Stress Reference

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Piping Stress Analysis

1. Introduction

The purpose of stress analysis is to ensure safe operation of the piping systems.
This is accomplished by verifying their structural and pressure-retaining integrity for
the postulated loading conditions during the lifetime of the plant. It involves the
calculation of stress, deflections, nozzles loads, System natural frequencies etc. and
then limiting them to their allowable values as per relevant codes & standards.

Additionally the stress analyst is responsible for determining the types of supports &
the design loads for the supports so that the system may be restrained safely. These
support loads and the terminal reactions have to be kept as low as possible due to
their impact on the sizes of the supporting structures and their foundations.

Objectives of Stress Analysis:

1. Ensure that the stresses in the piping components in the system are within the
allowable limits. Thus, limiting the stresses as per relevant codes.
2. Solve Dynamic problems developed due to mechanical vibration, Acoustic
vibration, fluid hammer, slug force, pulsation, relief valves, etc. Also to check the
natural frequencies of the system to avoid the resonance.
3. Solve the problems associated due to higher or lower operating temperatures
such as
(a) Displacements Stress Range
(b) Nozzle Loadings on the connected Equipment
(c) Pipe displacements
(d) Load and moments on the supporting structures
4. Limiting deflections meeting requirements like sag etc.
5. Limiting the nozzle loads on connected equipment.
6. Evaluation of supporting requirements and their loads.
7. To check for resonance for vibration loads.
8. To find out unintentional disengagement of pipe from support.

Following are the pre-requisite data to perform the Stress Analysis

 Process & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)

 Design Basis for Piping Stress Analysis
 Piping Specification
 Line Designation List
 Stress Critical Line List
 Stress Sketch or Fabrication Isometric
 Equipment Drawing / Data Sheet for Nozzle Displacement Calculation
 Allowable Nozzle Loads for Fabricated Equipment and Machinery. This has to
be agreed between Stress Engineer and Vessel Engineer upfront.
 Manufacturers Nozzle Displacement data for critical equipment like Boilers,
Turbines, Pumps, Compressors, Air Coolers Fired Heaters etc.
2. Analysis Software

CAESAR II with the latest Version or project specific software as requested by the
client at the beginning of the Project shall be used.

3. Stress Analysis Acceptance Criteria

The criterion mentioned below is as per the code requirements at the time of
issuance of this document.

3.1 Piping Stress Criteria

In accordance with ASME B31.3, section 302.3:
a) SL ≤Sh x W ref. 302.3.5 (c); for primary sustained loads

b) SE ≤SA ref. 302.3.5 (d); for thermal expansion/displacement loads.

Where: SL = sum of longitudinal stress due to sustained loads
Sh = basic allowable stress at metal temperature, taken from Appendix A, ASME
SE = calculated displacement stress range
SA = allowable displacement stress range
= f [(1.25Sc + 1.25SL) - SL] or f (1. 25Sc + 0.25SL)
Sc = basic allowable stress at minimum metal temperature
W = weld joint strength reduction factor (wherever applicable as per B31.3)
f = stress range reduction factor (value shall be as per plant life of 20 years.)

c) The allowable stress due to occasional loads such as wind, earthquake, PSV
reaction forces, etc. shall not be greater than 1.33 times the hot allowable stress, S h,
(ref. ASME B31.3, para. 302.3.6).These occasional loads shall not be considered to
act concurrently.
For other codes such as ASME B31.1, B31.4 or B31.8, relevant stress calculation
equations shall be utilized (exact code shall be chosen in CAESAR II input).

3.2 Flange Leakage Criteria

Critical flange joints of ASME Flanges shall be assessed for leakage as per the
equivalent pressure method.
Flange leakage calculation is required when flange joint is connected to equipment
nozzle and flange joints located in lines carrying service fluids deemed as hazardous
by Process Safety Department.

