Taehwan Kim
Logical effort
• Property of the gate type (topology)
• NAND2, NAND3, NOR2, NOR3, XOR, …
• The way the transistors geometrically connected decides logical effort
• Easiest way to calculate LE
• Match the resistance of the pull-up & pull-down to unit inverter
• Calculate Cin_gate/Cin_inv
• Same for intrinsic delay
Advanced example – CMOS transmission gate
• Used in tri-state buffer, multiplexers, etc.
• PMOS & NMOS are generally equally sized
• We can model the two transistors in
parallel as an ideal switch with re-
sistance equal to that of an NMOS
transistor for both rising and falling
• How to calculate the logical effort of a
transmission gate?
Advanced example – transmission gate
• There should always be pull-up & pull-
down path from VDD/GND to define
logical effort!!
• LE can be defined with a driver circuit for
the transmission gate
• With an inverter,
• LE for d: 2
• LE for s: 4/3 (should always drive s & s’)
Advanced example – transmission gate
Applying LE for path delay calculation
• Any gate can now be treated as simple inverter, you just need to use
LE as a weight factor for the fanout of that gate (F*LE=EF)
• Electrical work:
• From power source (Vdd) perspective: int(E*dr) = Vdd (constant)
• Therefore, W=QVdd=CVdd^2
Reviewing the basics
• Resistors in parallel: R=(R1*R2)/(R1+R2)
• Resistors in series: R=R1+R2
• Capacitors in parallel: C=C1+C2
• Capacitors in series: C=(C1*C2)/(C1+C2)
• Q=CV
• i=Cdv/dt (from i=dq/dt, take d/dt of Q=CV)
• Stored energy is work required to charge it. v=q/C, dw=v dq =q dq/C,
integrate to find E=Q2/(2C)
• Or Estored=1⁄2Cv2=1⁄2QV(from E=int(Pdt), plug in P=IV and I=Cdv/dt)
• Transistor C=C*W,R=R/W...Doubling width of transistor halves the
resistance and doubles the capacitance
Reviewing the basics
• P=IV (power is product of voltage and current) ...Watts
• E=PT (energy is power integrated over interval T) = ∫ vi dt ...Joules =
1 Watt*hour = 3600 Watt*seconds
• V=IR (ohms law)
• P=i2R=v2/R
Things you need to know
• Draw a VTC for a given gate
• Describe the interesting points in a VTC. How is VIH and VIL defined? What is the noise
margin and why does it matter?
• Switch model for an NMOS and PMOS. When is it on? Off?
• Implement arbitrary CMOS logic gates (PUN, PDN)
• Draw CMOS implementations of NAND/NOR/INV/
• How can transmission gates be used?
• What are tri-state buffers?
• Draw a switch model of a gate
• Size a gate to balance rise/fall times
• Draw the capacitances associated with a CMOS gate
• Translate RC network to delay
Things you need to know
• How do you optimize a variable?
• Redo the inverter chain optimal delay proof
• What is the optimal effective fanout? Why?
• Is it better for the fanout to be too high or too low?
• Trade-off between fanout and number of stages
• Logical effort of common gates
• Derive the logical effort for an arbitrary gate
• Translate logical effort to delay
• Solve for delay of network with different gates, fanout, branching. Optimize
this delay
Things you need to know
• Where does the capacitance come from
• How does capacitive coupling work?
• Calculate resistance from sheet resistance
• RC models for interconnect
• Calculate Elmore delay of a network
• Derive tau for a wire
• Delay for lumped vs. distributed RC
• Derivation of delay from step on an RC circuit (where 0.69 comes from)
• How many repeaters do you need?
Things you need to know
• Instantaneous vs. peak vs. average power
• Derivation of energy drawn from the supply vs. stored on a capacitor
• Use switch model/results of derivation to calculate how much energy is
drawn/stored on a capacitor
• What is short circuit current. More common on big load or small load?
• Find power based on capacitance, frequency and activity
• Convert between power and energy
• What is glitching?
• Describe a simple current model for a transistor (beyond the switch model)
• How does parallelism and pipe-lining help power?