Tender - No-06 2024
Tender - No-06 2024
Tender - No-06 2024
Tender Number: -
Issued on 12/06/2024
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1. "The Department of Science, Technology, and Technical Education (DSTTE), Government of Bihar, is
the nodal department catering to the needs of Technical Education in the State. Under the aegis of
DSTTE, the Bihar Council on Science & Technology (BCST) has been established at Patna, housed at
the Indira Gandhi Science Complex. To recognize the talent of students, foster an interest in
understanding and learning, address barriers related to science and maths, and promote scientific
thoughts in the state, National Science Day is celebrated on February 28th and Maths Day is
celebrated on December 22nd. Sir C.V Raman Talent Search Test in Science, which commemorates the
discovery of Raman Effect along with appreciating the contributions of our scientific community and
National Mathematics Day, Srinivas Ramanujan Talent Search Test in Mathematics, which is the birth
anniversary of the legendary Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan and serves as a tribute to his
remarkable contributions to the field of mathematics. It encourages students to develop a positive
attitude towards learning mathematics and science and to explore their potential in different fields
such as technology, engineering, and other related areas.
2. In order to ignite students' interest in mathematics and science and create an engaging and
challenging environment for students from class 6 to class 12 standard, DSTTE perceives National
Mathematics and Science Day as an opportunity to organize challenging competitions for school
students, involving multiple-choice testing of basic concepts, problem-solving, and logical reasoning.
3. Bihar Council on Science & Technology, Patna is soliciting tender for eligible bidders for providing
Computer Based Test Services (CBTS) as detailed out in the scope of work of the RFP document. The
RFP for selection of service providing agency is available on the website of the BCST
https://bcst.org.in/ and www.eproc2.bihar.gov.in .
4. To participate in the e-tendering process, the bidders/agency are required to get themselves
registered with www.eproc2.bihar.gov.in.
5. The contract shall be signed between the successful bidder & Bihar Council on Science & Technology,
Patna. Enquiries and clarifications (if any), shall be addressed to: Project Director, Bihar Council on
Science & Technology IGSC-Planetarium, Adalatganj, Patna-800001 Email id: – pd@bcst.org.in
6. Schedule of Events:
Sn. Schedule Important dates
I Tender No. 06/2024
II Bid Publishing Date 12/06/2024
III Pre bid meeting Date 18/06/2024 at 3:00 P.M. Offline
IV Last Date of submission of bid 09/07/2024 up to 5:00P.M.
V Bid opening date & Time Technical bid: 10/07/2024 at 3:00 PM
(Technical & Financial) Financial Bid: To be notified later on
VI Bid validity period 180 Days (One hundred and Eighty days)
VII Contact Person Project Director, Bihar Council on Science
& Technology IGSC-Planetarium,
Adalatganj, Patna-800001 Email id: –
VIII Website https://bcst.org.in/
NB: Bihar Council on Science & Technology, Patna reserves all the right to
revise/change/cancel the Tender at any stage without assigning any reasons thereof.
7. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 50,000/- (Fifty thousand only) shall be submitted through
online mode on www.eproc2.bihar.gov.in.
8. The technical and financial bids as per the formats available on www.eproc2.bihar.gov.in before
the date and time specified in the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT). Bihar Council on Science &
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Technology, Patna doesn't take any responsibility for the delay / Non-Submission of Tender / Non-
Reconciliation of online Payment caused due to Non-availability of Internet Connection, Network
Traffic/ Holidays or any other reason."
9. The bidders shall submit their eligibility and qualification details, certificates as mentioned in the
tender document in the format annexed in the Tender.
10. The Bidding documents shall be submitted in the mode as mentioned below:
Earnest Money Deposit Online mode on www.eproc2.bihar.gov.in
Technical Bid (Un-priced) As per format mentioned in Tender.
(Annexure I)
Financial Bid (Priced) As per format mentioned in Tender.
(Annexure 2)
11. In the event of any of the above-mentioned dates being declared as a holiday/ closed day for
BCST, Patna the technical/financial bid be opened on the next working day at the scheduled time.
