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Tender No: 158A-ST-Tender-2024 Closing Date/Time: 17/05/2024 15:00
Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP acting for and on behalf of The President of India invites E-Tenders against Tender No 158A-ST-Tender-2024
Closing Date/Time 17/05/2024 15:00 Hrs. Bidders will be able to submit their original/revised bids upto closing date and time only.
Manual offers are not allowed against this tender, and any such manual offer received shall be ignored.
Name of Work Provision of IP Exchange in Bilaspur Division of South East Central Railway.
Bidding type Normal Tender
Tender Type Open Bidding System Single Packet System
Tender Closing Date Time 17/05/2024 15:00 Date Time Of Uploading Tender 25/04/2024 14:33
Pre-Bid Conference
No Pre-Bid Conference Date Time Not Applicable
Advertised Value 34602281.90 Tendering Section WORKS
Bidding Style Single Rate for Each Schedule Bidding Unit
Earnest Money (Rs.) 323000.00 Validity of Offer ( Days) 45
Tender Doc. Cost (Rs.) 0.00 Period of Completion 12 Months
Contract Type Works Contract Category Expenditure
Are Joint Venture (JV) firms
Bidding Start Date 03/05/2024 No
allowed to bid
Ranking Order For Bids Lowest to Highest Expenditure Type Capital (Works)
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit
Schedule A-Execution of Work 4958888.34
Please see Item Breakup for details. 4958888.34 AT Par 4958888.34
Description:- Execution
S.No. Item Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit
Schedule B-Supply of Materials 29643393.56
Please see Item Breakup for details. 29643393.56 AT Par 29643393.56
Description:- Supply Portion
3 03 Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 48 port FXS Numbers 75.00 5479.15 410936.25
Gateway. The work is to be executed as per the instruction
of Railway Engineer.
4 04 Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 04 Port PRI/ E1 Numbers 6.00 13001.38 78008.28
Gateway. The work is to be executed as per the instruction
of Railway Engineer.
5 05 Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 16 port FXO Numbers 6.00 2971.74 17830.44
Gateway. The work is to be executed as per the instruction
of Railway Engineer.
6 06 Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Non- Numbers 500.00 357.53 178765.00
Executive/Executive open standard SIP phone. The work is
to be executed as per the instruction of Railway Engineer.
7 07 Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Video VoIP Numbers 135.00 1848.05 249486.75
phone. The work is to be executed as per the instruction of
Railway Engineer.
8 08 Installation, Testing & Commissioning of L-2 POE 24 LAN Numbers 41.00 1466.71 60135.11
manageable switch 10/100/1000 base with 02 SFP Port
loaded. The work is to be executed as per the instruction
of Railway Engineer.
9 09 Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 24U Rack with Numbers 5.00 1567.13 7835.65
PDU, FAN, Partitions arrangement and other accessories.
The work is to be executed as per the instruction of
Railway Engineer.
10 10 Excavation of trenches of following depth and width at the Kilometre 4.00 77389.00 309556.00
bottom of the trench including clearing of roots, bushes
etc. for all types of soils including morrum, hard soil mixed
with boulders etc. This work include back filling the trench,
ramming, consolidation of soil as well as disposal of extra
soil after cable is placed in the trench. After monsoon the
route is to be attended for back filling the rain cuts, wash
out of soils where ever found.Depth 1.0 Mtr. & Width
0.3Mtr. The work is to be executed as per the instruction of
Railway Engineer.
11 11 Laying of Quad Cable, PIJF cable,OFC cable of different Kilometre 8.00 16479.00 131832.00
sizes, power cable of different size in the excavated trench,
inside GI,RCC and HDPE pipes. This includes
loading/unloading & transportation of cables from the
stores of railway as per the availability.Wherever several
cables of different categories have to be laid in the same
trench / path, the provision of separation of various cable
should be as advised by the site incharge of the Railway.
Empty cable drums to be returned by the contractor. The
cable drums with unused cable at site to be returned by
the contracrtor from site to Stores depot. RCC Cable Route
marker also to be provided in the interval of 50 mtr after
refilling of trenching work. The work is to be executed as
per the instruction of Railway Engineer.
12 12 Transportation & Execution of following kinds of joints on Numbers 5.00 1385.00 6925.00
10-20-50 pairs PIJF/Quad/OFC Cable using thermoshrink
jointing kit/Joint enclosure. This also includes excavation of
cable joint pit of size 1.2m x 1.2m x 1.0m in all types of soil
for jointing of copper cables, OFC cable, back filling and
ramming after jointing. straight through joint on Quad
cable/ 10-20-50 pairs PIJF Cable. The work is to be
executed as per the instruction of Railway Engineer.
