LIFS1902 Nervous System Revision Notes
LIFS1902 Nervous System Revision Notes
LIFS1902 Nervous System Revision Notes
Nervous system: Central nervous system (CNS) – brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system (PNS) – neurons carrying informa on
to/from CNS.
Uses both electrical and chemical ways for efficient communica on throughout the body.
Types of cells in nervous system.
Neurons (or nerve cells) – transmit electrical currents called nerve impulses.
Glia (glial cells or neuroglia) – the other non-neuronal cells in the nervous system.
These include:
Microglia – CNS-resident macrophages
Ac on Poten al
An ac on poten al is ini ated when the membrane poten al rapidly changes from nega ve
to posi ve.
Nerve s mulated >> voltage gated Na+ channels in localised area open >> Na+ enters cell.
This movement of posi ve ions called depolariza on.
If enough Na+ enters to increase membrane poten al from -70 mV to -55 mV (threshold),
then this is point of no return for an ac on poten al to start.
Depolariza on con nues (more Na+ enters cell) and membrane poten al increases to +35
The influx of Na+ in one loca on s mulates neighbouring voltage-gated Na+ channels to
open so ac on poten al moves along axon.
Ac on poten al ends when voltage-gated K+ channels open and K+ leaves cell. This is called
repolariza on.
Sodium-potassium pump then returns the ions to the res ng loca ons.
Before res ng poten al (-70 mV) restored, the membrane poten al briefly goes beyond this
(e.g., to -85 mV). This is called the refractory period.
During refractory period, no new ac on poten al can be generated as Na+ channels are
inac vated.
Scien sts who worked on the squid giant axon and demonstrated the ac on poten al were
Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley. Won Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1963.
In myelinated axons, depolariza on (movement of Na+) can only occur at Nodes of Ranvier.
Ac on poten als only occur along axons (not dendrites or cell bodies) and they start at axon
hillock (trigger zone).
Types of ion channels found in neurons
Res ng (leak) K+ channels – found in axon (passive movement of K+)
Voltage-gated Na+ or K+ channels - found in axon
Ligand-gated channel - found in dendrites and cell body before axon hillock. Not involved in
ac on poten als
Na+/K+ pump – found in axon (ac ve transport – needs ATP).
Ac on poten al is the same for any s mulus but differences in pain level due to:
Excitatory neurotransmi ers s mulate influx of Na+ and an ac on poten al in this new cell.
e.g., glutamate and acetylcholine
Inhibitory neurotransmi ers open more K+ channels and prevent an ac on poten al.
e.g., GABA
One post-synap c neuron might receive input from both excitatory and inhibitory neurons.
All signals undergo synap c integra on to see if membrane poten al increases to threshold
and s mulates new ac on poten al.
2) Dopamine – excitatory and inhibitory effects. Send signals to other neurons in brain.
Dysfunc on of various dopamine pathways leads to various diseases/disorders:
Parkinson’s disease, ADHD, substance abuse disorders, restless legs syndrome.
Parkinson’s disease
Caused by lack of dopamine due to the death of dopaminergic neurons in substan a nigra
region of brain.
Dopamine required for smooth coordinated movement so Parkinson’s characterised by
movement disorders.
This is a progressive degenera ve disorder – gets worse over me.
Typically starts between ages 60 – 60 years but might be earlier.
Treatment: L-dopa (Levodopa), which is converted to dopamine in brain.