12. The technical and financial bids must be submitted through eproc2.bihar.gov.in before the date
and time specified in the tender document. BCST doesn’t take any responsibility for the
delay/Non-submission of Tender/Non-Reconciliation of online payment caused due to non-
availability of Internet Connection, Network Traffic/Holidays or any other reason.
13. The bidders shall submit their eligibility and qualification details, Certificates as mentioned in the
tender document, in the online standard formats given in eproc2.bihar.gov.in at the respective
stage(s) only.
14. All prospective bidders may attend the Pre-Bid meeting. The venue, date and time are indicated in
Schedule of Events as in above section 6.
15. All further Notifications/Corrigendum/Addendum would be notified to the bidder through
appropriate channel.
This document contains privileged and confidential information pertaining to the “Onboarding
Service Provider for providing platform for Computer Based Test Services for Math and Science Day
at Bihar Council on Science and Technology. The access level for the document is specified
above. The addressee should honour access rights by preventing intentional or accidental access
outside access scope.
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Instruction to Bidders
1. General Instructions
a) The bidders shall submit his bid/tender on eproc2.bihar.gov.in.
b) The bidders may use their Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) if they already have. They can also
take Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from any of the authorized agencies.
c) For user-id they must get registered themselves on eproc2.bihar.gov.in and submit their bids
online. Offline bids shall not be entertained by the Tender Inviting Authority (TIA).
d) Bids not submitted, as per Performa / Instructions mentioned in this RFP document, will be
summarily rejected.
e) The bidders shall submit their eligibility and qualification details, technical bid, financial bid, etc.,
in the online standard formats given on eproc2.bihar.gov.in.
f) The bidders shall upload the scanned copies of all the relevant certificates, documents etc. with
indexing and paging, in support of their eligibility criteria / technical bids and other certificates
/documents on the eproc2.bihar.gov.in.
g) The bidders shall digitally sign the supporting statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by
him, owning responsibility for their correctness/authenticity. The bidder shall attach all the
required documents for the specific tender after uploading the same during the bid submission as
per the tender notice and bid document.
h) The bidders shall ensure that entire testing lifecycle with uploading content for publishing,
examinee registration, test delivery & reporting must follow well-established best-practices
prevailing in the industry including the ability to customize any part as per needs of the BCST.
i) The bidders shall provide Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for well-defined process on how to
respond to technical issues faced at the examination centre and train BCST nominated staff for
such situation as per requirement.
j) The rate quoted by the bidder shall remain same throughout the contract period including any
extension thereon. No increment in rates would be permitted in any circumstances.
k) The bidders would indemnify the BCST/DSTTE against any claim of copyright violation/plagiarism,
l) The Examination shall be computer based with the bilingual questions (both in English and Hindi
m) The selected bidder is expected to design the examination plan and examination processes in
consultation with BCST.
n) The bidders must provide Security and software quality certification as required.
o) The Financial bids (as per Annexure 2) submitted by all bidders shall be valid for 180 days from
the date of submission of Bid.
p) The bidder shall submit the financial bid as per Annexure – 2.
q) Bidders are advised to study the RFP document carefully. Submission of bid shall be deemed to
have been done after careful study and examination of the RFP document with full understanding
of its implications.
r) In the event a qualified bidder wants to withdraw the bid, the EMD/Bid security of such bidder
shall be forfeited.
2. Tendering Expense
The bidder shall bear all costs and expenditure incurred and/or to be incurred by it in
connection with its tender including preparation, mailing and submission of its tender and
subsequently processing the same. The Bihar Council on Science & Technology, Patna shall in no
case be responsible or liable for any such cost, expenditure etc. regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the tendering process.
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3. Language of the tender
The tender submitted by the bidders and documents relating to the tender shall be written in
the English language only.
At any time prior to the deadline for submission of tenders, the Bihar Council on Science &
Technology, Patna may, for any reason deemed fit by it, modify the tender document/s by
issuing suitable amendment(s) to it. Such an amendment will be notified on
eproc2.bihar.gov.in and website (https://bcst.org.in/) of the Bihar Council on Science and
Technology (BCST) and the same shall be binding to all prospective bidders. Bihar Council on
Science & Technology, Patna will not issue any separate communication in this regard.
