RFP Survey
RFP Survey
RFP Survey
Addressed to
RFP for conducting Drone survey to generate high resolution survey with vertical accuracy of more
than 20 cm and Eco-sounding of storm drainage network and 10% of data verification of storm drain
survey data received from BUIDCO for Patna Nagar Nigam, Khagaul, Danapur and Phulwarisharif
11 Officer inviting bids : Col. Naveen Gopal (Retd.), Chief Operating Officer,
FITT, IIT Delhi. Email: coo@fitt-iitd.in
For participation in E-tendering procedure, the vendor shall submit technical and financial proposal on given
12 email ID coo@fitt-iitd.in.
(i) The FITT does not take any responsibility for the delay/Non availability of internet connection,
Network Traffic/Holidays or any other reasons".
(ii) Bidders are requested to send technical and financial bid separately. Financial bid should be
password protected. Once the bidder is selected for 2nd round, they shall be requested for the
password of the document.
(iii) Technical document should be submitted in PDF format and financial bid can be submitted in Excel
with password protection.
(iv) Technical document should contain all relevant documents requested in RFP. All the relevant
document and CVs should be added as an annexure document of Technical Bid.
(v) In total 3 documents shall be emailed on coo@fitt-iitd.in, (a) Technical Document with Detailed
Approach and Methodology – PDF (b) Annexure of Technical Document (all relevant proofs and
documents requested in RFP) - PDF (c) Financial Bid (password protected) - Excel
The authority shall have the right to reject the bid without assigning any reason what so ever. For any
13 information department
Contact No. 011 - 26597164
After award of work the agency will furnish performance security deposit and make agreement as per
14 SBD Clause of Contract for execution of the Project.
Payment for work will be made as per schedule of Payment given in RFP document.
ii. The document containing the project profile, invitation for qualification and criteria for
evaluation may be obtained from the website: https://fitt-iitd.in
iii. FITT as the implementing agency will not be responsible, in case of any delay, due to any
reason whatsoever, in receipt of Bid Documents.
iv. The FITT reserves the right to reject any or all Bids or cancel/withdraw the Invitation for
Bids (IFB) without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case, no Bidder/ intending
Bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.
v. The details of the bidding process and summary of the scope of proposed works for the
project is included in the document.
vi. Any clarifications may be sought online through the tender site, through the contact details
or during pre-bid meeting if any. Bidder should take into account the corrigendum if any
published before submitting the bids online.
vii. The bidders shall send their eligibility and qualification details, technical bid, financial bid
etc., in the online standard formats given for respective tenders on coo@fitt-iitd.in the
respective stage only. The bidders shall send the scanned copies of all the relevant
certificates, documents etc., in support of their eligibility criteria / technical bids and other
certificate /documents as an annexure of technical document. The bidder shall sign on the
supporting statements, documents, certificates, sent by him, owning responsibility for their
correctness /authenticity.
viii. In exceptional circumstances, the competent authority, FITT may solicit the Bidder’s
Consent to an extension of the period of validity.
ix. Corrigendum/ Addendum, if any, will be published on the website and shall be send to
registered bidder.
x. For any queries regarding Tendering process, the bidders may contact at the address as
provided in the tender document.
xi. Bids that are rejected during the bid opening process shall not be considered for further
evaluation, irrespective of the circumstances.
The information contained in this Request for Proposal (RFP) or subsequently provided to
Applicants, whether verbally or in documentary or any other form by or on behalf of Patna Smart
City Limited (PSCL) (henceforth referred to as PSCL in this document/ ‘the Authority’) or any of
its employees or advisers, shall be considered confidential and not to be reproduced/ transmitted/
adopted/ displayed for any purpose whatsoever.
This RFP is one of the steps in the process of selection of an entity for the project of ‘For
conducting Drone survey to generate high resolution survey with vertical accuracy of more than
20 cm and Eco-sounding of storm drainage network and 10% of data verification of storm drain
survey data received from BUIDCO for Patna Nagar Nigam, Khagaul, Danapur and
This RFP is not an agreement or an offer by the Authority to the Applicants or any other person.
The purpose of this RFP is to provide interested parties with information that may be useful to
them in the formulation of their proposals, and based upon the proposals so received from
interested parties a specific Request for Proposal (RFP) can subsequently be prepared by PSCL.
