Group 5

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Bayambang, Pangasinan

Group No.: 5
Members: De Vera, Hydee G. & Egros, Aila Erika D.
Course & Section: BSE SST III - 1


At the end of this lesson, the students are able to identify the different categories of instructional materials.
Teaching in this modern period is increasingly becoming more complex and technical to be effectively actualized
with traditional tools alone (Anyanwu, 2003). The development in modern technology has made available a wide range of
instructional materials to supplement teachers’ efforts in teaching-learning process. More importantly, the curricula of the
modern subjects call for extensively and frequently combined use of traditional with convectional materials in teaching-
learning process (Abolade, 2001). Effective teaching and pedagogical delivery depends majorly on cordial relationship
and free flow of communication between the teachers and the students. Verbal instruction, which is seen as the easiest
form of instructional and teaching delivery system apart from real experience is always very abstract (Adeyanju, 2003).
Since students in schools are from varied cultural and socio-cultural background and training, teachers thus need
instructional materials or teaching aids to help them communicate and mix effectively and hence cope with students’
needs based on their abilities and potentialities (Edward, 2002).
According to Ololube (2015), “Instructional materials refer to the human and non-human materials and facilities
that can be used to ease, encourage, improved and promote teaching and learning activities. They are
whatever materials used in the process of instruction. They are a broad range of resource which can be used to facilitate
effective instruction. They indicate a systematic way of designing, carrying out and employing the total process of
learning and communication and employing human and non-human resources to bring out a more meaningful and
effective instruction. They are human and non-human material that a teacher uses to pass information to the learner in
his/her class.”
Compared with counterparts of even 30 or 40 years ago, the present-day teacher or lecturer has a vast and often
bewildering range of instructional materials at his/her disposal. These can, however, conveniently be classified into seven
broad groups according to Ellington (n.d), in order of increasing technical sophistication. These groups are:
(i) printed and duplicated materials;
(ii) non-projected display materials;
(iii) still projected display materials;
(iv) audio materials;
(v) linked audio and still visual materials;
(vi) cine and video materials;
(vii) computer-mediated materials.
Further discussion of each category is as follows.
These comprise all textual and other materials that can be run off in large numbers on a duplicator or printing
machine for use by students. Facilities for the production of such materials are now available in practically every college,
and they have become one of the most basic and widely used of all educational tools.
a. Handouts: these comprise all the different types of information-providing materials that are given out to
students, usually in connection with a taught lesson or programme of some sort; they include sets of notes (either
complete or in skeleton form), tables, diagrams, maps and illustrative or extension material.
b. Assignment sheets: these include such things as problem sheets, reading lists, lab. sheets, briefing sheets for
projects and seminars, worksheets, etc; they can be uQed in practically all types of instructional situations.
c. Resource materials for group exercises: these comprise all the various printed and duplicated materials that
are used in connection with group learning exercises; they include background reading material, briefing material,
role sheets, instruction sheets, data sheets, and so on.
As its name suggests, this category includes all visual display materials that can be shown to a class, small group
or individual student without the use of an optical or electronic projector of any sort. It includes a number of the most
basic - and most useful visual aids that are available to teachers and lecturers.
a. Chalkboard displays: displays that are written, printed or drawn on a dark-coloured surface using chalk; still one of
the most widely-used of all visual aids, despite the fact that practically everything that can be done using a chalkboard can
be done more easily, less messily, and (in most cases) more effectively using the overhead projector; probably most useful
for displaying impromptu 'signposts', notes and diagrams during a taught lesson and for working through calculations and
similar exercises in front of a class.
b. Markerboard (whiteboard) displays: displays that are written, printed or drawn on a light-coloured surface using felt
pens, crayons or other markers; these can be used in the same ways as chalkboard displays, and have the advantage of
being less messy and offering a wider range of colours; also, a markerboard can double up as a projection screen if
c. Charts and wall charts: large sheets of paper, carrying pre-prepared textual and/or graphical and/or pictorial
information. Such charts can either be used to display information during the course of a lesson or can be pinned to the
wall of a classroom or lecture room in order to be studied by the students in their own time. Wall charts, in particular, can
be extremely useful for providing supplementary material or acting as a permanent aide memoir or reference system for
learners (e.g. the periodic tables of the elements that are prominently displayed in practically all chemistry classrooms) .
d. Posters: similar to wall charts, but generally containing less information - often simply a single dramatic image; useful
for creating atmosphere in a classroom.
e. Dioramas: static displays that combine a three-dimensional foreground (e.g. a model landscape of some sort) with a
two-dimensional background, thus creating an aura of solidity and realism.
This category includes all visual display materials which do not incorporate movement and which require an
optical projector of some sort in order to show them to a class or group or enable them to be studied by an individual
learner. It again includes some of the most useful visual aids that are available to teachers, instructors and trainers.
a. Overhead projector transparencies and similar materials: textual or graphical images on large acetate sheets that
can either be displayed to a class or group using an overhead projector or viewed by individuals or small groups using a
light box of some sort; probably the most useful and versatile visual aid that can be used to support mass instruction
methods in the modern classroom.
b. Filmstrips: these are simply strips of 35 mm film carrying linked sequences of positive images, each usually half the
size of a standard 35 mm frame (half-frame, or single-frame filmstrips) but sometimes the full size (full-frame, or double-
frame filmstrips); they are a convenient and (when purchased commercially) comparatively cheap alternative to slide
sequences, and can be used in much the same ways, using suitable filmstrip projectors or viewers for display or study.
c. Microforms: microform is a general term for any medium that is used to carry micro-images, i.e. photographically-
reduced images of pages of text, graphic materials, etc; the most common types are microfilms (rolls of strips of
photographic film carrying a linear sequence of such images), microfiches (transparent sheets of photographic film
carrying a matrix of such images) and microcards (opaque sheets carrying similar matrices of microimages); all such
mieroforms can be . used to carry the frames of instructional programmes (e.g. programmed learning sequences), to act as
highly compact data banks, etc., and can be studied using special magnifying viewers or projectors.
This category includes all the various system whereby straightforward audio signals can be played to a class or
group or listened by one individual. It again includes a number of extremely useful-albeit often neglected-instructional
aids. These are the materials which sounds are stored or recorded and can be reproduced or play back mechanically,
electronically, or both.
a. Radio broadcast: educational radio broadcasts constitute an extremely useful free resource for teachers and
trainers, and, although they are often difficult to incorporate into the timetable if listened to at the time they are
actually transmitted, this can easily be overcome by recording them for later playback; note, however, that it is
only certain designated educational broadcasts that can be so used without infringing the copyright laws.
b. Gramophone Records: recordings of music, plays, etc. on gramophone records again constitute a relatively
inexpensive and readily-available instructional resource in certain subject areas, and are suitable both for playing
to a class or group and for private listening by individuals, &though they are not so convenient to store, handle
or use as tape cassettes.
c. Audiotapes: audio material recorded on an open-reel tape or tape cassette constitutes one of the most useful
resources at the disposal of the modern teacher or lecturer; such material can be used in a wide range of
instructional situations, either on its own or in conjunction with visual materials of some sort.
d. Digital Recordings or Compact Disc: Invented around the late 70’s and early 80’s. Digital recording is done
by translating an audio signal into something that could be understood by a computer. In 90’s it became the most
popular digital recording format.
e. Digital Audio Files (mp3): By the turn of the millennium, digital Audio files that can be stored on computers,
using such formats aa the Mp3, became the norm. It is a patented encoding format for digital audio which uses a
form of loss data compression. It is a common audio format for consumer audio storage.
Audio materials must have the following for it to become effective:
•Clarity of voice •Appropriate length
•Relevant to the topic •Appropriate language
•Clear pitch of the audio •Unbiased

