Test, Measurements and Evaluation Class 11
Test, Measurements and Evaluation Class 11
Test, Measurements and Evaluation Class 11
A. Endomorphy:
Endomorph body type is solid and soft and it has tendency to store fat which leads to wider
and higher waist.
The built of endomorphs is shorter with thick & short limbs.
The following are the traits of Endomorph body:
(i) Large build
(ii) Round Physique
(iii) Soft & round body
(iv) Generally shorter
(v) Wide waist
(vi) Slow metabolic rate
(vii) Hardly lose fat
B. Mesomorph:
A person having mesomorph physique has a large bones and muscles.
They possess athletic physique.
They easily gain and lose body weight.
The following are the traits of Mesomorph body:
(i) Athletic Body
(ii) Hard and tough body
(iii) Rectangular shaped body
(iv) Long Torso
(v) Narrow Waist
(vi) Large head
(vii) Gain fat more easily than ectomorph
C. Ectomorphy:
An typically skinny person.
They have a light build with small joints and lean muscles.
Long thin limbs with stringy muscles.
The following are the straits of Ectomorph body:
(i) Small and delicate frame and bone structure
(ii) Flat chest
(iii) Small & thin shoulders
(iv) Lean muscle mass
(v) Fast metabolic rate
(vi) Narrow hips
(vii) Finds difficulty in gaining weight
Measurement Of Cardiovascular Fitness
Harvard Step Test
I. Harvard Step Test: It is develop by Brouha and his associates in 1943. Purpose of this test
is to measure cardiovascular fitness.
Equipment Required:
1. Bench which is 20 inches / 50.8 cm high.
2. Stopwatch
3. Metronome
Procedure: The athlete is instructed to step up and down on the platform at a rate of 30 steps
per minute for 5 minutes or until exhaustion occurs. The exhaustion is defined as when the
athlete cannot maintain the stepping rate for 15 second and this can be administered by
metronome. After the completion of stepping, the athlete is advised to step down. After this
heart rate is measured between 1 to 1.5 minutes after finishing. The heart rate is the number
of times the heart beats per minute. The heart rate can be measured by the method given
1. Manual Method: the heart rate can be measured from any spot on the body at which any
artery is closed is closed to the surface so that a pulse can be felt. The most common place
for measuring the heart rate is wrist and neck.
2. Monitor Method: a heart rate monitor or electro cardiogram can be used to measure more
accurate heart rate. A heart rate monitor consists of a transmitter and receiver. The heart
muscles transmit an electron signal when they contract. The transmitter then sends ans
electromagnetic signal containing heart rate data to the wrist receiver which displays the
heart rate.
(i) Short Form: In this form only heart rate is counted from 1 – 1.5 minutes after finishing.
(ii) Long Form: In this form the heart rate is counted three times. Firstly form 1 to 1.5
minutes then between 2 to 2.5 minutes, and between 3 to 3.5 minutes.
Fitness Index For Short Form = (100x test duration in seconds) divided by (5.5x pulse
count between 1 and 1.5 minutes).
Fitness Index For Long Form = (100x test duration in seconds) divided by (2x sum of heart
beats in the recovery periods).
Example of scoring fitness index
For example the test was conducted for an individual and following reading were recorded:
1 – 1.5 minutes = 95
2 – 2.5 minutes = 85
3 – 3.5 minutes = 75
Short form fitness score
FI Score = (100*300)/(5.5*95) = 57.4
Measurement Of Skin Fold at Triceps: Taken vertically on back of arm and in the center
of top of shoulder point (Acromial process) and elbow (Olecranon process), using a vertical
pinch. Arm should be relaxed with palm of hand facing forward.
Measurement Of Skin Fold at Calf: The subject is advised to place the foot on char at
approx 90 degrees. Then a vertical pinch parallel to long axis of leg is given. At the larges
circumference of calf and on medial surface of calf skin fold measurement is taken.
Boys: % Body fat = 0.735(triceps+calf) + 1.0
Girl: % Body fat = 0.610(triceps+calf) + 5.1