23.1.13 In case 1/4 of the time of completion of work has expired
without achieving 10% progress of work, the Engineer-
In-Charge may initiate a case of encashment of bank
guarantee submitted against mobilization advance with
the approval of competent authority.

5. Pre- Para-30.2.1 Para-30.2.1

a. Registration shall be applicable only for works with estimated The prequalification criteria shall be applicable as given in
cost up to Rs 15.00Crores. The work experience criteria shall Appendix 4A,4B, 4C.
not be applicable for bidders having desired registration
requirements. (i.e. valid registration in appropriate class of
work that is Building works/Pavement works on date of
submission of bid). Estimated cost shall fall within financial
limit of registration. Bidders who are not fulfilling the
registration requirement shall be considered for pre-
qualification subject to fulfilling the other qualifying
requirements of works completed in last 7 years. The
prequalification criteria shall be applicable as given in
Appendix 4A to 4C.
In case of non-registration of contractors for Ground Lighting
Facilities (GLF) Works, the pre-qualification criteria for the
works shall be applicable.

b. The Joint Venture firms can be permitted to quote for The Joint Venture firms can be permitted to quote for composite
composite Tenders amounting to more than Rs 50 Cr. The Tenders amounting to more than Rs 50 Cr. The number of firms
number of firms in J.V should not be more than two. In case in JV (Joint Venture) should not be more than three. In case joint
joint venture firm, the agreement has been made before venture firm, the agreement has been made before submission
submission of bid & the leader of the J.V firms shall meet 80% of bid. The qualifying criteria shall be meet collectively (i.e.
of the qualification criteria and shall accept overall 100%) by leader firm & partner firm(s). The leader of the JV firms
responsibility of the contract obligations for the total scope of shall meet minimum 50% of the qualification criteria and shall
work during execution and including up to defects liability accept overall responsibility of the contract obligations for the
period. The second partner/ member of Joint Venture total scope of work during execution and including up to defects
Company should have 40% of the prequalification criteria to liability period. The other partner(s)/ member(s) of Joint Venture
meet the eligibility. If the Joint Venture firm becomes lowest firms shall meet minimum 25% of the prequalification criteria to
after opening of price bid only lead partner of joint venture meet the eligibility. If the Joint Venture firm becomes lowest after
firm must sign agreement with the department and it should opening of price bid only lead partner of joint venture firm must
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
be mandatory for lead partner to attend all the progress sign agreement with the department and it should be mandatory
review meetings and to be answerable to all issues relating to for lead partner to attend all the progress review meetings and
the project for discharging their obligations in full as specified to be answerable to all issues relating to the project for
in the tender documents. The successful renderer shall not be discharging their obligations in full as specified in the tender
permitted to form joint venture after award of work. documents. The successful tenderer shall not be permitted to
form joint venture after award of work.

c. The requirement of T&P must be mentioned for the scope of No change

work in the NIT document. Regarding requirement of
machinery and T&P, it shall be added that “in case agency do
not have their own or possesses required plant and
machinery, an undertaking to this effect that the same shall
be provided either by purchase or lease hold basis if work is
awarded to them, to be submitted along with the application
and deployment shall be as per requirement at site decided
by the Engineer-in-Charge”.

d. Integrity Pact is applicable for works costing more than Rs. 5 No change
e. The experience criteria shall be as under. The experience criteria shall be as under:
He must have executed at least one work of 80% value of Applicant should have successfully completed or *substantially
similar nature of work as per NIT. completed similar works during last seven years ending last day
He must have executed at least two works of 50% value of of month previous to the one in which NIT/ applications are
similar nature of work as per NIT. invited should be either of the following:
He must have executed at least three work of 40% value of Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount
similar nature of work as per NIT. equal to 40(forty) percent of the estimated cost;
Two similar completed works costing not less than the amount
equal to 50(fifty) percent of the estimated cost;
One similar completed works costing not less than the amount
equal to 80(eighty) percent of the estimated cost.

*Substantial completion shall be based on 80(eighty) percent of

awarded cost or more value wise works completed under the
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions

f. Experience criteria and current costing level to be arrived by Experience criteria and current costing level to be arrived by
enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7 % per enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7 % per
annum, calculated from the date of completion to the last annum, calculated from the date of completion to the date of bid
date of submission of bids. opening. (Cover-I/ Technical Bid)

g. Nature of similar job should be defined by NIT approving No change

authority. In case of pavement works, irrespective of type of
pavement (rigid and / or flexible), the experience either of
rigid or flexible pavement works shall be considered for pre-

h. Phase / part completion of work shall not be considered for Deleted

satisfactory completion of work for the purpose of experience.
However, pre-determined phasing of work will be accepted by
the NIT approving authority subject to its meeting the laid
down criteria.

i. Bidder shall obtain solvency certificate from any bank as Bidders shall have minimum 15% net worth in last audited
specified in the tender document. The bidder must meet financial year.
solvency criteria specified in the NIT.

j. For Annual Maintenance Contract Work: No change

All terminal and other completed buildings are to be
maintained by the department. Comprehensive composite
contract may be resorted to; incase maintenance of
terminal/other building has to be out sourced. Only
maintenance of highly specialised services can be out sourced
independently if so required, with the approval of NIT
approving authority.

k. The prequalification criteria for O&M/AMC/CMC/AICMC work No change

shall be considered the estimated cost of one year while
deciding PQC even if tender are being called more than 1
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
l. New Para
For Start-ups bidders and Sub-contractors, for repair works
estimated cost of upto Rs. 30 lakhs, the requirements regarding
General Construction Experience, Particular construction
Experience and Available Bid Capacity may not be insisted upon
provided the bidders fulfil other criteria regarding Financial/
Personnel/ Equipment capabilities. However, to avoid
overstretching of their resources, no such contractors may be
allowed to hold more than 2(Two) contracts under relaxed
credentials, at any given time.

6. Composite New Para New Para-30.9

contract Sub-contracting: The works contract may provide for the
contractor to get specified works executed from sub-contractors
included in the pre-qualification application or later agreed to by
the Engineer-in-charge, with a caveat that the responsibility for
all sub-contract work rests with the main contractor. Sub-
contracting will generally be for specialized items of work, as
listed in para- 35.3. Procurement of material, hire of equipment
or engagement of labour will not mean sub-contracting. The sub-
contracting work shall not be allowed other than the specialized
items/ Jobs/ works listed in para-35.3 Sub-contracting by the
contractor without the approval of the Engineer-in-charge shall
be a breach of contract, unless explicitly permitted in the
7. Prequalification Para-33.5 Para-33.5
criteria Different nature of work needs prequalification criteria according Different nature of work needs prequalification criteria according
to functional requirement of work and agencies are invited having to functional requirement of work and agencies are invited having
experience in execution of work covered in the NIT. The criteria experience in execution of work covered in the NIT. The criteria
must be decided in following manner. must be decided in following manner.
33.5.1 Pre-qualification Criteria (civil works) 33.5.1 Pre-qualification Criteria (civil works)
The tender for works costing more than Rs. 15 Cr. should be The tender for works costing more than Rs. 15 Cr. should be
called with prequalification criteria for the work. The called with prequalification criteria for the work. The
prequalification criteria should be drafted very carefully keeping prequalification criteria should be drafted very carefully keeping
following factors in consideration: following factors in consideration:
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
a. Registration shall be applicable only for works with estimated The prequalification criteria shall be applicable as given in
cost upto Rs. 15 Cr. The work experience criteria shall not be Appendix 4A, 4B, 4C.
applicable for bidders having desired registration requirement
(i.e. valid registration in appropriate class of work i.e. building
works/pavement works on date of submission of bid).
Estimated cost should fall within financial limit of registration.
Bidders who are not fulfilling the registration requirement
shall be considered for pre-qualification subject to fulfilling
other qualifying requirements of works completed in last 7
b. Joint venture is permitted for works above Rs. 50 Cr. for No change
building works and Rs. 200 Cr. for pavement works.
c. The requirement of submission of no dues certificate can be No change
dispensed off.
d. The requirement of T&P must be mentioned for the scope of No change
work in the NIT document. Regarding requirement of
machinery and T&P, it shall be added that “in case agency do
not have their own or possesses required plant and
machinery, an undertaking to this effect that the same shall
be provided either by purchase or lease hold basis if work is
awarded to them, to be submitted along with the application
and deployment shall be as per requirement at site decided
by the Engineer-in-Charge”.

e. The Integrity Pact shall be applicable for works costing more No change
than Rs. 5.00 Cr.
f. The experience criteria shall be as under. The experience criteria shall be as under:
He must have executed at least one work of 80% value of Applicant should have successfully completed or *substantially
similar nature of work as per NIT. completed similar works during last seven years ending last day
or of month previous to the one in which NIT/ applications are
He must have executed at least two works of 50% value of invited should be either of the following:
similar nature of work as per NIT. Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount
or equal to 40(forty) percent of the estimated cost;
He must have executed at least three work of 40% value of or
similar nature of work as per NIT. Two similar completed works costing not less than the amount
equal to 50(fifty) percent of the estimated cost;
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
One similar completed works costing not less than the amount
equal to 80(eighty) percent of the estimated cost.

* Substantial completion shall be based on 80(eighty) percent of

awarded cost or more value wise works completed under the
g. Nature of similar job should be defined by NIT approving No change
authority. In case of pavement works, irrespective of type of
pavement (rigid and / or flexible), the experience either of
rigid or flexible pavement works shall be considered for pre-
h. Experience criteria and current costing level to be arrived by Experience criteria and current costing level to be arrived by
enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7 % per
annum, calculated from the date of completion to the last annum, calculated from the date of completion to the date of bid
date of submission of bids. opening. (Cover-I/ Technical Bid)

Phase / part completion of work shall not be considered for Deleted
satisfactory completion of work for the purpose of experience.
However, pre-determined phasing of work will be accepted
by the NIT approving authority subject to its meeting the laid
down criteria.
j. The prequalification application / bids shall be obtained in No change
sealed cover and record of receipt of application shall be
maintained in a register. In case of e-tendering this may not
be needed.
8. Bidding Capacity Para 33.6 Para 33.6
of Tenderer
In case of works costing more than Rs. 50 Cr. NIT approving In case of works costing more than Rs. 50 Cr. NIT approving
authority may specify in the NIT that bidding capacity of tenderer authority may specify in the NIT that bidding capacity of tenderer
shall be additional criterion for pre- qualification of the contractor. shall be additional criterion for pre- qualification of the contractor.
The bidding capacity of tenderer shall be worked out from the The bidding capacity of tenderer shall be worked out from the
following formula. following formula.
B= 2 NT-A B= 1.5 NT-A
Where Where
B - is the Bidding Capacity. B - is the Bidding Capacity.
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
N - Maximum value of Civil Engineering Works executed in any N - Maximum value of Engineering (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical as
one year during the last 5 (five) years (updated the completed relevant to work) Works executed in any one year during the last
works to current costing level of enhancing at a simple rate of 5 (five) years (updated at current price level of enhancing at a
interest @ 7% per annum.) simple rate of interest @ 7% per annum.), taking into account
completed as well as work in progress.
T - is the number of years prescribed for completion of the work T - is the number of years prescribed for completion of the work
in question. in question.
A - is the value (updated at the current price level) of the existing A - is the value (updated at the current price level) of the existing
commitments and ongoing works to be completed in the next ‘T’ commitments and ongoing works to be completed in the next ‘T’
years. years.
In case available bidding capacity of the bidders is less than the In case available bidding capacity of the bidders is less than the
estimated cost of work put to tender, the financial bid of such estimated cost of work put to tender, the financial bid of such
tenderer shall not be opened. tenderer shall not be opened.
9. Issue of tender Para-33.7 33.7 Issue of tender to Joint Venture Company/
to Joint Venture Consortium/ Firm.
Consortium/ 33.7.1 Joint venture company/consortium/firms shall be Joint venture company/ consortium/ firms shall be permitted to
Firm. permitted to purchase tender document subject to their meeting purchase tender document subject to their meeting PQC and
PQC and satisfying following conditions and submitting satisfying following conditions and submitting documentary
documentary evidence: evidence:

a. Consortium of firms should not comprise more than two firms. Consortium of firms should not comprise more than three firms.

b. Joint venture firm as a single unit or each member of No change

consortium should have Permanent Account Number (PAN).

c. A detailed and valid agreement exists between the consortium No change

members defining clearly role, responsibility and scope of
work of each member along with nomination of leader for the
purpose of work under consideration commensurate with
their experiences and capabilities and a confirmation that the
members of the consortium assume joint and several
responsibilities. It shall be mandatory for lead partner to
attend all progress review meetings and shall be answerable
to all issues relating to the project.

d. The leader of the consortium of firm shall meet 80% of the The leader of the consortium firm shall meet minimum 50% of
qualification criteria of NIT and shall accept overall the qualification criteria of NIT and shall accept overall
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
responsibilities of contractual obligations for the total scope responsibilities of contractual obligations for the total scope of
of work during execution and up to defects liability period. work during execution and up to defects liability period. Other
Second partner of the consortium shall meet 40% of the PQC. partner(s) of the consortium shall meet minimum 25% of the
PQC. The qualifying criteria shall be meet collectively (i.e. 100%)
by the leader firm & partner firm(s).

e. Both the firms of consortium should jointly possess the All the firms of consortium should jointly possess the required
required T&P, Machinery and manpower and should produce T&P, Machinery and manpower and should produce self-attested
self-attested documentary proof of owning and possessing documentary proof of owning and possessing required
required machinery. machinery.

f. Both the members of consortium must meet fully / jointly or All the members of consortium must meet fully / jointly or as a
as a single unit of Joint Venture the required PQC. single unit of Joint Venture the required PQC.
10. Call of tenders Para-36.14-Other instructions: Additional para-36.14.4- Rejection of All Bids/ Re-tender
e - Tendering AAI may cancel the process of procurement or rejecting all bids
at any time before intimating acceptance of successful bid under
circumstances mentioned below. In case where responsive bids
are available, the aim should be to finalise the tender by taking
mitigating measures even in the conditions described below. If it
is decided to re-bid the tender, the justification should balance
the perceived risks in finalisation of tender (marginally higher
rates) against the certainty of resultant delays, cost escalations,
loss of transparency in re-invited tender.
After such decision, all participating bidders would be informed
and bids if not opened would not be opened and in case of
manual tenders be returned unopened:
a. If the quantity and quality of requirements have changed
substantially or there is an un-rectifiable infirmity in the bidding
b. when none of the tenders is substantially responsive to the
requirements of the Procurement Documents;
c. none of the technical Proposals meets the minimum technical
qualifying score;
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
d. If effective competition is lacking. However, lack of competition
shall not be determined solely on the basis of the number of
e. the Bids’/ Proposals’ prices are substantially higher than the
Justified cost/updated cost estimate or available budget;
f. In case, the bidder, whose bid has been found to be the lowest
evaluated bid withdraws or whose bid has been accepted, fails to
sign the procurement contract as may be required or fails to
provide the security as may be required
for the performance of the contract or otherwise withdraws from
the procurement process.
If the notice inviting tender is required to be cancelled before
opening (Cover-I/Technical bid), such cancellation shall be done
only after prior approval of the NIT approving authority with
record of reasons/ proper justification in writing.
If the tenders are required to be cancelled or rejected after
opening (Cover-I or II /Technical or Financial bid) tender, the
approval for cancellation shall be accorded by tender accepting
authority with record of reasons/ proper justification in writing.
However, concerned Member shall have full powers for
cancellation of the tenders.
11. Scrutiny of Para- 37.6.8 Para- 37.6.8
tender Validity of tender is usually kept as 90 days from the date of Validity of tender is normally kept as 90 days for Domestic
opening of tenders in case of physical tenders. The validity of tenders and 120 days for Global tenders from the date of
tender must be 90 days from the date of opening of financial bid submission of bids i/c extension, if any. However, the consent
for tender received on e-tendering basis. However extended from the lowest bidder may be obtained in writing for extension
validity of tenders may be asked with approval of NIT approving to the period of bid validity with approval of NIT approving
authority for justified reasons. Therefore, scrutiny of tenders authority for justified reason. Such request should preferably be
including computation should be done in a time bound manner. made before the expiry of the bid validity. A bidder accepting
Maximum time to be taken for scrutiny / computation of tenders the request and granting extension shall not be permitted to
should be: - modify his bid.
Time schedule for Tendering process and award of work:
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
Name of office Activity UptoAbove Above Above Global
Sl. Max.
days 15 15 Cr. 50 Cr. 250 Cr. tender
Scrutiny in Department of Engg. and Cr. upto upto
a. 30 50 Cr. 250 Cr.
days Time for Within Within Within Within Within
opening of 7 days 10 days 14 days 20 days 30 days
b. Scrutiny by Department of Finance i/c 15 financial but but not but not but not but not
obtaining clarifications from Department of
days bid after not later later later later
Engg, if any
opening of later than 14 than 21 than 30 than 40
technical than days days days days
c. Balance 45 days to be kept as buffer for bid 10
negotiations with contractor, re-computation, days
and approval of WAB/WAC etc. as per Time for Within Within Within Within Within
requirement award of 7 days 10 days 15 days 21 days 30 days
work after
opening of
However, for simple and non-complex tenders, the above bid
maximum period of 30 and 15 days can be reduced considerably.
12. Earnest Money Para- 38.2 Read as para-38.2.1
The rate of earnest money shall equal to 2% of the estimated The rate of earnest money shall equal to 2% of the estimated
cost put to tender for the works costing up to Rs. 25 Cr. While cost put to tender for the works. Tenders not accompanied by
rate of EMD for the works costing more than Rs. 25 Cr. shall be the requisite earnest money will be rejected. This rate of EMD
Rs. 50 Lac + 1% of the estimated cost of work over and above shall be applicable for all type of tenders including Global tenders.
Rs. 25 Cr. Tenders not accompanied by the requisite earnest
money will be rejected. This rate of EMD shall be applicable for
all type of tenders including Global tenders. Additional Para
For consultancy services- The rate of earnest money shall equal
to 2% of the estimated consultancy fee put to tender except
Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) or Start-ups as recognised by
DIIP. Tenders not accompanied by the requisite earnest money
will be rejected.
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
Para- 38.5
38.5.1 Earnest money deposited by all bidders except the Earnest money deposited by all bidders except the confirmed
confirmed lowest tenderer should be refunded within a lowest tenderer should be refunded within a week from the
week from the opening of the financial bid. Entry of opening of the financial bid. Entry of DD/FDR/BG received with
DD/FDR/BG received with tenders as earnest money physical tenders as earnest money should be kept in tender
should be kept in tender opening register. opening register.

38.5.2 In the case of tenders involving technical bid and price/ No change
commercial bid, EMD of those bidders whose technical
bids were found not suitable and hence rejected by
competent authority will be refunded along with
intimation of rejection of their technical bid. Refund of
EMD to rest of the bidders whose tenders are under
consideration shall not be done.
38.5.3 The SM/AGM (Engg.) should periodically review the tender No change
registers with a view to ensure that the earnest money
is refunded in time to the bidders.
38.5.4 To avoid delay in refund of earnest money and also to No change
avoid chances of malpractice as a consequence of such
delay, written intimation about rejection of tenders
should always be sent and a note should also be recorded
on the office copy of the acceptance letter that an
intimation to about rejection of tenders has been sent.
38.5.5 Earnest Money deposited by successful tenderer can be EMD of the successful bidder shall be returned on receipt of
refunded on submission of performance bank guarantee Security Deposit equivalent to EMD amount/ performance bank
in any format acceptable to AAI. guarantee.

13. Rate of Security Para- 39.1

Deposit 39.1 The security deposit will be collected by deductions from The security deposit will be collected by deductions from the
the running bills of the contractors at the rate mentioned running bills of the contractors at the rate mentioned below and
below and the earnest money, deposited at the time of earnest money deposited by successful bidder will be refunded
tender, will be treated as part of security deposit. after submission of performance guarantee for the works
estimated cost more than 5.00 Cr. or security deposit equivalent
to EMD amount for the works estimated cost upto 5.00 Cr.
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
39.1.1 Security deposit for each work whose estimated cost put No change
to tender is up to Rs. 5.00 Cr., should be 10% of the
contract value.