This RFP includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments, arrived at by the
Authority/ Employer in relation to the Project. Such assumptions, assessments and statements do
not purport to contain all the information that each bidder may require. As such this RFP may not be
appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for the Authority/ Employer, its employees, or
advisers to consider the objectives, technical expertise and particular needs of each and every
Applicant who reads or uses this RFP. The assumptions, assessments, statements, and information
contained in this RFP, may not be complete, accurate, adequate, or correct. Each Applicant should
therefore conduct their own investigations and analyses and should also check the accuracy,
adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions, assessments and
information contained in this RFP and consider obtaining independent advice from appropriate
The information provided in this RFP is not intended to be an exhaustive account of statutory
requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law. The
Authority/ Employer accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation
or opinion on the law expressed herein.
The Authority and its employees and advisers make no representation or warranty and shall have
no liability to any person including any Applicant under any law, statute, rules or regulations or
tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or
expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in this
RFP or otherwise; including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability or completeness of the
RFP and any assessment, assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed to form
part of this RFP or arising in anyway in this subject.
The Authority may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so,
update, amend or supplement any information, objective, assessment, or assumption contained in
this RFP.
The issue of this RFP does not imply that the Authority is bound to select an Applicant for the
project and the Authority reserves the right to reject all or any of the proposal(s)/ terminate the
process at any time, without assigning any reasons, whatsoever.
The Applicant shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the participation in this process,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the process.
1. ................................................................................................................................................................ Introduction:
...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2. Scope of Work: ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
3. Eligibility Criteria: .................................................................................................................................................. 8
4. Forms: ................................................................................................................................................................. 11
FORM 1: TECHNICAL CAPABILITY OF THE APPLICANT............................................................................................. 11
FORM 2: FINANCIAL CAPABILITY OF THE APPLICANT ............................................................................................. 12
FORM 3: PROJECT CREDENTIALS............................................................................................................................. 12
TERMINATED ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
FORM 5: FORMAT FOR POWER OF ATTORNEY ....................................................................................................... 14
5. Technical Evaluation Criteria: ............................................................................................................................. 16
6. Financial Criteria: ................................................................................................................................................ 17
FORM 6: PRICE BID FORMAT .................................................................................................................................. 17
7. Terms of Payment ............................................................................................................................................... 19
8. Financial Evaluation Criteria: .............................................................................................................................. 20
Invitation for Request for Proposal for conducting Drone survey to generate
high resolution survey with vertical accuracy of more than 20 cm and Eco-
sounding of storm drainage network for Patna Nagar Nigam, Khagaul,
Danapur and Phulwarisharif
1. Introduction:
The Patna Smart City Limited through FITT, IIT Delhi invites qualified and experienced agencies to submit
technical and financial proposal for conducting Drone survey to generate high resolution survey with
vertical accuracy of more than 20 cm and Eco-sounding of storm drainage network for Patna Nagar Nigam,
Khagaul, Danapur and Phulwarisharif (approximately 300 Sq. Km area). The primary objective is to
capture the ground reality so as to accurately estimate the flooding hotspot with its reason and to enhance
the efficiency of the current infrastructure so that flooding can be minimized.
2. Scope of Work:
3. Eligibility Criteria:
Interested Agencies/ Applicants are requested to submit their responses in the formats under ‘Forms.’ They
are also required to provide documents in support of their approach, achievements/ claims, and compliance
to eligibility criteria. Only those bidder’s technical and financial bid will be opened who satisfy the
following eligibility criteria.
a) The bidder should have prior experience in successfully survey, costing 1 crores for 3-4 similar
nature of works, for any PSU/Government.
b) The financial stability and capability to execute the project. Company should have an average annual
turnover of 10 Cr in past 3 years.
3.1 The Applicant’s competence and capability, besides others, shall be evaluated onfollowing
a) Financial Capability in terms of Annual Turnover and Net-Worth and
b) Technical Experience
3.2 The Applicant who applies for this RFP, shall need to fulfill the following eligibility criteria.
These eligibility criteria shall be later used for marking/evaluation purpose.
(Evaluation shall be carried out in terms of Pass/ Fail for tabulated parameters separately):
Sl. Parameters Criteria Required to be
No. furnished
1. Applicant Entity The Bidder(s) shall be a Company, Firm or Certificate(s) of
LLP incorporated in India under the (Indian) Incorporation.
Companies Act 1956/ 2013 or a Company
In-cooperated under equivalent law abroad.
2. Technical The Applicant shall have experience of Work order and
Requirement completing work of similar nature in work completion
Central/State Government/ PSU/ Local Body certificates issued
entity in India, in the last 5 years. from the Client.
4. Declaration Any entity which has been debarred / black- Undertaking by the
of Non- listed/ terminated by any Central/State authorized
Blacklisting/ Government/ PSU/ Local Body entity in India or signatory
Debar/ similar agencies globally for unsatisfactory past
Termination performance, corrupt, fraudulent or any other
unethical business practices or for any other
reason as on last date of submission of the
Proposal, and the same subsists as on the date of
Application, shall not be eligible for
For showing the eligibility, the bidders will fill the Forms I to V.
