Siman 55 Seif 10-13

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Tues, May 4, 2021  ‫ תשפ“א‬,‫כ“ב אייר‬ ‫י“ג‬-‘‫“ה סעיף י‬ ‫סימן‬

Halacha Highlight Overview

Siman 55 Seif 10:
Including desecrators of Shabbos in a If one boy was born on the 29th of Adar Rishon and another boy was born
minyan on the 1st of Adar Sheni and the year of their bar bar--mitzvah is not a leap
year, the one who was born on the 29th of Adar Rishon must wait until the
Shulchan Aruch Siman 55 Seif 11 29th of Adar for his bar
bar--mitzvah whereas the boy who was born later on
'‫עברין שעבר על גזרת הצבור וכו‬ the 1st of Adar Sheni will become a bar bar--mitzvah on the 1st of Adar.
A sinner who violated a decree of the community etc. Someone born in Adar and his bar-mitzvah is in a leap year does not
Shulchan Aruch (‫ )סע' י"א‬writes that someone who sinned may be counted become a bar-mitzvah until Adar Sheni.
in the minyan as long as he was not banned as a consequence of his sin.  If their 13th year is also a leap year the one born in Adar Rishon will
The basis of this ruling is the Gemara in Sanhedrin (44a) that declares become a bar-mitzvah in Adar Rishon and the one born in Adar
that even if a person sins he remains a Jew and as such is counted for the Sheni will become a bar-mitzvah in Adar Sheni. (M.B. 43)
Minyan (‫)ע' מ"ב ס"ק מ"ז‬. Poskim note that even someone who intentionally  In a leap year Adar Rishon is not considered Adar. (M.B. 45)
violates a Biblical prohibition could be counted in a minyan since he has  Someone born the 1st day of Rosh Chodesh Kislev in a year in which
not lost his status as a Jew (‫)הלכה ברורה אות ל"ג‬. Mishnah Berurah (‫)ס"ק מ"ו‬ Rosh Chodesh was two days and when he becomes a bar-mitzvah
writes that someone who sins with the intent to anger Hashem, worships Rosh Chodesh is only one day he becomes a bar-mitzvah on Rosh
idolatry or publicly desecrates Shabbos does not count in the minyan. Chodesh. (M.B. 45)
Additionally, he rules that someone who does not believe in Torah  If someone was born on Rosh Chodesh Kislev when it was one day
She’b’al Peh is not counted in a minyan (‫)ס"ק מ"ז‬. and the year of his bar-mitzvah Rosh Chodesh is two days he
Poskim discuss the application of this halacha to those who are not reli- becomes a bar-mitzvah on the first day of Rosh Chodesh. (M.B. 45)
gious. Sefer Chaye Moshe cites authorities who adopt a stringent position Siman 55 Seif 11:
and maintain that those who are not Shabbos observant may not be A sinner who violated a communal decree or transgressed a prohibition is
counted towards the minyan. Many others, however, adopt a more counted in the minyan as long as he has not been banned.
lenient position and offer numerous reasons why the halacha recorded in  Someone who sins to anger Hashem or worships idolatry or publicly
Mishnah Berurah does not apply to people nowadays who are not desecrates Shabbos is not counted in a minyan. (M.B. 46)
Shabbos observant. Chazon Ish maintains that since most people who  Karaim are not counted in a minyan since they do not believe in
are not Shabbos observant do not know the meaning of Shabbos they are Torah sheb’al peh. (M.B. 47)
categorized as a tinok she’nishba – lit. a child taken into captivity- who is Siman 55 Seif 12:
not liable for his ignorance of Torah since he was not exposed to Jews A banned person is not counted for anything that requires a minyan but
and Judaism. Another reason this halacha may not apply is that he is permitted to daven in shul unless they specified a stringent ruling
to be disqualified one must desecrate Shabbos in the physical presence of about this matter.
ten Jews and knowledge that someone desecrates Shabbos is not suffi- Siman 55 Seif 13:
cient (‫)ע' ספר חיי משה לסע' י"א שהאריךבזה‬. Rav Moshe Feinstein All ten people must be in a single location and the shaliach tzibbur must
(‫ )שו"ת אג"מ או"ח ח"א סי' כ"ג‬writes that they may be counted in the minyan be together with them. If someone stands in the doorway but outside of
in order to be able to recite kaddish, kedusha, ‫ ברכו‬and chazaras hashatz the threshold, meaning he would be outside when the door is closed, he
but it is not considered tefila b’tzibbur. is considered to be outside.
 If they are in the same room they merge together even if they cannot
see each other but if they are in separate rooms they do not merge

Stories to Share together even though the door between the two rooms is open. If the
two groups are in separate domains they do not merge if they cannot
see each other and there is a stringent position that maintains that
The Shunned Chazzan even if they could see each other they do not merge. (M.B. 48)
"...‫ודה אין מצטרפין אותו לכל דבר שצריך עשרה‬‫ "מ‬:‫ י"ב‬,‫"ה‬ '‫ש"ע ס‬  If nine people are together and the tenth is behind a curtain that was
A certain chazzan had an altercation with a business partner and went to erected for tznius they constitute a minyan. (M.B. 49)
the local rabbi for adjudication. The rabbi ruled in favor of the partner.  If he would be outside when the door closes he is considered outside
The chazzan got so upset that he began yelling at the rabbi. Although the even if the door is open. Magen Avrohom references opinions that
rabbi bore this abuse for a short while since he understood that losing are lenient about this matter and he subscribes to that position. (M.B.
money was disappointing for this man, at a certain point it became abso- 50)
lutely unbearable. At this point the rabbi proclaimed that this man was to  The part inside the door is considered inside according to all
be publicly shunned for shaming and cursing a Torah scholar. opinions. (M.B. 51)
That night, when this man stepped up to daven maariv for the communi-
ty in his synagogue, someone objected. “This man was just officially zan was correct, but for a different reason. “Although one could claim
shunned; how can we allow him to represent us in tefillah? Surely this is that this his situation is more serious than shunning for monetary reasons
forbidden!” it is clear from Kiddushin 32 that this is not the case. There we find that a
The chazzan objected. “It is true that I acted inappropriately and must Rav may forgo his honor since the Torah he teaches is considered his
eventually make amends to the rabbi, but I believe he erred in my case. Torah. Since the Torah scholar can forgo his honor anytime, this is com-
Presumably this is no worse than shunning for monetary matters which parable to shunning over a monetary dispute and the chazzan may lead
allows one to join a minyan. If I can join the minyan, why can’t I lead the prayers. This is especially clear since in Yoreh Dei’ah 348 we find
it?” that contemporary shunning is comparable to the nezifah of chazal,
When this question was brought to the Beis Dovid he ruled that the chaz- much less potent than their actual nidui.”
‫ ס' ל"ה‬,‫בית דוד‬

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