Push Leg Pull

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PUSH-LEG-PULL by Aldo Ojeda


Your leg day workout is Pairing carbs with protein before workouts can help "Be courageous. Challenge orthodoxy. Stand up for
crucial in achieving a improve performance and recovery. Staying what you believe in. When you are in your rocking
symmetrical, good hydrated is also important and certain supplements chair talking to your grandchildren many years from
LEG DAY looking physique. like creatine or caffeine might be beneficial. now, be sure you have a good story to tell."
Ready to grow? Here’s
your mass-building leg It’s recommended to consume a full meal 2–3 hours
workout! before your workout. For meals eaten closer to your
workout, choose simpler carbs and some protein.

These exercises are 1 - Wall-sit quadriceps strengthening 2 - Iso Squat & Towel
designed to be done in
the morning before you
HOMEWORK do any activity, preferably
the first thing you do right
after waking up
Standing, back against the wall with your feet hip - Standing, feet shoulder-width apart placed on a
width apart and knees bent to the recommended towel, take a half-squat position (knees at about
angle. Maintain the position keeping your knee in 90°). Holding the towel firmly, pull vertically upwards
line with your second toe. and hold the tension for the time recommended by
your instructor. Keep your back straight, head
straight and abs tight.
Week Sets Duration recovery

1 4 00:30 01:00
Week Sets rep. recovery
2 4 00:30 01:00 1-8 3 8 - 12 00:40
3 4 00:30 01:00

4 4 00:30 01:00

5 4 00:30 01:00

6 4 00:30 01:00

7 4 00:30 01:00

8 4 00:30 01:00

TRAINING 3 - Leg Curl On Machine The first day it may be necessary for you to do the
next exercise at 60 to 65% instead of 70 to 75%,
since it would be the first time you would do it

The other days it will be important to increase 2.5%

every two weeks to be able to push your 1rm to the
Place the ankles under the supports. Do knee bends
keeping an angle of 90 ° at the ankles. Keeping
your back straight and your abs tight.

Week Sets rep. Note recovery
It is just a
warm-up, the
weight should
1-8 4 12 be around 60% 6 01:00
of your

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PUSH-LEG-PULL by Aldo Ojeda

4 - Bb Full Back Squat 5 - Single Leg Squat to Sit 6 - Landmine Lateral Lunge

- Bar on the trapezius, feet shoulder-width apart, - Hold your hands in front of you, on one leg, go - Standing, feet under the hips, hold the "landmine"
lower the bar, ending the movement with a complete down until you are seated. Go back up to starting in front of you. Do side lunge on one side and the
bend in the knees. Keep your back straight, chest position doing the opposite movement. Keep your other. Keep your back straight, your head straight
out, head up and abs tight. back straight and the abs tight. and your abs tight.

Perceived Week Sets rep. recovery Week Sets rep. Note recovery
Week Sets rep. Note recovery
1-8 4 8 01:00 1-8 4 8 OPTION 1 01:00
70 to 75% of
1-8 4 8 your maximum 7 to 7.5 02:00

7 - Landmine Cossack Squat 8 - Pointed Toes Leg Curl 9 - Sliding Leg Curls

- Start by holding the landmine in front of your chest - Lying on your stomach, place your ankles under - On your back, heels on sliding disk (or towels), pull
in a low position on wide supports. Go down on one the supports. Raise the load by pointing the feet your heels under your knees, knees at 90 degrees.
side and the other keeping this low position between throughout the movement. Do not lift the buttocks, Keep the thighs aligned with the trunk and back
the two flexions. Keep the back straight, the abdos keep your back straight. straight.
contracted and the head straight.