5. Pre-Bid Meeting
To provide response to any doubt regarding terms and conditions, scope of work and any
other matter given in the tender document, a pre-bid meeting has been scheduled to be
held in the office of Bihar Council on Science & Technology, Patna or an online meeting may
be scheduled. The clarification sought by representative of prospective bidders shall be
responded appropriately. However, they shall clarify and will be asked to submit their
written request by close of office next working day. The Bihar Council on Science &
Technology, Patna shall upload written response on eproc2.bihar.gov.in and website
(https://bcst.org.in/) of the Bihar Council on Science and Technology (BCST) to such requests
for clarifications, without identifying its source. In case required, amendments issued, shall
be binding on all prospective bidders. Further, the issue raised having been clarified shall be
final. Bidders are advised to visit the Bihar Council on Science and Technology (BCST)
(https://bcst.org.in/) website and eproc2.bihar.gov.in regularly for any updates/
corrigendum/ amendments etc.
a) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 50,000/- (Fifty thousand only) shall be submitted as through
online mode on www.eproc2.bihar.gov.in.
b) The EMD of unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them without any interest, after execution of the
contract or 30 days of opening of bid whichever is earlier. The EMD of the successful bidder will be
returned without any interest, after receipt of performance security as per the terms of contract.
c) The EMD shall be forfeited by Bihar Council on Science & Technology, Patna hereunder or otherwise,
under the following conditions:
▪ If a bidder engages in a corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable
practice, or restrictive practice.
▪ If a bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity as specified in this Tender and as
extended by the Bihar Council on Science & Technology, Patna from time to time.
▪ In the case of selected bidder, if it fails within the specified time limit:
i. to sign the contract and/or
ii. To furnish the Performance Security (PS), before signing the contract agreement, within
the period prescribed in the Letter of Intent (LoI).
7. Bid Validity
The submitted bids shall remain valid for a period of 180 days after the date of submission.
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8. Signing of the Contract
The Contract document/Agreement between Bihar Council on Science & Technology, Patna and
selected bidder should be executed within 15 days of the issue of the Letter of Intent (LoI). The
selected bidder will have to submit the Performance Security (PS), as applicable before signing of
the agreement. Non-fulfilment of this condition will result in cancellation of the award and
forfeiture of the EMD with consequential action if so desire.
9. Duration
The contract, if awarded, shall be valid for a period of 1 years which will be extended annually on
the same terms and condition for 2 or more years based on satisfactory performance. In case of
breach of contract or in the event of not fulfilling the minimum requirements/ statutory
requirements, Bihar Council on Science & Technology, Patna shall have the right at any time to
terminate the contract forthwith in addition to forfeiting the Performance Security amount
deposited by the bidder and initiating administrative actions for blacklisting, etc.
10. Sub-Contract
Sub-contracting of the services would not be allowed under any circumstances and contract may
be terminated in case the bidder sub-contracts its liabilities/ responsibilities/ obligation to other.
Penal action may also be taken against the bidder.
The Agency shall commence the work within 15 days of signing of contract with BCST.
a. The successful bidder shall have to furnish a performance security equivalent to 5% of the bid cost, in
the shape of a Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled Bank in favour of Project Director, Bihar Council
on Science & Technology, Patna. The Bank guarantee shall be as per proforma at “Annexure 3” and
remain valid for a period, which is six months beyond the date of expiry of the contract. The
Performance Security will be returned to the bidder, upon validation of completion of all contractual
b. The performance security should be submitted before executing the contract /signing of the contract
document positively.
c. If the bidder violates any of the terms and conditions of tender document in any manner, the
Performance Security shall be liable for forfeiture, wholly or partly, as decided by the Bihar Council on
Science & Technology, Patna and the contract may also be cancelled/terminated. Further, the bidder
may be blacklisted for a reasonable period as decided by the Department of Science, Technology and
Technical Education/BCST, Patna.