39.1.2 Security deposit for each work whose estimated cost put No change
to tender exceed Rs. 5.00 Cr., should be 5% of the
contract value as successful tenderer has to deposit 5%
of tendered value as Performance Guarantee.
Rate of recovery of security deposit should be 10% (This shall be
39.1.3 The earnest money deposited by successful tenderer may in two parts first 5% as performance guarantee which is to be
be adjusted against the security deposit and rate of deposited before start of work and secondly 5% as security
recovery of security deposit should be 10% (This shall be deposit) of gross amount of each running bill till the total amount
in two parts first 5% as performance guarantee which is of security deposit as mentioned in contract is recovered. Security
to be deposited before start of work and secondly 5% as deposit may be accepted in the form of Bank Guarantee issued
security deposit) of gross amount of each running bill till by Scheduled Commercial Banks (i.e. Indian or Foreign Banks
the total amount of security deposit as mentioned in included in the Second Schedule of Reserve Bank of India
contract is recovered. Security deposit may be accepted Act,1934 excluding Co-Operative /Regional Rural Banks), if the
in the form of Bank Guarantee issued by Scheduled Bank amount of Security Deposit is more than Rs. 5.00 Lac.
(but not from co-operative / Gramin bank), if the amount
of Security Deposit is more than Rs. 5.00 Lac.

39.1.4 Where the payments are released through the irrevocable No change
Foreign Letter of Credit and the deduction of security
deposit is not possible from the bills, Contractor be
requested to submit a Bank Guarantee or a standby Letter
of Credit for an amount equivalent to total security deposit
deductible as per the contract.

39.1.5 The deduction of security deposit shall be governed as per No change

Schedule ‘E’ of GCC, in case of capital works where
maintenance of new assets for desired period is also part
of tendered work.

39.1.6 Airports Authority of India shall not pay any interest on No change
the security deposit.
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
14. Bank Guarantee Para- 39.2
as Security 39.2.1 Bank Guarantee from a Schedule Bank other than Co- Bank guarantee from a Scheduled Commercial Bank (i.e. Indian
Deposit operative Bank can be accepted in lieu of security deposit. or Foreign Banks included in in the Second Schedule of Reserve
The Guarantee Bond should be executed in the form Bank of India Act,1934 excluding Co-Operative /Regional Rural
prescribed in Appendix -76. Banks) can be accepted in lieu of security deposit. The Guarantee
Bond should be executed in the form prescribed in Appendix -76.

a. The original bank guarantee should be in the custody of The original bank guarantee should be in the custody of Accounts
Accounts Department who shall keep a watch and review Department (in line with SoP no. AAI / CHQ/ Pre-Check/ BG/2021
the bank guarantees periodically. The bank guarantees to dtd. 10.01.2022) who shall keep a watch and review the bank
be submitted by the contractors should remain valid for guarantees periodically. The bank guarantees to be submitted by
at least three months after expiry of defect liability period. the contractors should remain valid for at least three months after
The Sr. Mgr. [Engg.] shall also maintain a register of bank expiry of defect liability period. The AGM/SM [Engg.] shall also
guarantees for record purposes and take timely action for maintain a register of bank guarantees for record purposes and
its re-validation in co-ordination with Finance Department. take timely action for its re-validation in co-ordination with
Finance Department.
b. The liability or obligation of the banks under the guarantee
bonds shall not be affected or suspended by any disputes No change
between the Authority and the contractor(s) and the
payments under the guarantee bonds by the banks to the
Authority should not wait till disputes are decided. The
Banks are to pay the amounts under the guarantee,
without any demur, merely as a demand from the
Authority stating that the amount claimed is required to
meet the recoveries due or likely to be due from the
contractor(s). The demand so made should be conclusive
as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank
under the Guarantee limited to the amount specified.

39.2.3 The guarantee will not be discharged due to the change No change
in the constitution of the Bank or the contractor(s).

39.2.4 Guarantees given by the banks are their contingent No change

liabilities. Therefore, if guarantees are asked for and given
for indefinite periods (or are not returned to the banks
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
after the relative contracts are fulfilled or on the expiry of
the guarantee period) they give an unreal picture of the
contingent liabilities in their balance sheets. Secondly, the
banks secure their own position by obtaining counter
guarantees from acceptable sureties. If guarantees for
unlimited or long period are insisted upon, no acceptable
sureties will be forthcoming and banks will be unable to
give guarantors on behalf of their constituents. Thirdly,
banks are permitted to give unsecured guarantees only
up to a particular limit. Guarantees for unduly long or
indefinite period would exhaust this limit fairly quickly.
Lastly as banks charge commission for giving guarantees
for as long period as they are in vogue, contractors will
have to pay guarantee commission for indefinite long
period, not warranted by the nature of the contract, and
this will indirectly raise the cost of the Authority contracts.
The tendency of holding the guarantee bonds indefinitely
(viz. holding the security deposit unnecessarily) should be
39.2.5 Furnishing of bank guarantees in respect of transactions No change
between public sector enterprises or between a public
sector enterprise and Government department, the
following procedure may be followed:

a. There is no need for insisting on the bank guarantee in No change

respect of advances paid by public sector enterprises or
Government department to another public sector
enterprise, as there is no risk of the advance being lost;

b. Since the transactions between two public sector No change

enterprises or between public sector enterprise and the
Government department are of commercial nature, it
would not be appropriate to exempt the public sector
undertaking from the bank guarantee in lieu of security
deposit for the fulfilment of the contract. In fact, such
guarantees show the earnestness of the public sector
enterprises for the fulfilment of the contract and in such
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
cases the normal commercial principles should be
c. It is necessary that proper bank guarantees be furnished No change
by public sector undertakings/enterprises for the
satisfactory performance of the equipment and/or
contract, as the case may be. This would ensure prompt
action for rectification in case of deficiencies noticed in the
execution of the contract or defective performance of the
39.2.6 In this connection it may also be mentioned that furnishing No change
of these guarantees would not involve any blocking of
cash resources on the part of the enterprises as they can
obtain a bond from LIC on the basis of which the bank will
issue a counter-guarantee. In order to facilitate the
issuance of bond by LIC, Authority has agreed that LIC
would have a charge on the fixed assets of the company
vis-à-vis the Authority.

15. Performance Para- 39.4

Guarantee 39.4.1 Performance guarantee should be taken from the No change
successful bidder only for the tender for which estimated
cost put to tender is more than Rs. 5.00 Cr.

39.4.2 Performance guarantee in the form of an irrevocable Performance guarantee in the form of an irrevocable Insurance
bank guarantee / demand draft or FDR issued from Surety bond, demand draft, bank guarantee issued from
Scheduled Bank but not from Co-Operative / Gramin Bank Scheduled Commercial Bank (i.e. Indian or Foreign Banks
amounting to 5% of the contract value. Performa of included in in the Second Schedule of Reserve Bank of India
Performance Guarantee is in Appendix -77. Act,1934 excluding Co-Operative /Regional Rural Banks)
amounting to 5% of the contract value. Performa of Performance
Guarantee is in Appendix -77.

39.4.3 Performance guarantee should be furnished within 30 No change.

days of issue of work order/letter of intent. In case agency
fails to deposit performance guarantee within stipulated
period, interest @ 10% per annum on performance
guarantee amount would be levied for delayed period of
submission. As and when, the agency submits the bank
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
guarantee the withheld amount against submission of
performance BG if any, would be released but the interest
recovered shall not refunded to the agency. The validity
period of performance BG shall be extended as and when
provisional extension is granted by the engineer-in
charge. If the agency fails to extend the validity of the
performance guarantee, the same can be encased by AAI.

39.4.4 The contractor shall not be paid any amount against first No change
running account bill till the Performance Guarantee of
adequate amount is submitted by him. The Performance
Guarantee shall be initially valid up to 180 days beyond
the stipulated date of completion.
39.4.5 In case the time for completion of work gets extended the No change
contractor shall get the validity of Performance Guarantee
extended to cover such extended time for completion of
work. The contractor shall get validity of performance
bank guarantee extended on receipt of written request
from Engineer in-charge for the period of likely
(provisional extension of time given to him) delay in
completion of work. This request shall not be construed
as grant of extension of time which shall be dealt on merit
on receipt of application for extension of time from the
39.4.6 The Performance Guarantee should be refunded / released No change
to the contractor on completion of work and issue of the
completion certificate by competent authority.

39.4.7 In case of foreign bidders or GTE (Global Tender
Enquiry), if Bank Guarantee is from a foreign bank
branch situated outside India, the bank guarantee must
be issued through any of the schedule commercial bank.
In case BG is issued directly by a bank outside India, it
should be executed on the letter head of the bank and
made payable through their Indian branch or
corresponding bank in India.
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
16. Escalation Para- 42.10.1 Para- 42.10.1

In case when completion period is more than 18 months In case when completion period is more than 18 months

Price escalation under both the clause 10CC and 10CA is Price escalation under the clause 10CC is applicable in case of
applicable in case of contract with stipulated completion period contract with stipulated completion period more than 18
more than 18 (Eighteen) Months. (Eighteen) Months

Para- 42.10.2
Para- 42.10.2
In case when completion period is 18 months or less
In case when completion period is 18 months or less
Price escalation on account of increase/decrease in wages and
prices of materials, due to Statutory Orders under clause 10C is Price escalation on account of increase/decrease in wages
payable along with clause 10CA in case of contract with and prices of materials, due to Statutory Orders under clause
stipulated completion period of 18 (Eighteen) Months or less. 10C is payable in case of contract with stipulated completion
period of 18 (Eighteen) Months or less.
17. Extra Para no. 44.1
Substituted &
Deviated Items The variation in execution of quantities of BOQ items or execution No change
of Work of items not included in BOQ shall be treated as deviation.
Deviation in the contract normally comprise of:

a. New items of work i.e., items completely new and in addition No change
to the items in contract. These are commonly known as Extra
or Additional items.

b. Substituted items i.e., items which substitute the existing ones No change
or are taken up in lieu of those already provided in the
contract. These can be with slight modification or partially
omitting items of work in the contract. Any change, in
make/manufacturer of items/component carried out from the
acceptable makes provided in the agreement shall be treated
as substituted item.

c. Deviation in quantities of items i.e., where there is increase or No change

decrease in the quantities of items of work in the agreement.
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
In other words, the nomenclature of work remains the same
but the quantities vary with those provided in the agreement.
Such deviation should be kept to minimum and approval of
the competent authority must be obtained, where required.
All plus and minus deviations beyond the stipulated limit
stated below should invariably be approved by the Technical
Sanctioning Authority as per DOP.

Deviation Limit:
Deviation Limit:

For other than EPC Contracts

i. Below Ground Level: 100% of the contract value of
Foundation Works respective Item. i. Below Ground Level: 100% of the contract value of
ii. Above Ground Level. 30% of the contract value of Foundation Works respective Item.
respective item. ii. Above Ground Level. 15% of the contract value of
iii. Items not included 30% of the contract value. respective item.
in contracts iii. Items not included in 30% of the contract value.
contracts (Extra/
iv. Overall deviation 30% of the contract value. Substituted items)
limit of the contract iv. Overall deviation limit 30% of the contract value.
of the contract

For EPC Contracts

i. Deviation limit of the 10% of the contract value.

18. Liquidated Para- 46.12.3
Damages Time is an essence of the contract: The time allowed for No change
execution of contract is as specified in schedule ‘F’ of contract or
the extended time in accordance with the conditions of contract,
shall be essence of the contract. It is therefore necessary for a
contractor to complete the job within stipulated period. In case
contractor fails to do so, AAI would be entitled for compensation
as follows:
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
a. For repair works costing up to Rs 20.00 Lac: a. For repair works costing upto Rs 10.00 Lac
One percent of contract value per week of delay or lesser amount
1% (One percent) of contract value per week of delay or lesser
as decided by competent authority subject to maximum of 10%
amount as decided by competent authority subject to maximum
of contract value. * (If nature of work is such that portion of work
of 10% of contract value. * (If nature of work is such that portion
becomes usable and department wants/needs to use part
of work becomes usable and department wants/needs to use part
building/services. Then compensation may be levied on total
building/services. Then compensation may be levied on total
value of balance work after reducing value of usable portion of
value of balance work after reducing value of usable portion of
b. For all other works having completion period less than
2 years b. For all other works

0.5% (half percent) of contract value per week of delay or lesser 0.5% (half percent) of contract value per week of delay or lesser
amount as decided by competent authority subject to maximum amount as decided by competent authority subject to maximum
of 10% (ten percent) * (If nature of work is such that portion of of 10% (ten percent) * (If nature of work is such that portion of
work becomes usable the compensation may be on the value of work becomes usable the compensation may be on the value of
balance work.) * The condition for levy of compensation on the balance work.) * The condition for levy of compensation on the
value of left over work shall be applicable only if it has been value of left over work shall be applicable only if it has been
envisaged to take over part work in the tender document with envisaged to take over part work in the tender document with
specific reasons. In above cases NIT approving authority may specific reasons. In above cases NIT approving authority may
foresee part completion of usable area/services and incorporate foresee part completion of usable area/services and incorporate
the same in the SCC of the NIT. the same in the SCC of the NIT.

c. For all other works having completion period more than Deleted
2 years:
0.5% of contract value per fortnight of delay or lesser amount as
decided by competent authority subject to maximum of 10% of
the contract value or as indicated in SCC.
Incentives/ Para- 46.17.1 Para- 46.17.1
In case the contactor completes the work ahead of updated a) For EPC contracts
stipulated date of completion considering the effect of extra work In case the contactor completes the work ahead of stipulated
(to be calculated on pro-rata basis as cost of extra work X date of completion, bonus / incentive for early completion of
stipulated period/tendered cost) bonus / incentive for early entire work should be payable @ 1% (one percent) of the
completion of entire work should be payable @ 1% (one percent) contract amount per month, subject to a maximum of 10% (ten
of the contract amount per month, subject to a maximum of 5% percent) of contract amount. For early completion in part period
(five percent) of contract amount. For early completion in part of the month, the incentive should be calculated on proportionate
basis. Bonus/ Incentive shall be applicable for the contract
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
period of the month, the incentive should be calculated on completed before stipulated dated of completion and shall not be
proportionate basis. applicable for the contract extended beyond the stipulated period
even with justified hindrance and without any action of
compensation for delay.
b) For other than EPC contracts
In case the contactor completes the work ahead of stipulated
date of completion bonus / incentive for early completion of
entire work should be payable @ 1% (one percent) of the
contract amount per month, subject to a maximum of 5% (five
percent) of contract amount. For early completion in part period
of the month, the incentive should be calculated on proportionate
basis. Bonus/ Incentive shall be applicable for the contract
completed before stipulated dated of completion and shall not be
applicable for the contract extended beyond the stipulated period
even with justified hindrance and without any action of
compensation for delay.

Note: Incentives/ Bonus is not applicable for minor capital works

estimated cost less than 50.00 Cr. and ARMO works
Para- 46.17.2
The incentive clause for early completion should be adopted only
on a selective basis restricted contracts where the time is the No change
essence of the contract and early completion gives tangible
benefits in terms of additional revenue or operationalization of
important facilities for passengers and other safety related
targets to be achieved by a given date or any other similar factor.
19. The Selection New Para Para-58.8(a)
Process for
xi. Joint Venture/ Consortium shall be allowed for the for
Consultancy for
Consultancy for Architectural, building as detailed:
Building a. Consortium of firms should not comprise more than three
Services consultants/ firms.
b. Joint venture firm as a single unit or each member of
consortium should have Permanent Account Number (PAN)
and Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration Number.
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
c. A detailed and valid agreement to be made between the
consortium members defining clearly role, responsibility and
scope of work of each member, percentage of share of each
member along with nomination of leader for the purpose of
work under consideration commensurate with their
experiences and capabilities and a confirmation that the
members of the consortium assume joint and several
responsibilities. It shall be mandatory for lead partner to
attend all progress review meetings and shall be answerable
to all issues relating to the project.
d. The leader of the consortium firm shall meet minimum 50% of
the qualification criteria (Work experience and Turnover)
of NIT (ref. Appendix-103) and shall accept overall
responsibilities of contractual obligations for the total scope of
work during execution and up to defects liability period. Other
partner(s) of the consortium shall meet minimum 25% of the
Pre-Qualification Criteria (Work experience and Turnover)
of NIT (ref. Appendix-103). The qualifying criteria shall be
met collectively (i.e. 100%) by the leader firm & partner

e. All the firms of consortium should jointly possess the required

manpower/ key professionals.

f. All the members of consortium must meet fully / jointly or as

a single unit of Joint Venture the required PQC.
20. Selection New Para Para-59.8(a)
Criteria and
xi. Joint Venture/ Consortium shall be allowed for the PMC works
Process for PMC
as detailed:
a. Consortium of firms should not comprise more than three
consultants/ firms.
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
b. Joint venture firm as a single unit or each member of
consortium should have Permanent Account Number (PAN)
and Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration Number.

c. A detailed and valid agreement exists between the consortium

members defining clearly role, responsibility and scope of work
of each member, percentage of share of each member along
with nomination of leader for the purpose of work under
consideration commensurate with their experiences and
capabilities and a confirmation that the members of the
consortium assume joint and several responsibilities. It shall
be mandatory for lead partner to attend all progress review
meetings and shall be answerable to all issues relating to the
d. The leader of the consortium firm shall meet minimum 50% of
the qualification criteria (Work experience and Turnover)
of NIT (ref. Appendix-104) and shall accept overall
responsibilities of contractual obligations for the total scope of
work during execution and up to defects liability period. Other
partner(s) of the consortium shall meet minimum 25% of the
Pre-Qualification Criteria (Work experience and Turnover)
of NIT (ref. Appendix-104). The qualifying criteria shall be
met collectively (i.e. 100%) by the leader firm & partner
e. All the firms of consortium should jointly possess the required
manpower/ key professionals.
f. All the members of consortium must meet fully / jointly or as
a single unit of Joint Venture the required PQC.
21. Reverse Auction 61- Reverse Auction 61- Reverse Auction
Different Directorates of AAI procures 61.1
equipments/machinery/plants etc. at CHQ and regional level Different Directorates of AAI procures equipments/ machinery/
through e-tendering method. In order to have competitive plants etc. at CHQ and regional level through e-tendering
tenders for procurement of equipments/machinery/plants method. In order to have competitive tenders for procurement of
(Passenger Boarding Bridges, Baggage Handling System, Diesel Goods/ Services for the estimated cost (put to tender) excluding
Generator Sets, Escalators, Travellators, Elevators, Cables etc.) GST above Rs. 2 Cr. reverse auctioning method shall be adopted
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
for the tendered value above Rs. 2Cr. reverse auctioning method after receipt of bids. The tenders for procurement of Goods/
shall be adopted after receipt of bids. The tenders for Services and having estimated cost (put to tender) excluding
procurement of items and having tendered value in excess of GST in excess of Rs. 2 Cr. shall be called with Reverse Auctioning
Rs.2Cr. shall be called through e-tendering system. Envelop-I option through e-tendering system. Envelop-I shall be opened
shall be opened and list of agencies meeting prequalification and list of agencies meeting prequalification criteria and having
criteria and having submitted techno commercially acceptable submitted techno commercially acceptable offers shall be
offers shall be prepared. Thereafter reverse auctioning system prepared. Thereafter reverse auctioning system shall be adopted
shall be adopted to get further competitive bids. to get further competitive bids.