Audio Materials Applications in Education:

•Can be used to improved listening skills •Useful tool for those with reading disabilities or non-
•Enhances learning for verbal information
•Can be used for recording interviews
•An ideal way of teaching foreign language


This is the first of the two classes in which audio and visual materials are combined to form integrated
instructional systems, and includes a number of media that are particularly suitable for use in individualized learning.
a. Tape-slide programmes: audiotape recordings (usually on cassettes) synchronized with linked sequences of
slides constitute one of the most commonly-used integrated audiovisual media, and one of the most useful; they
can be used in a wide range of instructional situations, particularly individualized learning.
b. Tape-photograph programmes: these are basically the same as tape-slide programmes, except that
sequences of photographic prints are used instead of sequences of slides; their range of applications is not so
great, however, being largely restricted to individualized learning situations.
c. Filmstrips with sound: these are simply filmstrips that have an accompanying sound commentary, usually on
a tape cassette; they can be used in much the same way as tape-slide programmes.
d. Radiovision programmes: this is a technique pioneered by the British Broadcasting Corporation whereby
still filmstrips are produced to accompany educational radio programmes; the filmstrips can either be shown to a
class during the actual broad cast or used with a recording of same.
Purpose of Linked audio and still visual materials:
•Best motivation. •Clear image.
•Save energy and time. •Gain and hold student interest.
•Capture attention. •Increase understanding and retention.
•Reinforcement to learner. •Stimulate the development of understanding and attitude.
Advantages of Linked audio and still visual materials:
•Grabs attention •Instill long-lasting knowledge
•Better understanding •Builds interest and motivation teachings students learning
•Triggers the imagination