13 13 Cement Concrete of proportion 1:3:6 with graded Metre 100.00 620.21 62021.00
aggregate of size 25mm. and below. The work is to be
executed as per the instruction of Railway Engineer.
14 14 Cement Concrete of proportion 1:3:6 with graded cum 15.00 2440.24 36603.60
aggregate of size 25mm. and below. The work is to be
executed as per the instruction of Railway Engineer.
15 15 Installation of Jumper wire. The work is to be executed as Metre 600.00 0.17 102.00
per the instruction of Railway Engineer.
16 16 Laying & drawing of communication / power cable / data Metre 4000.00 18.54 74160.00
cable along with PVC conduit pipe. This also includes
supply of PVC pipes of nominal size 25 mm. The work is to
be executed as per the instruction of Railway Engineer.
17 17 Transportation including loading/unloading of HDPE pipe Kilometre 2.00 7762.00 15524.00
from the stores of railway to the work site, laying of the
same (with 4 mm nylon rope pre-inserted inside the HDPE
pipe) in excavated trench/already laid GI/RCC pipes/tubes,
jointing, levelling and end sealing the pipes.
18 18 Track crossing, Road Crossing by pushing method (HDD Metre 800.00 1062.00 849600.00
method) at culverts/ track / pucca road crossing at a depth
not less than 1 meter with reference to bottom of rail/road
surface including supply of GI/HDPE pipe. (a) HDPE
pipe/DWC pipe(4 inch dia). The work is to be executed as
per the instruction of Railway Engineer.
19 19 Installation of DP Box 20 Pair with neat wiring and Numbers 8.00 32.46 259.68
termination of cable (PIJF/Switch Board etc) . The work is
to be executed as per the instruction of Railway Engineer.
20 20 Installation of Krone Module. The work is to be executed Numbers 400.00 3.51 1404.00
as per the instruction of Railway Engineer.
21 21 Blowing / drawing of OFC 24F/12F/6F Power Cable and Metre 2000.00 4.67 9340.00
CAT Cable (including crimping) through Duct, DWC, PVC
Conduit/Casing Caping, Trough already installed. It should
be in presence of Railway representative.
22 22 Splicing /Dropping/Termination of each Fiber / Pigtail in the CORE 1500.00 36.94 55410.00
LIU/FDMS/Termination Joints through fusion Splicing of
the termination of OFC Cables.
23 23 Installation of Online UPS (Capcity: 10 KVA) with external Set 2.00 6600.00 13200.00
battery bank with all accessories.
24 24 Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Online UPS with Numbers 3.00 3171.57 9514.71
complete set of suitable batteries quantity 3 KVA with
battery backup of 60 minutes. The work is to be executed
as per the instruction of Railway Engineer.
25 25 Concealed wiring of cat-6 cable/telephone cable/ OFC Metre 2500.00 81.90 204750.00
cable in the PVC pipe/PVC channel by making groove in
the wall, fixing the PVC pipe with clamps, nails and
plastering and distempering to make it as it was earlier as
per instructions of engineering charge. This includes laying
and fixing of all the PVC pipes as per colour in systematic
way as per instruction of Rly. Engg. at site. required for
laying of all types of cables for railnet, telephone
connection etc., All the sundry items for the work has to be
supplied by thecontractor. Railways will supply telephone
cables/Cat-6cables and PVC pipe/channels. All the telecom
cables will be drawn from the specified location , approved
drawing. The payment would be made as per layout of
grove made in the wall, irrespective of how many pipe
(maximum three pipes) are laid and how many cables
drawn through these pipes .
26 26 Supply, installation and wiring of IDF/MDF 1000 lines. It Numbers 5.00 38940.00 194700.00
should be provided as per requirement of site. Inspection
of material by Consignee/Rep. of Sr DSTE/Co/BSP.
27 27 Supply and installation of 150+150 pair IPM Depth MDF Numbers 7.00 8795.83 61570.81
with 03 number 100 pair tag block with cable termination.