New Para- 61.2

Reverse Auction shall be applicable only for procurement of
Goods / Services of value more than a specified value mentioned
in Para 61.1 above, but shall not be applicable for procurement
of works as classified above in Para 8.6.1. However, if the work
of (h) Provision / SITC of BHS System/ In-line BHS System
/ (i) Provision / SITC of Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB), AVDGS
etc. / (j) Provision / SITC of Elevators, Escalators & Travellators
etc. as detailed above under Para 8.6.1 (iii), is executed
independently through separate contract, Reverse Auctioning
shall be applicable for these works with estimated cost (put to
tender) excluding GST above Rs. 2.0 Crores.
22. Signing of Para- 4.5 (Amendment dtd. 26.03.2018)
Contracts Wherever, DGM/ Jt. GM(Civil/Elect) are not posted at airports, Officials who sign the contract agreement as per relevant DoP
Agreements SM/AGM(Civil/Elect) shall function as an Engineer-in-Charge for para shall be Engineer-in-Charge of the particular work.
all works upto Rs. 5.00 crores at their parent station as well as
for the outstations under his control. Hence, signing of contract
agreement, for these works and its safe custody shall be the
responsibility of SM/AGM Engg(Civil/Elect).
Para- 4.6
To function as Engineer-in-Charge of all the Contracts, Work Deleted
Orders and Supply Orders of contract value up to Rs. 5.00 Cr.
each with prior specific approval of Member(Plg.) to ensure
implementation of Contract provision.
Para- 5.21 Para- 5.21
Officials who sign the contract agreement as per relevant
DoP para shall be Engineer-in-Charge of the particular work
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
He will function as Engineer-in-charge for the value of all the and also perform the duties and responsibilities as listed in para
works up to Rs. 300 Cr. and also perform the duties and 57.2.3.
responsibilities as listed in para 57.2.3.
Para- 6.14 Para- 6.14
To act as Engineer-in-charge in respect of individual-contract Officials who sign the contract agreement as per relevant DoP
costing more than Rs. 300.00 Cr and shall also perform the duties para shall be Engineer-in-Charge of the particular work and shall
and responsibility as defined in Para 57.2.2. also perform the duties and responsibility as defined in Para

Para- 11.4.2
Final Completion Certificate of work should be issued by: Final Completion Certificate of work should be issued by the
a. DGM/JGM (Engg.) will issue completion certificate upto value Engineer- in-charge as mentioned in para 11.6.5.
of work of Rs.300 cr.
b. GM shall issue completion certificate for all value of works
beyond Rs. 300Cr.
Para- 11.6.5
Deputy General Manager/Jt. General Manager will function as Officials who sign the contract agreement as per relevant DoP
Engineer- In-charge of the contract costing upto Rs. 300 Cr. para shall be Engineer-in-Charge of the particular work and
However Senior Manager/Assistant General Manger(C/E) shall maintaining all original Agreements. The agreements sign at
also be made Engineer-In-Charge for the works upto Rs. 5.00Cr. CHQ, the original agreement shall be sent to concerned GM/DGM/
but with specific approval of Member(Plg). GM(Engg) will function JGM(Civil/Elect) for implementation and safe custody and
as Engineer-In-charge for all the contract costing beyond Rs. 300 equivalent level officials shall be Engineer-in-charge of the work.

Para- 42.2.1 (Amendment dtd. 26.03.2018) Officials who sign the contract agreement as per relevant DoP
For parent stations of DGM/Jt.GM Engg (Civil/Elect) the contract para shall be Engineer-in-Charge of the particular work and
agreement shall be signed by him along with its safe custody for maintaining all original Agreements. The agreements sign at
all works upto Rs. 300.00 crores. CHQ, the original agreement shall be sent to concerned
For outstations of DGM/Jt.GM Engg (Civil/Elect), for all works GM/DGM/ JGM(Civil/Elect) for implementation and safe custody
other than mentioned as above in Para (i), DGM/Jt.GM Engg and equivalent level officials shall be Engineer-in-charge of the
(Civil/Elect) shall sign the contract agreement and its safe work.
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
Para- 57.2.2 (Amendment dtd. 26.03.2018) Officials who sign the contract agreement as per relevant DoP
For all the works costing more than Rs.300.00 crores, GM Engg para shall be Engineer-in-Charge of the particular work and
(Civil/Elect) shall sign the contract agreement and shall be the maintaining all original Agreements. The agreements sign at
safe custodian. Since in general, the tenders for works more than CHQ, the original agreement shall be sent to concerned
Rs.15.00 crores are being called at Corporate Head Quarters, the GM/DGM/ JGM(Civil/Elect) for implementation and safe custody
agreements for the works upto Rs.300.00 crores at CHQ shall be and equivalent level officials shall be Engineer-in-charge of the
signed by DGM/Jt.GM Engg (Civil/Elect) and beyond that by GM work.
Engg (Civil/Elect). However, after signing of the agreement at
CHQ, the original agreement shall be sent to the concerned
GM/JGM/DGM (Engg) (Civil/Elect) at Station/Region or Project for
implementation and safe custody.

Para- 57.3.3 (Amendment dtd. 26.03.2018)

For the works/project costing upto Rs.300.00 crores DGM Engg Deleted
(Civil/Elect)/Jt.GM Engg (Civil/Elect) shall be responsible to sign
the contract with the agency to whom the work has been
awarded and maintaining the original agreements.
23. Test Check of Para- 17.1.2 (Amendment dtd. 26.03.2018)
Measurements a. For Works upto Rs. 500 Lakh a. For Works where SM/AGM(C/E) is Engineer-in-Charge
• (Where SM/AGM(C/E) is Engineer-in-Charge)  Assistant Manager (Engg)/Manager (Engg), should test check
 Assistant Manager (Engg)/Manager (Engg), should test check measurements not less than 50% recoded by his Senior
measurements not less than 50% recoded by his Senior Assistant/Senior Superintendent/Jr. Executive (Engg) before
Assistant/Senior Superintendent/Jr. Exe(Engg) before any any running bill is paid.
running bill is paid. • SM/AGM should test check measurement so that his overall test
• SM/AGM should test check measurement so that his overall test check is not less than 10% of the measurements for final as
check is not less than 10% of measurement recorded by AM/M well as running bill for which 50% test check already done by
for final as well as running bill. Manager/AM.

Note: 1. Procedure shall be applicable for normal as well as Note: 1. Procedure shall be applicable for normal as well as
computerized bills. computerized bills.

2. In case Senior Assistant/Senior Superintendent/Jr. Exe(Engg) 2. In case Senior Assistant/Senior Superintendent/Jr. Exe(Engg)
are not posted a site, initial measurement shall be recorded 100% are not posted at site, initial measurement shall be recorded
checked (computerized measurement book) by AM/Manager 100% checked (computerized measurement book) by
(Engg) and the responsibility for test check for not less than 50% AM/Manager (Engg) and the test check not less than 50% shall
be done by SM/AGM (Engg).
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
shall be done by SM/AGM (Engg.). (Amended as per TI No. 3. In case Assistant Manager / Manager is not posted at the
46) station for that specific work, the Senior Assistant/Senior
Superintendent/Jr. Executive (Engg) shall do the 100%
checking of the computerized measurement book and the
test check not less than 50% shall be done by SM/AGM (Engg).
If Jr. Executive and Senior Assistant/Senior Superintendent
are posted at a site, then Jr. Executive shall do the 100%
checking of measurement.

4. Where SM/AGM(C/E) not posted and Manager is Engineer-

in-Charge for the works accepted by him as per DoP, the
Senior Assistant/Senior Superintendent/Jr. Executive
(Engg) shall do the 100% checking of the computerized
measurement book and the test check not less than 50% shall
be done by Manager (Engg).

b. For Works Costing upto and above Rs.500 lakhs b. For Works where DGM/JGM/GM (C/E) is Engineer-in-
(Where DGM/JGM/GM (C/E) is Engineer-in-Charge) Charge
• The Agency shall submit a computerized bill along with • The Agency shall submit a computerized bill along with
computerized measurement sheets. Concerned Assistant computerized measurement sheets. Concerned Assistant
Manager/Manager shall check 100% measurement of each bills Manager/Manager shall check 100% measurement of each bills
submitted by the agency. submitted by the agency.
•Sr. Manager (Engg)/AGM (Engg), should test check •Sr. Manager (Engg)/AGM (Engg), should test check
measurements not less than 50 % recoded by his Asstt. measurements not less than 50 % recoded by his Asstt.
Manager/Manager (Engg) before any running bill is paid. Manager/Manager (Engg) before any running bill is paid.
• DGM/Jt.GM (Engg) should test check measurement so that his • DGM/Jt.GM (Engg) should test check measurement so that his
overall test check is not less than 10% of measurement overall test check is not less than 10% of measurement
recorded for final as well as running bill. recorded for final as well as running bill.
• All newly recruited JETs/available JETs may be deployed for • All newly recruited JETs/available JETs may be deployed for
quality control checks, conduct all mandatory site tests, quality control checks, conduct all mandatory site tests,
maintain all the test records and registers, day to day maintain all the test records and registers, day to day
supervision of work as per drawings and specifications to supervision of work as per drawings and specifications to
ensure execution of work as per contract conditions. ensure execution of work as per contract conditions.
• In case Assistant Manager / Manager is not posted at the station • In case Assistant Manager / Manager is not posted at the station
for that specific work, the Jr. Executive/NE shall do the 100% for that specific work, the Senior Assistant/Senior
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
checking of the computerized measurement book in addition to Superintendent/Jr. Exe(Engg) shall do the 100% checking of the
his normal duties. If Jr. Executive and any both are posted at a computerized measurement book in addition to his normal duties.
site than Jr. Executive shall do the same. (Amended as per TI If Jr. Executive and Senior Assistant/Senior Superintendent are
No. 46) posted at a site, then Jr. Executive shall do the 100% checking
of measurement.
24. Section 63: Wherever the price of the lowest bidder is lower than the An Abnormally Low Bid is one in which the Bid price, in
Acceptance of estimated cost by more than 25%, lowest bid can be termed as combination with other elements of the Bid, appears so low that
abnormally low Abnormally Low Quoted Bid (ALQB). Processing of such bid shall it raises material concerns as to the capability of the Bidder to
quoted bid be as follows: perform the contract at the offered price. Processing of such bid
(Capital & i) All such items which are more than 25% below the estimated shall be as follows:
Revenue rate shall be termed as abnormally low quote items (ALQI) i) The Bid Manager shall seek written clarifications from the
Expenditure and these items shall be identified by the Engineer-in- charge. lowest Bidder with approval of Technical Sanctioning
Contract) ii) The Engineer-in-charge shall seek clarification from the authority, including detailed price analyses of its Bid price in
lowest bidder in respect of ALQ items. relation to scope, schedule, resource mobilization, allocation
iii) The lowest bidder has to submit justification of their price of risks and responsibilities, and any other requirements of
either in prescribed portal, if possible, or through a separate the bids document.
letter along with analysis of rates for all such ALQ items. ii) If, after evaluating the price analyses, the Tender Accepting
iv) On receipt of clarifications, a committee comprising of officials Authority determines that the Bidder has substantially failed
from Engineering, Finance and other related directorates, as to demonstrate its capability to deliver the contract at the
decided by the concerned ED (Engg.), shall analyze the offered price, then the bid/ proposal may be rejected.
bidder’s justification and give their recommendation to accept iii) Such contracts should be closely monitored that final
or reject the bid. The recommendation of the committee shall payments in such cases do not abnormally increases due to
be accepted by the authority next higher to the officer extra items. Further, there is no abnormal increase in
competent to accept the tender as per the Delegation of quantities of the item for which contractors have initially
Powers. However, Chairman shall have the full powers. quoted very high rates.
Reason for such acceptance/rejection shall be on record.
v) On decision to accept the tender, the bidder shall be asked to
submit a bank guarantee for all such ALQ items, amounting
to 10% of the difference between 75% of the estimated cost
and the cost quoted by the bidder. This bank guarantee shall
be termed as Quality Protection Bank Guarantee (QPBG) and
shall be over and above the normal bank guarantee and shall
be valid up to the defect liability period.
vi) In case of Percentage Rate Tenders, Bank Guarantee shall be
asked for 10% of the difference between 75% of the
estimated cost and the corresponding cost worked out on the
basis of percentage quoted by bidder.
S. Reference Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
vii) This QPBG for any tender shall be a fixed amount as one time
measure and will not vary at any stage during the currency of
the work or contract.
viii)In case of labour intensive ALQB like MESS, Annual
Maintenance Contract for supply of labourers, Operation &
Maintenance Contract and other similar works, contractor
shall transfer / deposit salary of the individual worker to their
bank account which should be linked with AADHAR card and
a statement is to be submitted to AAI. This clause to be
properly framed in the tender document as per site condition.
ix) Suitable clause regarding time/ procedure for encashment of
QPBG shall be incorporated in the NIT / Tender document.
NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER (2 BOT – 2 Envelope Open Tender)

(Above portion not to be published in AAI Website/ CPP Portal)

NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER (2 BOT - 2 Envelope Open Tender)

1. Item Rate/ Percentage rate/ EPC (Strike off whichever is not applicable) e-tenders are invited
through the e-tendering CPP Portal by …………(a)…………, (Bid Manager) on behalf of
Chairman, AAI from the eligible contractors for the work/composite work (delete whichever is
not applicable) of “…………(b)…………” at an estimated cost of
₹…………(c)…………excluding GST with completion period of …………(d)………… months
including …………(e)………… month(s) considered for rains.
The tendering process is online at CPP-portal URL address https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app
or www.aai.aero. Prospective Tenderers may download and go through the tender document .

Prospective Tenderers are advised to register themselves at CPP-portal, obtain ‘Login ID’ and
‘Password’ and go through the instructions available in the Home Page after log in to the CPP-
portal https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app or www.aai.aero. They should also obtain Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC) in parallel which is essentially required for submission of their
application. The process normally takes 03 days’ time. The tenderer may also take guidance
from AAI Help Desk Support through path aai.aero/tender/e-tender/help desk support.

(i) For any technical related queries please call the Helpdesk. The 24 x 7 Help Desk details
are as below: -
Tel: 0120-4711508, 0120-4001002, 0120-4001005, 0120-6277787
E-mail: support-eproc@nic.in

International bidders are requested to prefix 91as country code.

Tenderers are requested to mention the URL of the Portal and Tender ID in the subject
while emailing any issue along with the contact details.
Before submitting queries, bidders are requested to follow the instruction given in
“Guidelines to Bidders” and get their computer system configured according to the
recommended settings as specified in the portal at “System Settings for CPPP”.
(ii) For any further technical assistance with regard to functioning of CPP portal the tenderer
may contact to the following AAI help desk numbers on all working days only between
Sl. Support Escalation E-mail Address Contract Timings*
No. Persons Matrix Numbers
1 Technical Instant eprochelp@aai.aero 011- 0800-2000
Help Desk Support 24632950 Hrs. (MON
Team – SAT)
Ext. 3512
2 JE (IT) After 4 Hrs. of etendersupport@aai.aero 011- 0930-1800
Issue or 24632950 Hrs.
vaibhav_g@aai.aero Ext. 3523 (MON –
3 Sr. Manager After 12 Hrs. shripatim@aai.aero 011- 0930-1800
(IT) 24632950 Hrs.
Ext. 3509 (MON –
4 Jt. GM (IT) After 24 Hrs. Sunil.km@aai.aero 011- 0930-1800
24632950 Hrs.
Ext. 3506 (MON –
5 General After 03 Days. gmit@aai.aero 011- 0930-1800
Manager (IT) 24657900 Hrs.
(MON –
*The help desk services shall remain closed on all Govt. Gazetted Holidays.

Tender processing fee of ₹. …………(f)…………/- (i/c GST), non-refundable will be required

to be paid online on CPP portal only.

Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of ₹.…………(g)…………/- will be required to be paid online on

CPP portal only.

2. Following 2 envelopes shall be submitted through online at CPP-portal by the tenderer as per
the following schedule: -


Publishing Date Date-----(h)---- from ....hrs.

Bid Document Download / Sale Start Date Date--(i)--- from ..........hrs.

Clarification Start Date Date--(j)--- from ..........hrs.
*Clarification End Date Date--(k)--- upto .........hrs.
Bid Submission Start Date Date--(l)--- from ..........hrs.
Bid Submission End Date Date--(m)-- upto ........ hrs.
Bid Opening Date (Envelope- I) Date---(o)--- at ….........hrs.
Bid Opening Date (Envelope- II) Date---(p)--- at .............hrs.

Note: If the bidder has any query related to the Bid Document of the work, they should use
‘Seek Clarification’ on CPP portal to seek clarifications. No other means of communication
in this regards shall be entertained.

Envelope-I (Technical Bid and Pre-qualification): - Bid containing following:

A. Technical Bid containing the following: -

i) Scanned copy of Tender Acceptance Letter on Bidder’s Letter Head.

ii) Scanned copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and GST Registration Number.

iii) Scanned copy of ‘Undertaking’ regarding Blacklisting/ Debarment” on Bidder’s Letter


iv) Scanned copy of Form- A - details of similar works completed during last seven supported
with completion certificate issued by client.

v) Scanned copy of Form- B - Financial Information.

vi) Scanned copy of Form- C – Net Worth.

vii) Bidder shall submit scanned copy of ‘Undertaking’ on Company’s Letter Head that I/ We
will deploy sufficient plant and machinery as per the requirement of work in consultation
with the Engineer-in-Charge (E-I-C) to achieve the milestones/targets and overall
completion within the time period.

viii) Bidders other than propriety firm shall submit, scanned copy of Authorization Letter/Power
of Attorney along with copy of Certificate of Incorporation of the Company under
Companies Act showing CIN/LLPIN/Name of Directors of the Company & Copy of Board
Resolution regarding Authority to assign Power of Attorney.
Proprietary firm shall submit scanned copy of Authorization Letter/Power of Attorney only
if the tender is processed by a person other than proprietor.

ix) PQ Performa duly filled.

B. Qualifying requirements of contractors / tenderers containing the following:

(Applicable for tenders other than EPC, delete for EPC tenders).

i. Should have successfully completed or substantially completed three works, each of

₹…………(q)…………or two works, each of ₹…………(r)………… or one work of
₹…………(s)………… in single contract of similar nature of (***Nature of the job to be
defined by NIT approving authority) during last 07 (seven) years ending last day of month
previous to the one in which tenders are invited.
The details of similar works completed during last seven years in the given format-
Form-A with supporting documents issued by client.


1. The Experience Certificates of works completed pre GST era, Completion amount will
be divided by 1.12 (to exclude pre GST taxes) to make it at par with experience
certificates of post GST era but excluding GST.
2. The Tenders invited for Annual Rate Contracts for O&M/ AMC/ CMC works, agency
having experience of completed AMC contract of more than one year shall be counted
for the value of work for a completed one year on pro-rata basis. However, the agency
who has completed one year of work in running AMC contract of more than one year,
may be counted for the value of work for a completed one year on pro-rata basis.
3. Experience gained by executing work on back-to-back contract/ Sub-contract basis is
acceptable in the following conditions:
(a) Work should be actually executed by the second agency (sub-contractor) with due
concurrence of the owner as tripartite agreement/ written approval. It should be
backed by valid agreement and experience certificate.

(b) Payments received by second agency should be reflected in TDS certificates.

4. Experience gained in composite works for the specialized nature of works (List of
Specialized Items / Jobs/ Works are mentioned at Para 35.3 of AAI Works Manual)
were executed by main contractor either by in-house expertize & experience or by
engaging the specialized agencies with the approval of main client as per contract
conditions. In such cases, main contractor as well as specialized agency both get the
experience certificate for the same work from their respective client(s) i.e. main
contractor for composite work along with specialized works from owner and
specialized agency for specialized work(s) from the main contractor.

In this situation, the experience certificate of either specialized agency or main agency
having in-house expertise & experience, who has actually executed the specialized
work(s), shall be considered for Technical /Pre-qualifying criteria in similar specialized
nature of work(s).

5. Substantial completion shall be based on 80(eighty) percent of awarded cost or more

value wise works completed under the contract.

“The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by

enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from
the date of completion to date of bid opening (Cover-I/ Technical bid).

Client certificate for experience should show the nature of work done, the value of work,
date of start, date of completion as per agreement, actual date of completion and
satisfactory completion of work. Tenderers showing work experience certificate from
non-government/non-PSU organizations should submit copy of tax deduction at
sources (TDS) certificate(s) alongwith a certificate issued by registered Chartered
Accountant, clearly specifying the name of work, total payment received against
the work and TDS amount for the work.

(Applicable for EPC tenders only, delete for tenders other than EPC).

i. Should have successfully completed or substantially completed three works, each of

₹…………(q)…………or two works, each of ₹…………(r)………… or one work of
₹…………(s)………… in single contract of similar nature of (***Nature of the job to be
defined by NIT approving authority) on EPC Mode/Turn Key (Design & Build) Basis
during last 07 (seven) years ending last day of month previous to the one in which tenders
are invited.
The details of similar works completed during last 07(seven) years in the given format-
Form-A with supporting documents issued by client.

Tenderers not having the work experience on EPC Mode/Turn Key (Design & Build)
Basis as above but having requisite work experience as stated above in other modes of
tenders, shall also be allowed to participate if they meet the following conditions:
Tenderers should have either in-house facility of design/drawing or should associate
architect/designer firm. The in-house facility of design / drawing or associate
architect/designer firm should have successfully completed or substantially completed
three works, each of ₹…………(q)…………or two works, each of ₹…………(r)…………
or one work of ₹…………(s)………… in single contract of similar nature of (***Nature of
the job to be defined by NIT approving authority) during last seven years ending last day
of month previous to the one in which tenders are invited.