In cases where the total pressure exceed the allowable pressure, a second
verification shall be performed at the maximum operating conditions or a detailed
flange calculations shall be carried out as per requirements of Section VIII Div. 1,
Appendix 2 of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes (using CAESAR II module).
Flange Leakage Check shall be performed considering the following guideline:

 Flanges with a rating of 600 or more

 Flanges with a rating of 300 and size greater than 16 inch
 Pipe flanges carrying category M fluid service
 Pipe flanges carrying Hydrogen or other flammable fluid
 PSV lines with NPS 4 inch or more
 All Flanges in Jacketed Piping
 Flanges where stress engineer finds a very high bending moment

3.3 Allowable Loads on Equipment Nozzles

This section covers allowable loads on nozzles for Pressure Vessels, Columns,
Filters etc. wherever equipment GAD does not contain any allowable nozzle load
table. Pipe Stress Analyst to check the generated piping loads on each nozzle and
necessary calculations shall be made in this regard.

Forces and moments induced by piping system on nozzles of major equipment shall
not exceed the values stated in the various standards.

For piping connected to strain sensitive rotating equipment, the nozzle loads
calculation shall be based on operating temperature. For all other nozzle loads,
calculation shall be based on design temperature.

 Static Equipment Nozzle Loads

Allowable forces and moments should be obtained from respective equipment vendor. In
case the same are not available, the following equipment nozzle loads may generally
be accepted, subject to ratification by the responsible static or rotating equipment
engineer/vendor. Where imposed loads exceed these values, the piping system shall
be redesigned with additional flexibility to reduce such imposed loads. In this regard,
Equipment vendor may be consulted for consessions of higher nozzle loading.



(Kgf) (Kgf) (Kgf) (Kgf-m) (Kgf-m) (Kgf-m)
(In inches)
2 135 200 200 50 40 30
3 202 300 300 112 90 67
4 270 400 400 200 160 120
6 405 600 600 450 360 270
8 540 800 800 800 640 480
10 675 1000 1000 1250 1000 750
12 810 1200 1200 1800 1440 1080
14 945 1400 1400 2450 1960 1470
16 1080 1600 1600 3200 2560 1920
18 1215 1800 1800 4050 3240 2430
20 1350 2000 2000 5000 4000 3000
24 1620 2400 2400 7200 5760 4320
26 1755 2600 2600 8450 6760 5070
28 1890 2800 2800 9800 7840 5880
30 2025 3000 3000 11250 9000 6750
32 2160 3200 3200 12800 10240 7680
34 2295 3400 3400 14450 11560 8670
36 2430 3600 3600 16200 12960 9720
38 2565 3800 3800 18050 14440 10830
40 2700 4000 4000 20000 16000 12000
42 2835 4200 4200 22050 17640 13230
44 2970 4400 4400 24200 19360 14520
46 3105 4600 4600 26450 21160 15870
48 3240 4800 4800 28800 23040 17280
50 3375 5000 5000 31250 25000 18750
52 3510 5200 5200 33800 27040 20280
54 3645 5400 5400 36450 29160 21870
56 3780 5600 5600 39200 31360 23520
58 3915 5800 5800 42050 33640 25230
60 4050 6000 6000 45000 36000 27000