The work is to be executed as per the instruction of
RailwayEngineer. It should be provided as per requirement
of site. Inspection of material by Consignee/Rep. of Sr
28 28 Supply and fixing of PVC casing caping 25mm x 25mm Metre 1000.00 43.00 43000.00
size for indoor wiring. This includes drawal of wires in the
casing caping and termination of wire at end point. The
work is to be executed as per the instruction of Railway
Engineer. Inspection of material by Consignee/Rep. of Sr
8 08 Supply of Executive open standard SIP phone. (Detail Numbers 170.00 9000.00 1530000.00
specification attached in Annexure -H). Material Inspection
by Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
9 09 Supply of Video VoIP phone. (Detail specification attached Numbers 135.00 36916.55 4983734.25
in Annexure -K). Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of
10 10 Supply of L-2 POE 24 LAN manageable switch Numbers 41.00 29299.03 1201260.23
10/100/1000 base with 02 SFP Port loaded. (Detail
specification attached in Annexure-L).Material Inspection
by Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
11 11 Supply of 19" 24U Rack with PDU, FAN and other Numbers 5.00 31304.86 156524.30
accessories. (Detail specification attached in Annexure -
M). Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of
12 12 Supply of caller ID Telephone with two way hands free Numbers 2000.00 727.99 1455980.00
speaking facility Corded phone. (Detail specification
attached in Annexure - N).Material Inspection by
Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
13 13 Supply of twisted pair PVC switch board cable, conductor Metre 2000.00 24.00 48000.00
of size 0.6mm. dia annealed copper conforming to IRS-TC-
24/91 or ITD 1138 or latest-5 pair. Material Inspection by
Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
14 14 Supply of twisted pair PVC switch board cable, conductor Metre 2000.00 39.00 78000.00
of size 0.6mm. dia annealed copper conforming to IRS-TC-
24/91 or ITD 1138 or latest-10 pair. Material Inspection by
Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
15 15 Supply of twisted pair PVC switch board cable, conductor Metre 2000.00 66.00 132000.00
of size 0.6mm. dia annealed copper conforming to IRS-TC-
24/91 or ITD 1138 or latest-20 pair. Material Inspection by
Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
16 16 Supply of PVC switch board cable (50 pair Telephone Metre 1000.00 206.21 206210.00
Cable 0.5mm Copper Conductor) Make: Usha Martin or
Similar. (Detail specification attached in Annexure - Q).
Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of
17 17 Supply of Thermoshrink jointing kit for 10/20/50 pair Jelly Numbers 10.00 3425.00 34250.00
filled cable conforming to RDSO Spec. No.
RDSO/SPN/TC/57/2006 (Rev.0) (With latest amendment).
Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of
18 18 Supply of Jumper wire suitable for wiring in MDF or IDF Metre 2000.00 3.52 7040.00
Make :Molex or Similar. (Detail specification attached in
Annexure - R). Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of
19 19 Supply of 3 core flexible power cable 2.5 , PVC Metre 1000.00 10.89 10890.00
insulated flexible 3- core x 2.5 multistrand copper
power cable. 1100 volts grade conforming to IS-694 of
1990 or latest. Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of
20 20 Supply of UTP CAT 6 cable (roll in 305 Mtrs.). Make: D- Metre 5000.00 37.00 185000.00
link, AMP or Molex. Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep.
of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
21 21 Supply of DP Box 20 Pair with Krone Modules . Material Numbers 25.00 648.45 16211.25
Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
22 22 Supply of krone Module 10 Pair Make : Krone or Numbers 400.00 70.37 28148.00
Similar.Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of
23 23 Supply of Online UPS 3KVA with battery backup of 60 Numbers 3.00 63355.08 190065.24
minutes. (Detail specification attached in Annexure-S).
Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of
24 24 Supply of Online UPS (Capacity: 10 KVA) with external Set 2.00 221760.00 443520.00
battery bank for two hours backup with all accessories. It
should be as Per technical specification on Annexure: T.