1. The Experience Certificates of works completed pre GST era, Completion amount will
be divided by 1.12 (to exclude pre GST taxes) to make it at par with experience
certificates of post GST era but excluding GST.
2. Experience gained by executing work on back-to-back contract/ Sub-contract basis is
acceptable in the following conditions:
(a) Work should be actually executed by the second agency (sub-contractor) with due
concurrence of the owner as tripartite agreement/ written approval. It should be
backed by valid agreement and experience certificate.
(b) Payments received by second agency should be reflected in TDS certificates.
3. Experience gained in composite works for the specialized nature of works (List of
Specialized Items / Jobs/ Works are mentioned at Para 35.3 of AAI Works Manual)
were executed by main contractor either by in-house expertize & experience or by
engaging the specialized agencies with the approval of main client as per contract
conditions. In such cases, main contractor as well as specialized agency both get the
experience certificate for the same work from their respective client(s) i.e. main
contractor for composite work along with specialized works from owner and
specialized agency for specialized work(s) from the main contractor.

In this situation, the experience certificate of either specialized agency or main agency
having in-house expertise & experience, who has actually executed the specialized
work(s), shall be considered for Technical /Pre-qualifying criteria in similar specialized
nature of work(s).

4. Substantial completion shall be based on 80(eighty) percent of awarded cost or more

value wise works completed under the contract.

In case the tender is being invited on EPC Mode/Turn Key (Design & Build) Basis after
engagement of PMC by AAI, the tenderer cannot associate the same PMC and their sub-
consultants associated with the project as architect/designer firm/consultants.
Change of the associated architect/designer firm will normally be allowed only once, that
too under exceptional circumstances with the prior approval of AAI. The
architect/designer firm can be substituted subject to the condition that the new
architect/designer firm meets the qualification and experience criteria. A compensation of
0.1% of the contract amount or Rs. 10.00 Lacs whichever is higher shall be imposed
for any such change to act as deterrent. No extension of time shall be considered for
change of architect/designer firm.
“The value of executed works and consultancy (design/drawing) shall be brought
to current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7%
per annum, calculated from the date of completion to date of bid opening (Cover-I/
Technical bid).
Client certificate for experience should show the nature of work done, the value of work,
date of start, date of completion as per agreement, actual date of completion and
satisfactory completion of work. Tenderers showing work experience certificate from
non-government/non-PSU organizations should submit copy of tax deduction at
sources (TDS) certificate(s) along with a certificate issued by registered Chartered
Accountant, clearly specifying the name of work, total payment received against
the work and TDS amount for the work.
ii) Should have Average Annual Financial Turnover of ₹.…………(t)………… on
construction works during last three years ending 31st March of the previous financial
year. The Financial Information shall be submitted in the given format – Form-B.
Tenderers showing continuous losses during the last three years in the balance sheet
shall be summarily rejected.
iii) The tenderer should have a minimum net worth of ₹……. (w)……, issued by certified
Chartered Accountants. The Certificate should be submitted in the given Format-Form-

*For Start-ups bidders and Sub-contractors, for repair works estimated cost of upto
Rs. 30 lakhs, the requirements regarding General Construction Experience,
Particular construction Experience and Available Bid Capacity may not be insisted
upon provided the bidders fulfil other criteria regarding Financial/ Personnel/
Equipment capabilities. However, to avoid overstretching of their resources, no
such contractors may be allowed to hold more than 2(Two) contracts under relaxed
credentials, at any given time.

Envelope-II: - The Financial e-Bid through CPP portal.

All rates shall be quoted in the format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price
bid has been given as a standard BOQ format with the tender document, then the same is to
be downloaded and to be filled by all the tenderers. Tenderers are required to download the
BOQ file, open it and complete the blue coloured (unprotected) cells with their respective
financial quotes and other details (such as name of the tenderer). No other cells should be
changed. Once the details have been completed, the tenderer should save it and submit it
online, without changing the filename. If the BOQ file is found to be modified by the tenderer,
the bid will be rejected.
3. Refund of EMD
EMD deposited by all the bidders except the confirmed lowest bidder shall be returned within one week
from the date of opening of the financial bid. EMD of the successful bidder shall be returned on receipt
of Security Deposit equivalent to EMD amount/ performance bank guarantee.

4. Bid Submission: -
The tenderer shall submit their application only at CPP Portal:
https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app. Tenderer/Contractor are advised to follow the instructions
provided in the tender document for online submission of bids. Tenderers are required to
upload the digitally signed file of scanned documents as per Para 2. Bid documents may be
scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which helps in reducing size of the scanned
Uploading of application in location other than specified above shall not be considered. Hard
copy of application shall not be entertained.
5. Not more than one tender shall be submitted by one tenderer or tenderers having business
relationship. Under no circumstance will father and his son(s) or other close relations who have
business relationship with one another (i.e. when one or more partner(s)/director(s) are
common) be allowed to tender for the same contract as separate competitors. A breach of this
condition will render the tenders of both parties liable to rejection.
6. Tenderer who has downloaded the tender from Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP)
website http://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app, shall not tamper/modify the tender form including
downloaded price bid template in any manner. In case if the same is found to be
tampered/modified in any manner, tender will be completely rejected and EMD would be
forfeited and tenderer is liable to be banned from doing business with AAI.
7. Bids Opening Process is as below: -

Envelope-I (Technical bid and Pre-qualification):

Envelope-I containing documents as per Para 2 (A) and (B) (uploaded by the tenderers) shall
be opened on date & time mentioned in CRITICAL DATA SHEET.

If any clarification is needed from the tenderer about the deficiency in his uploaded documents
in Envelope – I, he will be asked to provide it through CPP portal, if required. The tenderer
shall upload the requisite clarification/documents within time specified by AAI, failing which it
shall be presumed that bidder does not have anything to submit and bid shall be evaluated

The intimation regarding acceptance/rejection of their bids will be intimated to the tenderers
through CPP portal.

Envelope-II (Financial Bid):

Envelope-II containing financial bid of the tenderers found to be meeting the technical criteria
and qualifying requirements shall be opened on date & time mentioned in CRITICAL DATA
SHEET. (In case the date and time for opening of Envelope-II (Financial bid) is required
to be changed, the same shall be intimated through CPP Portal).
8. AAI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning any reasons.
AAI also reserves the right to call off tender process at any stage without assigning any reason.

9. AAI reserves the right to disallow the working agencies whose performance at ongoing project
(s) is below par and usually poor and has been issued letter of restrain/Temporary or
Permanent debarment/black listing by any department of AAI. AAI reserves the right to verify
the credential submitted by the tenderer at any stage (before or after the award the
work). If at any stage, any information /documents submitted by the applicant is found
to be incorrect/false or have some discrepancy which disqualifies the tenderer then AAI
shall take the following action:

a) Forfeit the entire amount of EMD submitted by the tenderer.

b) The tenderer shall be liable for debarment for a period upto two years from
tendering in AAI, including termination of the contract apart from any other
appropriate contractual/legal action.

10. Consortium/JV companies shall not be permitted.

11. Purchase preference to Central Public Sector Undertaking shall be applicable as per the
directive of Govt. of India prevalent on the date of acceptance.
12. Concessions to Indian Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) units registered with
DIC/NSIC/KVIC/KVIB/Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom etc., to be given as per the
provisions of Public Procurement Policy for MSEs order 2012 with up to date amendments,
shall be applicable for tenders of supply/services and shall not be extended to construction
13. Tenderers have to submit Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) generated
documents like Financial information (Turnover with loss/ profit), Net worth Certificate etc. as
per NIT conditions duly certified by CA and having UDIN. The documents submitted by bidders
without UDIN shall not be entertained.

14. Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, Government of India, issued Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order
2017 vide OM No. P-45021/2/2017-PP(BE-II) dated 16.09.2020 is applicable.

15. Requirement of registration by the Bidder from a country sharing land border with India based
on order No. F No. 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23/07/2020 of Government of India, Ministry of
Finance, Department of Expenditure (Public procurement Division) with up to date
amendments, regarding restriction under Rule 144(xi) of the General Financial Rules (GFR)
2017 shall be applicable. Bidder shall submit scanned copy of ‘Undertaking’ on Company’s
letter head in this regard. (Annexure- LBS)



NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER (2 BOT – 2 Envelope Open Tender)

(Above portion not to be published in AAI Website/ CPP Portal)
NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER (2 BOT - 2 Envelope Open Tender)
1. Item Rate/ Percentage rate/ EPC (Strike off whichever is not applicable) e-tenders are invited
through the e-tendering CPP Portal by …………(a)…………, (Bid Manager) on behalf of
Chairman, AAI from the eligible contractors for the work/composite work (delete whichever is
not applicable) of…………(b)………… at an estimated cost of …………(c)…………excluding
GST with completion period of…………(d)………… months including …………(e)…………
month(s) considered for rains.

The tendering process is online at CPP-portal URL address https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app

or www.aai.aero. Prospective Tenderers may download and go through the tender document.

Prospective Tenderers are advised to register themselves at CPP-portal, obtain ‘Login ID’ and
‘Password’ and go through the instructions available in the Home Page after log in to the CPP-
portal https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app or www.aai.aero. They should also obtain Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC) in parallel which is essentially required for submission of their
application. The process normally takes 03 days’ time. The tenderer may also take guidance
from AAI Help Desk Support through path aai.aero/tender/e-tender/help desk support.
(i) For any technical related queries please call the Helpdesk. The 24 x 7 Help Desk details
are as below: -
Tel: 0120-4711508, 0120-4001002, 0120-4001005, 0120-6277787
E-mail: support-eproc@nic.in

International bidders are requested to prefix 91as country code.

Tenderers are requested to mention the URL of the Portal and Tender ID in the subject
while emailing any issue along with the contact details.
Before submitting queries, bidders are requested to follow the instruction given in
“Guidelines to Bidders” and get their computer system configured according to the
recommended settings as specified in the portal at “System Settings for CPPP”.
(ii) For any further technical assistance with regard to functioning of CPP portal the tenderer
may contact to the following AAI help desk numbers on all working days only between
Sl. Support Escalation E-mail Address Contract Timings*
No. Persons Matrix Numbers
1 Technical Instant eprochelp@aai.aero 011- 0800-2000
Help Desk Support 24632950 Hrs. (MON
Team – SAT)
Ext. 3512
2 JE (IT) After 4 Hrs. of etendersupport@aai.aero 011- 0930-1800
Issue or 24632950 Hrs.
vaibhav_g@aai.aero Ext. 3523 (MON –
3 Sr. Manager After 12 Hrs. shripatim@aai.aero 011- 0930-1800
(IT) 24632950 Hrs.
Ext. 3509 (MON –
4 Jt. GM (IT) After 24 Hrs. Sunil.km@aai.aero 011- 0930-1800
24632950 Hrs.
Ext. 3506 (MON –
5 General After 03 Days. gmit@aai.aero 011- 0930-1800
Manager (IT) 24657900 Hrs.
(MON –
*The help desk services shall remain closed on all Govt. Gazetted Holidays.
Tender processing fee of ₹. …………(f)…………/- (i/c GST), non-refundable will be required
to be paid online on CPP portal only.

Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of ₹ …………(g)…………/- will be required to be paid online

on CPP portal;
EMD may be submitted in the form of Insurance Surety Bonds or Bank Guarantee (including
e- Bank Guarantee) from any of the Scheduled Commercial Bank (i.e. Indian or Foreign Banks
included in the Second Schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act,1934 excluding Co-Operative
/Regional Rural Banks).

The Bank Guarantee (PBG/BG-SD/FBG) in accordance with the bank details as:
UNIQUE IDENTIFIER CODE (7037): (To be filled by bid Manager as per Annexure-I
of TI No.66)
2. Following 2 envelopes shall be submitted through online at CPP-portal by the tenderer as per
the following schedule: -


Publishing Date Date-----(h)----from ……. hrs.

Bid Document Download / Sale Start Date Date-----(i)---- from ……. hrs.
Clarification Start Date Date--(j)--- from ………...hrs.
*Clarification End Date Date--(k)--- upto ………. hrs.
Bid Submission Start Date Date--(l)--- from ………...hrs.
**Bid Submission End Date Date--(m)-- upto ………. hrs.
Last date and time of submission of Original Insurance
Surety Bond or BG against EMD, if not paid online on Date--(n)--- upto ………. hrs.
CPP Portal
Bid Opening Date (Envelope- I) Date---(o)--- at ………… hrs.
Bid Opening Date (Envelope- II) Date---(p)--- at ............... hrs.

Note:1. If the bidder has any query related to the Bid Document of the work, they should
use ‘Seek Clarification’ on CPP portal to seek clarifications. No other means of
communication in this regards shall be entertained.
2. Under no circumstances bid procedure related queries shall be referred to the
Independent External Monitors (IEMs).

Envelope-I (EMD, if not paid online on CPP Portal, Technical Bid and Pre-qualification):
- Bid containing following:

A. EMD, if not paid online on CPP Portal:

i) Scanned copy of Insurance Surety Bond/ BG against EMD with copy of the SFMS
(Structured Financial Messaging System) BG confirmation message sent by the BG
issuing bank to ICICI bank, if EMD not paid online on CPP Portal (as per Appendix-IA)
along with letter of undertaking (as per Appendix- XIA). In case of a JV, the Bank
guarantee towards EMD/ Performance guarantee shall be accepted either in the name
of consortium firm or all individual partners in proportion to their JV share in the project .

B. Technical Bid containing the following: -

i) Scanned copy of Tender Acceptance Letter on Bidder’s Letter Head.

ii) Scanned copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and GST Registration Number.

iii) Scanned copy of ‘Undertaking’ regarding Blacklisting/ Debarment on Bidder’s Letter

iv) Scanned copy of Form- A - details of similar works completed during last seven years
supported with completion certificate issued by client.

v) Scanned copy of Form- B - Financial Information (Turnover).

vi) Scanned copy of Form- C – Net Worth.

vii) Scanned copy of Form- D- Financial Data (Work done during last 5 years)

viii) Scanned copy of Form- E- Work in Hand.

ix) Scanned copy of Signed Integrity Pact as per Appendix-XVIII of GCC.

x) Bid Capacity (to be deleted in case of work costing less than ₹ 10.00 Crores):
Financial bids of the tenderer will only be opened if their available bid capacity is more
than ……(c)…… Available bid capacity will be calculated based on the following formula.
Available Bid Capacity B =1.5 NT-A
B = is the bidding capacity
N = Maximum value of Engineering (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical as relevant to work)
Works executed in any one year during the last 5 (five) years (updated at current price
level of enhancing at a simple rate of interest @ 7% per annum.), taking into account
completed as well as work in progress.
T = is the numbers of years prescribed for completion of the work in question.
A = is the value of the existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed in the
next ‘T’ years.
Note: Bid capacity of the tenderer and value of existing commitments for on-going
works during period of.……(d)……. months w.e.f. ……(m)….…. has to be submitted by
the tenderer as per the prescribed Performa. These data shall be certified by the
Chartered Accountant/ Company Auditor with his stamp and signature in original with
membership number.
xi) Bidder shall submit scanned copy of ‘Undertaking’ on Company’s Letter Head that I/ We
will deploy sufficient plant and machinery as per the requirement of work in consultation
with the Engineer-in-Charge (E-I-C) to achieve the milestones/targets and overall
completion within the time period.

xii) Bidders other than propriety firm shall submit, scanned copy of Authorization
Letter/Power of Attorney along with copy of Certificate of Incorporation of the Company
under Companies Act showing CIN/LLPIN/Name of Directors of the Company & Copy of
Board Resolution regarding Authority to assign Power of Attorney.
Proprietary firm shall submit scanned copy of Authorization Letter/Power of Attorney
only if the tender is processed by a person other than proprietor.

xiii) PQ Performa duly filled.

C. Qualifying requirements of contractors / tenderers containing the following: -

(Applicable for tenders other than EPC, delete for EPC tenders).

i) Should have successfully completed or substantially completed three works, each of

₹…………(q)…………or two works, each of ₹…………(r)………… or one work of
₹…………(s)………… in single contract of similar nature of (***Nature of the job to be
defined by NIT approving authority) during last seven years ending last day of month
previous to the one in which tenders are invited.
The details of similar works completed during last seven years in the given format-
Form-A with supporting documents issued by client.


1. The Experience Certificates of works completed pre GST era, Completion amount will
be divided by 1.12 (to exclude pre GST taxes) to make it at par with experience
certificates of post GST era but excluding GST.

2. Experience gained by executing work on back-to-back contract/ Sub-contract basis is

acceptable in the following conditions:

(a) Work should be actually executed by the second agency (sub-contractor) with due
concurrence of the owner as tripartite agreement/ written approval. It should be
backed by valid agreement and experience certificate.

(b) Payments received by second agency should be reflected in TDS certificates.

3. Experience gained in composite works for the specialized nature of works (List of
Specialized Items / Jobs/ Works are mentioned at Para 35.3 of AAI Works Manual)
were executed by main contractor either by in-house expertize & experience or by
engaging the specialized agencies with the approval of main client as per contract
conditions. In such cases, main contractor as well as specialized agency both get the
experience certificate for the same work from their respective client(s) i.e. main
contractor for composite work along with specialized works from owner and
specialized agency for specialized work(s) from the main contractor.
In this situation, the experience certificate of either specialized agency or main agency
having in-house expertise & experience, who has actually executed the specialized
work(s), shall be considered for Technical /Pre-qualifying criteria in similar specialized
nature of work(s).

4. Substantial completion shall be based on 80(eighty) percent of awarded cost or more

value wise works completed under the contract.

“The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by

enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from
the date of completion to date of bid opening (Cover-I/ Technical bid).

Client certificate for experience should show the nature of work done, the value of work,
date of start, date of completion as per agreement, actual date of completion and
satisfactory completion of work. Tenderers showing work experience certificate from
non-government/non-PSU organizations should submit copy of tax deduction at
sources (TDS) certificate(s) along with a certificate issued by registered Chartered
Accountant, clearly specifying the name of work, total payment received against
the work and TDS amount for the work.
(Applicable for EPC tenders only, delete for tenders other than EPC).

Should have successfully completed or substantially completed three works, each of

₹…………(q)…………or two works, each of ₹…………(r)………… or one work of
₹…………(s)………… in single contract of similar nature of (***Nature of the job to be
defined by NIT approving authority) on EPC Mode/Turn Key (Design & Build) Basis
during last 07 (seven) years ending last day of month previous to the one in which tenders
are invited.
The details of similar works completed during last seven years shall be submitted in the
given format- Form-A with supporting documents issued by client.

Tenderers not having the work experience on EPC Mode/Turn Key (Design & Build)
Basis as above but having requisite work experience as stated above in other modes of
tenders, shall also be allowed to participate if they meet the following conditions:

Tenderers should have either in-house facility of design/drawing or should associate

architect/designer firm. The in-house facility of design / drawing or associate
architect/designer firm should have successfully completed or substantially completed
three works, each of …………(q)…………or two works, each of …………(r)………… or
one work of …………(s)………… in single contract of similar nature of (***Nature of the
job to be defined by NIT approving authority) during last 07 (seven) years ending last
day of month previous to the one in which tenders are invited.


1. The Experience Certificates of works completed pre GST era, Completion amount will
be divided by 1.12 (to exclude pre GST taxes) to make it at par with experience
certificates of post GST era but excluding GST.
2. Experience gained by executing work on back-to-back contract/ Sub-contract basis is
acceptable in the following conditions:
(a) Work should be actually executed by the second agency (sub-contractor) with due
concurrence of the owner as tripartite agreement/ written approval. It should be
backed by valid agreement and experience certificate.

(b) Payments received by second agency should be reflected in TDS certificates.

3 Experience gained in composite works for the specialized nature of works (List of
Specialized Items / Jobs/ Works are mentioned at Para 35.3 of AAI Works Manual)
were executed by main contractor either by in-house expertize & experience or by
engaging the specialized agencies with the approval of main client as per contract
conditions. In such cases, main contractor as well as specialized agency both get the
experience certificate for the same work from their respective client(s) i.e. main
contractor for composite work along with specialized works from owner and
specialized agency for specialized work(s) from the main contractor.

In this situation, the experience certificate of either specialized agency or main agency
having in-house expertise & experience, who has actually executed the specialized
work(s), shall be considered for Technical /Pre-qualifying criteria in similar specialized
nature of work(s).
4. Substantial completion shall be based on 80(eighty) percent of awarded cost or more
value wise works completed under the contract.