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This invitation is open to organisation who fulfil the eligibility & qualification criteria specified here
Mandatory Documents to be submitted by the
Sn Eligibility Criteria
1 The Bidder should be an • For Company- Copy of the Certificate of
established entity registered Incorporation issued by the Registrar of
under Companies Act 1956/2013 Companies (RoC) under companies act
or Limited Liability Partnership 1956/2013.
Act 2008. • For Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Firm-
Copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
issued by the Registrar of Companies (RoC)
under Limited Liability Partnership Act
2 The Bidder must have average Audited Balance sheet and Profit & Loss Account
annual turnover of not less than for last three financial year (FY 2020-21, FY 2021-
INR 5 crore in last three financial 22 & FY 2022-23).
years (FY 2020-21, FY 2021-22 &
FY 2022-23), as evidenced by the
audited accounts.
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15. Technical Evaluation
a) Criteria (Documentary evidence as per Annexure 1)
The responsibility of work for execution of task mentioned in the context of conducting Srinivas
Ramanujan Talent Search Test in Mathematics and Sir C.V. Raman Talent Search Test in Science
competitive assessment through online mode and Pattern of the test is MCQ (Multiple Choice
Question) type.
▪ Develop and host (on own server) an online application for Math and Science Day talent
search test.
▪ Design an application form with validation, dropdowns, document uploads, and other essential
features to facilitate candidate registration.
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▪ Conduct two separate examination Srinivas Ramanujan Talent search Test in Mathematics and Sir C.V
Raman Talent Search Test in Science Competitive Examination with a minimum assured payment for
at least 50,000 candidates in each examination as per rates in the financial bid even if number of
registrations are less than 50,000. On the basis of past experience, it is assumed that each exam may
see 50,000 to 2 lakh registrants.
▪ Design and upload Admit Card for all the applicants, which will be downloaded from BCST official site
(www.bcst.org.in) through specific login Id and Password. An email & message will be sent to all the
applicants in their registered email Id and mobile number to download their admit card along with all
the important information.
▪ Organise a mock test for all the applicants of Shrinivas Ramanujan Talent Search Test in Mathematics
and Sir CV Raman Talent Search Test in Science.
▪ Conduct four shift examinations as per the date decided by the BCST, Patna.
▪ Provide live demo for the officials of BCST, Bihar for the understanding on process flow of the
▪ Provide Reports (District wise/Class wise and overall comprehensive report or other types of reports
as per BCST’s requirements). Total Score will be shown after the just competition of the examination
to the candidate.
▪ Provide the result as per the date and time decided by BCST.
▪ Provide class wise rank list of State and District toppers State Topper candidates as per BCST ranking
▪ Generate examination logs, result analysis reports, and state and district wise rank lists to evaluate
candidate performance.
▪ Nominate one Nodal officer with all the details for the coordination of all kinds of activities.
▪ Provide technical support helpdesk to address any kind of issue and challenges during the
examination time.
▪ Provide dedicated technical assistance, tele callers, and a WhatsApp number/email ID for query
▪ Develop a module to automatically evaluate candidates' marks in accordance with the marking
scheme provided by BCST.
▪ Archive examination data (at least for 1 year) for future reference as per BCST’s requirements.
▪ Provide the design certificate of all the rank holder candidates to BCST on admin Pannal which will be
accessible for admin only.
▪ For accessibility and convenience map examination centres located within candidates' districts or
▪ Develop a feature to bulk upload questions into the system.
▪ Enable question creation with various formats including image, video, audio, numerical, special
symbol, mathematical symbol, and science symbol, as required.
▪ Provide an option to set up the difficulty level for questions.
▪ Implement firewall, screen lock, browser control, and ensure no other apps or advertisements pop up
during the examination period to maintain integrity.
▪ Facilitate bulk SMS, email, and timely communication to students for updates and notifications.
▪ Allow control of the examination panel by enabling or disabling features for individual students.
▪ Implement a facility to issue warnings or pop-up notifications if cheating or malpractices are detected
during the examination.
