SFG 2024 Level 2 Test 3 QP Eng
SFG 2024 Level 2 Test 3 QP Eng
SFG 2024 Level 2 Test 3 QP Eng
Forum Learning Centre: Delhi - 2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19 Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005 | Patna - 2nd floor, AG Palace, E Boring Canal
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SFG 2024 | LEVEL 2 |Test 3 |
Q.1) Why are dewdrops not formed on a cloudy a) Indus and Ganga
night? b) Indus and Brahmaputra
a) Clouds absorb the radiation released from c) Brahmaputra and Ganga
the Earth’s surface. d) Ganga and Narmada
b) Clouds reflect back the Earth’s radiation.
c) The Earth’s surface would have low Q.5) Consider the following countries:
temperature on cloudy nights. 1. Australia
d) Clouds deflect the blowing wind to ground 2. U.S.A
level. 3. France
4. U.K
Q.2) Consider the following mountain ranges: 5. Russia
1. Karakoram India has held 2+2 ministerial dialogues with
2. Zaskar how many of the above countries?
3. Pir Panjal a) Only two
4. Ladakh b) Only three
Which of the following options is correct c) Only four
regarding the arrangement of the above given d) All five
mountain ranges from North to South?
a) 1-4-2-3 Q.6) Consider the following statements:
b) 1-2-4-3 “These are the clouds with a great vertical
c) 2-1-4-3 extent, ranging from 2,000-30,000 feet. These
d) 1-2-3-4 clouds are massive and dense that resembles a
massive tower. They are generally formed
Q.3) Consider the following statements during tropical cyclonic conditions. They bring
regarding the movement of winds in an anti- convectional rains and are also known as
cyclonic condition: ‘thunderclouds.’”
Statement-I: Winds in an anti-cyclonic Which of the following types of clouds has
condition blow clockwise in the Northern been described in the above given paragraph?
Hemisphere and anti-clockwise in the a) Altostratus clouds
Southern Hemisphere. b) Stratocumulus clouds
Statement-II: The Coriolis effect deflects c) Cirrocumulus clouds
winds to the right in the Northern Hemisphere d) Cumulonimbus clouds
and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.
Which one of the following is correct in Q.7) With reference to Important Mountain
respect of the above statements? Passes in India, consider the following pairs:
a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are Mountain Located in the state
correct and Statement-II is the correct Passes of
explanation for Statement-I. 1. Zoji La Arunachal Pradesh
b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are 2. Bara Lacha La Uttarakhand
correct and Statement-II is not the correct 3. Niti Pass Himachal Pradesh
explanation for Statement-I. 4. Jelep La Sikkim
c) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is How many of the above pairs are correctly
incorrect. matched?
d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is a) Only one
correct. b) Only two
c) Only three
Q.4) The Potwar Plateau acts as a water divide d) All four
between which of the following river systems?
Forum Learning Centre: Delhi - 2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19 Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005 | Patna - 2nd floor, AG Palace, E Boring Canal
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SFG 2024 | LEVEL 2 |Test 3 |
Q.8) With reference to Khadar soil and Q.11) In the South Atlantic and South-Eastern
Bhangar soil, consider the following Pacific regions in tropical latitudes, cyclone
statements: does not originate. What is the reason?
1. Khadar soil is formed by the deposition of a) Sea surface temperatures are low.
older alluvium, while Bhangar consists of b) Inter-tropical Convergence Zone seldom
fresh alluvium. occurs.
2. Kankar formation is higher in the Khadar c) Coriolis force is too weak.
soil than in the Bhangar soil. d) Absence of land in those regions.
3. Khadar soil is less fertile than Bhangar soil,
due to poor drainage capacity of the Q.12) With reference to Aravalli Mountain
khadar soil. ranges, consider the following statements:
How many of the above statements are 1. It is one of the oldest block mountains in
correct? the world.
a) Only one 2. It is rich in mineral resources like Copper
b) Only two and Zinc.
c) All three 3. Luni and Banas Rivers originate in the
d) None Aravalli mountains.
4. It acts as a barrier preventing the
Q.9) How the atmospheric phenomenon of Fog extension of desert from western to
differs from Mist? eastern parts of Rajasthan.