In case the tender is being invited on EPC Mode/Turn Key (Design & Build) Basis after
engagement of PMC by AAI, the tenderer cannot associate the same PMC and their sub-
consultants associated with the project as architect/designer firm/consultants.

Change of the associated architect/designer firm will normally be allowed only once, that
too under exceptional circumstances with the prior approval of AAI. The
architect/designer firm can be substituted subject to the condition that the new
architect/designer firm meets the qualification and experience criteria. A compensation
of 0.1% of the contract amount or Rs. 10.00 Lacs whichever is higher shall be
imposed for any such change to act as deterrent. No extension of time shall be
considered for change of architect/designer firm.

“The value of executed works and consultancy (design/drawing) shall be brought

to current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7%
per annum, calculated from the date of completion to date of bid opening (Cover-
I/ Technical bid).

Client certificate for experience should show the nature of work done, the value of work,
date of start, date of completion as per agreement, actual date of completion and
satisfactory completion of work. Tenderers showing work experience certificate from
non-government/non-PSU organizations should submit copy of tax deduction at
sources (TDS) certificate(s) along with a certificate issued by registered Chartered
Accountant, clearly specifying the name of work, total payment received against
the work and TDS amount for the work.
ii) Should have Average Annual Financial Turnover of ₹…………(t)………… on
construction works during last three years ending 31st March of the previous financial
year. The Financial Information should be submitted in the given format – Form-B.
Tenderers showing continuous losses during the last three years in the balance sheet
shall be summarily rejected.

iii) The Tenderer should have a minimum net worth of ₹……. (w)……, issued by certified
Chartered Accountant. The Certificate should be submitted in the given format- Form-C.

(In case of tenders invited on EPC Mode/Turn Key (Design & Build) Basis, financial
turnover and net worth of Associated Architect/Designer Firm is not required).
Scanned copy of all the Documents of Envelope–I mentioned above shall be submitted on the
CPP portal. If EMD not paid online on CPP Portal, Original/Hard Copies of Insurance Surety
Bond/ BG against EMD is required to be submitted/sent to the …………(a)…………… (Bid
Manager) on or before date & time mentioned in CRITICAL DATA SHEET. The bidder, whose
Insurance Surety Bond/ BG against EMD are not received by the date & time mentioned in
critical data sheet, then their tenders will be liable to be rejected. Any postal delay will not be

Envelope-II: - The Financial e-Bid through CPP portal.

All rates shall be quoted in the format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price
bid has been given as a standard BOQ format with the tender document, then the same is to
be downloaded and to be filled by all the tenderers. Tenderers are required to download the
BOQ file, open it and complete the blue coloured (unprotected) cells with their respective
financial quotes and other details (such as name of the tenderer). No other cells should be
changed. Once the details have been completed, the tenderer should save it and submit it
online, without changing the filename. If the BOQ file is found to be modified by the tenderer,
the bid will be rejected.

3. Refund of EMD
EMD deposited by all the bidders except the confirmed lowest bidder shall be returned within one week
from the date of opening of the financial bid. EMD of the successful bidder shall be returned on receipt
of Security Deposit equivalent to EMD amount/ performance bank guarantee.

4. Bid Submission: -

The tenderer shall submit their application only at CPP Portal:

https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app Tenderer/Contractor are advised to follow the instructions
provided in the tender document for online submission of bids. Tenderers are required to
upload the digitally signed file of scanned documents as per Para 2. Bid documents may be
scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which helps in reducing size of the scanned
Uploading of application in location other than specified above shall not be considered. Hard
copy of application shall not be entertained.
5. Not more than one tender shall be submitted by one tenderer or tenderers having business
relationship. Under no circumstance will father and his son(s) or other close relations who have
business relationship with one another (i.e. when one or more partner(s)/director(s) are
common) be allowed to tender for the same contract as separate competitors. A breach of this
condition will render the tenders of both parties liable to rejection.

6. Tenderer who has downloaded the tender from Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP)
website http://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app, shall not tamper/modify the tender form including
downloaded price bid template in any manner. In case if the same is found to be
tampered/modified in any manner, tender will be completely rejected and EMD would be
forfeited and tenderer is liable to be banned from doing business with AAI.

7. Bids Opening Process is as below: -

Envelope-I [EMD, Technical bid and Pre-qualification]:
Envelope-I containing documents as per Para 2 (A), (B) and (C) (uploaded by the tenderers)
shall be opened on date & time mentioned in CRITICAL DATA SHEET.
If any clarification is needed from the tenderer about the deficiency in his uploaded
documents in Envelope – I, he will be asked to provide it through CPP portal, if required. The
tenderer shall upload the requisite clarification/documents within time specified by AAI,
failing which it shall be presumed that bidder does not have anything to submit and bid shall
be evaluated accordingly.
The intimation regarding acceptance/rejection of their bids will be intimated to the tenderers
through CPP portal.
Envelope-II (Financial Bid):
Envelope-II containing financial bid of the tenderers found to be meeting the technical criteria
and qualifying requirements shall be opened on date & time mentioned in CRITICAL DATA
SHEET. (In case the date and time for opening of Envelope-II (Financial bid) is required
to be changed, the same shall be intimated through CPP Portal).
8. AAI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning any reasons.
AAI also reserves the right to call off tender process at any stage without assigning any reason.
9. AAI reserves the right to disallow the working agencies whose performance at ongoing project
(s) is below par and usually poor and has been issued letter of restrain/Temporary or
Permanent debarment/black listing by any department of AAI. AAI reserves the right to
verify the credential submitted by the Tenderer at any stage (before or after the award
the work). If at any stage, any information /documents submitted by the applicant is
found to be incorrect/false or have some discrepancy which disqualifies the tenderer
then AAI shall take the following action:
a) Forfeit the entire amount of EMD submitted by the tenderer.
b) The Tenderer shall be liable for debarment for a period upto two years from
tendering in AAI, including termination of the contract apart from any other
appropriate contractual/legal action.

10. Consortium/JV companies shall not be permitted.

11. Purchase preference to Central Public Sector Undertaking shall be applicable as per the
directive of Govt. of India prevalent on the date of acceptance.
12. Concessions to Indian Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) units registered with
DIC/NSIC/KVIC/KVIB/Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom etc., to be given as per the
provisions of Public Procurement Policy for MSEs order 2012 with up to date amendments,
shall be applicable for tenders of supply/services and shall not be extended to construction
13. Tenderers have to submit Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) generated
documents like Financial information (Turnover with loss/ profit), Net worth Certificate,
Financial data (work done during last 5 financial years), Works in hand etc. as per NIT
conditions duly certified by CA and having UDIN. The documents submitted by bidders without
UDIN shall not be entertained.

14. Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, Government of India, issued Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India),
Order 2017 vide OM No. P-45021/2/2017-PP(BE-II) dated 16.09.2020 is applicable.

15. Requirement of registration by the Bidder from a country sharing land border with India based
on order No. F No. 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23/07/2020 of Government of India, Ministry of
Finance, Department of Expenditure (Public procurement Division) with up to date
amendments, regarding restriction under Rule 144(xi) of the General Financial Rules (GFR)
2017 shall be applicable. Bidder shall submit scanned copy of ‘Undertaking’ on Company’s
letter head in this regard. (Annexure- LBS).

NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER (2 BOT – 2 Envelope Open Tender)
(Above portion not to be published in AAI Website/ CPP Portal)
NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER (2 BOT - 2 Envelope Open Tender)

1. Item Rate/ Percentage rate/ EPC (Strike off whichever is not applicable) e-tenders are
invited through the e-tendering CPP Portal by …………(a)…………, (Bid Manager) on behalf
of Chairman, AAI from the eligible contractors for the work/composite work (delete whichever
is not applicable) of “…………(b)…………” at an estimated cost of ₹…………(c)…………
excluding GST with completion period of …………(d)………… months [including
…………(e)………… month(s) considered for rains.

The tendering process is online at CPP-portal URL address https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app

or www.aai.aero. Prospective Tenderers may download and go through the tender document.
Prospective Tenderers are advised to register themselves at CPP-portal, obtain ‘Login ID’ and
‘Password’ and go through the instructions available in the Home Page after log in to the CPP-
portal https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app or www.aai.aero.They should also obtain Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC) in parallel which is essentially required for submission of their
application. The process normally takes 03 days’ time. The tenderer may also take guidance
from AAI Help Desk Support through path aai.aero/tender/e-tender/help desk support.
(i) For any technical related queries please call the Helpdesk. The 24 x 7 Help Desk details
are as below: -
Tel: 0120-4711508, 0120-4001002, 0120-4001005, 0120-6277787
E-mail: support-eproc@nic.in

International bidders are requested to prefix 91as country code.

Tenderers are requested to mention the URL of the Portal and Tender ID in the subject
while emailing any issue along with the contact details.
Before submitting queries, bidders are requested to follow the instruction given in
“Guidelines to Bidders” and get their computer system configured according to the
recommended settings as specified in the portal at “System Settings for CPPP”.
(ii) For any further technical assistance with regard to functioning of CPP portal the tenderer
may contact to the following AAI help desk numbers on all working days only between
Sl. Support Escalation E-mail Address Contract Timings*
No. Persons Matrix Numbers
1 Technical Instant eprochelp@aai.aero 011- 0800-2000
Help Desk Support 24632950 Hrs. (MON
Team – SAT)
Ext. 3512
2 JE (IT) After 4 Hrs. of etendersupport@aai.aero 011- 0930-1800
Issue or 24632950 Hrs.
vaibhav_g@aai.aero Ext. 3523 (MON –
3 Sr. Manager After 12 Hrs. shripatim@aai.aero 011- 0930-1800
(IT) 24632950 Hrs.
Ext. 3509 (MON –
4 Jt. GM (IT) After 24 Hrs. Sunil.km@aai.aero 011- 0930-1800
24632950 Hrs.
Ext. 3506 (MON –
5 General After 03 Days. gmit@aai.aero 011- 0930-1800
Manager (IT) 24657900 Hrs.
(MON –
*The help desk services shall remain closed on all Govt. Gazetted Holidays.

Tender processing fee of ₹ …………(f)…………/- (i/c GST), non-refundable will be required

to be paid online on CPP portal only.

Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of ₹ …………(g)…………/- will be required to be paid online

on CPP portal;
EMD may be submitted in the form of Insurance Surety Bonds or Bank Guarantee (including
e- Bank Guarantee) from any of the Scheduled Commercial Bank (i.e. Indian or Foreign Banks
included in the Second Schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act,1934 excluding Co-Operative
/Regional Rural Banks).

The Bank Guarantee (PBG/BG-SD/FBG) in accordance with the bank details as:
UNIQUE IDENTIFIER CODE (7037): (To be filled by bid Manager as per Annexure-I
of TI No.66)
2. Following 2 envelopes shall be submitted through online at CPP-portal by the tenderer as per
the following schedule: -


Publishing Date Date-----(h)----from ….hrs.

Bid Document Download / Sale Start Date Date--(i)--- from …….. hrs.
Clarification Start Date Date--(j)--- from …….. hrs.
*Clarification End Date Date--(k)--- upto ……. hrs.
Bid Submission Start Date Date--(l)--- from ……...hrs.
**Bid Submission End Date Date--(m)-- upto ……..hrs.
***Last date and time of submission of Original Insurance
Date--(n)--- upto ……..hrs.
Surety Bond/ BG against EMD, if not paid online on CPP
Bid Opening Date (Envelope- I) Date---(o)--- at ……….hrs.
Bid Opening Date (Envelope- II) Date---(p)--- at ……….hrs.

Note:1. If the bidder has any query related to the Bid Document of the work, they should
use ‘Seek Clarification’ on CPP portal to seek clarifications. No other means of
communication in this regards shall be entertained.
2. Under no circumstances bid procedure related queries shall be referred to the
Independent External Monitors (IEMs).

Envelope-I -(EMD, if not paid online on CPP Portal, Technical Bid and Pre-qualification):
- Bid containing following:

A. EMD, if not paid online on CPP Portal:

i) Scanned copy of Insurance Surety Bond/ BG against EMD with copy of the SFMS
(Structured Financial Messaging System) BG confirmation message sent by the BG
issuing bank to ICICI bank, if EMD not paid online on CPP Portal (as per Appendix-IA)
along with letter of undertaking (as per Appendix XIA). In case of a JV, the Bank
guarantee towards EMD/ Performance guarantee shall be accepted either in the name
of consortium firm or all individual partners in proportion to their JV share in the project.

B. Technical Bid containing the following: -

i) Scanned copy of Tender Acceptance Letter on Bidder’s Letter Head.

ii) Scanned copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and GST Registration Number.

iii) Scanned copy of ‘Undertaking’ regarding Blacklisting/ Debarment on Bidder’s Letter


iv) Scanned copy of Form- A - details of similar works completed during last seven with
completion certificate issued by client.

v) Scanned copy of Form- B - Financial Information (Turnover).

vi) Scanned copy of Form- C – Net Worth.

vii) Scanned copy of Form- D- Financial Data (Work done during last 5 years)

viii) Scanned copy of Form- E- Work in Hand.

ix) Scanned copy of Signed Integrity Pact as per Appendix-XVIII of GCC.

x) Bid Capacity: Financial bids of the tenderer will only be opened if their available bid
capacity is more than ……(c)…… Available bid capacity will be calculated based on the
following formula.

Available Bid Capacity: - B =1.5 NT-A

B = is the bidding capacity
N = Maximum value of Engineering (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical as relevant to work)
Works executed in any one year during the last 5 (five) years (updated at current price
level of enhancing at a simple rate of interest @ 7% per annum.), taking into account
completed as well as work in progress).
T = is the numbers of years prescribed for completion of the work in question.
A = is the value of the existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed in the
next ‘T’ years.
Note: Bid capacity of the tenderer and value of existing commitments for on-going
works during period of.……(d)……. months w.e.f. ……(m)….…. has to be submitted
by the tenderer as per the prescribed Performa. These data shall be certified by the
Chartered Accountant/ Company Auditor with his stamp and signature in original with
membership number.
xi) Bidder shall submit scanned copy of ‘Undertaking’ on Company’s Letter Head that I/ We
will deploy sufficient plant and machinery as per the requirement of work in consultation
with the Engineer-in-Charge (E-I-C) to achieve the milestones/targets and overall
completion within the time period.

xii) Bidders other than propriety firm shall submit, scanned copy of Authorization
Letter/Power of Attorney along with copy of Certificate of Incorporation of the Company
under Companies Act showing CIN/LLPIN/Name of Directors of the Company & Copy of
Board Resolution regarding Authority to assign Power of Attorney.
Proprietary firm shall submit scanned copy of Authorization Letter/Power of Attorney
only if the tender is processed by a person other than proprietor.

xiii) JV agreement, if applicable.

xiv) PQ Performa duly filled.

C. Qualifying requirements of contractors / tenderers containing the following: -

(Applicable for tenders other than EPC, delete for EPC tenders).

i) Tenderer should have successfully completed or substantially completed three works,

each of ₹…………(q)…………or two works, each of ₹…………(r)………… or one work
of ₹…………(s)………… in single contract of similar nature of (***Nature of the job to
be defined by NIT approving authority) during last 07 (seven) years ending last day of
month previous to the one in which tenders are invited.
The details of similar works completed during last 07(seven) years shall be submitted in
the given format- Form-A with supporting documents issued by client.


1. The Experience Certificates of works completed pre GST era, Completion amount will
be divided by 1.12 (to exclude pre GST taxes) to make it at par with experience
certificates of post GST era but excluding GST.
2. Experience gained by executing work on back-to-back contract/ Sub-contract basis is
acceptable in the following conditions:

(a) Work should be actually executed by the second agency (sub-contractor) with due
concurrence of the owner as tripartite agreement/ written approval. It should be
backed by valid agreement and experience certificate.

(b) Payments received by second agency should be reflected in TDS certificates.

3. Experience gained in composite works for the specialized nature of works (List of
Specialized Items / Jobs/ Works are mentioned at Para 35.3 of AAI Works Manual)
were executed by main contractor either by in-house expertize & experience or by
engaging the specialized agencies with the approval of main client as per contract
conditions. In such cases, main contractor as well as specialized agency both get the
experience certificate for the same work from their respective client(s) i.e. main
contractor for composite work along with specialized works from owner and
specialized agency for specialized work(s) from the main contractor.

In this situation, the experience certificate of either specialized agency or main agency
having in-house expertise & experience, who has actually executed the specialized
work(s), shall be considered for Technical /Pre-qualifying criteria in similar specialized
nature of work(s).

4. Substantial completion shall be based on 80(eighty) percent of awarded cost or more

value wise works completed under the contract.
“The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by
enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from
the date of completion to date of bid opening (Cover-I/ Technical bid).
Client certificate for experience should show the nature of work done, the value of work,
date of start, date of completion as per agreement, actual date of completion and
satisfactory completion of work. Tenderers showing work experience certificate from
non-government/non-PSU organizations should submit copy of tax deduction at
sources (TDS) certificate(s) along with a certificate issued by registered Chartered
Accountant, clearly specifying the name of work, total payment received against
the work and TDS amount for the work.
(Applicable for EPC tenders only, delete for tenders other than EPC).

Should have successfully completed or substantially completed three works, each of

₹…………(q)…………or two works, each of ₹…………(r)………… or one work of
₹…………(s)………… in single contract of similar nature of (***Nature of the job to be
defined by NIT approving authority) on EPC Mode/Turn Key (Design & Build) Basis
during last 07 (seven) years ending last day of month previous to the one in which tenders
are invited.

Tenderers not having the work experience on EPC Mode/Turn Key (Design & Build)
Basis as above but having requisite work experience as stated above in other modes of
tenders, shall also be allowed to participate if they meet the following conditions:

Tenderers should have either in-house facility of design/drawing or should associate

architect/designer firm. The in-house facility of design / drawing or associate
architect/designer firm should have successfully completed or substantially completed
three works, each of ₹…………(q)…………or two works, each of ₹…………(r)…………
or one work of ₹…………(s)………… in single contract of similar nature of (***Nature of
the job to be defined by NIT approving authority) during last 07 (seven) years ending
last day of month previous to the one in which tenders are invited.

1. The Experience Certificates of works completed pre GST era, Completion amount will
be divided by 1.12 (to exclude pre GST taxes) to make it at par with experience
certificates of post GST era but excluding GST.
2. Experience gained by executing work on back-to-back contract/ Sub-contract basis is
acceptable in the following conditions:

(c) Work should be actually executed by the second agency (sub-contractor) with due
concurrence of the owner as tripartite agreement/ written approval. It should be
backed by valid agreement and experience certificate.

(d) Payments received by second agency should be reflected in TDS certificates.

3. Experience gained in composite works for the specialized nature of works (List of
Specialized Items / Jobs/ Works are mentioned at Para 35.3 of AAI Works Manual)
were executed by main contractor either by in-house expertize & experience or by
engaging the specialized agencies with the approval of main client as per contract
conditions. In such cases, main contractor as well as specialized agency both get the
experience certificate for the same work from their respective client(s) i.e. main
contractor for composite work along with specialized works from owner and
specialized agency for specialized work(s) from the main contractor.

In this situation, the experience certificate of either specialized agency or main agency
having in-house expertise & experience, who has actually executed the specialized
work(s), shall be considered for Technical /Pre-qualifying criteria in similar specialized
nature of work(s).

4. Substantial completion shall be based on 80(eighty) percent of awarded cost or more

value wise works completed under the contract.

In case the tender is being invited on EPC Mode/Turn Key (Design & Build) Basis after
engagement of PMC by AAI, the tenderer cannot associate the same PMC and their sub-
consultants associated with the project as architect/designer firm/consultants.
Change of the associated architect/designer firm will normally be allowed only once, that
too under exceptional circumstances with the prior approval of AAI. The
architect/designer firm can be substituted subject to the condition that the new
architect/designer firm meets the qualification and experience criteria. A compensation
of 0.1% of the contract amount or Rs. 10.00 Lacs whichever is higher shall be
imposed for any such change to act as deterrent. No extension of time shall be
considered for change of architect/designer firm.
“The value of executed works and consultancy (design/drawing) shall be brought
to current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7%
per annum, calculated from the date of completion to date of bid opening (Cover-
I/ Technical bid).
Client certificate for experience should show the nature of work done, the value of work,
date of start, date of completion as per agreement, actual date of completion and
satisfactory completion of work. Tenderers showing work experience certificate from
non-government/non-PSU organizations should submit copy of tax deduction at
sources (TDS) certificate(s) along with a certificate issued by registered Chartered
Accountant, clearly specifying the name of work, total payment received against
the work and TDS amount for the work.
ii) Should have annualized average financial turnover of ₹…………(t)………… on
construction works during last three years ending 31st March of the previous financial
year. The Financial Information shall be submitted in the given format – Form-B.
Tenderers showing continuous losses during the last three years in the balance sheet
shall be summarily rejected.

iii) The tenderer should have a minimum net worth of ₹……..(w)……, issued by certified
Chartered Accountants. The Certificate should be submitted in the given format- Form-

(In case of tenders invited on EPC Mode/Turn Key (Design & Build) Basis, financial
turnover and net worth of Associated Architect/Designer Firm is not required).

iv) Consortium of firms / JV Company Agreement, if any.