UPS Make: Uniline, APC or Numeric. Remarks: before
supply the material, consent from consignee will be
obtained. Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of
25 25 Supply of CAT 6 UTP Patch Cord-2 Mtrs each length. Numbers 100.00 81.04 8104.00
Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of
26 26 Supply and Termination at Wall/Rack Mountable of 12 Numbers 20.00 10496.30 209926.00
Fiber FDMS 12 SC Type FDMS loaded with SC '0' DB &
Adaptor SC SM Pigtail 1.5 meters all accessories required
for installation suitable for splicing and front patching of 12
fiber cable with all accessories and terminating the optical
fiber with splicing and front patching in the equipment room
or places as required by the Railway representative (OFC
patch cord for and all other materials required for the
splicing are to be supplied by the contractor.[Detailed
Specification in Technical Document Annexure F]. Material
Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
27 27 Supply of Single Mode Patch Cord length 3 meters (LC- Numbers 600.00 187.60 112560.00
SC/SC-SC/LC-LC/FC-LC) as per site requirement. Material
Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
28 28 Supply of PLB HDPE Duct of Size 40/33 mm Outer and Metre 2000.00 88.54 177080.00
with all Accessories. Installation on Wall or Structure/HDD
etc. along with all Accessories required for fixing, Clamping
Cutting, as per RDSO Spec No RDSO/SPN/TC/45/2013
Rev 2 or latest. Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of
29 29 Supply of 6 Fiber Armoured OFC Cable Single Mode OFC Metre 2000.00 28.92 57840.00
for laying over the Platform Shed as per latest TEC/BSNL
Specification. Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of
30 30 Supply of RJ 45 Connectors.Make D-Link/Digilink/Molex. Numbers 1000.00 11.21 11210.00
Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of
31 31 Supply of Chair. Make : Godrej. Before supply model and Numbers 18.00 11929.80 214736.40
design to be informed to railways. Material Inspection by
Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
32 32 Supply of Table. Make : Godrej, Before supply model and Numbers 6.00 11904.95 71429.70
design to be informed to railways.Material Inspection by
Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
33 33 Supply of 2 drawer filling cabinet STVFXDM 2086 or latest. Numbers 5.00 11904.95 59524.75
Make: Godrej or Simliar. Material Inspection by
Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
34 34 Supply of Wooden stool height 2 feet. Material Inspection Numbers 10.00 505.18 5051.80
by Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
35 35 Supply of Crimping tool Make Krone/D-Link/I-Ball/Pro-Tech Numbers 15.00 229.40 3441.00
or Similar. Material Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of
36 36 Supply of Krone tool. Make Krone. Material Inspection by Numbers 15.00 1953.00 29295.00
Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
37 37 Supply of Digital Multimeter Make-Rishabh or similar. Numbers 10.00 7120.61 71206.10
(Detail specification attached in Annexure -Z). Material
Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
38 38 Supply & installation of operator console as per technical Numbers 1.00 192935.00 192935.00
specification on Annexure "I". Material Inspection by
Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
39 39 Supply of 20 pair PIJF cable 0.63mm armoured cable. Metre 2000.00 160.67 321340.00
Make Usha Martin or similar. Material Inspection by
Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
40 40 Supply of 50 pair PIJF cable 0.63mm copper conductor Metre 1000.00 399.17 399170.00
armoured cable. Make Usha Martin or similar. Material
Inspection by Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
41 41 Supply installation of Electrical accessories (Electrical Lumpsum 1.00 30000.00 30000.00
socket, Extension board, Electrical switches, MCB etc.) as
per site requirement during execution of Exchange work at
various site over Bilaspur Division. Material Inspection by
Consignee/Rep. of Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP.
42 42 Training and supply of all the manuals, troubleshooting Man- 30.00 5458.33 163749.90
guide and handbooks necessary to maintain the installed Days
system insoft copies and adequate number of hard copies
Total 29643393.56
The tenderer must have successfully completed or substantially completed any one of
the following categories of work(s) during last 07 (seven) years, ending last day of month
previous to the one in which tender is invited: Three similar works each costing not less
than the amount equal to 30% of advertised value of the tender, or Two similar works
each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of advertised value of the tender, or
One similar work each costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of advertised
value of the tender.NOTE- Similar Work means "Supply, Testing & Commissioning or
augmentation of Digital Exchange or IP based exchange or WLL exchange" NOTE :-
Work experience certificate from private individual shall not be considered. However, in
addition to work experience certificates issued by any Govt. Organisation, work
1 experience certificate issued by Public listed company having average annual turnover No No
of Rs 500 crore and above in last 3 financial years excluding the current financial year,
listed on National Stock Exchange or Bombay Stock Exchange, incorporated/registered
at least 5 years prior to the date of opening of tender, shall also be considered provided
the work experience certificate has been issued by a person authorized by the Public
listed company to issue such certificates. In case tenderer submits work experience
certificate issued by public listed company, the tenderer shall also submit along with
work experience certificate, the relevant copy of work order, bill of quantities, bill wise
details of payment received duly certified by Chartered Accountant, TDS certificates for
all payments received and copy of final/last bill paid by company in support of above
work experience certificate.
The tenderer shall submit along with the tender document, documents in support of
his/their claim to fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the tender document. Each
page of the copy of documents/Certificates in support of credentials, submitted by the Allowed
1.1 No No
tenderer, shall be self- attested/digitally signed by the tenderer or authorized (Mandatory)
representative of the tendering firm. Self- attestation shall included signature, stamp and
date ( on Each page).