1. Fog results from the presence of How many of the above statements are
suspended water droplets, whereas mist correct?
originates from the suspension of fine dust a) Only one
particles in the air. b) Only two
2. The Fog is much denser than the mist. c) Only three
Which of the above statements is/are correct? d) All four
a) 1 only
b) 2 only Q.13) With reference to the Global atmospheric
c) Both 1 and 2 circulation, consider the following statements:
d) Neither 1 nor 2 1. Doldrums are characterized by windless
conditions formed near the equator.
Q.10) It is a specialized agency of the United 2. Horse latitude represents a region marked
Nations established in 1948 and met for the by gentle winds, clear skies and little
first time in 1959. It is responsible for safety precipitation.
and security of international shipping, 3. Temperate low-pressure belts are a region
preventing marine pollution from ships, and characterized by absence of any cyclonic
facilitating cooperation in technical matters. It activity.
sets standards for the safe and How many of the statements given above are
environmentally sound operation of ships. It is correct?
headquartered in London. a) Only one
Which one of the following international b) Only two
organizations is best described in the above c) All three
paragraph? d) None
a) International Hydrographic organization
b) International Maritime organization (IMO).
c) International tribunal for the law of the sea.
d) International oceanographic commission
Forum Learning Centre: Delhi - 2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19 Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005 | Patna - 2nd floor, AG Palace, E Boring Canal
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SFG 2024 | LEVEL 2 |Test 3 |
Q.14) With reference to the different layers of How many of the statements given above are
the atmosphere, consider the following correct?
statements: a) Only one
1. The thickness of the troposphere is b) Only two
greater near the equator compared to c) Only three
polar regions. d) All four
2. The Stratosphere has larger amounts of
water vapor compared to any other layer Q.17) With reference to the climate
of the atmosphere. phenomenon known as ‘El Nino’, consider the
3. Mesosphere is the coldest layer of the following statements:
atmosphere. 1. The weakening of the 'Walker cells'
4. Radio waves transmitted from the earth atmospheric circulation pattern often
are reflected to the surface by the indicates the onset of the El Nino.
Ionosphere. 2. The positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)
How many of the statements given above are event aggravates the adverse effects of El
correct? Nino on Indian monsoon.
a) Only one 3. The El Nino event is linked to the
b) Only two increased instances of forest fires in
c) Only three regions like Indonesia.
d) All four How many of the statements given above are
Q.15) The Special Drawing Rights (SDR) is an a) Only one
international reserve asset created by the b) Only two
International Monetary Fund (IMF) to c) All three
supplement the official reserves of its member d) None
countries. In this context consider the
following currencies: Q.18) With reference to Eastern Ghats,
1. The US Dollar. consider the following statements:
2. Japanese Yen 1. Jhindagada peak, the highest peak of
3. Euro Eastern ghats is located in the State of
4. Australian Dollar Odisha.
5. Saudi Riyal 2. Brahmani and Subarnarekha rivers
How many of the above currencies are used to originate from the Eastern ghats.
determine the value of SDR? Which of the statements given above is/are
a) Only two correct?
b) Only three a) 1 only
c) Only four b) 2 only
d) All five c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q.16) Consider the following statements
regarding the Peninsular plateau of India: Q.19) With reference to ‘Temperature
1. The Peninsular plateau contains more than Inversion’, consider the following statements:
95% of India's Gondwana coal deposits. 1. Clear sky during the night.
2. The black soil and warm climate found in 2. Long night.
the Peninsular plateau make it conducive 3. High wind speed.
for cotton cultivation. 4. Presence of snow-covered ground surface.
3. All the rivers originating from the How many of the above conditions are ideal
Peninsular plateau drain into the Bay of for the occurrence of phenomenon of
Bengal. temperature inversion?
4. While the plateau is rich in iron deposits, it a) Only one
b) Only two
lacks strategic reserves such as Uranium.
c) Only three
d) All four
Forum Learning Centre: Delhi - 2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19 Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005 | Patna - 2nd floor, AG Palace, E Boring Canal
Road, Patna, Bihar 800001 | Hyderabad - 1st & 2nd Floor, SM Plaza, RTC X Rd, Indira Park Road, Jawahar Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500020
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SFG 2024 | LEVEL 2 |Test 3 |
Q.20) With reference to International Criminal How many of the statements given above are
Police Organization (INTERPOL), consider the correct?
following statements: a) Only one
1. It was established after World War II in b) Only two
response to the rise of international crime. c) All three
2. Its Headquarters are located in Geneva, d) None
3. India is one of the founding members of Q.23) Consider the following hills of
INTERPOL. Northeastern region of India:
4. Operation Storm Makers II was launched by 1. Mizo hills.
INTERPOL recently, to target fraud 2. Mishmi hills.
schemes linked to human trafficking. 3. Mikir hills.