▪ Provide features for face recognition, ID capturing, image capturing, or making short videos during
the examination period.
▪ Ensure the examination application is supported on Laptop/Desktop/Tablet/Mobile devices as
▪ Support popular browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, etc.
▪ Implement a zero-day grievance redressal mechanism to address issues promptly.
▪ Ensure the responsibility for data security, portal security, and information security lies with the
agency to safeguard sensitive information.
▪ The application/portal should have features to autosave mode on for examination during the
electricity cut or any short of power cut etc.
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Other Responsibility:
▪ Develop Functionality for Questions and Option randomization.
▪ Provide facility to export or download data from the application.
▪ Application should be able to handle a load of at least 50,000 applicants’ hits at any instance
without any interruptions.
▪ The application should have interface such as next, previous, preview, examination timer and
question summary should be available.
▪ The Assessment Agency/Technical support provider will maintain all the data Security and data
Transparency related to this Examination. If there is any data theft happened in future agency
will be responsible for any kind legal action taken by BCST Bihar, Patna.
▪ Develop additional features to smooth the online examination process as a when required
without having additional cost.
▪ Sign Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with BCST.
▪ The bidder will provide the dashboard to the department for accessing all the data information
and registration details of both Mathematics and Science Examination.
Sl. No. Scope of Services
BCST Agency
I Data of registered candidates to be made available for admit card
X √
II Creation of Hall ticket and up-loading of Hall Ticket X √
III Question Paper for the examination √ X
VI Question Paper Encryption X √
V Providing facility/examination hall/amenities √ X
VI Supervision during exam. √ X
VII Providing Syllabus and deciding difficulty level of question paper and
√ X
VIII Calculation of Marks obtained by candidates and preparation of
X √
spread sheet as per requirement
XI Prescribing norms for creation of result/outcome. √ X
X Preparation of result/outcome as per the decided norms and
√ √
handover in secured form.
XI Upload responses and candidate data from local server to Data
X √
XII Application Hosting Server and data archiving X √
20. Responsibility of BCST:
Provide venue with internet facilities, provide invigilators, provide syllabus, preparation of question
papers along with difficulty level and develop norms for creation of result/outcome etc.
21. Payment:
The bidder will be entitled to a minimum assured payment for at least 50,000 candidates in each examination
as per rates in the financial bid even if numbers of registrations are less than 50,000.
The selected bidders shall be paid based on the outputs according to the agreed scope of work
which will be following:
a. No advance payment will be considered by the BCST.
b. Payment shall be against average of valid registrations and number of students participated for
the examination. Following would be the method of calculation.
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Valid registration = (A)
Number of students participated = (B)
Average (C) = (A+ B)/2
c. The payment to the service provider shall be made in Indian rupees and shall be paid only after
the successful completion of the entire work as per the schedule.
d. On completion of activity, the agency would submit an invoice in triplicate with supporting
documents, if any, to the BCST for payment. After completion of the due procedures, in the
BCST, payment will be made through electronic transfer of funds to the bank account of the
agency concerned.
e. For facilitating Electronic Transfer of funds, the selected agency will be required to submit the
name of the Bank & Branch, account no. (i.e., bank name, IFSC Code and Bank A/c No.) And
forward a cheque leaf duly cancelled, to verify the details furnished.
f. No partial payment would be done under any circumstance. The final settlement of the bill
would be done upon successful completion of the assignment.
22. Termination of Contract
a) If any bidder found to be involved in fraudulent practices (misrepresentation or omission of facts or
suppression/hiding of facts or disclosure of incomplete facts), in order to secure eligibility to the
bidding process during the submission of bid or after release of Letter of Intent (LoI) or agreement
formalization after signing of contract, shall be liable for punitive action amounting to blacklisting of
the bidder, including the forfeiture of concerned EMD and/or Performance Security also, whatever it
b) Notwithstanding contained here, the Bihar Council on Science & Technology, Patna prejudice to any
other contractual rights and remedies available to it, shall by written notice of default sent to the
bidder, terminate the contract in whole or in part, if the bidder fails to perform services as specified in
the present contract read with the terms of the contract agreement or any other contractual
obligations within the time period specified in the contract and the firm may be blacklisted,
consequently the performance security may be forfeited.