The tenderer shall submit a certificate stating that they are not liable to be disqualified
and all their statements/documents submitted along with bid are true and factual.
Standard format of the certificate to be submitted by the bidder is enclosed as annexure-
V and VA. Non submission of an certificate by the bidder shall result in rejection of
1.2 his/their bid. And it shall be mandatorily incumbent upon the tenderer to identify, state No No
and submit the supporting documents duly self attested by which they/he is qualifying
the qualifying criteria mentioned in the tender document. It will not be obligatory on the
part of Tender committee to scrutinize beyond the submitted document of tenderer as far
as his qualification for the tender is concerned
Bidders shall confirm and certify on the behalf of the tenderer including its constituents as under:
S.No. Description
1 I/we the tenderer (s) am/are signing this document after carefully reading the contents.
2 I/We the tenderer(s) also accept all the conditions of the tender and have signed all the pages in confirmation thereof.
I/we hereby declare that I/we have downloaded the tender documents from Indian Railway website . I/we have
verified the content of the document from the website and there is no addition, no deletion or no alteration to the content of the
tender document. In case of any discrepancy noticed at any stage i.e. evaluation of tenders, execution of work or final payment
of the contract, the master copy available with the railway Administration shall be final and binding upon me/us.
I/we declare and certify that I/we have not made any misleading or false representation in the forms, statements and
attachments in proof of the qualification requirements.
I/We also understand that my/our offer will be evaluated based on the documents/credentials submitted along with the offer and
same shall be binding upon me/us.
I/We declare that the information and documents submitted along with the tender by me/us are correct and I/we are fully
responsible for the correctness of the information and documents, submitted by us.
I/we certify that I/we the tenderer(s) is/are not blacklisted or debarred by Railways or any other Ministry / Department of Govt.
7 of India from participation in tender on the date of submission of bids, either in individual capacity or as a HUF/ member of the
partnership firm/LLP/JV/Society/Trust.
I/we understand that if the contents of the certificate submitted by us are found to be forged/false at any time during process for
evaluation of tenders, it shall lead to forfeiture of the Bid Security and may also lead to any other action provided in the contract
including banning of business for a period of upto two year. Further, I/we and all my/our constituents understand that my/our
offer shall be summarily rejected.
I/we also understand that if the contents of the certificate submitted by us are found to be false/forged at any time after the
award of the contract, it will lead to termination of the contract, along with forfeiture of Bid Security/Security Deposit and
Performance guarantee and may also lead to any other action provided in the contract including banning of business for a
period of upto two year.
I/We have read the clause regarding restriction on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India
and certify that I am/We are not from such a country or, if from such a country, have been registered with the competent
Authority. I/We hereby certify that I/we fulfil all the requirements in this regard and am/are eligible to be considered (evidence of
valid registration by the competent authority is enclosed)
Partnership firm/Joint Venture (JV) / Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) etc.
S.No. Description
Partnership firm/Joint Venture (JV) / Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) etc. Please
submit a certificate in the prescribed format (please download the format from the link given below). Non submission of the
1 certificate, or submission of certificate either not properly filled in, or in a format other than the prescribed format shall lead to
summary rejection of your offer.
( Click here to download the Format of Self Certification)
General Instructions
Non compliance with any of the conditions set forth there in above is liable to
9 No No Not Allowed
result in the tender being rejected.
Execution of contract documents:- The successful tenderer(s) shall be
required to execute an agreement with the president of India acting through
the South East Central Railway for carrying out the work according to Standard
10 General condition of contract, Special conditions/specifications. annexed to the No No Not Allowed
tender and specifications for work and materials of Railway as
amended/corrected upto latest correction slips, mentioned in tender form (first
Partnership deeds, power of attorney etc.:-The tenderer shall clearly specify
whether the tender is submitted on his own (Proprietary Firm) or on behalf of a
Partnership Firm /Company / Joint Venture (JV) / Registered Society
/Registered Trust / HUF etc. The tenderer(s) shall enclose the attested copies
11 of the constitution of their concern, and copy of PAN Card along with their No No Not Allowed
tender. Tender Documents in such cases are to be signed by such persons as
may be legally competent to sign them on behalf of the firm,company,
association, trust or society, as the case may be as item No.14 Part 01 of
The tenderer whether sole proprietor, a company or a partnership firm/Joint
venture (JV)/registered Society/registered trust etc. if they want to act through
agent or individual partner (s) should submit along with the tender , apower of
attorney duly stamped and authenticated by a Notary Public or by Magistrate
12 in favour of the specific person whether he/they be partner(s) of the firm or No No Not Allowed
any other person specifically authorizing him/them to submit the tender, sign
the agreement, receive money, witness measurements, sign measurement
books, compromise, settle, relinquish any claim(s) preferred by the firm and
sign No claim Certificate and refer all or any disputes to arbitration
Should a tenderer or contractor being an individual on the list of approved
contractors, have a relative(s) or in the case of partnership firm / company/
joint venture(JV)/registered society/registered trust etc. one or more of his
shareholder(s)or a relative(s) of the shareholders employed in
Gazettedcapacity in the Engineering or any other Department of the South
13 No No Not Allowed
East Central Railway, the authority inviting tenders shall be informed of the
fact, at the time of submission of tender,failing which the tender may be
disqualified/ rejected or if such fact subsequently comes to light, the contract
may be rescinded in accordance with the provision of clause 62 of the
Standard General Conditions of Contract.