How many of the statements given above are 4. Barail hills.
correct? Arrange the above given hills in the South to
a) Only one North direction and select the correct answer
b) Only two using the code given below:
c) Only three a) 4-1-3-2
d) All four b) 4-1-2-3
c) 1-4-3-2
Q.21) The annual range of temperature in the d) 1-4-2-3
interior of the continents is high as compared
to coastal areas. What is/are the Q.24) With reference to the Mediterranean
reason/reasons? climate, consider the following statements:
1. Thermal difference between land and Statement-I: The regions experiencing
water. Mediterranean climate receive most of their
2. Variation in altitude between continents rainfall in the winter season.
and oceans. Statement-II: Mediterranean climate is mainly
3. Presence of strong winds in the interior. formed by onshore Polar easterlies in winters
4. Heavy rains in the interior as compared to that migrate towards the pole during the
coasts. summer season.
Select the correct answer using the codes Which one of the following is correct in
given below. respect of the above statements?
a) 1 only a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are
b) 1 and 2 only correct, and Statement-II is the correct
c) 2 and 3 only explanation for Statement-I.
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are
correct, and Statement-II is not the correct
Q.22) With reference to the Deccan traps, explanation for Statement-I.
consider the following statements: c) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is
1. The deccan traps were created during the incorrect.
northward migration of Indian plate. d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is
2. Deccan traps are confined solely to the correct.
States of Maharashtra and Gujarat.
3. Ferruginous lateritic ores found in several
areas of deccan traps comprise higher iron
content than any other iron ores.
Forum Learning Centre: Delhi - 2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19 Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005 | Patna - 2nd floor, AG Palace, E Boring Canal
Road, Patna, Bihar 800001 | Hyderabad - 1st & 2nd Floor, SM Plaza, RTC X Rd, Indira Park Road, Jawahar Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500020
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SFG 2024 | LEVEL 2 |Test 3 |
Q.25) With reference to Special Leave Petition How many of the above statements are
(SLP) available with the Supreme Court of correct?
India, consider the following statements: a) Only one
1. Through SLP, the Supreme Court grants b) Only two
the permission to appeal against any c) All three
judgments rendered by any court or d) None
tribunal, including the Armed Forces
Tribunal. Q.28) Consider the following characteristics:
2. SLP can only be admitted by the Supreme 1. Mainly observed in the eastern margin of
Court in cases involving substantial the continents.
questions of law or justice. 2. Narrow annual temperature range.
3. SLP can be used by Citizens to appeal 3. Dry summers and wet winters.
against the judgment of High courts even if 4. Strong maritime influence.
the High Courts deny certificates of fitness How many of the above characteristics are
for appeal. common between China type, Natal type and
How many of the statements given above are Gulf type of climates?
correct? a) Only one
a) Only one b) Only two
b) Only two c) Only three
c) All three d) All four
d) None
Q.29) With reference to Jet streams, consider
Q.26) With reference to the geographical the following statements:
characteristics of the Eastern and Western 1. They generally flow from east towards
Coast of India, consider the followings west.
statements: 2. The location of Easterly jet stream plays a
1. Unlike the emergent coasts found along the significant role in the distribution of
Eastern coast, the Western coasts monsoon rainfall over the Indian
exemplify submergent coasts. subcontinent.
2. The peninsular rivers flowing into the Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Eastern coasts typically form deltas, a) 1 only
whereas those flowing into the Western b) 2 only
coasts do not form significant deltas c) Both 1 and 2
comparatively. d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. The natural suitability for port formation is
higher along the Eastern coasts compared Q.30) The Empanelment Committee, for
to the Western Coasts. shortlisting officers for the post of a State’s
How many of the statements given above are Director General of Police (DGP), is presided
correct? over by which of the following authorities?
a) Only one a) The Cabinet Secretary.
b) Only two b) The Union Home Secretary,
c) All three c) Chairperson of the Union Public Service
d) None Commission (UPSC)
d) Secretary to the Department of Personnel
Q.27) With reference to Karewa landforms in and Training (DoPT).