Perceived Week Sets rep. Note recovery

Week Sets rep. Note recovery
Week Sets rep. Note recovery Exertion
1-8 4 8 OPTION 1 01:00
1-8 4 8 OPTION 2 01:00 70 to 75% of
1-8 4 8 your maximum 7 to 7.5 02:00

10 - STABILITY BALL LEG CURL 11 - Supine Swiss Ball Leg Curl 12 - Machine Calves Raise

Week Sets rep. Note recovery - Keep your back straight and abs tight. Pull your - Sitting with your back straight, place the front of the
heels toward the buttocks while keeping your back feet on the supports. Do ankle flexions and
1-8 4 8 OPTION 2 01:00 straight and thighs aligned with the body. extensions. Keep the supports above the knees.

Week Sets rep. Note recovery Week Sets rep. recovery

1-8 4 8 OPTION 3 01:00 1-8 4 8 - 12 01:00

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PUSH-LEG-PULL by Aldo Ojeda

CARDIO 13 - Treadmills

Use this cardio as a way to relax your muscles after

an intense session. By this I mean you don't need to
run, it's just to relax.

Week Phases Duration recovery

1-8 1 15:00 02:00

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising The performance of the 14 - Flexibility / Calf Stretching
every time we fall.” stretches are entirely at
your discretion.
Personally I consider they
should be done after
training, by this I mean a
STRETCHING lot after training, not
- By pushing on the wall to put pressure on the heel
immediately after your
to keep it on the ground, stretch the calf by flexing
training, preferably at
the leg and lengthening it.
night before sleeping or
at least 2 hours after you
have trained Week Sets rep. recovery

1-8 4 8 - 12 00:30

15 - Psoas Stretch

- Keep your back straight and abs tight - Bring the

hips under the body - Bend forward keeping the
body straight

Week Sets Duration recovery

1-8 4 00:30 00:30

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PUSH-LEG-PULL by Aldo Ojeda


Pull day is a crucial Pairing carbs with protein before workouts can help “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about
component of any well- improve performance and recovery. Staying creating yourself.”
rounded fitness regimen hydrated is also important and certain supplements
as it targets the complex like creatine or caffeine might be beneficial. George Bernard Shaw
musculature of the upper
and lower back, as well It’s recommended to consume a full meal 2–3 hours
as the biceps and before your workout. For meals eaten closer to your
PULL DAY forearms. workout, choose simpler carbs and some protein.

These movements build

your back and upper
body muscles, including
your lats, traps,
rhomboids, erector
spinae and biceps

WARM UP 1 - Treadmills “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”

Suzy Kassem

Week Phases Duration Intensity /10 recovery

1-8 1 05:00 6 01:03

MUSCLE TRAINING 2 - SM Horizontal Pull Up On Heels 3 - Dumbbell Bent Over Row

- Hold the "Smith Machine" bar keeping your body - Keep your back straight and parallel to the floor,
straight to the horizontal, heels on the ground. Pull abs tight and your head straight - The palms of your
your body upward by bringing the chest close to the hands facing backward (pronation grip), pull the
bar. Keep your buttocks tight and your back straight. load up, keep your elbow aligned with the shoulder -
Lift up until your elbow is about at 90 degrees

Week Sets rep. recovery

Week Sets rep. recovery
1-8 1 8 - 12 01:00
1-8 3 8 - 12 01:30

4 - Seated Cable Row Neutral Grip 5 - SM Horizontal Pull Up On Heels 6 - Lat Pulldown Inclined Pronation Grip

- Keep your back straight, knees slightly bent and - Hold the "Smith Machine" bar keeping your body - Keep back straight - Pronation grip
abs tight. Pull, keeping the arms close to the body. straight to the horizontal, heels on the ground. Pull
Palms facing inward (neutral grip). your body upward by bringing the chest close to the
Week Sets rep. recovery
bar. Keep your buttocks tight and your back straight.
1-8 3 8 - 12 01:30
Week Sets rep. recovery
Week Sets rep. recovery
1-8 3 8 - 12 01:30
1-8 1 8 - 12 01:00

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PUSH-LEG-PULL by Aldo Ojeda

7 - One Hand Lat Pull Down On Pulley 8 - Cable Lat Pull Down Arms Straight 9 - Standing Cross Cable High Shoulder Fly

