501.1 Description
This item shall consist of furnishing and installing underdrains using corrugated
high-density polyethylene pipe, including all other necessary incidentals and equipment,
in accordance with this Specification and in reasonably close conformity with the lines
and grades shown on the Plans or as established by the Engineer.
501.2.1.1 The pipe shall be Type S and not be perforated unless specified
501.2.1.4 All pipes will be subject to inspection by the engineer at the source
of manufacture, at an intermediate shipping terminal, or at destination. The
engineer shall be allowed unlimited access to all facilities and records as
required to conduct inspection and sampling.
501.2.2.2 Grating shall be made of fabricated mild steel or iron provided with
hot-dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 153 or AASHTO M 232 for
superior corrosion protection.
Bed course for the pipe shall be composed of granular backfill filter
material. It shall be permeable and shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 6,
except that soundness tests will not be required and minor variations in grading
and content of deleterious substances may be approved by the Engineer.
501.3.3 All pipes shall be firmly bedded and carefully aligned. The pipe shall be
laid with perforations down if the perforations are not uniformly distributed around
the circumference of the pipe, unless otherwise shown on the plans. Sections shall
be jointed with approved coupling fittings or bands. Dead ends of pipe shall be
completely closed by means of caps or plugs. Outlet pipe openings that are not
exposed shall be connected to drain as shown on the plans or directed by the
501.3.4 Pipe laying shall begin at the downstream end of the pipe line. The lower
bedding of the pipe shall be in contact with the shaped bedding throughout its full
length and width.
501.3.5 Prior to placing of concrete for recessed access box, the Engineer shall
approve its location, line, grade, and section details as shown on the Plans or as
directed by the Engineer.
501.3.6 After the pipe installation has been inspected and approved, concrete
encasement shall be placed to the grade established by the Engineer as shown
on the Plans. Care shall be taken not to displace the pipe or the covering at open
501.3.7 Sampling and testing of concrete shall conform to the requirements of Item
405, Structural Concrete.
This Item will be paid for at the contract lump sum price and shall be full
compensation for furnishing, fabricating, and installing materials, and for all work herein
before prescribed in connection therewith, including all labor, equipment, tools, and
incidentals necessary to complete the work.
502.1 Description
502.2.1 Concrete for these structures if needed shall meet the requirements of
Item 405, Structural Concrete.
502.2.2 Joint mortar shall consist of one-part portland cement and two parts fine
aggregates by volume, to which hydrated lime shall be added in an amount equal
to 10 percent of the cement by weight. All materials for mortar shall meet the
requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete.
The metal frames and grating to be installed on existing catch basins shall
conform to the requirements of Subsection 503.3.
502.3.1 An opening for the new pipe shall be made through the walls of the existing
structure or pipe at the proper location and grade. The new pipe shall be properly
fitted into place, flush with the inner face of the existing masonry, or as nearly so
as the engineer determines is practical. After the pipe is in place, the opening
around the pipe shall be sealed watertight in a manner approved by the engineer.
502.3.2 Any portion of an existing structure that is damaged in joining the new pipe
shall be repaired or replaced, at the contractor’s expense, with new material of a
type matching the old.
The number of existing manholes, inlets and catch basins adjusted as directed
will be measured as acceptably completed.
Furnished and installed metal frames and grating shall be measured and paid by
each pair completed and accepted.
Excavation and backfill will be measured and paid for as provided in Item 103,
Structure Excavation.
503.1 Description
This item shall consist of furnishing all materials, tools, and equipment including
labor requirements undertaking the proper application of metal grating with frame for
new drainage structure as shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer and in
accordance with this specification.
Welds shall be of full section and sound throughout. Obvious dimensional defects
and structural discontinuity of welds will be cause for rejection. All welding residue shall
be removed.
Grating shall be made of fabricated mild iron provided with hot dip
galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 153 or AASHTO M 232 for superior
corrosion protection. It shall be machine-made grating comprised of iron flat bars
standing on edge equispaced from each other. To prevent them from falling over
and to provide restraint in buckling, a twisted cross rod (6mm) is forge-welded into
the top of the flat bars.
The frame clear openings of drainage grates shall be 15mm larger than
nominal sizes of industry standard sized pits. These pits increase in size in
increments of 150mm. This shall be done to allow frames to be placed over
standard panel formwork and cast in while pouring the pit walls, to speeds up
installation and ensure the frame is fully embedded in the concrete.
Grates shall consist of 25mm to 65mm x 3mm, 4.5mm or 5mm thick flat
bars with length of not more than 6.1m spaced at 30mm o.c. with 6mm twisted rod
spaced at 100mm o.c.. Angular frame (L 75mm x 75mm x 9mm thick) shall be
coated with hot dipped galvanized for superior corrosion protection finish and
extended life. If required, I-Beam support shall be provided in the grates in
accordance with the approved plan. It shall also conform to the requirements of
ASTM A 153 or its equivalents AASHTO M 232.
Dimension Tolerances:
Thickness = ± 0.20 mm
Width = ± 0.80 mm
Length = + 50 mm/NIL mm
Metal gratings which are to rest on frames shall bear on them evenly and fit. They
shall be assembled before shipment and so marked that the same pieces may be
reassembled readily in the same position when installed. Inaccuracy of bearings shall
be corrected by machining, if necessary. The metal grating and its corresponding frame
shall constitute one pair.
Excavation and backfill shall be done in accordance with Item 102, Excavation.
The metal grating plants will be inspected periodically for compliance with
specified manufacturing and fabricating methods and bars samples will be obtained for
laboratory testing for compliance with material quality requirements.
The quantity to be measured and paid for will be the number of pairs of metal
frames and gratings completed and accepted.
504.1 Description
This item shall consist of cleaning and reconditioning existing pipes and
appurtenant structures in reasonably close conformity with this Specification and as
shown on the Plans.
Materials used for repair or replacement under the various Pay Items shall
conform the requirements of the applicable Items of this Specification.
Pipe Cleaned in Place – All foreign materials within the barrel shall be removed
and disposed off by methods which will prevent damage to the pipe.
Pipe cleaned in place will be measured along the flow line of the pipe line
acceptably cleaned a directed.
Excavation and backfill necessary for pipe removal operations shall be done as
part of the work of this Item.