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Owner/ Partner of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….............................

PIZZERIA NAME ………………………………………………………………………………………............................... ........................
Address …………………………………………….................................................................... CITY …………………………….. ..
STATE ……………………………..... COUNTRY ...................... ZIP Code ………………………….....
Telephone:.…………………………………........Fax:....................................................... Mobile:………………………………….........
Email address (To be published).......................................................................................... ........................................
Name first Pizzaiolo......................................................................................................................................................
Owner’s Date
Owner’s mobile (not to publish).................................................................................................................. ............
Owner’s e-mail (not to publish)………………………………………………………………………................ ....................................
PEC ........................................................................................................................................................................
Company tax data
Business name ……………………………………………………………………………………………................................................... ...
CITY …………………………….. STATE ……………………………..... COUNTRY ...................... ZIP Code.................................
Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..........................................
Vat Number............................................................ LICENSE n°…………………………………………...........................(PLEASE

To become member of the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana and to commit myself and my restaurant:
• to accept, respect and promote the tradition of the Neapolitan pizza strictly following the specification
of the Vera Pizza Napoletana (see attached Disciplinary)
• to include the Vera Pizza Napoletana in the pizzeria menu as a product of excellence;
• to accept, respect and promote the tradition of the Pizza Napoletana according to the specification of
the Vera Pizza Napoletana (see attached Disciplinary)

Company stamp and signature for acceptance

I allow the association to use all the information about me and

my company according to the Italian law (December 31, 1996
n. 675 and legislative decree n. 196 of June 30, 2003)

Dear Applicant,

The association welcomes members from around the world provided they are able to produce a product that
meets all of the characteristics outlined below to apply and (following approval) display and use the brand name
“Verace Pizza Napoletana” - (Vera Pizza Napoletana).

The ‘Verace Pizza Napoletana’ Association will consider requests to utilize the brand name “Verace Pizza
Napoletana” - (Vera Pizza Napoletana) held in license by the association, providing the request comes from a
firm (restaurant or ‘pizzeria’) that has undergone the full application process (see attached modules),has been
formally assessed and inspected by the association and approved by the committee members

This document is intend to provide:

- the basic requirements for obtaining the membership to the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana
- the obligations from the VPN Association and from the Members, as an extract from our VPN
Disciplinary (AVPN International Rules).
The request for obtaining a membership for the USA and Canada pizzerias should be sent directly to our VPN
Americas Delegation (info and contacts on the site

Basic Requirements

1. Wood-burning oven. The real Neapolitan pizza must be cooked in a wood-fired dome oven operating at
a temperature of about 900 F. Gas, coal, electrical ,or wood/gas combined ovens, while capable to produce a
delicious pizza, do not conform to the Neapolitan tradition and are not allowed.
2. Proper Ingredients: Only fresh, all-natural, non-processed ingredients (preferably imported from Naples
or Campania region) are acceptable:
- wheat flour type "00": highly refined flour which has been milled to standard “00” (doppio zero). A small
amount of wheat flour type "0" (Manitoba) is allowed to be added providing the percentage ranges from 5 to
20%. This variation is dependent on the external temperature and is used to enforce the ‘00’ flour and not
replace it.
- Fresh tomatoes – the following variations of fresh tomatoes can be used: “S.Marzano dell’Agro Sarnese-
nocerino D.O.P”., “Pomodorini di Corbara (Corbarino)”, “Pomodorino del piennolo del Vesuvio” D.O.P.”
- Canned Peeled tomatoes – the recommended tomato is the “Pomodoro pelato S.Marzano dell’Agro
Sarnese-Nocerino D.O.P.”. If peeled tomatoes are used they should be strained, broken up and homogenized by
hand. The use of fresh or industrially prepared “Roma” tomatoes (“pomodoro lungo tipo Roma”) is allowed.
- Mozzarella – Certified mozzarella di bufala campana D.O.P, mozzarella S.T.G. (see attached appendices
for suppliers and technical details).
- Fior di latte - “Fior di latte dell’appennino meridionale D.O.P” or Others certificate ‘fiordilatte’.
- Extra Virgin Olive oil (EVO).
- Basil – Fresh Basil must be used.
- Cheese – Grated Hard cheese must be used
- Fresh Garlic
- Origano – “Origanum vulgare” from the “Labiatae” family.
- Sea salt
- Yeast: Compressed yeast, biologically produced, solid, soft and beige in color ,with quite an insipid taste
and a low degree of acidity must be used. Yeast must be purchased in packages ranging from 25-500 grams.