D. Applications from Joint Venture Company duly registered/Consortium of firms /

companies should be considered subject to following conditions: -

i) Consortium of firms should not comprise more than three firms and none of them should
be part of any other JV/consortium.

ii) Joint Venture firm as a single unit or each member of the consortium should have
Permanent Account Number (PAN) and Goods and Service Tax (GST) Registration

iii) A detailed and valid agreement exists between the consortium members defining clearly
the role, responsibility and scope of work of each member, percentage share of each
member along with nomination of leader for the purpose of this work commensurate with
their experiences and capabilities and a confirmation that the members of the consortium
assume joint and several responsibilities. It shall be mandatory for lead partner to attend
all progress review meetings and answerable to all issues relating to project.

iv) The leader of the consortium firm shall meet minimum 50% of the qualification criteria as
defined in paras 2-C(i) to 2-C(iii) and 2-B(x) above and shall accept overall responsibilities
of contractual obligations for the total scope of work during execution and up to defects
liability period. Other partner(s) of the consortium shall meet minimum 25% of the
qualification criteria as defined in para 2-C(i) to 2-C(iii) and 2-B(x) above. The qualifying
criteria shall be met collectively (i.e. 100%) by the leader firm & partner firm(s).

v) Consortium of firms / JV company should deploy sufficient plant and machinery as per
the requirement of work in consultation with the Engineer-in-Charge (EIC) to achieve the
milestones/targets and overall completion within the time period. Consortium of firms /
JV company shall submit scanned copy of ‘Undertaking’ in this regard.

vi) In addition to 2-D(i) to 2-D(iv) above, qualification criteria defined in Para 2 (A), (B) & (C)
shall be met fully/ jointly by all the members of Consortium or as a single unit of joint

E. (i) Accredited Agent of foreign firms can purchase & upload Tender document on behalf
of their Principal firm on submission of accreditation certificate in addition to required
qualifying documents. However, the scanned copies of documents to be uploaded as per
NIT shall be signed by the principal firm before uploading the scanned copies of the same
by accredited agent on CPP e-tendering portal. Principal firm shall give an undertaking
to the effect as under:

a) Name & Address of Accredited Agent whom Principal firm has hired for purchase &
uploading of tender document on their behalf.
b) Foreign Principal firm is solely responsible for the Financial bid (Quote) submitted
by Accredited Agent.

c) Those Foreign Principal firm(s) not having registered office in India shall be required
to establish office in India and comply with all statutory requirements as per Indian
Law and also to obtain registration certificate, Permanent Account Number (PAN)
from Income-Tax Authority, GSTIN, and other required documents/ certification
within one month of issue of Letter of Intent (LoI), if becomes successful tenderer.
This shall also be applicable for foreign firm(s) participating as Joint Venture (JV).
ii) Indian firm as a part of Joint Venture shall be required to comply all statutory
requirements for incorporation of JV firm as per Indian Law and also to obtain Permanent
Account Number (PAN) from Income-Tax Authority, GSTIN, and other required
documents/ certification in the name of JV, within one month of issue of Letter of Intent
(LoI), in case JV firms becomes successful tenderer. In case Indian firms are participating
as Joint Venture (JV), the submission of tender shall be as follows:

a) In case of Joint Venture firm already registered, the e-tender submission shall be
made in the name of Joint Venture firm only by obtaining digital signature certificate
(DSC) in the name of authorized signatory of Joint Venture.

b) In case of Joint Venture firm not registered so far, the e-tender submission shall be
made in the name of Joint Venture firm only by using credentials of any member of
JV with digital signature certificate (DSC) of authorized signatory of Joint Venture

iii) Foreign eligible firms, shall submit their self-attested turnover and work experience
certificates as a proof of authenticity. However, in case of becoming successful tenderer/
partner of successful JV firm, the self-attested work experience certificate and turnover
shall be verified by Airports Authority of India independently from issuing authority before
acceptance of bid.
iv) Conversion of Foreign Currency: The following procedure shall be adopted:

a) The value of completion cost of the work (other than INR) shall be calculated by
considering the Exchange rate (as notified by Reserve Bank of India / International
currency conversion sources) of foreign currency in INR on the date of completion
of the work.
b) The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing
the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date
of completion to date of bid opening (Cover-I/ Technical bid).

c) Turnover of foreign firms shall also be calculated by considering the Exchange rate
(as notified by Reserve Bank of India/International currency conversion sources) of
foreign currency in INR on the date of ending of particular financial year of that

v) All tenderers to quote their rates only in INR and may note that all contract payment shall
be made in INR only. All relevant taxation law of India shall also apply during release of
payment and necessary deduction as per tender conditions and relevant laws shall be

vi) Certificates of Subsidiary/Group Companies:

a) lf an Indian company/firm claims the experience in specific field on the basis of

experience of his foreign principals, the firm can be issued tender documents
subject to his submitting documentary evidence to prove that Indian company/ Firm
is indeed a 100% subsidiary or branch of a foreign company. They shall submit
balance sheet showing equity holdings or certificate by the company Chartered
accountants/auditors showing equity holding patterns between the Foreign principal
company and its Indian subsidiary / branch or a certificate by the Foreign principal
company that the Indian company is their wholly owned subsidiary (which should
be duly notarized) and the Indian subsidiary company/ branch may be allowed to
participate in the AAI tenders.

The foreign principal must submit an undertaking to provide all required technical
knowhow to Indian firm for successful completion of the project (as per prescribed

Note: No foreign firm are eligible for participating in the Indian tenders, neither
individual through subsidiary/Accredited Indian agent nor in joint venture (JV)
with Indian firm up to Rs. 200 Crores.
Scanned copy of all the Documents of Envelope–I mentioned above shall be submitted on the
CPP portal. If EMD not paid online on CPP Portal, Original/Hard Copies of Insurance Surety
Bond/ BG against EMD is required to be submitted/sent to the …………(a)…………… (Bid
Manager) on or before date & time mentioned in CRITICAL DATA SHEET. The tenderer,
whose Insurance Surety Bond/ BG against EMD are not received by the date & time mentioned
in critical data sheet, then their tenders will be liable to be rejected. Any postal delay will not
be entertained.

Envelope-II: - The Financial e-Bid through CPP portal.

All rates shall be quoted in the format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price
bid has been given as a standard BOQ format with the tender document, then the same is to
be downloaded and to be filled by all the tenderers. Tenderers are required to download the
BOQ file, open it and complete the blue coloured (unprotected) cells with their respective
financial quotes and other details (such as name of the tenderer). No other cells should be
changed. Once the details have been completed, the tenderer should save it and submit it
online, without changing the filename. If the BOQ file is found to be modified by the tenderer,
the bid will be rejected.
3. Refund of EMD
EMD deposited by all the bidders except the confirmed lowest bidder shall be returned within one week
from the date of opening of the financial bid. EMD of the successful bidder shall be returned on receipt
of Security Deposit equivalent to EMD amount/ performance bank guarantee.

4. Bid Submission: -
The tenderer shall submit their application only at CPP Portal:
https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app. Tenderer/Contractor are advised to follow the instructions
provided in the tender document for online submission of bids. Tenderers are required to
upload the digitally signed file of scanned documents as per Para 2. Bid documents may be
scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which helps in reducing size of the scanned
Uploading of application in location other than specified above shall not be considered. Hard
copy of application shall not be entertained.
5. Not more than one tender shall be submitted by one tenderer or tenderers having business
relationship. Under no circumstance will father and his son(s) or other close relations who have
business relationship with one another (i.e. when one or more partner(s)/director(s) are
common) be allowed to tender for the same contract as separate competitors. A breach of this
condition will render the tenders of both parties liable to rejection.
6. Tenderer who has downloaded the tender from Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP)
website http://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app, shall not tamper/modify the tender form including
downloaded price bid template in any manner. In case if the same is found to be
tampered/modified in any manner, tender will be completely rejected and EMD would be
forfeited and tenderer is liable to be banned from doing business with AAI.

7. Bids Opening Process is as below: -

Envelope-I [EMD (if not paid on line on CPP Portal), Technical bid and Pre-qualification]:
Envelope-I containing documents as per Para 2 (A), (B), (C), (D) & (E) as applicable
(uploaded by the tenderers) shall be opened on date & time mentioned in CRITICAL DATA

If any clarification is needed from the tenderer about the deficiency in his uploaded
documents in Envelope – I, he will be asked to provide it through CPP portal, if required. The
tenderer shall upload the requisite clarification/documents within time specified by AAI,
failing which it shall be presumed that bidder does not have anything to submit and bid shall
be evaluated accordingly.
The intimation regarding acceptance/rejection of their bids will be intimated to the tenderers
through CPP portal.
Envelope-II (Financial Bid):
Envelope-II containing financial bid of the tenderers found to be meeting the technical criteria
and qualifying requirements shall be opened on date & time mentioned in CRITICAL DATA
SHEET. (In case the date and time for opening of Envelope-II (Financial bid) is required
to be changed, the same shall be intimated through CPP Portal).
8. AAI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning any reasons.
AAI also reserves the right to call off tender process at any stage without assigning any reason.
9. AAI reserves the right to disallow the working agencies whose performance at ongoing project
(s) is below par and usually poor and has been issued letter of restrain/Temporary or
Permanent debarment/black listing by any department of AAI. AAI reserves the right to
verify the credential submitted by the tenderer at any stage (before or after the award
the work). If at any stage, any information /documents submitted by the applicant is
found to be incorrect/false or have some discrepancy which disqualifies the tenderer
then AAI shall take the following action:
a) Forfeit the entire amount of EMD submitted by the tenderer.
b) The tenderer shall be liable for debarment for a period upto two years from
tendering in AAI, including termination of the contract apart from any other
appropriate contractual/legal action.
10. Consortium/JV companies if any, shall be permitted.
11. Purchase preference to Central Public Sector Undertaking shall be applicable as per the
directive of Govt. of India prevalent on the date of acceptance.
12. Concessions to Indian Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) units registered with
DIC/NSIC/KVIC/KVIB/Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom etc., to be given as per the
provisions of Public Procurement Policy for MSEs order 2012 with up to date amendments,
shall be applicable for tenders of supply/services and shall not be extended to construction
13. Tenderers have to submit Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) generated
documents like Financial information (Turnover with loss/ profit), Net worth Certificate,
Financial data (work done during last 5 financial years), Works in hand etc. as per NIT
conditions duly certified by CA and having UDIN. The documents submitted by bidders without
UDIN shall not be entertained.
14. Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, Government of India, issued Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India),
Order 2017 vide OM No. P-45021/2/2017-PP(BE-II) dated 16.09.2020 is applicable.

15. Requirement of registration by the Bidder from a country sharing land border with India based
on order No. F No. 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23/07/2020 of Government of India, Ministry of
Finance, Department of Expenditure (Public procurement Division) with up to date
amendments, regarding restriction under Rule 144(xi) of the General Financial Rules (GFR)
2017 shall be applicable. Bidder shall submit scanned copy of ‘Undertaking’ on Company’s
letter head in this regard. (Annexure- LBS).

The following content not to be published on website: -
i) Designation and address including telephone no. of officer (Bid Manager) Authorized by NIT
approving authority at (a).

ii) Details at (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), (n), (o) & (p) shall be filled by the NIT
approving authority

iii) *Two weeks minimum time period between Clarification End Date to Bid Submission End Date
should be kept.

**The minimum time period between Bid Document Download/ Sale start Date and Bid
Submission End Date should be kept 03 (three) weeks. Where the obtaining bids from abroad
is contemplated, the minimum period should be kept as 04 (four) weeks for both domestic
and foreign bidders.

***Date of receipt of original Bank Guarantee/ Insurance surety bond shall be accepted only
on all days except Saturday, Sunday and Holidays.

iv) Values at (q), (r) &(s) shall be 40%, 50% and 80% of value at (c) respectively for all type of
works except O&M/AMC/CMC.

v) Value of (t) & (w) shall be 30% & 15% respectively of value at (c) for all types of works except
of O & M/AMC/CMC.

vi) The Tenders for Annual Rate Contracts for O&M/AMC/CMC works values at (q), (r), (s), (t)
& (w) shall be 40%, 50%, 80%, 30% & 15% of value at (c) equivalent to one year estimated
cost, even if tender are being invited for a period of two or more years.

vii) Prequalification evaluation criteria parameters should be pre-decided by NIT approving

authority and made explicit in the bid document at the time of inviting tender. Decision for
award of contract for works and services should be based on detailed evaluation /exclusion
criteria stipulated in bid document.

viii) Technical requirement in the tender document should be unambiguous.

ix) If tenders having cost less than Rs. 100 Crores are to be called on EPC mode then specific
approval by the competent authority is mandatory.



Details of Work W-1 W-2 W-3

i Name of work/
project and

ii Name and Address

of client

Awarded Cost of
iii work
(in Rs. Lakhs)

iv Date of commence-
ment as per

v Stipulated date of

vi Actual date of

vii Completion Cost/

Actual work done

viii Whether the work

was done on back
to back basis



Note: The contractor should give list of only of eligible category works of requisite amount
with supporting documents issued from client.

Name of the firm / contractor……………………………….

1. Financial Analysis - Details to be furnished turnover on construction works with profit / loss as
per figure in balance sheet account for the last three years duly certified by the Chartered
Accountant as submitted by the applicant to the Income - Tax Department
Fig in lakhs Rs.
S. Particulars Financial Year (Last three years)
FY….. FY….. FY…..
1. Turn-Over on Construction

2. Profit / (loss) after Taxes


2. Financial arrangements for carrying out the proposed work.

Unique Document Identification Number(UDIN)……………………………...



Note: The bidder should give information strictly in above format.

Form ‘C’

This is to certify that as per audited balance sheet and profit & loss account during the financial

year..............................., the Net Worth of M/S. ………………………………………………… (Name

& registered address of Individual/Firm/Company), as on ………………………………(the date of

certificate ) is Rs ……………………………………………after considering all liabilities. It is further

certified that Net Worth of the company has not eroded by more than 30 % in last three years ending

on 31st March ……………(the relevant year*)

Unique Document Identification Number(UDIN)……………………………..

Signature of Charted Accountant


Name of Charted Accountant


Membership of ICAI

Date and Seal


*The relevant year shall be the financial year ending 31st March preceding the calendar year of bid
submission or 31st March of the financial year preceding the previous financial year, if the balance
sheet of the previous financial year has not been audited.
Name of the Bidder: -

Sl. Description Financial Data for Last Five Audited Financial years
FY….. FY….. FY….. FY….. FY…..
1. Maximum value of Civil
Engineering Works executed
in any one year during the last
5 (five) years (updated the
completed works to current
costing level of enhancing at a
simple rate of interest @ 7%
per annum.)


a. All such documents reflect the financial data of the tenderer or member in case of JV/
Consortium, and not that of sister or parent company.

b. The financial data in above prescribed format shall be certified by Chartered

Accountant/ Company Auditor under his signature and stamp in original along with
membership no.

Unique Document Identification Number(UDIN)……………………………..

Signature of Chartered Accountant with Seal


(On or after the Bid Submission Start Date i.e.……………………...)

Name of the Bidder: -

Name and Brief Name of client Contract Value Value of Value of work to
contract (Clearly with in Rupees (Give balance be done in ‘T’ i.e.
indicate the part telephone only the value of work yet to ……(d)……….
of the work Number and Work assigned be done in (Completion
assigned to the fax number to the bidder (s) Rupee as on Period of the
bidder (s)) ….(m)….. Project) w.e.f.
………. (m)………
(Submission End


Unique Document Identification Number(UDIN)……………………………..

Signature of Chartered Accountant with Seal


(To be given on Contractor’s Letter Head)


(Bid Manager)

Sub: Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of Tender.

(Tender ID No: ________________________)

Name of Work: -

Dear Sir,

1. I/ We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned
‘Tender/Work’ from CPP Portal web site(s) namely: https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app as per
your advertisement, given in the above mentioned website(s).

2. I / We hereby certify that I / we have inspected the site and read the entire terms and
conditions of the tender documents, corrigendum(s) and reply to query if any made available
to me/ us which shall form part of the contract agreement and I / we shall abide hereby by
the terms / conditions / clauses contained therein.

3. I / We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of AAI’s tender documents in its
totality / entirety for above mentioned work.

4. I/We declare that I/We have not paid and will not pay any bribe to any officer of AAI for
awarding this contract at any stage during its execution or at the time of payment of bills, and
further if any officer of AAI asks for bribe/gratification, I will immediately report it to the
Appropriate Authority in AAI’.

5. I/ We hereby submitted that I/ We paid/ submitted the required earnest money as per NIT
6. I / We certify that all information/ documents furnished by our Firm is true & correct and in
the event at any stage, the information/ documents is found to be incorrect/ untrue or found
violated, then we shall be liable for debarment from tendering in AAI without giving any notice
or reason therefore or summarily reject the bid or terminate the contract, without prejudice
to any other rights or remedy including the forfeiture of the full said earnest money deposit

Yours Faithfully,

(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)

Annexure –I
The definition of Nature of Similar works is to be spelt out clearly in the NIT by NIT approving
The definition of Nature of Similar work should be decided considering the following guidelines:

S. Type of work Definition of nature of similar works

1 Airfield pavement works Experience in completion of Rigid / Flexible
Pavement works in Airfield, National Highways/
Expressways, Harbour pavements, State Highways
with MORTH specifications
2 Terminal building Composite work of Centrally Air-conditioned
Buildings through Chillers/ VRF/ VRV (to be selected
by NIT approving authority) like Airport Terminal
Buildings, 5 Star Hotels, Metro Stations, Institutional
Buildings, Shopping Malls, Business / Commercial
Complexes, Hospitals, Sports Complex with indoor
stadium, Corporate Office Buildings (Component of
office/control room constructed with similar
specification in other infrastructure projects shall
also be considered). (The composite work include
components of civil building works, Electrification
and E&M services like Fire Alarm / Fire Fighting (to
be selected by the NIT approval authority), HVAC
through Chillers/ VRF/ VRV (to be selected by the
NIT approval authority), Sub-Station equipments.)
3 ATC tower cum Composite work of residential/non-residential
technical block/High-rise Buildings like multi-storied High-rise (5 & more
Residential Complex storey or 15m & above height). (The composite work
include components of civil building works,
Electrification and E&M services like Fire Alarm /
Fire Fighting (to be selected by the NIT approval
authority), HVAC through Chillers/ VRF/ VRV (to be
selected by the NIT approval authority), Sub-Station
4 Fire Station /Low-rise Building works with RCC framed structure including
Residential electrification, water supply & sanitary installation,
Quarters/Other Misc. drainage work, water proofing works, Fire Fighting/
Buildings Fire Alarm.
5 For any civil work other Any Civil construction works involving Brick work/
than building work like RCC work.
Boundary wall,
drainage, culvert etc.

Performa for declaration by Bidder for compliance of order on Restriction under Rule 144(xi)
of the General Financial Rules (GFRs)-2017
(Scanned copy to be submitted by Bidder in Cover-I on letter head of Company/Firm)

Name of Work: ______________________________________________

Tender ID: __________________________________________________

I, the undersigned, _____________________________ (full names), do hereby declare, in my capacity

as_______________________________of M/s____ (Name of company/Firm) ____that:

1) I am competent to swear this undertaking on behalf of M/s____ (Name of company/Firm) ____

2) I have read the Order(s) on the subject of Restrictions under Rule 144 (xi) of the General Financial Rules
(GFRs), 2017 regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land
border with India and comply to all the provisions of the Order(s).