This class includes all media that enable audio signals to be combined with moving visual sequences, thus
enabling a further dimension to be added to integrated audio visual presentation. Teachers have long used the media-and
particularly film to accomplish various instructional objectives such as building background for particular topics or
motivating student reaction and analysis.
a. Cine films: such films have been in regular use in education and training for many years, and are available in
a number of formats; the most commonly-used type is probably 16 mm, although 8 mm and Super 8 mm films
are also widely used, since they are much cheaper to make and show.
b. Loop films: these consist of loops of cine film (usually 8 mm) mounted in special cartridges that enable them
to be shown or viewed continuously using a custom-designed projector or viewer; such loop films are ideal for
teaching single concepts that require movement to demonstrate them to full advantage, and, although they do not
normally have an accompanying sound commentary, this can easier be added using a separate sound system
c. Tape-films programmes: these are highly-sophisticated integrated systems that enable audio material to be
combined with sequences of still and moving pictures; most systems of this type use separate cassettes or
cartridges to carry the audio and video components, and obviously require specialized equipment to show or
view them.
d. Television broadcasts: as in the case of educational radio broadcasts, educational television broadcasts
constitute an extremely useful free resource for teachers and lecturers; like the former, they are not usually
transmitted at convenient times, but, thanks to the development of relatively cheap video recorders, this
limitation can now be easily overcome; readers should again note, however, that it is only certain designated
educational television programmes that can legally be recorded for subsequent educational use, and that an
appropriate license is usually required even for this.
Advantages of using Cine Films and video materials in teaching:
•Films and videos can extend the learning beyond the •It is a relaxed and playful activity.
•The cinema helps to improve listening and speaking.
•It’s fun.
•In addition to learning English you can also learn other
•It is different option that avoids boredom. topics such as history, technology, biology, music etc
Disadvantages of using cinema films and video materials in teaching:
•If the film is not well chosen, the students may get bored. •Working with videos requires a commitment on the part
of the teacher, many teachers do not have the necessary
•If you do not recognize correctly you can waste your


This final category includes all the various materials that require a computer of some sort to enable them to be
displayed, studied or used. Arguably, the computer constitutes the most important single resource ever to become
available to teachers and lecturers since the invention of the printing press, and may well have a similar revolutionary
effect on the way education is carried out, bringing about the massive shift from conventional expository teaching to
mediated individualized learning that some commentators are currently predicting.
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), Computer Based Learning (CBL), Computer Based Education (CBL) and
Computer Mediated/ Managed Instruction (CMI) all become part of the language of Educational Technology. Even each
one of these terms have slightly different connotation they are by and large referred to the way teachers use the power of
the computer for the purpose of teaching and administering learning.
a. ‘Number crunching’ and data processing packages: one of the most obvious uses of the computer in
education is as a super calculator o data processor; it is now possible to acquire or produce software packages
that enable virtually any calculation or data processing task to be carried out automatically on the computer and,
when appropriately used, such packages can be of tremendous help to teachers and learners.
b. ‘Substitute tutor' packages: another obvious use of computer is as a vehicle for administering individualized
learning, since it has the potential to provide a degree of interaction and feedback that no other system (apart
from a real live tutor) possesses; thus, ‘substitute tutor’ computer-based learning packages seem certain to
become one of the most important tools available to lecturers and students.
c. Data base systems: as well as being used to process information, the computer can be used to store it, and
help to retrieve it when required; thus, teachers and lecturers can now use computers to create data bases that can
be used in a whole range of instructional situations.
d. Computer-managed learning system: a fifth major application of computers in education is their use in an
administrative or managerial role, e.g. in the overall administration of the system, timetable planning, budgetary
control, and the management of the actual teaching/learning process; here again, software packages that enable
these various things to be done are likely to become increasingly widely used.
e. Interactive video systems: such systems, which probably constitute the most powerful and potentially the
most useful mediated instruction system yet developed, use a computer to gain access to video material stored in
a random-access videorecorder in the context of a fully-interactive computer-based learning programme.
Instructional materials can be identify in many categories in which each category plays an important role in
teaching and learning. Hence, it is vital for teachers to remember that all of these are essential tools in the learning of
every students in the classroom. According to Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, “students learn in a
variety of different ways.” It is important to use the most appropriate instructional materials on the students, since learners
have individual differences and considered diverse. Some students may be good at auditory learning and some may see
more academic improvement when audio visual, films and videos etc. are used in the classroom. Teachers must provide
the appropriate resources and proper guidance that will necessitate the needs of the students for them to cope up easily on
the topic. They may use different kinds of instructional materials that will come up with great results on the learners.
The use of appropriate instructional materials impact teaching and learning of the students. Through the use of
different teaching aids, it makes learning real and permanent as well as it promotes retention. In addition, proper
presentation of good materials, strategies and methodology employ by the educators will enhance good understanding of
the subject matter.
A Review of the Different Types of Instructional Materials Available to Teachers and Lecturers. Teaching and
Learning in Higher Education, 10

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