- Hold the handle with a neutral grip (palm of hand - Place your hands with a wide grip on the bar
inwards) pull by bringing the elbow close to your (hands outside the shoulders), pronation grip. Bring - Standing in front of the machine, feet slightly in a
body. Keep your back straight, abs tight and head the bar to the thighs keeping the arms straight. Keep split position, knees slightly bent, hold the cables
up. your back straight, abs tight and your knees slightly crossed in a pronation grip (palms of hands down).
bent. While keeping your elbows slightly bent, pull the
Week Sets rep. recovery
arms on each side aligned with the shoulders palms
of hands down. Keep your back straight, your
Week Sets rep. recovery
1-8 3 8 - 12 01:30 shoulder blades stable and your abs tight.
1-8 3 8 - 12 01:30

Week Sets rep. recovery

1-8 3 8 - 12 01:30

10 - Seated Inclined DB Biceps Curl 11 - Dumbbell Biceps Curl 12 - Supine Bb Biceps Curl Elbow Back

- Sit on a bench inclined at about 45°, hold a - Keep back straight, abs tight and knees slightly - Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the bar in
dumbbell in each hand. Do flexions and extensions bent a supine grip (palms facing forward). Keep your
of the elbows, supine grip (palms facing forward). back straight, abs tight and knees bent. Bend your
elbows by pulling your elbows back.
Week Sets rep. recovery
Week Sets rep. recovery
1-8 3 8 - 12 01:30
Week Sets rep. recovery
1-8 3 8 - 12 01:30
1-8 3 8 - 12 01:30

13 - SM Horizontal Pull Up On Heels “Your talent determines what you can do. Your
motivation determines how much you’re willing to
do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.”

Lou Holtz

- Hold the "Smith Machine" bar keeping your body

straight to the horizontal, heels on the ground. Pull
your body upward by bringing the chest close to the
bar. Keep your buttocks tight and your back straight.

Week Sets rep. recovery

1-8 1 8 - 12 01:00

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PUSH-LEG-PULL by Aldo Ojeda

In this case unlike the 14 - Band lat / teres major stretch 15 - 1 Arm Band Latissimus Dorsi Stretch
other days, here if I would
recommend that you
perform this kind of
STRETCHING active-iso-stretches
immediately after your
- Attach a resistance band onto a solid structure, it - Standing, take the band in one hand. Tilt the body
should be about 2 feet above shoulder height. Place forward and rotate the trunk on the side of the
your hand through the other end of the band from suspended arm. Hold for a few seconds and repeat.
the bottom and then wrap your thumb and forefinger
around the top. Do not grip too hard, try to keep your
Week Sets Duration recovery
grip relaxed. Making sure that there is tension on the
band, keep your back straight and hinge at the hips 1-8 3 00:30 00:30
allowing your chest to sink towards the floor. While
doing this allow the band to distract and flex the
shoulder. You should feel the stretch on the outside
of the armpit, moving down the side of the body.
Hold for 30 seconds while rotating in and out of the
stretch slowly.

Week Sets Duration recovery

1-8 3 00:30 00:30

I know you like cardio, 16 - Treadmills “You do not find the happy life. You make it.”
and that's good because
CARDIO it's necessary, so lets Camilla Eyring Kimball
pack some at the end of
your training.

Week Phases Duration Intensity /10 recovery

1-8 1 15:00 8 01:30

The performance of the 17 - Pec Minor Stretch (doorway) 18 - Shoulder Stretch On Wall
next stretches are entirely
at your discretion.
Personally I consider they
should be done after
STRETCHES TO training, by this I mean a
DO AT HOME lot after training, not
- For this exercise, when arm is in the doorway have - The arm flat on a wall at an angle of about 30°,
immediately after your
the elbow at 90° and the shoulder above 90°. Then stretch the shoulder by turning the upper body.
training, preferably at
have the thorax extended and shoulder externally
night before sleeping or
rotated to isolate the pec minor. With all this in mind
at least 2 hours after you Week Sets Duration recovery
have the scapula in neutral position or set down in
have trained
position so it will also isolate the pec minor without 1-8 4 00:30 01:00
pulling the scapula back.