3) I certify that M/s____(Name of company/Firm)____) is not from such a country / is from such
a country, has been registered with the Competent Authority (strike out whichever is not
applicable). I hereby certify that this BIDDER fulfills all requirements in this regard and is eligible to be
considered [Where applicable, evidence of valid registration with the Competent Authority is

4) I understand that the submission of incorrect data and / or if certificate/ declaration given by
M/s____(Name of company/Firm)____is found to be false, this would be a ground for immediate
termination and further legal action in accordance with law as per Clause 12 of the Public Procurement
Order on Restrictions under Rule 144 (xi) of the General Financial Rules (GFRs), 2017.

Signature and name of the authorized signatory of the firm

with Rubber Stamp


Subject: Amendment in AAI GCC -2017 due to amendment in AAI Engg. Works Manual in line with DoE

Sl. Clause Existing Provisions Modified Provisions

General Rules & Directions

1. 13- Acceptance Wherever the price of the lowest bidder is lower than the justified An Abnormally Low Bid is one in which the Bid price, in
of abnormally cost by more than 25%, lowest bid can be termed as Abnormally combination with other elements of the Bid, appears so low that
low quoted bid Low Quoted Bid (ALQB). Processing of such bid shall be as follows: it raises material concerns as to the capability of the Bidder to
perform the contract at the offered price. Processing of such bid
shall be as follows:
i) The bid processing Manager shall seek from lowest bidder, a i) The Bid Manager shall seek written clarifications from the
Bank Guarantee amounting to 10% of the difference between lowest Bidder with approval of the tender accepting authority,
75% of the justified cost and the cost quoted by the bidder. including detailed price analyses of its Bid price in relation to
This bank guarantee shall be termed as Quality Protection scope, schedule, resource mobilization, allocation of risks and
Bank Guarantee (QPBG) and shall be over and above the responsibilities, and any other requirements of the bids
normal bank guarantee and shall be valid up to the completion document.
of the work. ii) If, after evaluating the price analyses, the Tender Accepting
ii) The lowest bidder has to submit the QPBG within 10 days of Authority determines that the Bidder has substantially failed to
issue of letter from Bid Manager. demonstrate its capability to deliver the contract at the offered
iii) On receipt of QPBG from the lowest bidder, the bid processing price, then the bid/ proposal may be rejected.
Manager shall submit the case to the officer competent to iii) Such contracts should be closely monitored that final payments
accept the tender as per delegation of powers. in such cases do not abnormally increases due to extra items.
iv) In case of Percentage Rate Tenders, QPBG shall be asked for Further, there is no abnormal increase in quantities of the item
10% of the difference between 75% of the justified cost and for which contractors have initially quoted very high rates.
the corresponding cost worked out on the basis of percentage
quoted by lowest bidder.
v) This QPBG for any tender shall be a fixed amount as one time
measure and will not vary at any stage during the currency of
the work or contract.
vi) The justified cost worked out by AAI shall be final and binding
on the contractor.
vii) In case of labour intensive ALQB like MESS, Annual
Maintenance Contract for supply of labourers, Operation &
Maintenance Contract and other similar works, contractor
shall transfer / deposit salary of the individual worker to their
bank account which should be linked with AADHAR and a
Sl. Clause Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
statement is to be submitted to AAI along with each running
and final bill.
viii) In case the lowest bidder fails to submit QPBG within
stipulated time, as decided by Bid Manager or contractor does
not transfer / deposit salary of the individual worker to his /
her bank account which should be linked with AADHAR and
do not submit statement to AAI as the case may be the tender
shall be rejected / foreclosed and EMD / SD collected till date
shall be forfeited.
ix) In case of non-execution / completion of the work, QPBG and
EMD /SD collected till date shall be forfeited.
QPBG not required, (if required with approval of next
higher authority) as per TI No. 59 dated 30.03.2021 as per
the guidelines issued from DoE vide OM No. F.9/4/2020-
PPD dated 12.11.2020
13A In case the contractor does not carry out the work on ALQ items Deleted
as per schedule or as per NIT specifications, the Engineer-in-
charge shall issue a letter to the contractor to comply its
obligations as per NIT, for ALQ items. Engineer-in-charge shall
also give one reminder after 10 days of 1st letter and if contractor
still do not start the work on ALQ items, then bank guarantee i.e.
QPBG should be encashed and work should be got executed
through another agency at his risk and cost.

Clauses of Contract

2. Clause 1 This clause is applicable for the works for which the estimated cost This clause is applicable for the works for which the estimated cost
Performance put to tender is more than Rs. 5 crores. put to tender is more than Rs. 5 crores.
i. The contractor shall submit an irrevocable Performance i. The contractor shall submit an irrevocable Performance
Guarantee of 5% (Five percent) of the Tendered amount in Guarantee of 5% (Five percent) of the Tendered amount in
addition to other deposits mentioned elsewhere in the contract addition to other deposits mentioned elsewhere in the contract
for his proper performance of the contract agreement, (not for his proper performance of the contract agreement, (not
withstanding and/or without prejudice to any other provisions withstanding and/or without prejudice to any other provisions
in the contract) within period specified in Schedule ‘F’ from the in the contract) within period specified in Schedule ‘F’ from the
date of issue of award letter. This guarantee shall be in the date of issue of award letter. This guarantee shall be in the
form of Fixed Deposit Receipts or Guarantee Bonds of any form of Insurance Surety Bonds, Account Payee Demand Draft,
Sl. Clause Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
Scheduled bank but not Cooperative or Gramine bank in or Bank Guarantee (including e-Bank Guarantee) from any of
accordance with the form annexed hereto.(Appendix-XI) In the Scheduled Commercial Banks (i.e. Indian or Foreign Banks
case a fixed deposit receipts of any Bank is furnished by the included in the Second Schedule of Reserve Bank of India
contractor to the AAI as part of the performance guarantee and Act,1934 excluding Co-Operative/Regional Rural Banks) in
the Bank is unable to make payment against the said fixed accordance with the form annexed hereto. (Appendix-XI).
deposit receipts or Guarantee Bonds, the loss caused thereby
shall fall on the contractor and the contractor shall forthwith on
demand furnish additional security to make good the deficit.

ii. Performance guarantee should be furnished within 30 days of ii. No change

issue of award letter. In case the contractor fails to deposit
performance guarantee within the stipulated period, no
payment will be released to the contractor for the work done
in respect of 1st running account bill. Moreover, interest @10%
per annum on performance guarantee amount would be levied
(non- refundable) for delayed period of submission.

iii. The Performance Guarantee shall be initially valid upto the iii. No change
stipulated date of completion plus 180 days beyond that. In
case the time for completion of work gets enlarged, the
contractor shall get the validity of Performance Guarantee
extended to cover such enlarged time for completion of work.
After recording of the completion certificate for the work by the
competent authority, the performance guarantee shall be
returned to the contractor, without any interest. However, in
case of contracts involving maintenance of buildings and
services / any other work thereafter, 50% of Performance
Guarantee shall be retained as Security Deposit as per contract
conditions. The same shall be returned on successful
completion of commitment year wise proportionately.

iv. The Engineer-in-Charge shall not make a claim under the iv. No change
performance guarantee except for amounts to which the AAI is
entitled under the contract (not withstanding and/or without
prejudice to any other provisions in the contract agreement) in
the event of:
Sl. Clause Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
a. Failure by the contractor to extend the validity of the
Performance Guarantee as described herein above, in
which event the Engineer-in- Charge may claim the full
amount of the Performance Guarantee.
b. Failure by the contractor to pay the Chairman, AAI any
amount due, either as agreed by the contractor or
determined under any of the Clauses / Conditions of the
agreement, within 30 days of the service of notice to this
effect by Engineer-in-Charge.

v. In the event of the contract being determined or rescinded v. No change

under provision of any of the Clause/Condition of the
agreement, the performance guarantee shall stand forfeited in
full and shall be absolutely at the disposal of the Chairman,

3. Clause 1 A The person/persons whose tender(s) may be accepted The person/persons whose tender(s) may be accepted
Recovery of (hereinafter called the contractor) shall permit AAI at the time of (hereinafter called the contractor) shall permit AAI at the time of
Security making any payment to him for work done under the contract to making any payment to him for work done under the contract to
deposit deduct a sum at the rate of 5% of the gross amount of each deduct a sum at the rate of 5% of the gross amount of each
running and final bill till the sum deducted alongwith the sum running and final bill till the sum deducted will amount to security
already deposited as earnest money, will amount to security deposit of 5% of the tendered value of the work. Such deductions
deposit of 5% of the tendered value of the work. Earnest money will be made and held by AAI by way of Security Deposit unless
shall be adjusted first in the security deposit and further recovery he/they has/have deposited the amount of Security at the rate
of security deposit shall commence only when the update amount mentioned above in the form of Bank Guarantee (including e-Bank
of security deposit starts exceeding the earnest money. Such Guarantee) from any of the Commercial Bank (i.e. Indian or
deductions will be made and held by way of Security Deposit Foreign Banks included in the Second Schedule of Reserve Bank
unless he/they has/have deposited the amount of Security at the of India Act,1934 excluding Co-Operative/Regional Rural Banks).
rate mentioned above in the form of fixed deposit receipts or In case a Guarantee Bonds of any Bank is furnished by the
guarantee bonds of any Scheduled Bank but not Co-operative or contractor to the AAI as part of the security deposit and the Bank
Gramin Bank. In case a fixed deposit receipts or Guarantee Bonds is unable to make payment against the said Guarantee Bond, the
of any Bank is furnished by the contractor to the AAI as part of loss caused thereby shall fall on the contractor and the contractor
the security deposit and the Bank is unable to make payment shall forthwith on demand furnish additional security to the AAI to
against the said fixed deposit receipt or Guarantee Bond, the loss make good the deficit. In works where condition of submission of
caused thereby shall fall on the contractor and the contractor shall performance guarantee is not applicable, the security deposit at
Sl. Clause Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
forthwith on demand furnish additional security to the AAI to make the rate of 10% (Ten Percent) of gross amount of each running
good the deficit. In works where condition of submission of bill shall be deducted instead of 5%, till the sum will amount to
performance guarantee is not applicable, the security deposit at security deposit of 10% of the contract value of work. Other
the rate of 10% (Ten Percent) of gross amount of each running conditions shall remain same as stated above.
bill shall be deducted instead of 5%, till the sum along with the
sum already deposited as earnest money will amount to security
deposit of 10% of the contract value of work. Other conditions
shall remain same as stated above.
All compensations or the other sums of money payable by the All compensations or the other sums of money payable by the
contractor under the terms of this contract may be deducted from, contractor under the terms of this contract may be deducted from,
or paid by the sale of a sufficient part of his security deposit or or paid by the sale of a sufficient part of his security deposit or
from the interest arising therefrom, or from any sums which may from the interest arising therefrom, or from any sums which may
be due to or may become due to the contractor by AAI on any be due to or may become due to the contractor by AAI on any
account whatsoever and in the event of his Security Deposit being account whatsoever and in the event of his Security Deposit being
reduced by reason of any such deductions or sale as aforesaid, reduced by reason of any such deductions or sale as aforesaid,
the contractor shall within 10 days make good in fixed deposit the contractor shall within 10 days make good in Fixed Deposit
receipts or Guarantee Bonds tendered by the Scheduled Banks Receipt, Insurance Surety Bonds, Account Payee Demand Draft or
(but not any Co-operative or Gramin bank) (if deposited for more Bank Guarantee from any of the Commercial Bank (if deposited
than 12 months) endorsed in favour of the Airports Authority of for more than 12 months) endorsed in favour of the Airports
India, any sum or sums which may have been deducted from, or Authority of India, any sum or sums which may have been
raised by sale of his security deposit or any part thereof. The deducted from, or raised by sale of his security deposit or any part
security deposit shall be collected from the running bills of the thereof. The security deposit shall be collected from the running
contractor at the rates mentioned above and the Earnest money bills and the final bill of the contractor at the rates mentioned
deposited at the time of tenders will be treated as part of the above.
Security Deposit.

The security deposit as deducted above can be released against The security deposit as deducted above can be released against
bank guarantee issued by any Scheduled Bank (but not from Bank Guarantee issued by any Commercial Bank (i.e. Indian or
Cooperative / Gramin Bank), on its accumulations to a minimum Foreign Banks included in the Second Schedule of Reserve Bank
of Rs. 5 lakh subject to the condition that amount of such bank of India Act,1934 excluding Co-Operative /Regional Rural Banks),
guarantee, except last one, shall not be less than Rs. 5 lakh. on its accumulations to a minimum of Rs. 5 lakh to the condition
amount of such bank guarantee, except last one, shall not be less
than Rs. 5 lakh.
Note 1: Provided further that the validity of Bank Guarantee Note 1: Provided further that the validity of Bank Guarantee shall
including the one given against the earnest money shall be in be in conformity with provisions contained in the clause 17 which
conformity with provisions contained in the clause 17 which shall shall be extended from time to time depending upon extension of
contract under provision of Clause 2 & Clause 5.
Sl. Clause Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
be extended from time to time depending upon extension of
contract under provision of Clause 2 & Clause 5.
Note 2: Note 1 above shall be applicable for both clause 1 and 1 Note 2: Note 1 above shall be applicable for both clause 1 and 1
A. A.
4. Clause-2 If the contractor fails to maintain the required progress in terms No change
Compensatio of clause 5 or to complete the Work and clear the site on or before
n for Delay the contract or justified extended date of completion as per clause
5(excluding any extension under clause 5.5) as well as any
extension granted under clause 12 and 15, he shall, without
prejudice to any other right or remedy available under the law to
the AAI on account of such breach, pay as compensation the
amount calculated at the rates stipulated below as the authority
specified in schedule ‘F’ may decide on the amount of Tendered
Value of the work for every completed day/month (as determined)
that the progress remains below that specified in Clause 5 or that
the work remains incomplete. This will also apply to items or group
of items for which a separate period of completion has been
i) Compensation If the completion of work is delayed due to i) Compensation If the completion of work is delayed due to
for delay of work reasons attributed to contractor, AAI shall for delay of work reasons attributed to contractor, AAI shall be
be entitled for compensation for delay as entitled for compensation for delay as detailed
detailed below: below:
i. For works costing upto Rs. 20.00
Lac: i. For works costing upto Rs. 10 Lac:
1.0% (one percent) of tendered value per 1.0% (one percent) of tendered value per week of
week of delay or lesser amount as decided delay or lesser amount as decided by the
by the competent authority subject to a competent authority subject to a maximum of
maximum of 10% of contract value. ii For 10% of contract value.
the works costing more than Rs 20
a. For the works having completion period ii For the works costing more than Rs. 10 Lac
less than 2 years
0.5% (half percent) of tendered value per 0.5% (half percent) of tendered value per week of
week of delay or lesser amount as decided delay or lesser amount as decided by the
by the competent authority subject to a competent authority subject to a maximum of
maximum of 10% of the tendered value. 10% of the tendered value.
Sl. Clause Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
b. For the works having completion period Deleted
more than 2 years
0.5% of tendered value per fortnight of
delay or lesser amount as decided by the
competent authority subject to a maximum
of 10% of the tendered value.

5. Clause-2A In case, the contractor completes the work ahead of stipulated In case, the contractor completes the work ahead of stipulated
Incentive for date of completion, a bonus @ 1 % (one per cent) of the tendered date of completion so provided in ‘Schedule F’, a bonus @ 1 %
early value per month computed on per day basis, shall be payable to (one per cent) of the tendered value per month computed on per
completion the contractor, subject to a maximum limit of 5% (five per cent) day basis, shall be payable to the contractor, subject to a
of the tendered value. The amount of bonus, if payable, shall be maximum limit of 5% (five per cent) of the tendered value. The
paid along with final bill after completion of work. Provided always amount of bonus, if payable, shall be paid along with final bill after
that provision of the Clause 2A shall be applicable only when so completion of work. Bonus/ Incentive shall be applicable for the
provided in ‘Schedule F’. contract completed before stipulated dated of completion and
shall not be applicable for the contract extended beyond the
stipulated period even with justified hindrance and without any
action of compensation for delay.

This clause shall be applicable for the work which estimated cost This clause shall not be applicable for the works which estimated
put to tender is Rs. 50.00 Cr. and above for pavement work and cost put to tender is less than Rs. 50.00 Cr.
Rs.100.00 Cr. and above for building work.
6. Clause-7 No payment shall be made for work, estimated to cost Rs. One lac No payment shall be made for work, estimated to cost Rs. One lac
Payment on or less till after the whole of the work shall have been completed or less till after the whole of the work shall have been completed
Intermediate and certificate of completion given. For works estimated to cost and certificate of completion given. For works estimated to cost
Certificate to over Rs. One lac, the interim or running account bills shall be over Rs. One lac, the interim or running account bills shall be
be regarded submitted by the contractor for the work executed on the basis of submitted by the contractor for the work executed on the basis of
as Advances such recorded measurements on the format of the Department in such recorded measurements in the format of the Department in
triplicate on or before the date of every month fixed for the same triplicate on or before the date of every month fixed for the same
by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall not be entitled to by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall not be entitled to
be paid any such interim payment if the gross work done together be paid any such interim payment if the gross work done together
with net payment/ adjustment of advances for material collected, with net payment/ adjustment of advances for material collected,
if any, since the last such payment is less than the amount if any, since the last such payment is less than the amount
specified in Schedule ‘F’, in which case the interim bill shall be specified in Schedule 'F', in which case the interim bill shall be
prepared on the appointed date of the month after the requisite prepared on the appointed date of the month after the requisite
progress is achieved. Engineer-in-Charge shall arrange to have the progress is achieved. Engineer-in-Charge shall arrange to have the
bill verified by taking or causing to be taken, where necessary, the bill verified by taking or causing to be taken, where necessary, the
Sl. Clause Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
requisite measurements of the work. In the event of the failure of requisite measurements of the work. In the event of the failure of
the contractor to submit the bills, Engineer-in- Charge shall the contractor to submit the bills, Engineer-in- Charge shall
prepare or cause to be prepared such bills in which event no claims prepare or cause to be prepared such bills in which event no claims
whatsoever due to delays on payment including that of interest whatsoever due to delays on payment including that of interest
shall be payable to the contractor. Payment on account of amount shall be payable to the contractor. Payment on account of amount
admissible shall be made by the Engineer-in-Charge certifying the admissible shall be made by the Engineer-in-Charge certifying the
sum to which the contractor is considered entitled by way of sum to which the contractor is considered entitled by way of
interim payment at such rates as decided by the Engineer-in- interim payment at such rates as decided by the Engineer-in-
Charge. The amount admissible shall be paid by 10th working day Charge. An amount of ad-hoc payment not less than 75% of the
after the day of presentation of the bill by the Contractor to the net amount of the bill under check, shall be made within 10
Engineer-in-Charge or his Asstt. Manager / Manager (Engg.) working days of submission of the bill by the Contractor to the
together with the account of the material issued by the Engineer-in-Charge or his Authorized Engineer together with the
department, or dismantled materials, if any. In the case of works account of the material issued by the department, or dismantled
outside the headquarters of the Engineer- in-Charge, the period materials, if any. The remaining payment is also to be made after
of ten working days will be extended to fifteen working days. final checking of the bill within 28 working days of submission of
bill by the contractor. In case of delay in payment of intermediate
bills after 30 days of submission of bill by the contractor, provided
the bill submitted by the contractor found to be in order, a simple
interest @ prevailing rate of interest of General Provident Fund
shall be paid to the contractor from the date of expiry of
prescribed time limit.