4. Forms:
Sl. Response
No. Information (attach supporting documents)
3 Legal Status
5 Years in business.
7 Project Information – Name, Client, Scope, (repeat for each project as per
Activity mix, Value, Start / End Dates, etc. information under (4))
2 2021-22
3 2022-23
1. Project Name:
2. Location:
3. Name of Client:
7. Date of –
a. Date of award of the Project
b. Project Completion Date:
8. Project cost:
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Chief Operating Officer,
Foundation for Innovation and
Technology Transfer (FITT)
IIT Delhi, Hauz Kaus
New Delhi-16.
Subject: Declaration for not being debarred / black-listed by Central / any State Government
department in India as on the date of submission of the bid
Dear Sir,
Signature of Authorized Signatory (with official seal)
Name: Designation:
Address: Telephone & Fax:
E-mail Address:
[To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value in accordance with relevant Stamp Act. The
stamp paper to be in the name of the company who is issuing the powerof attorney]
Know by all men by these presents, We _ (Name of the Bidder and address
of their registered office) do hereby constitute, appoint and authorize Mr. / Ms. (name and residential
address of Power of attorney holder) who is presently employed with us and holding theposition of
as our Attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in
connection with or incidental to our Proposal for the ‘RFP for conducting Drone survey to
generate high resolution survey with vertical accuracy of more than 20 cm and Eco-sounding
of storm drainage network and 10% of data verification of storm drain survey data received
from BUIDCO for Patna Nagar Nigam, Khagaul, Danapur and Phulwarisharif’, including
signing and submission of all documents and providing information / responses to the PSCL,
representing us in all matters before PSCL, and generally dealing with the PSCL in all matters in
connection with our Proposal for the said Project.
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said Attorney pursuant to
this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid Attorney shall and
shall always be deemed to have been done by us.
Business Address:
(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)
The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the
executant(s) and when it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed
inaccordance with the required procedure.
The Power of Attorney shall be provided on stamp paper.
5. Technical Evaluation Criteria:
5.1 Technical Proposal and Its Evaluation: The eligible bidders shall provide their technical bid in
a separate envelope. This shall comprise of the following.
a) Registration certificate of the firm issued by Central/State Govt. /Union Territory/ Semi-Govt./ Public
Sector undertaking Department.
b) Duly filled up Eligibility documents appended in the Eligibility Cum Technical Package e bid.
c) List of works satisfactorily completed during the last three financial years in Central/State
Govt./Union Territory/Semi-Govt./Public Sector undertaking along with certificates clearly indicating
Date of start, date of completion, amount of work executed.
d) Audited balance sheet counter signed by C.A. for last three financial years. Clearly indicating turnover
and T.D.S.
e) List of Technical staff with their qualification professional experience and length of the service with
the firm Affidavit by Notary on min. Rs. 10/- non judicial stamp paper (Both side).
f) Original copy/Self Attested copy of the partnership deed if it is a partnership firm and Self Attested
copy of registration certificate in case of company, sole proprietorship declaration in case of sole
proprietorship firm.
g) Authority letter in original or attested by Notary not more than one year old of the firm/tenderer in
favour of the person who has signed the tender documents with telephone number, complete postal
address, and E-mail ID.
h) PAN Certificate of the Company/Firm.
i) Blacklist Affidavit on Stamp paper (notarized).
j) Address proof/I.D.: As per Govt. Rules.
k) Tenderer or Authorized person should sign each page of all documents at the time of tender Up-
l) G.S.T. Registration Certificate.
m) EPF & ESI Registration Copy of the Company/Firm.
n) Affidavit for Relatives not working in Foundation of Innovation and Technology Transfer
(FITT)/Patna Smart City Limited (PSCL)/Patna Municipal Corporation (PMC) on Rs. 100/- Stamp
paper (Appendix-E).
o) All the documents as outlined under the head Submittal of Documents and other documents to comply
the Eligibility Cum technical Package.
p) All documents should be attached in above sequence.
5.2 In addition, the technical bid shall comprise of: The bidder shall necessarily submit the
following documents in their technical proposal. Table 1 “Technical Bid Submittals” shall be
used for evaluation purpose.
6. Financial Criteria:
As per feasibility and preliminary requirement of the project, the bidder must quote the total project
Job cost as per Form-6 Inclusive of GST Charges. The agency has to submit component wise details
with quantity as per the requirement in separate sheet. The bidder should also give a break up of
approximate bill of quantity.