(Saccharomices cerevisiae) (See Italian Decreto Ministeriale. 21/03/1973 e 18/06/1996). The use of Natural
yeast (Sour Dough) is also permitted.
- All types of fat must be excluded from the dough.
3. Proper technique for the preparation of the dough. Hand-worked or low speed mixer (fork or spiral). No
planetary or vertical mixers are allowed. Blend flour, water, salt and yeast. Pour a liter of water into a mixer,
dissolve between the 50 and the 55g of salt, add 10% of the total amount of flour, and then add 3g of yeast.
Start the mixer, and then gradually add 1800 g of flour (w220-380) until of the desired dough consistency is
achieved. Combining the ingredients should take 10 minutes.
4. Proper technique for the preparation of the pizza. Opening the dough only by hand and slapping on the
working surface, transfer of the pizza on a peel by hand and adjusting the shape, cooking on an oven with a
temperature of not less than 900° F for a time not exceeding the 90 seconds.
5. Proper Equipment. A proper work surface (usually a marble slab), a wood or aluminum pizza peel to
introduce the pizza into the oven and a long handle metal round peel to turn and remove the pizza from the
6. Final Product. Pizza Napoletana must be not larger than 11 inches with a raised edge crust of about 1
inch and a thin center. The pizza should be soft and elastic, and easily foldable.
7. Documentation. A set of documents, pictures and video need to be provided to the Association for the
first preliminary evaluation (see below).
8. Others. In case of multiple restaurants, each individual store is bound to uphold the standards of the
Association and pay a correspondent membership fee. The membership does not automatically be extended to
any new units opened subsequently the joining of the Association, nor the membership is transferable from one
location to another. Rather, each individual location is evaluated and billed separately. An yearly renewal fee
will be due at the beginning of each calendar year.
In the event of non-compliance of these rules by one or more of the associated restaurants, the VPN
Association maintains the right to suspend or rescind the membership on an individual or collective basis. The
staff responsible for delivering the final product are thoroughly familiar with the product and rules defining its
production. Where possible the firm should employ a pizza maker (‘pizzaiolo’) recognized by the association.
If the associate is found not to be consistently in line with the above guidelines the ‘Verace Pizza Napoletana’
Association holds the right to withdraw their endorsement of the firm and exclude the associate from the
association, withdraw permission to use the brand name and logo and seek compensation for any damages that
may have been caused to the ‘Verace Pizza Napoletana’ Association’s image or reputation.

Obligations of the VPN Association

The association concerns itself with:

1. Promoting and advertising the Verace Pizza Napoletana trademark and its requirements with shows,
conferences, workshops and other promotional events which can be useful for reaching the goals of the
Association and informing the associates regarding all the activities.
2. Assuring the adherence to the Disciplinary by all the associates and provide them a correct training
about the technique of making Neapolitan pizza.
3. Giving to all the members all the possible technical assistance in order to facilitate the adherence to the
Disciplinary rules;
4. Informing the members about all the Merchant (Vendors) Registry Associates whose equipment and
ingredients correspond to the requirements of the Disciplinary;
5. Organizing information sessions for the responsible parties of the associated businesses;

Requirements of the Associates

The associates concern themselves with:
1. Displaying in an evident way the plate with the trademark of the Association inside and where possible
outside of the associated location;
2. Specifying in all the menus that all the pizzas are Neapolitan style pizzas, prepared and served adhering
strictly to the rules of the VPN Disciplinare, including ingredients and the production method.
1. Instructing all the persons involved in the preparation of the pizza with the proper knowledge about the
Verace Pizza Napoletana ingredients and preparation techniques.
2. Instructing all the front of the house employees (managers, hostesses and servers) about the basic rules
and purpose of the Association.
3. Reporting the name of the pizza-maker in charge that must be approved by the Association and
enrolled in the “Albo pizzaioli”.
4. Informing immediately the Association for any change of the main pizza maker.
5. Accepting additional membership in other associations provided they are not in conflict with the goals
and the rules of the association.
6. Informing the Association of any promotional activity, events participation, training courses in which the
associated will be involved and in which the AVPN will be directly or indirectly involved.

Documents to provide in order to become member of Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana (A.V.P.N.)

You should prepare and send us the following documentation:

1. The attached form filled up;

2. Copy of your restaurant business license.
3. A short description or story of the restaurant (for our website)
4. The restaurant logo in Jpeg format (300 dpi) or PDF (for magazine publishing and for our web site)
5. Photo of the inside pizzeria with customers in Jpeg;
6. Photo of the owner or the management in Jpeg;
7. Photo of the Pizzeria from outside with the signboard in Jpeg;
8. Photo of the pizza in the dish, as you serve to the customer in Jpeg;
9. Recipe of the pizza dough;
10. Three short videos of the pizza process:
- preparation of the pizza dough,
- cutting and preparation of the balls,
- preparation, handling and cooking of a Pizza Margherita until the final presentation of the pizza in
the plate.

Kind regards

Association V.P.N.

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