All such interim payments shall be regarded as payment by way No change

of advances against final payment only and shall not preclude the
requiring of bad, unsound and imperfect or unskilled work to be
rejected, removed, taken away and reconstructed or re-erected.
Any certificate given by the Engineer-in-charge relating to the
work done or materials delivered forming part of such payment,
may be modified or corrected by any subsequent such
certificate(s) or by the final certificate and shall not by itself be
conclusive evidence that any work or materials to which it relates
is are in accordance with the contract and specifications. Any such
interim payment, or any part thereof shall not in any respect
conclude, determine of affect in any way powers of the Engineer-
in-charge under the contract or any of such payments be treated
as final settlement and adjustment of accounts or in any way vary
or affect the contract.
Sl. Clause Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
Pending consideration or extension of date of completion, interim No change
payments shall continue to be made as herein provided without
prejudice to the right of the department to take action under the
terms of this contract for delay in the completion of work, if the
extension of date of completion is not granted by the competent
The Engineer-in-Charge in his sole discretion on the basis of a The Engineer-in-Charge in his sole discretion on the basis of a
certificate from the Asstt Manager / Manager (Engg) to the effect certificate from the Asstt Manager / Manager (Engg) to the effect
that the work has been completed up to the level in question make that the work has been completed up to the level in question make
interim advance payments without detailed measurements for interim advance payments without detailed measurements for
work done (other than foundations, items to be covered under work done (other than foundations, items to be covered under
finishing items) up to lintel level (including sunshade etc.) and slab finishing items) up to lintel level (including sunshade etc.) and slab
level, for each floor working out at 75% of the assessed value. level, for each floor working out at 75% of the assessed value.
The advance payments so allowed shall be adjusted in the The advance payments so allowed shall be adjusted in the
subsequent interim bill by taking detailed measurements thereof. subsequent interim bill(s) to be submitted by the contractor within
10 days of the interim payment. In case of delay in submission of
bill by the contractor a simple interest @ 10% (percent) per
annum on the advance payment made shall be paid to the AAI
from the date of expiry of prescribed 10 days.
7. Clause-7A New clause No Running Account Bill shall be paid for the work till the
applicable labour licenses, registration with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW
Welfare Board, whatever applicable are submitted by the
contractor to the Engineer-in-Charge
8. Clause-9 The corrected final bill shall be submitted by the contractor in the The corrected final bill shall be submitted by the contractor in the
Payment of same manner as specified in interim bills within three months of same manner as specified in interim bills within three months of
final bill physical completion of the work or within one month of the date physical completion of the work or within one month of the date
of the final certificate of completion furnished by the Engineer-in- of the final certificate of completion furnished by the Engineer-in-
charge whichever is earlier. No further claims shall be made by charge whichever is earlier. No further claims shall be made by
the contractor after submission of the final bill and these shall be the contractor after submission of the final bill and these shall be
deemed to have been waived and extinguished. Payments of deemed to have been waived and extinguished. Payments of
those items of the bill in respect of which there is no dispute and those items of the bill in respect of which there is no dispute and
of items in dispute, for quantities and rates as approved by for those items which are in dispute on account of quantity and/
Engineer-in- charge, will, as far as possible be made within the or rates shall be paid at approved quantity and/ or rates by the
period specified herein under, the period being reckoned from the Engineer-in-charge, within three months period reckoned from
date of receipt of the bill by the Engineer-in charge or his the date of receipt of the bill by the Engineer in- Charge or his
authorised Asstt. Manager / Manager (Engg.), complete with authorized representative, complete with account of materials
issued by the Department and dismantled materials.
Sl. Clause Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
account of materials issued by the Department and dismantled

Sl. Value of work Time limit

1 If the Tendered value of work is up to 2 months
Rs. 50 lac
2 If the Tendered value of work is more 3 months
than Rs.50 lac and up to Rs. 2.5 Crore:
3 If the Tendered value of work exceeds 6 months
Rs. 2.5 Crore:

In case of delay in payment of final bills after prescribed time limit, lf the final bill is submitted by the contractor within the period
a simple interest @ 5% per annum shall be paid to the contractor specified above and payment of final bills is made by the AAI
from the date of expiry of prescribed time limit which will be within above prescribed time limit, if delay in payment, a simple
compounded on yearly basis, provided the final bill submitted by interest @ prevailing rate of interest of General Provident Fund
the contractor found to be in order. shall be paid to the contractor from the date of expiry of
prescribed time limit, provided the final bill submitted by the
contractor is found to be in order.

The Final bill shall be prepared for both L1 & L2 bidders for all No change
tendered items (excluding Extra Items based on market rate) and
payment shall be made on the basis of lower of the two.
*9 Clause 10 B 2. Mobilization advance not exceeding 10% of the tendered value Mobilization advances not exceeding 10% of the tendered value
shall be paid for the works costing more than Rs 5.00 Cr, may be given, if requested by the contractor in writing within six
(ii)Mobilizati subject to the availability of funds and if requested by the months of the order to commence the work. Such advance shall
on contractor in writing within period as indicated below. be released in two or more installments to be determined by the
Advance a. For the works costing between Rs. 5 crores – Rs.100 crores Engineer-in-Charge at his sole discretion. The first instalment of
the application for the issue of mobilization advance must be such advance shall be released by the Engineer-in-charge to the
received in writing within 30 days of handing over of the site. contractor on a request made by the contractor to the Engineer-
b. For the works costing more than Rs. 100 crores the in-Charge in this behalf. The second and subsequent instalments
application for the issue of mobilization advance must be shall be released by the Engineer-in-Charge only after the
received in writing within 45 days of handing over of the site. contractor furnishes a proof of the satisfactory utilization of the
c. The contractor shall execute a Bank Guarantee Bond from earlier instalment(s) to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
any Scheduled Bank but not Co-operative or Gramin Bank as
specified by Engineer-in-charge for 110% of value of
Sl. Clause Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
installment of mobilization advance before such advance is Before any instalment of advance is released, the contractor shall
released. The first installment should not exceed Rs.20.00 execute Bank Guarantee Bonds not more than 6 (six) in number
Cr. for the work for which the estimated cost is kept as from commercial Bank for the amount equal to 110% of the
Rs.500.00 Cr. or more. The No. of installments shall be amount of advance and valid for the period till recovery of
decided by AAI depending on progress of work and advance. This (Bank Guarantee from commercial Bank on
availability of funds. prescribed format for the amount equal to 110% of the balance
d. The second and subsequent installments shall be released by amount of advance) shall be kept renewed from time to time to
the Engineer-in-charge only after the contractor furnishes a cover the balance amount and likely period of complete recovery.
proof of the satisfactory utilization of the earlier installment
to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. Provided
provision of Clause 10B (II) shall be applicable only when so
provided in Schedule ‘F’. The contractor shall accordingly
submit Bank Guarantee in parts for release of corresponding
mobilization advance and validity of BG shall be for a
extended period of 3 months beyond stipulated date of
Interest on 3. The mobilization advance bear simple interest at the rate of The mobilization advance bear simple interest at the rate as
Mobilization 10% per annum and shall be calculated from the date of mentioned in Schedule-F per annum and shall be calculated from
advance payment to the date of recovery, both days inclusive, on the the date of payment to the date of recovery, both days inclusive,
outstanding amount of advance. on the outstanding amount of advance.
a. However, in rare cases, wherein progress of work is delayed
beyond stipulated period of completion due to reasons
beyond control of contractor, deferment in recovery of
mobilization advance with accumulated interest thereon may
be considered by AAI. In such case of deferred recovery, an
enhanced rate of interest i.e 15% per annum shall be
payable with recovery of outstanding mobilization amount @
50% of gross value of running account bill(s), subject to
Engineer-In- Charge certifying that deferment towards
recovery of outstanding advance is proposed in the overall
interest of the project and is necessitated to improve the
progress of work.
Recovery of 4. Recovery of such advanced of sums against above and the Recovery of such sums advanced shall be made by the deduction
Mobilization interest thereon shall be made by deduction from (the from the contractor’s bills commencing after first ten percent of
advance contractor’s bill) the on-account payments in suitable the gross value of the work is executed and paid, on pro-rata
percentage in relation to the stipulated period of completion as percentage basis to the gross value of the work billed beyond 10%
detailed below: in such a way that the entire advance is recovered by the time
Sl. Clause Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
a. 25% of the amount advanced plus interest due upto 1/4th of eighty percent of the gross value of the contract is executed and
the stipulated period of the completion. paid, together with interest due on the entire outstanding amount
b. 60% of the amount advanced plus interest due upto ½ of up to the date of recovery of the installment.
the stipulated period of the completion.
c. 100% of the amount advanced plus interest due upto 3/4th If the circumstances are considered reasonable by the Engineer-
of the stipulated period of the completion or 80% of the in-Charge, the period mentioned for request by the contractor in
progress of work whichever is earlier. writing for grant of mobilization advance may be extended at the
d. Wherein progress of work is delayed beyond stipulated discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge.
period of completion due to reasons beyond control,
deferment in recovery of mobilization advance with
accumulated interest thereon may be considered at an
enhanced rate of interest i.e. 15% per annum with recovery
of outstanding mobilization advance @50% of gross value of
running account bill.
e. In case requisite amount as recoverable above is not
available in on account payments mentioned above, the
agency shall deposit the same within 7 days of its due
otherwise all Bank Guarantees submitted by the agency
towards mobilization advance shall be encashed by the
10. Clause-19L Registration with EPFO and ESIC The ESI and EPF contributions on the part of employer in respect
Contribution of this contract shall be paid by the contractor. These contributions
of EPF and The ESI and EPF contributions on the part of employer in respect on the part of the employer paid by the contractor shall be
ESI of this contract shall be paid by the contractor. These contributions
reimbursed by the Engineer-in-charge to the contractor on actual
on the part of the employer paid by the contractor shall be basis. The verification of deployment of labour will be done
reimbursed by the Engineer-in-charge to the contractor on actualthrough biometric attendance system or any other suitable method
basis. by the Engineer in Charge. The applicable and eligible amount of
EPF & ESI shall be reimbursed preferably within 7 days but not
later than 30 days of submission of documentary proof of payment
provided same are in order.
11. Clause-20A The Contractor shall comply with all the provisions of the Deleted
Employees Employees Provident Fund & Misc. Provisions Act, 1952/ Jammu
Provident Fund & Kashmir Employees Provident Funds (and Miscellaneous
& Provisions) Act, 1961 and ESI Act, 1948, amended from time to
Miscellaneous time and rules framed thereunder. Some of the provisions are
Provision Act given below:
1952/Jammu &
Sl. Clause Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
Kashmir a. The contractor shall intimate his PF Account Code No. allotted
Employees by Regional PF Commissioner and ESI Registration No. allotted by
Provident ESI Corporation after award of work and shall continue to have
Funds (and valid PF Account Code No. and ESI Registration No. till actual
Miscellaneous completion of the contract.
Provisions) Act, b. The contractor shall provide a list of contract Workers engaged
1961and State for contract work along with their PF Account No. & ESI
Insurance Registration No.
(ESI) Act, c. The contractor by 20th of every month shall provide a monthly
1948. statement showing recoveries of contribution and proof of
remittance of provident fund contribution to RPFC and ESI
contributions to ESI Corporation in respect of Workers engaged in
contract work.
d. The contractor shall provide copies of PF & ESI challans of
monthly contributions in respect of contract workers engaged for
contract work on month to month basis.

AAI reserves the right to withhold minimum amount as detailed

under, from the running account payments, if PF / ESI
contributions are not paid by the contractor and proof to that
effect have not been produced regularly on due dates. To withhold
3% for building work & 1.5% for road/pavement work of the total
amount of work done during the period considered.

ESI & EPF amount paid to the statutory authorities by the

contractor shall be reimbursed on actual basis on submission of
documentary evidence.
12. Clause 45 Security Deposit of the work shall not be refunded till the The Security Deposit of the work shall be refunded if no labour
Release of contractor produces a clearance certificate from the Labour complaint has been received from the labour officer till the due
Security Officer. As soon as the work is virtually complete the contractor date of its payment. lf a labour complaint is received during this
Deposit shall apply for the clearance certificate to the Labour Officer under period, the Engineer-in-Charge shall, after issue of notice in this
intimation to the Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer-in-Charge, on regard to the contractor, withheld the amount required to settle
receipt of the said communication, shall write to the Labour Officer the complaint from his security deposit and refund the balance
to intimate if any complaint is pending against the contractor in amount.
respect of the work. If no complaint is pending, on record till after
3 months after completion of the work and / or no communication
is received from the Labour Officer to this effect till six months
Sl. Clause Existing Provisions Modified Provisions
after the date of completion, it will be deemed to have received
the clearance certificate and the Security Deposit will be released
if otherwise due.
13. Schedule F
Maximum percentage for quantity of a: 30% (Overall) Maximum percentage for quantity of See below
items of work to be executed beyond items of work to be executed beyond
which rates are to be determined in b: 100% (for which rates are to be determined in
accordance with Clauses 12.2 & 12.3 foundation Items) accordance with Clauses 12.2 & 12.3

Clause 10B (ii) Clause 10B (ii)

Whether Clause 10B (ii) shall be Yes/ No Whether Clause 10B (ii) shall be Yes/ No
applicable applicable
Interest on Mobilization Advance …………per Annum

Clause 12 Clause 12

12.2 Deviation limit beyond which 30% (Thirty 12.2 Deviation limit beyond which 15% (Fifteen
& clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply for Percent) & clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply for Percent)
12.3 buildings, pavements and all other 12.3 buildings, pavements and all
works above foundation level. other works above foundation
12.5 Deviation limit beyond which 100% level.
clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply for (Hundred 12.5 Deviation limit beyond which 100%
foundation work Percent) clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply for (Hundred
foundation work Percent)
Overall Deviation i/c extra items, 30% (Thirty
if any. Percent)

* Provisions of Clause-10B (ii) – Mobilization Advance of this TI supersedes the earlier TI No. 138 dated 25.10.2023.
Distribution List

1. EA to Chairman, AAI, CHQ

2. Member (Finance), AAI, CHQ
3. Member (Ops.), AAI, CHQ
4. Member (Plg.), AAI, CHQ
5. Member (HR), AAI, CHQ
6. Member (ANS), AAI, CHQ
7. Chief Vigilance Officer, AAI, CHQ
8‐12. Executive Director (Engg), AAI, Northern Region/ Western Region/ Eastern & North Eastern Region/Southern
Region/ MIS & Standardization, CHQ
13. Executive Director (Land Management/ BD), AAI, CHQ
14. Executive Director (PMQA) AAI, CHQ,
15‐19 Regional Executive Director, AAI, Northern Region/Western Region/ Eastern Region/ Southern Region/ North
Eastern Region
20‐21 Executive Director (CNS‐Plg.)‐I/II, AAI, CHQ
22. Executive Director (CNS‐OM), AAI, CHQ
23. Executive Director (FIU & RCDU), AAI, CHQ
24‐27. Executive Director (ATM)/ ATM‐ASM/ ATM‐AFTM/ ATM‐CAP, AAI, CHQ
28. Executive Director (Plg.) AAI, CHQ
29. Executive Director (Ops.) AAI, CHQ
30. Executive Director (JVC)AAI, CHQ
31. Executive Director (Avn. Safety), AAI, CHQ
32. Executive Director(Arch.), AAI, CHQ
33. Executive Director(Admin), AAI, CHQ
34‐35. Executive Director(Finance)‐ I/II, AAI CHQ
36. Executive Director(Commercial), AAI CHQ
37. Executive Director(IT), AAI, CHQ
38. Director(Security), AAI, CHQ
39. Executive Director(Tech.), AAI, CHQ
40. Executive Director(SIU), AAI, CHQ
41. Executive Director(RCS), AAI, CHQ
42. Principal (C.A.T.C), Allahabad
43. Director (I.A.A), AAI, Rangpuri
44‐46 Airport Director, AAI, Kolkata/Chennai/Trivandrum Airports
47. GM (Vigilance) AAI, CHQ
48. GM (Law) AAI, CHQ
49. GM (C&C) AAI, CHQ
50. GM (BDC), AAI, CHQ
51‐52. GM Engg (project) AAI, Kolkata Project/ Chennai Project
53‐60. GM Engg (Civil/Electrical), AAI, Northern Region/Western Region/ Southern Region/ Eastern &North Eastern Region,
61‐72 GM Engg (Project)/project in‐charge, AAI, Port Blair/ Patna/ Hollongi/ Leh/ Dehradun/ Vijayawada/ Trichy/
Rajahmundry/ Guwahati/Rajkot/ Pune/ Jabalpur Airport.
73‐76 GM: PMQA / Planning / RCS / Airport System, CHQ
77‐81 GM Engg, AAI, Northern Region/Western Region/ Eastern Region/ Southern Region/ North Eastern, RHQ.
82. GM (IT), Safdarjung Airport
83‐92 MIS (Civil) & MIS (Electrical)‐NR/SR/WR/ER/NER, AAI, CHQ
िवतरण सूची
1. अ यक्ष के िवशेष कायर्कारी अिधकारी, भा॰िव॰प्रा॰, िनगिमत मुख्यालय।
2. सद य (िव ), भा॰िव॰प्रा॰, िनगिमत मुख्यालय।
3. सद य (प्रचालन), भा॰िव॰प्रा॰, िनगिमत मुख्यालय।
4. सद य (योजना), भा॰िव॰प्रा॰, िनगिमत मुख्यालय।
5. सद य (मानव संसाधन), भा॰िव॰प्रा॰, िनगिमत मुख्यालय।
6. सद य (ए एन एस), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
7. मख्
ु य सतकर्ता अिधकारी, भा॰िव॰प्रा॰, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
8-12 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (अिभ.) भा०िव०प्रा, उ री क्षेत्र / प चमी क्षेत्र / पूवीर् एवं उ र पूवीर् क्षेत्र / दक्षणी क्षेत्र / एम आई एस एवं
मानकीकरण िनगिमत मुख्यालय
13 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (भूिम प्रबंधन/बी डी), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
14 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (पिरयोजना अनुवीक्षण एवं गुणव ा आ वसन), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
15-19 क्षेत्रीय कायर्पालक िनदे शक, भा०िव०प्रा०, उ री क्षेत्र / प चमी क्षेत्र / पूवीर् क्षेत्र / दक्षणी क्षेत्र / उ र पूवीर् क्षेत्र।
20-21 कायर्पालक िनदे शक, (संचार िदक्चालन व िनगरानी) -(योजना)-I/II, भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
22 कायर्पालक िनदे शक, (संचार िदक्चालन व िनगरानी) -(ओ०एम०), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
23 कायर्पालक िनदे शक, (आर सी डी यू & एफ आइ यू), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
24-27 कायर्पालक िनदे शक, (ए.टी.एम.)/एटीएम-एएसएम/एटीएम-एएफटीएम/एटीएम-केप, भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
28 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (योजना), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
29 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (प्रचालन), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
30 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (जेवीसी), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
31 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (एिव. सेफटी), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
32 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (आकर्), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
33 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (प्रशासिनक), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
34-35 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (िव )- I / II, भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
36 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (वािण य), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
37 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (सूचना प्रो योिगकी), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
38 िनदे शक (सुरक्षा), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
39 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (तकनीकी), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
40 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (एसआईयू), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
41 कायर्पालक िनदे शक (आरसीएस), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
42 प्रधानाचायर् (सी ए टी सी), इलाहबाद।
43 िनदे शक, (आई.ए.ए), भा०िव०प्रा०, रं गपुरी।
44-46 िवमानप न िनदे शक, भा०िव०प्रा०, कोलकाता/चे नई/ित्रवे द्रम िवमानप न।
47 महाप्रबंधक (सतकर्ता), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
48 महाप्रबंधक (िविध), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
49 महाप्रबंधक (सी.एव.सी.), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
50 महाप्रबंधक (िबजनस िवकास एकक), भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।
51-52 महाप्रबंधक (अिभ. -प्रोजेक्ट), भा०िव०प्रा०, कोलकाता प्रोजेक्ट / चे नई प्रोजेक्ट।
53-60 महाप्रबंधक (अिभ) (िसिवल/ िव धुत), भा०िव०प्रा०उ री क्षेत्र / प चमी क्षेत्र/ दक्षणी क्षेत्र / पूवीर् एंड उ र पूवीर् क्षेत्र, िनगिमत
61-72 महाप्रबंधक (अिभ-प्रोजेक्ट)/प्रोजेक्ट इंचाजर्, भा०िव०प्रा०, पोटर् लेयर / पटना / होल गी / लेह / दे हरादन
ू / िवजयवाड़ा / ित्रची /
ुं री / गुवाहाटी / राजकोट / पुणे / जबलपुर हवाई अ डा।
73-76 महाप्रबंधक (पिरयोजना अनुवीक्षण एवं गुणव ा आ वसन)/ योजना/आर सी एस / एयरपोटर् िस टम, भा०िव०प्रा०, िनगिमत मुख्यालय
77-81 महाप्रबंधक अिभ, भा०िव०प्रा, उ री क्षेत्र / प चमी क्षेत्र / पव
ू ीर् क्षेत्र / दक्षणी क्षेत्र / उ र पव
ू ीर् क्षेत्र, क्षेत्रीय मख्
ु यालय।
82 महाप्रबंधक (सूचना प्रोधोिगकी), सफदरजंग हवाई अ डा।
83-92 एम आई एस (िसिवल) एवं एम आई एस (िव धुत)- उ री क्षेत्र / दक्षणी क्षेत्र / प चमी क्षेत्र/ पूवीर् क्षेत्र/ उ र पूवीर् क्षेत्र, भा०िव०प्रा०,
िनगिमत मख्
ु यालय।

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