Powerful Visuals 1707649376
Powerful Visuals 1707649376
Powerful Visuals 1707649376
Rules Of Life
1. Nobody cares,
work harder.
2. You're going to piss a lot
of people off when you
start doing what's best for
3. They'll ignore you until
they need you.
4. Everything improves
when you decide not to
care anymore.
5. Things that break your
heart are the same things
that open your eyes.
6. Sometimes you need to
stop seeing the good in
people and start seeing
What they show you.
7. Some people will never
support you, because they
are afraid of what you might
8. People will let you down
in this life, promises will be
broken, and you should
expect less of others and
trust more in yourself.
9. Be a good person, but
don't waste time to prove it.
10. Remind yourself: If it
was easy, everyone would
do it.
11. If it is important for you
you'll find a way. If not,
you'll find an excuse
12. If they act like they can
live without you, help them
do it.