Description of Work Quantity Amount in INR
In Figure In
Note: -
i. Component wise details with quantities should be enclosed in separate sheet with seal
and sign.
ii. Rate shall include all Taxes, levies, GST, Royalty, Signorage etc. and nothing shall be
paid extra over and above the quoted cost.
iii. In case of ambiguity or discrepancy between Figure and Words, words shall prevail.
7. Terms of Payment
1. The bidder shall quote their rates for all kind of survey requested in Scope of Work.
Payment shall be made after completion of work and after necessary certification by
Engineer-in-charge. The overall tendered amount shall be payable as per break up
mentioned in table below: -
a) For Drone Survey and handing over the DEM/DSM with vertical accuracy less
than 20 cm to FITT - 25 % of total agreement amount.
b) After completion and sharing of Eco-sounding of Storm Drains and handing over
of data in soft copy to FITT - 25% of total agreement amount.
c) After 10% Data verification of data storm drain survey shared by BUIDCO
and handing over of the data along with status in soft copy format to FITT - 25%
total agreement amount.
d) Upon submission of all soft copy of drawing, data with proper projection system
to FITT - 25% total agreement amount.
8. Financial Evaluation Criteria:
Bids will be evaluated following the QCBS evaluation methodology by an expert committee
as mentioned below:
The bids conforming to the technical specifications, terms and conditions stipulated in the
bidding document and considered to be responsive after subjecting to Bid Rejection Criteria
will be considered for further evaluation as given below:
Bids shall be evaluated both in terms of ‘Quality’ as well as ‘Quoted Price’ i.e. Quality
& Cost Based Selection (QCBS) methodology. The weightage for the ‘Quality’ is 70
(seventy) and the weightage for the ‘Quoted’ price is 30 (thirty).
The marks allocated against various sub-sections under ‘Quality’ of Bid shall be as
Broad classification:
≥2 projects: 6 marks
Bidder should have the experience
of having successfully completed To be provided by
1. 2 additional marks for each 10
"similar work" in the same sector in vendor.
last 3 years in India / globally.
(4 marks max.)
Drone: 5 marks
Bidder should have their own Drone certified pilot: 5 marks
equipments (example: drone, eco- Eco-sounder: 5 marks To be provided by
2. 20
sounder, total station for carrying out Total Station: 5 marks vendor.
survey work)
(20 marks max.)
Copy of certificate
should be
provided along
with the technical
3. The bidder should be minimum ISO ISO 9001: 5 marks
5 bid. Certificate
9001 certified.
should be valid as
on bid closing
Number of full-time technical
personnel on its payroll in India,
who are dealing in Implementation / <20 : 5 Marks
Post- implementation support
6. services for this project and proof of >20 and < 50: 10 marks 15
the organisational presence for Certificate signed
installation and post-installation ≥50: 15 marks by the Authorized
maintenance in Patna / Bihar as on signatory on
bid closing date. official letterhead
technical proposal. Bids not meeting the minimum qualifying marks in technical bid
shall be rejected. The Bids meeting the minimum qualifying marks shall be called
‘Qualified Bids’ and shall be eligible for financial evaluation of the bid.
c) ‘Qualified Bids’ (meeting the minimum Qualifying Marks of in technical bid), terms
and conditions stipulated in the bidding document and considered to be responsive after
subjecting to Bid Evaluation Criteria shall be considered for further evaluation as per
the Evaluation Criteria given below:
Price Bids shall be evaluated considering the Price quoted for all services
including applicable GST (CGST & SGST / UTGST or IGST).
Quoted price must include all liabilities and taxes including statutory liabilities but
excluding GST, which shall be quoted separately in the Price Bid format
d) To ascertain the Inter-se-ranking of the bids, the Quality & Cost Based Selection
(QCBS) methodology as mentioned below shall be adopted:
An Evaluated Bid Score (B) will be calculated for each bid, which meets the minimum
Qualifying marks of 70 (seventy) in ‘Quality’ Evaluation Criteria, using the following
formula in order to have a comprehensive assessment of the Bid price and the Quality
of each bid:
“Quality‟ criteria
Thigh = The highest mark scored against “Quality‟ criteria among all
responsive bids
Note: The Evaluated Bid Score (B) shall be considered up to two decimal places.
Contract shall be awarded to the bidder with the highest Evaluated Bid Score
In the event of two or more bids having the same highest Evaluated Bid Score
(B), the bid scoring the highest marks against ‘Quality’ criteria will be
recommended for award of contract. Even if there is a tie, ‘draw of lots’ will be
resorted to arrive at the recommended bidder.
To ascertain the inter-se-ranking, the comparison of the responsive bids will be
made subject to loading for any deviation.