c) Termination for Insolvency - If the bidder becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, it will inform to
the Bihar Council on Science & Technology, Patna within 30 days written notice to terminate the
contract. Bihar Council on Science & Technology, Patna reserves the right to terminate, without any
compensation, whatsoever, to the bidder, and may forfeit the performance security.
d) Termination by mutual consent - In the event the Bihar Council on Science & Technology, Patna and
the bidder mutually agrees to terminate the contract, either party shall give 90 days’ written notice to
the other party and after the consent of both the parties contract may be terminated without any
Legal or financial obligation on any party to the contract.
e) Termination due to unsatisfactory performance: Contract with the agency would be terminated in
the following circumstances:
I. Agency fails to begin work within 15 days of signing the contract.
II. Fails to perform agreed deliverables (as mentioned in the agreement) on time.
23. Force Majeure
a) For purposes of this clause, Force Majeure means an event beyond the control of the bidder and not
involving the bidder’s fault or negligence, and which is not foreseeable and not brought about at the
instance of, the party claiming to be affected by such event and which has caused the non –
performance or delay in performance. Such events may include wars or revolutions, hostility, acts of
public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, explosions, earthquake, epidemics, quarantine
restrictions, strikes excluding by its employees, lockouts excluding by its management, and freight
b) If a Force Majeure situation arises, the bidder shall promptly notify the Bihar Council on Science &
Technology, Patna in writing of such conditions and the cause thereof within 7 days of occurrence of
such event. Unless otherwise directed by the bidder in writing, the bidder shall continue to perform
its obligations under the contract as far as reasonably practical and shall seek all reasonable
alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.
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c) If the performance in whole or in part or any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by
any reason of Force Majeure for a period exceeding thirty days, either party may at its option
terminate the contract without any financial repercussion on either side.
24. Notices
Notice, if any, relating to the contract given by one party to the other, shall be sent in writing or e-
mail or by post. The addresses of the parties for exchanging such notices will be the addresses as
incorporated in the contract between the Bihar Council on Science & Technology, Patna and the
25. Resolution of Disputes
a) Any dispute or difference or claim arising out of or in relation to this Agreement, will be settled by
reaching a mutual understanding between the parties.
b) If any further dispute arises between the parties thereupon, the same will be settled as per the extant law
of land through the competent court of law under the territorial jurisdiction of Patna only.
26. Applicable Law
The contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India for the time
being in force.
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<Company Letter head>
Technical Bid Format
Engagement of Agency for Computer Based Test Service
* If the contract is successfully completed, the bidder must provide a completion certificate
for that duration.
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<Company Letter head>
Project Director,
Bihar Council on Science & Technology,
Adalatganj, Patna-800001
S.no. Item
Unit Cost per candidate
<Authorised Signature>
NOTE: The bidder will be entitled to a minimum assured payment for at least 50,000
candidates in each examination as per rates in the financial bid even if numbers of
registrations are less than 50,000.
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Dear Sir,
WHEREAS........................... (Name of Bidder) hereinafter called "the Bidder" has been identified and
selected for ………………………………, and has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract dated ... 2024
(hereinafter referred to as “the Contract") to implement the [Name of the assignment: Tender
Notice for Engagement of Agency for Computer Based Test Service for Bihar Council on Science &
Technology, Patna.
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated in the said Contract that the bidder shall furnish a Bank
Guarantee ("the Guarantee") from a Scheduled Bank for the assignment/performance of the [Name
of the Assignment] as per the contract. WHEREAS we ("the Bank", which expression shall be deemed
to include it successors and permitted assigns) have agreed to give Project Director Bihar Council on
Science & Technology, Patna the Guarantee:
Witness 1:
Witness 2:
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Project Director,
Bihar Council on Science & Technology,
Adalatganj, Patna-800001
Dear Sir,
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
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