India, consider the following statements:
1. They are formed by unconsolidated and
semi-consolidated lacustrine deposits.
2. They are mainly found in Himachal
Pradesh, Punjab and Uttarakhand.
3. They are generally devoid of fossils.
Forum Learning Centre: Delhi - 2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19 Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005 | Patna - 2nd floor, AG Palace, E Boring Canal
Road, Patna, Bihar 800001 | Hyderabad - 1st & 2nd Floor, SM Plaza, RTC X Rd, Indira Park Road, Jawahar Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500020
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SFG 2024 | LEVEL 2 |Test 3 |
Q.31) Consider the following statements and Q.34) Consider the following statements
select the correct answer using the code given regarding the geographical aspects of the
below: Lakshadweep archipelago:
Statement I: Tides are the rise and fall of sea 1. In terms of area, it is the smallest among
levels caused by the combined effects of the all the Union Territories in India.
gravitational forces exerted by the Moon, Sun 2. Kavaratti, the capital of Lakshadweep, has
and the rotation of the Earth. the largest area among all the islands of
Statement II: The Earth rotates from West to the Lakshadweep archipelago.
East. 3. Minicoy is the southernmost island of
Codes: Lakshadweep.
a) Both the statements are individually true, 4. The 10 degrees channel separates the
and statement II is the correct explanation Lakshadweep islands and Maldives.
of statement I. How many of the above statements are
b) Both the statements are individually true, correct?
but statement II is not the correct a) Only one
explanation of statement I. b) Only two
c) Statement I is true, but statement I is false. c) Only three
d) Statement I is false, but statement II is d) All four
Q.35) Consider the following statements
Q.32) The Main/Himalayan Frontal Thrust regarding the Consumer Protection Act, 2019:
(MFT/HFT) separates which of the following? 1. The act includes individuals who acquire
a) The Lesser Himalayas and the Shivalik goods for resale within the definition of
Himalayas. consumers.
b) The Greater Himalayas and Lesser 2. The act grants the right to own their data
Himalayas. to the consumers of digital services.
c) The Shivalik Himalayas and the Indo- 3. The act empowers the Central Consumer
Gangetic plains. Protection Authority (CCPA) to imprison a
d) The Greater Himalayas and the Tibetan manufacturer or endorser for a false or
plateau. misleading advertisement.
How many of the statements given above are
Q.33) Local winds over a region develop due to correct?
local differences in temperature and pressure a) Only one
and can be classified as hot and cold winds. In b) Only two
this context, consider the following c) All three
1. Foehn d) None
2. Chinook
3. Blizzard Q.36) “India’s largest saltwater lake is located
4. Mistral in these coastal plains. The freshwater lakes
5. Zonda Samang and Sur are also found here. It is also
6. Buran home to India’s one of the richest mangrove
How many of the above local winds are cold regions. This region has fertile red and black
winds? soils”
a) Only two Which of the following regions has been
b) Only three discussed in the above passage?
c) Only four a) Konkan Plain
d) Only five b) Malabar Plain
c) Utkal Plain
d) Andhra Plain
Forum Learning Centre: Delhi - 2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19 Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005 | Patna - 2nd floor, AG Palace, E Boring Canal
Road, Patna, Bihar 800001 | Hyderabad - 1st & 2nd Floor, SM Plaza, RTC X Rd, Indira Park Road, Jawahar Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500020
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SFG 2024 | LEVEL 2 |Test 3 |
Forum Learning Centre: Delhi - 2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19 Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005 | Patna - 2nd floor, AG Palace, E Boring Canal
Road, Patna, Bihar 800001 | Hyderabad - 1st & 2nd Floor, SM Plaza, RTC X Rd, Indira Park Road, Jawahar Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500020
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SFG 2024 | LEVEL 2 |Test 3 |
Q.44) Consider the following Deserts of the In recent years, the advent of the National
world: Education Policy (NEP) 2020 has heralded a
1. Namib Desert new epoch in the educational domain. This
2. Sahara Desert policy, envisaged as a harbinger of holistic and
3. Atacama Desert inclusive education, aims to galvanize the
4. Gobi Desert Indian educational framework, ensuring it is
Cold ocean currents play a significant role in more accessible, equitable, and imbued with
formation of how many of the deserts given the richness of Indian culture and heritage.
above? The NEP's emphasis on revamping curricula,
a) Only one pedagogical structures, and assessment
b) Only two paradigms, underscores the intent to sculpt an
c) Only three education system that is both flexible and
d) All four attuned to the exigencies of the 21st century.