Week Sets Duration recovery

1-8 4 00:30 01:00

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PUSH-LEG-PULL by Aldo Ojeda

19 - Neck Trapezius Stretch “It’s always too early to quit.”

– Norman Vincent Peale

- To stretch the left trapezius, take the wrist of the left

hand with your right hand behind your back, pull
down, while leaning your head to the right, hold the
position. Repeat on other side.

Week Sets Duration recovery

1-8 4 00:30 01:00

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PUSH-LEG-PULL by Aldo Ojeda


During the Push Workout Pairing carbs with protein before workouts can help “ Goal setting is the secret to a compelling future.” —
or Push Day, you’ll train improve performance and recovery. Staying Tony Robbins
your pushing muscles. hydrated is also important and certain supplements
PUSH DAY Generally, this like creatine or caffeine might be beneficial.
encompasses your
triceps, shoulders, and It’s recommended to consume a full meal 2–3 hours
chest. before your workout. For meals eaten closer to your
workout, choose simpler carbs and some protein.

I know you don't like 1 - Treadmills “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the
cardio, but this isn't little-death that brings total obliteration.
WARM UP cardio, it's just a warm-up
and it's necessary.

Week Phases Duration Intensity /10 recovery

1-8 1 05:00 6 02:00

Don't forget to start all ACTIVE WARM-UP Approaching sets 2 - Seated DB Military Press
your exercises with an
active warm-up.
Remember that this
consists of doing for two
MUSCLE TRAINING sets the same movement
that you will perform, only
- Sitting on a 90° bench, with the back straight and
with approximately half of
the abs tight, take dumbbells in a pronation grip, the
the final weight with
arms should be raised at shoulder level, the arms
which you will do your
parallel to the floor, elbows at a 90° angle. Push the
effective repetitions.
dumbbells to the vertical above the head, then return
to the starting position. Stop once the elbows are
below shoulder level.

Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery
1-8 1 - 1-2-1 5-6 4-7 01:30

WORKOUT 3 - Seated DB Military Press 4 - Dumbbell Press

- Sitting on a 90° bench, with the back straight and - While keeping your back flat on the bench, do
the abs tight, take dumbbells in a pronation grip, the bench presses with dumbbells. Keep your elbows
arms should be raised at shoulder level, the arms aligned with your shoulders and use pronation grip.
parallel to the floor, elbows at a 90° angle. Push the
dumbbells to the vertical above the head, then return
Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery
to the starting position. Stop once the elbows are
below shoulder level. 1-8 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00

Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery

1-8 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00

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PUSH-LEG-PULL by Aldo Ojeda

5 - Incline Dumbbell Press OPTIONAL ====== 6 - Barbell Bench Press Medium Grip

- Keep your back flat on the bench and abs tight - Lay back flat on the bench, hold the bar with a
Starting the exercise with the dumbbells at the chest medium grip. Lower the bar to the chest, keeping
level, raise the dumbbells, keeping the forearm elbows aligned with the shoulders.
under the dumbbells and push vertically - Pronation
Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery

1-8 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00

Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery

1-8 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00

7 - Inclined Dumbbell Fly Neutral Grip 8 - Stand DB Side Raise 9 - Standing Low Cable Crossover

- Keep back flat on the bench and abs tight - Keep - Keep your back straight, abs tight, head up and - Standing with your feet slightly apart, hold the
arm slightly bent - Neutral or hammer grip knees slightly bent. Elbows slightly bent. Raise your cable's handles (or elastic) on each side, in a
elbows to shoulder height. Neutral or hammer grip. supination grip. Elbows slightly bent, lift your hands
crossing them in front of you at the height of your
Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery
shoulders. Go back to the starting position and
Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery
1-8 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00 repeat by alternating the position of the crossed
1-8 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00 hands in front of you. Keep your back straight and
your abs tight.

Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery

1-8 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00

10 - Bb Skull Crusher & Press For the next 2 exercises, I know that we work with 11 - Cable Triceps Extension Supination
one hand, but the program does not throw me
photos with work with one hand (unilateral), but the
idea remains constant, you must work one hand at a

- Lie on your back, hold the bar with your arms

extended, your hands aligned with the shoulders in - Keep back straight, abs tight and knees bent. Keep
a pronation grip. elbow close to you. Supination grip (palm toward
1. Elbow flexion work eccentric bar above forehead. you).
2. Bring the bar up to the chest. 3. Extension of the
elbows concentric work.
Keep your back straight and abs tight. Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery

1-8 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00

REMEMBER: Skull crushers- 8 reps and then, press
untill failure

Week Sets rep. Tempo recovery

1-8 3 8 1-2-1 03:00

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PUSH-LEG-PULL by Aldo Ojeda

12 - Triceps Rope Pressdown 13 - Cable Triceps Extension "A person who never made a mistake never tried
anything new. Learning is not attained by chance, it
must be sought for with ardor and diligence. Learn
from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning."

- Keep the abs tight and back straight. Do extensions - Standing, feet shoulder width apart, body inclined
of the elbows. Neutral grip on rope. forwards, hold the cable bar in a supination grip
(palms of hands up) on the upper pulley. Keeping
elbows in place, do extensions. Keep your back
Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery
straight and your abs tight.
1-8 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00
Week Sets rep. Tempo Resistance recovery

1-8 3 8 - 10 1-2-1 8-9 02:00

This one its mandatory 14 - Band lat / teres major stretch 15 - 1 Arm Latissimus Dorsi Stretch
right after your training

- Attach a resistance band onto a solid structure, it - Standing, take the band in one hand. Tilt the body
should be about 2 feet above shoulder height. Place forward and rotate the trunk on the side of the
your hand through the other end of the band from suspended arm. Hold for a few seconds and repeat.
the bottom and then wrap your thumb and forefinger
around the top. Do not grip too hard, try to keep your
Week Sets Duration recovery
grip relaxed. Making sure that there is tension on the
band, keep your back straight and hinge at the hips 1-8 3 00:30 01:30
allowing your chest to sink towards the floor. While
doing this allow the band to distract and flex the
shoulder. You should feel the stretch on the outside
of the armpit, moving down the side of the body.
Hold for 30 seconds while rotating in and out of the
stretch slowly (30 seconds each).

Week Sets Duration recovery

1-8 3 00:30 01:30

As I told you before, I 16 - Treadmills The performance of the

know you don't like next stretches are entirely
cardio, but it's necessary at your discretion.
CARDIO and I'm not here to give Personally I consider they
you only things you like, should be done after
but things that benefit STRETCHES TO training, by this I mean a
you. DO AT HOME lot after training, not
I'm not preparing you for a marathon, I just want you
immediately after your
to move. Walk at a good pace.
training, preferably at
night before sleeping or
Week Phases Duration Intensity /10 Note recovery at least 2 hours after you
have trained
1-8 1 15:00 6 01:30

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PUSH-LEG-PULL by Aldo Ojeda

17 - Pec Minor Stretch (doorway) 18 - Neck Trapezius Stretch 19 - Internal External Rotator / Free or

- For this exercise, when arm is in the doorway have - To stretch the left trapezius, take the wrist of the left
the elbow at 90° and the shoulder above 90°. Then hand with your right hand behind your back, pull - Keep back straight - 90° angle at shoulder and
have the thorax extended and shoulder externally down, while leaning your head to the right, hold the elbow
rotated to isolate the pec minor. With all this in mind position. Repeat on other side.
have the scapula in neutral position or set down in
position so it will also isolate the pec minor without Week Sets Duration recovery
Week Sets Duration recovery
pulling the scapula back. 1-8 3 00:30 00:30
1-8 3 00:30 00:30
Week Sets Duration recovery

1-8 3 00:30 00:30

“If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” —

Erica Jong

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