Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Prepared by:
Jaybelle L. Lagman
Checked by:
1. Recognize the different functions of the menu
2. Categorize different types of menu
3. Recognize the importance of menu knowledge
4. Create an appropriate menu for a business
A. Preliminary Activities
“Let us pray first, class representative can you lead (One Student will lead the Prayer)
the prayer”
B. Developmental
1. Presentation
Slide the prepared presentation and discuss
the menu, its different types, where these The student will listen to the
types of menus are used, how they are discussion
created, and what their functions are.
1. Application
Each group will brainstorm at least 5 dishes that Students will form a group with 5
they need to cost, as I have taught them. Students members. They will create a mini
will list all the ingredients and items needed. They
will determine the price at which it should be menu using 5 dishes, determining their
displayed on the menu to ensure profitability for the costs to establish prices and ensuring
company. that their restaurant will generate a
profit and to be submitted.
2. Value Integration
Teamwork, Responsibility, Creativity
3. Generalization
Creating a restaurant menu involves more than just
listing dishes; it's an art that requires consideration
of various factors such as customer preferences,
cost-effectiveness, seasonality, and culinary
creativity. Here are some generalization principles to
keep in mind when creating a restaurant menu
IV. Evaluation
1. Menu Knowledge Quiz
Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning
Materials: Quiz questions, answer sheets
Significance: Students will test their menu knowledge through a quiz format.
1. Distribute the quiz questions.
2. Answer the questions individually.
3. Review and discuss the correct answers.
Rubric - Accuracy, Understanding, Completion - 30 pts.
V. Assignment
1. Create a digital menu board for a virtual restaurant, incorporating menu functions and
2. Develop a menu pricing strategy for a new food establishment, considering menu
knowledge and market trends.