Statistical data underscores a narrative of
Q.45) Consider the following statements: gradual but steady progress. The Gross
Statement-I: If the relative humidity is 100 Enrollment Ratio (GER) in higher education,
percent, then the precipitation will necessarily for instance, has seen an incremental rise,
occur. indicative of burgeoning access to tertiary
Statement-II: A decrease in temperature leads education. Moreover, initiatives like 'Digital
to an increase in the relative humidity in the India' have catalyzed the proliferation of digital
air. platforms and e-learning resources,
Which one of the following is correct in democratizing access to education and
respect of the above statements? enabling the penetration of learning
a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are opportunities into the remotest corners of the
correct and Statement-II is the correct nation.
explanation for Statement-I. However, the Indian education system, with its
b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are vast expanse, is not without its enigmas and
correct and Statement-II is not the correct challenges. Disparities in access and quality,
explanation for Statement-I. especially in the hinterlands, continue to pose
c) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is formidable challenges. Yet, the concerted
incorrect. efforts of the government, non-governmental
d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is organizations, and the private sector, aimed at
correct. bridging these gaps, are noteworthy. They
collectively endeavor to weave an inclusive
Directions for the following 2 (two) items: educational tapestry that not only enlightens
Read the following passage and answer the minds but also empowers lives, driving the
items that follow the passage. Your answers to nation towards an era of unprecedented
these items should be based on the passages growth and development.
only. In essence, the trajectory of education in India,
marked by its ambitious policies and
Passage-1 innovative practices, is a testament to the
Education in India, a labyrinthine system with nation's unwavering commitment to nurturing
a rich tapestry of diversity and complexity, has a learned and capable populace, poised to lead
been undergoing transformative shifts, India towards a luminous future.
propelled by governmental initiatives and
technological advancements. The intricate
mosaic of Indian education, characterized by
its multifarious institutions, ranging from
ancient gurukuls to contemporary digital
classrooms, mirrors the nation's commitment
to fostering an enlightened citizenry
Forum Learning Centre: Delhi - 2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19 Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005 | Patna - 2nd floor, AG Palace, E Boring Canal
Road, Patna, Bihar 800001 | Hyderabad - 1st & 2nd Floor, SM Plaza, RTC X Rd, Indira Park Road, Jawahar Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500020
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SFG 2024 | LEVEL 2 |Test 3 |
Q.46) Which of the following statements best Q.49) Consider the following series: 3, 11, 24,
reflects the crux of the passage? 85, 238, ….
a) The Indian education system, primarily What is the 6th term in the series?
rooted in traditional methods, has a) 735
remained static over the years. b) 592
b) The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 c) 729
aims to transform Indian education into a d) 611
system that values rote learning above all.
c) Technological advancements and Q.50) Ten Tables are numbered 1 to 10. Four
governmental initiatives like the NEP 2020 women and three men wish to occupy one
are steering Indian education towards table each. First, the women choose their
inclusivity and modernity. Tables from amongst those numbered 1 to 6;
d) The main challenge facing Indian education then, the men select their Tables from
today is the overemphasis on digital amongst the remaining. The number of
learning, neglecting conventional possible arrangements for them to occupy the
classroom settings. Tables is:
a) C46 x C36
Q.47) What is implied about the challenges b) C46 x C34
facing the Indian education system in the c) C36
x C34
passage? d) None of these
a) The challenges are primarily due to the lack
of technological infrastructure in rural
b) Disparities in access and quality of
education, especially in remote areas,
remain significant challenges despite
c) The biggest challenge is the resistance from
individual states towards adopting the NEP
2020, fearing loss of local traditions and
d) The sole challenge is the integration of
Indian culture and heritage into the
modern curriculum.
Forum Learning Centre: Delhi - 2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19 Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005 | Patna - 2nd floor, AG Palace, E Boring Canal
Road, Patna, Bihar 800001 | Hyderabad - 1st & 2nd Floor, SM Plaza, RTC X Rd, Indira Park Road, Jawahar Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500020
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