DC Speech - Final Exam Review
DC Speech - Final Exam Review
DC Speech - Final Exam Review
Oral vs. Written Style - ANS-1. Oral Style is *More* Personal than Written Style
2. Oral Style is *Less* Formal than Written Style
3. Oral Style is *More* Repetitive than Written Style
Rhetorical Question - ANS-A question asked merely for effect with no answer expected
Crafting Memorable Word Structures - ANS-Figurative Language (Metaphor, Simile,
Drama (Short Sentences, Omission, Inversion, Suspension)
Cadence (Repetition, Parallelism, Antithesis, Alliteration)
Adapting Language Style to Audience - ANS-1. Use Language that Your Audience can
2. Use Respectful Language
3. Use Unbiased Language
Presentation Aids (and Values of Them) - ANS-Definitions: Visual and auditory materials
intended to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of a presentation
Tips: Prepare for it to fail, do not center your speech around an aid, and do use it well
Guidelines: Must be easy to see, simple, considering the audience, and cannot be
Learning Styles - ANS-1. Visual - Learns by Seeing Information (not just Hearing it)
2. Auditory - Learns best by Hearing
3. Kinesthetic - Learns best by Moving while learning
4. Visual Print - Learns by Seeing Words in Print (reading)
Word Picture - ANS-A vivid description that invites listeners to draw on their senses
Types of Informative Speeches (with Examples) - ANS-1. Speech About Objects (Ex:
The Rosetta Stone)
2. Speech About Procedure (Ex: How to...)
3. Speech About People (Ex: Tribute Speech)
4. Speech About Events (Ex: Cinco de Mayo)
5. Speech About Ideas (Ex: Communism)
Avoid Faulty Reasoning + Fallacies - ANS-1. Causal Fallacy - faulty cause and effect
2. Bandwagon - everyone else does so it must be true
3. Either/Or - this or that
4. Hasty Generalization - reaching conclusion without enough evidence
5. Ad Hominem - attacking the person instead of the argument
6. Red Herring - adding irrelevant information to the argument
7. Appeal to Misplaced Authority - using the wrong person for evidence
8. Non Sequitur - argument and conclusion has no connection
Signposts - ANS-1. Internal Preview - statement of ideas that will be developed within
the speech
2. Initial Preview - a statement in the introduction about the main ideas
3. Verbal Transition - word or phrase that indicates the relationship between two ideas
4. Nonverbal Transition - a facial expression or vocal cue to show the change in ideas
5. Final Summary - a restatement of the main ideas at the end of the speech
6. Internal Summary - restatement of the ideas developed so far that occurs in the body