The contactor shall also employ qualified Graduate Engineer or qualified
Diploma Engineer, based on value of contract, as may be prescribed by the
14 No No Not Allowed
Minister of Railways through separate instructions from time to time. As per
GCC Clause 26A.
Railway reserves the right to draft the vehicles and equipment of contractor in
case of accidents/natural calamities involving human lives. For this, separate
payment shall be admissible through introduction of NS item as per clause of
15 No No Not Allowed
GCC, and the rates decided by the railway of this purpose shall be final and
binding on the contractor and shall be an excepted mater and hence shall
remain excluded from the preview of the arbitration clause of the agreement.
While executing the work along the Railway track/any other location in the
vicinity of under ground signaling/Electrical/Telecom/OFC cables, the
contractor s shall take all precautions to safe guard the cables. A penalty will
be imposed as below, if the contractor damages any of these cables even
16 after being advised in writing before start of the work to take adequate No No Not Allowed
precaution to protect these cables. (In terms of Railway Board s letter
No.2003/Tele/RCIL/1/Pt. IX dtd:24.06.2013) Cable damaged Penalty per
location Only Quad cable or Signalling Cable Rs.1.0 Lakh Only OFC Rs.1.25
Lakh Both OFC & Quad Rs.1.5 Lakh Electrical Cable Rs.1.0 Lakh
Joint Procedure Order No.SECR/S&T/Policy/889, dated 05.07.2012 for
undertaking earh work in the vicinity of cables issued by CSE/SECR/BSP vide
letter No.SECR/S&T/Policy/959, dated 16.07.2012 , C.E s cirlular No.16 for
safety precautions at work-site in proximity of running lines issued by
17 No No Not Allowed
C.E./SECR/BSP vide letter No.ENGG/TC-2/C.E.Circular/442, dated 16.06.2006
and C.E s cirlular No.31 for quality control at work sites and maintenance of
registers issued by C.E./SECR/BSP vide letter No.Engg/Plg./76/CE s
Circular/34, dated 18.08.2011 will be applicable and binding to the contractor.
18 Price variation shall not be applicable for this tender. No No Not Allowed
Special Conditions
The work will be executed as per the advice and Instruction of the
Representative of the Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP for the successful installation,
2 No No Not Allowed
commissioning, and functioning of the IP Exchange system of the Bilaspur
division and other required locations/stations over the Bilaspur Division.
Before the supply of any material, prior Approval/consent of the railway/Rep. of
2.1 Sr.DSTE/Co/BSP has to be taken duly mentioning the make and model with No No Not Allowed
the required technical data sheet/Specification and the quantity.
Sand, cement, 1" inch stone chips and bricks for casting of foundation and for
3 other miscellaneous works shall be supplied by the contractor at the site of No No Not Allowed
Transportation wherever mentioned in the schedule implies transportation of
materials from the store of SSE/Tele/L-2/BSP to the work site by road/train
4 No No Not Allowed
with utmost care which includes loading, unloading, stacking and guarding of
the materials by the contractor.
All materials which are to be supplied by the contractor, for the above works
5 No No Not Allowed
are to be inspected by the Railway's Engineer before use.
All the residual works, if any, including finishing portion must be completed
6 within a period of seven days from the date of commissioning by the No No Not Allowed
All the materials in Sch.A & B above are to be supplied at SSE/Tele/L-2/BSP's
store who is the consignee of this wok and shall be inspected by the Railway's
7 No No Not Allowed
authorized representative (preferably at firm's premises) or by RDSO/RITES
as the case may be before acceptance of the same.
