Yr9 Keywords Cells
Yr9 Keywords Cells
Yr9 Keywords Cells
Additional words:
animal - living things that is different from plants (cells without cellulose walls, no chlorophyll
and can’t photosynthesise)
anther - male organ of a flower, part of the stamen. it produces pollen grains.
autotrophic - organism capable of synthesising its own food from inorganic substances,
using light energy
cell - the basic unit which living things are made of
cell wall - tough wall around plant cells. helps to support the cell
characteristics - features that helps to identify, tell apart, or describe recognisably
chlorophyll - green substance found inside chloroplasts.
chloroplast - green disc containing chlorophyll. found in plant cells and used to make food
(starch) by photosynthesis
classification - sorting things into groups
consumer - organism that eats other animals or plants
cover slip - smaller sheet of glass placed over a specimen on a slide
cytoplasm - jelly inside a cell where the cell’s activities happen.
decomposer - a bacterium or fungus that gets its food by breaking down dead remains
dispersal - the spreading of seeds from a plant
dormant - a period of time when seeds do not germinate
epidermis - outer layer of cells
excretion - getting rid of waste substances made in the body by chemical reactions.
features - characteristics
fertilisation - joining of a male sex cell (gamete) with a female sex cell (gamete)
filament - part of the stamen in flowers. it supports the anther.
focus - bringing together light to make a clear image; the region that can be seen clearly
and where all objects appear to have sharp outlines
fruit - something used to carry the seeds of flowering plants. can be fleshy or dry.
fungi - single or multicellular organisms that don’t have chlorophyll; feed off dead or living
germination - when a seed first starts to grow
growth – increase in size of an organism
image - what you see down a microscope
invertebrate - animal with no backbone
iodine - brown coloured solution that is used to test for starch; turns blue-black in the
presence of starch
key - branching and “go to” keys. both are used to find out what something is
magnification - how much larger an object appears than it really is
Words @ WHS
mammal – warm blooded, usually hairy vertebrates whose offspring are fed with milk
membrane - controls what enters/exits a cell
methylene blue - a blue dye for staining animal cells
microbes – bacteria, fungi and viruses that can be seen only under a microscope
movement - moving the whole or part of an organism
nutrition - process of acquiring, ingesting, digesting, absorbing and using food
objective lens - lens on the revolving nose piece of microscope
organ - part of an organism formed out of different tissues
organism - living thing that carries out all of the life processes
ovary - female organ that produces female gametes (eggs)
ovum – egg cell
petal - one of the often brightly coloured parts of a flower immediately surrounding the
reproductive organs
photosynthesis - process that plants use to make their own food. it needs light to work.
Carbon dioxide and water are used up. Food (a sugar called glucose) and oxygen are
plant - living thing, usually immobile, that has cell walls and can carry out photosynthesis
pollen - tiny objects produced by flowers that contain male sex cells
pollen tube - tube that grows from a pollen grain down into a flower to reach an egg
pollination - transfer of pollen from the male to the female organs of flowers
producer - organism able to capture light energy and make its own food, e.g. plant
reproduction - producing offspring (new organisms)
respiration - cell process of releasing energy from food that occurs in all organisms
seed - consists of an embryo plant and food supplies packaged inside a coat
sensitivity - ability to detect and respond to environmental changes
sepal - part of a flower, usually green, that surrounds and protects the flower in bud.
slide - thin sheet of glass used to hold objects for examination under a microscope
species - group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring
specimen - an individual animal, part of an animal, plant, part of a plant, or microorganism
that is studied
stain – dye used to highlight structures in biological tissues for viewing
stamen - part of the flower that makes pollen grains
stigma - tip of the female sex organ of a flower which receives the pollen grains
style - stalk that holds up the stigma of a flower
tissue - group of similar cells in an organism
vacuole - storage area in the cells of an organism
vertebrate - animal with a backbone.