Definitions Math 123 1
Definitions Math 123 1
Definitions Math 123 1
By: Ali Nawaz Bajwa (M.Phil. (Math), M.Ed.) Mob # : +92(345)6743869
CH # 01---13 Lecturer in Mathematics Government College of Technology, Sialkot.
** P A P E R – A **
Chapter # 02 Define angles of Elevation
Chapter # 03 Chapter # 06
2: Define degree and radian measures. 6: What is a scalar? Give examples.
Ans. Ans. A scalar is a quantity having magnitude
Degree: If a circle is divided into 360º equal only but no direction.
parts, then angle subtended by one part Examples: Length, Mass, Time, Volume, etc.
at the center of the circle is called a 7: What is a vector? Give examples.
degree. Ans. A vector is a quantity having both
magnitude and direction.
Radian: Radian is the measure of the angle Examples: Force, Velocity, Acceleration, etc.
subtended at the center of the circle by 8: What is a unit vector?
an arc, whose length is equal to the
Ans. A vector whose magnitude is unity is
radius of the circle.
called a unit vector.
Chapter # 05 9: What are parallel vectors?
3: Define the law of sines. (IIA-2016), (IA-2019)
(IIA-2018), (IIA-2019) Ans. Two vectors a and b are parallel if
there exist a non-zero k ε R, such that
Ans. In any triangle ABC, with usual
notations. a = kb .
a b c 10: Define scalar product of two vectors.
= =
sin α sin β sin γ Ans. The
scalar product of two vectors
a & b is denoted by a b and defined
4: Define the law of cosines.
=as a b a b cos θ
(IA-2017), (IIA-2017), (IIA-2020)
Ans. In any triangle ABC, with usual 11: Define vector product.
notations. (IIA-2018)
i. a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos α Ans. The vector product of two vectors
ii. b2 = c2 + a2 − 2ca cos β a & b is denoted by a × b and is
iii. c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos γ defined as
= a × b a b sin θ nˆ .