Before placing order for all the materials to the firm, Prior approval to be
8 obtained from Railway's Engineer and material to be supplied as per actual No No Not Allowed
site/Railway requirement and assesment.
Supply of materials should commensurate with the physical progress of work
9 No No Not Allowed
so that the execution of work does not held up for want of materials.
10 No Road permit shall be issued by the Railway. No No Not Allowed
No extra work will be done against the schedule without prior approval of
11 No No Not Allowed
competent authority.
All the sundary works including supply of materials, which are not covered in
12 the schedule and required for completion of the work to be done by the No No Not Allowed
contractor on his own cost.
Any type of inspection charges will be borne by the contractor. Whenever the
13 material is ready for inspection, contractor has to intimate to this office for No No Not Allowed
necessary inspection by consignee.
PAYMENT TERMS: 1. a) For items in the supply schedule Only 70% of the
accepted rate of the items shall be paid by the railway on acceptance of the
materials by the consignee and submission of a certificate of receipt of
material in good condition by the consignee. b) Balance of 30% payments shall
be paid after installation & commissioning of the supplied material. 2 a) The
items for which Supply, installation/Fixing/testing and commissioning are
included in single item in the schedule only 50 % of the accepted rate of that
item shall be paid by the railway on acceptance of the materials by consignee
14 No No Not Allowed
and submission of a certificate of receipt of material in good condition by the
consignee. b) Balance 50% payment shall be paid after installation/ testing &
commissioning of the supplied material. However, if due to any circumstances
(which are not on account of the contractor), the entire work is not getting
completed and the Railway is satisfied that the balance work will be delayed
due to some circumstances which are beyond the control of the contractor and
the contractor is willing to close the contract, only 80% of the total accepted
cost of the item will be released irrespective of completion of entire work.
Completion period of 12 months will be counted progressively from the date of
15 No No Not Allowed
the issue of the letter of acceptance.
In case of Consignee inspection of the materials, the contractor has to inform
16 No No Not Allowed
this office well in advance whenever the material is ready for inspection.
All the tools and instruments required for installation & testing will be to
17 No No Not Allowed
brought by the contractor on his own cost.
Paint Berger make or similar and of a proved specification and colouring
scheme (to be advised by the Railway's Engineer) shall be supplied by the
18 No No Not Allowed
contractor and shall be approved by the Railway's Engineer before use.
Painting includes scrapping and clearing of surface before its use.
(f) The LC terms and conditions shall inter-alia provide that Railways will issue
a Document o f Authorization (format enclosed as Annexure 2) after passing
26.6 No No Not Allowed
t h e bill for completed work, t o enable contractor to claim the authorized
amount from their bank.
( g ) The acceptable, agreed upon document for payments to be released
26.7 No No Not Allowed
under the LC shall be the Document of Authorisation
(h) The Document of Authorization shall be issued by Railway Accounts Office
26.8 No No Not Allowed
against each bill passed by Railways.
( i ) On issuance of Document of Authorization, a copy of Document of
Authorizationshall b e posted o n IREPS f o r download b y the contractor.A
26.9 No No Not Allowed
digitally signed copy of Document of Authorization shall a lso be sent by
Railway Accounts Office to Railway's bank (Local SBI Branch).
( j ) The contractor shall take print out of the Document of Authorization
available o n !REPS and present h i s claim t o h i s b a n k (advising Bank) for
26.10 No No Not Allowed
necessary payments as per LC terms and conditions. The claim shall comprise
of copy of Document of Authorization, Bill of Exchange and Bill.
( k ) T h e payment against L C shall b e subject t o verification from Railway's
26.11 No No Not Allowed
Bank (Local SBI Branch).
(l)The contractor's bank (advising bank) shall submit t h e documents to the
26.12 No No Not Allowed
Railway's Bank (Local SBI Branch).
(m) The railway's b a n k (issuing b a n k) shall, a fte r verifying the claim so
receivedw.r.t. t h e digitally signed Document o f Authorization received from
26.13 No No Not Allowed
Railway Accounts Office, release the payment to contractor's bank (advising
bank) for crediting the same to contractor'saccount.
(n) Any number of bills can be dealt within one LC, provided the sum total of
26.14 No No Not Allowed
payments to contractor is within the amount for which LC has been opened.
(o) The LC shall be closed after the release of final payment including PVC
26.15 No No Not Allowed
amount, if any, to the contractor
(p) T he release of performance guarantee o r security deposit shall be dealt
26.16 No No Not Allowed
directly by railway with the contractor i.e., not through LC
Contractor is to abide by the provisions of Payment of Wages act & Minimum
Wages act in terms of clause 54 and 55 of Indian Railways General Condition
of Contract. In order to ensure the same, an application has been developed
27 and hosted on website ''.Contractor No No Not Allowed
shall register his firm/company etc. and upload requisite details of labour and
their payment in this portal. These details shall be available in public domain.
The Registration/ updation of Portal shall be done as under:
(a) Contractor shall apply for onetime registration of his company/firm etc. in
the Shramik kalyan portal with requisite details subsequent to issue of Letter of
27.1 No No Not Allowed
Acceptance. Engineer shall approve the contractor's registration in the portal
within 7 days of receipt of such request.
(b) Contractor once approved by any Engineer, can create password with login
27.2 No No Not Allowed
ID (PAN No.) for subsequent use of portal for all LoAs issued in his favour.
(c) The contractor once registered on the portal, shall provide details of his
Letter of Acceptances (LoA) / Contract Agreements on shramikkalyan portal
27.3 within 15 days of issue of any LoA for approval of concerned engineer. No No Not Allowed
Engineer shall update (if required) and approve the details of LoA filled by
contractor within 7 days of receipt of such request.
(d) After approval of LoA by Engineer, contractor shall fill the salient details of
27.4 contract labours engaged in the contract and ensure updating of each wage No No Not Allowed
payment to them on shramikkalyan portal on monthly basis.
(e) It shall be mandatory upon the contractor to ensure correct and prompt
27.5 uploading of all salient details of engaged contractual labour & payments No No Not Allowed
made thereof after each wage period.
The maintenance period will be 03 (Three) years after the successful
installation and commissioning of the IP-based Exchange Complete system.
28 No No Not Allowed
The contractor shall be responsible for supervising the maintenance of the
same during the period of maintenance up to 03 years.
29 The consignee for the work will be SSE/Tele/L-2/BSP. No No Not Allowed
Bidder will declare that the proposed upgradation shall in no way hamper the
existing network or the existing numbering scheme and communication set-up.
It shall ensure programming of any subscriber in any gateway without
disturbing the field cables and existing network providing seamless integration
5 with the existing set-up. The Contractor shall also ensure that all the Yes Yes
peripherals such as telephone equipments (Analog / Digital) and E1, Trunk,
PRI cards and existing Licenses connectivity with other exchanges and other
facilities which currently exists shall remain to work with the provision of the
proposed system upgrade and new facilities as per technical specifications.
The Bidder has to ensure that the SIP server (also called registrars) shall
register the phones and enable the telephony services. SIP Servers are
supposed to work with various open standard FXS/FXO media gateways using
open SIP standard. Similarly, it must be possible for the system to work with
open standard SIP phones of different manufacturers. The servers shall be
provisioned in 1+1 active-passive configuration. The IP phones and gateways Allowed
6 Yes Yes
used in the exchange system shall support primary and secondary SIP server (Optional)
configuration. This will allow for simple redundancy of the SIP server. When
the primary SIP server is down, the secondary server will be used by the
phones/gateways. Redundancy of all SIP registrar servers shall be planned so
that they are configured as primary and secondary SIP servers for registration
The SIP VoIP system for this IP Exchange work should support the following
minimum features. 1. Call Detail Records 2. Call Forward on Busy 3. Call
Forward on No Answer 4. Call Parking 5. Call Queuing 6. Call Recording 7.
7 Call Transfer 8. Call Waiting 9. Caller ID 10. Fax Transmit and Receive 11. Yes Yes
Flexible Extension Logic 12. Interactive Voice Response (IVR) 13. Route by
Caller ID 14. Voice mail facility 15. Video telephony 16. Attended and
unattended audio conferences. 17. Follow me
2 Retired Railway Employee Decl
3 Annexure-VandVA.pdf Annexure V and VA
4 Annexure-VIB.pdf Annexure VIB
This tender complies with Public Procurement Policy (Make in India) Order 2017, dated 15/06/2017, issued by
Department of Induswww Promotion and Policy, Ministry of Commerce, circulated vide Railway Board letter no.
2015/RS(G)/779/5 dated 03/08/2017 and 27/12/2017 and amendments/ revisions thereof.
As a Tender Inviting Authority, the undersigned has ensured that the issue of this tender does not violate provisions of
GFR regarding procurement through GeM.
Designation : Sr.DSTEco-ord