(Kgf) (Kgf) (Kgf) (Kgf-m) (Kgf-m) (Kgf-m)
(In inches)
2 168 250 250 62 50 37
3 253 375 375 140 112 84
4 337 500 500 250 200 150
6 506 750 750 562 450 337
(Kgf) (Kgf) (Kgf) (Kgf-m) (Kgf-m) (Kgf-m)
(In inches)
8 675 1000 1000 1000 800 600
10 843 1250 1250 1562 1250 937
12 1012 1500 1500 2250 1800 1350
14 1181 1750 1750 3062 2450 1837
16 1350 2000 2000 4000 3200 2400
18 1518 2250 2250 5062 4050 3037
20 1687 2500 2500 6250 5000 3750
24 2025 3000 3000 9000 7200 5400
26 2193 3250 3250 10562 8450 6337
28 2362 3500 3500 12250 9800 7350
30 2531 3750 3750 14062 11250 8437
32 2700 4000 4000 16000 12800 9600
34 2868 4250 4250 18062 14450 10837
36 3037 4500 4500 20250 16200 12150
38 3206 4750 4750 22562 18050 13537
40 3375 5000 5000 25000 20000 15000
42 3543 5250 5250 27562 22050 16537
44 3712 5500 5500 30250 24200 18150
46 3881 5750 5750 33062 26450 19837
48 4050 6000 6000 36000 28800 21600
50 4218 6250 6250 39062 31250 23437
52 4387 6500 6500 42250 33800 25350
54 4556 6750 6750 45562 36450 27337
56 4725 7000 7000 49000 39200 29400
58 4893 7250 7250 52562 42050 31537
60 5062 7500 7500 56250 45000 33750



(Kgf) (Kgf) (Kgf) (Kgf-m) (Kgf-m) (Kgf-m)
(In inches)
2 135 200 200 50 40 20
3 202 300 300 112 90 45
4 270 400 400 200 160 80
6 405 600 600 450 360 180
8 540 800 800 800 640 320
10 675 1000 1000 1250 1000 500
12 810 1200 1200 1800 1440 720
14 945 1400 1400 2450 1960 980
16 1080 1600 1600 3200 2560 1280
18 1215 1800 1800 4050 3240 1620
(Kgf) (Kgf) (Kgf) (Kgf-m) (Kgf-m) (Kgf-m)
(In inches)
20 1350 2000 2000 5000 4000 2000
24 1620 2400 2400 7200 5760 2880
26 1755 2600 2600 8450 6760 3380
28 1890 2800 2800 9800 7840 3920
30 2025 3000 3000 11250 9000 4500
32 2160 3200 3200 12800 10240 5120
34 2295 3400 3400 14450 11560 5780
36 2430 3600 3600 16200 12960 6480
38 2565 3800 3800 18050 14440 7220
40 2700 4000 4000 20000 16000 8000
42 2835 4200 4200 22050 17640 8820
44 2970 4400 4400 24200 19360 9680
46 3105 4600 4600 26450 21160 10580
48 3240 4800 4800 28800 23040 11520
50 3375 5000 5000 31250 25000 12500
52 3510 5200 5200 33800 27040 13520
54 3645 5400 5400 36450 29160 14580
56 3780 5600 5600 39200 31360 15680
58 3915 5800 5800 42050 33640 16820
60 4050 6000 6000 45000 36000 18000

 Rotating Equipment Nozzle Loads

a) Centrifugal pumps –
 2 times API 610 (incase of API pumps and combined analysis)
 For ANSI pumps, follow ANSI/HI 9.6.2

b) Reciprocating pumps – Acceptable loads shall be obtained from the vendor

3.4 Application of ASME B31J

The B31J Standard provides stress intensification factors (i-factors) and flexibility
factors (k-factors), with procedures for their determination for metallic piping
components and joints. Stress intensification and flexibility factor equations for
common piping components are provided in Table 1-1 of ASME B31J. The sustained
load test procedure can be used to determine more applicable nominal stress
multipliers for use in sustained and occasional ASME B31 analyses.
This standard can be used if it is mutually agreed with client/consultant.

4. Types of Loading
All the American Code for Pressure Piping Classify the loads mainly
(1) Primary Loads
(2) Occasional Loads
(3) Secondary Loads
Force driven loads mainly due to weight of medium transported, testing medium,
snow, internal pressure, insulation weight, permanent weights etc.
Force driven loads generated mainly due to earthquake, strong wind and remain only
for small interval of time and occur occasionally.
Mainly displacement driven loads generated due to Restraints, Temperature
gradient, differential rate of expansion, settlement etc.

4.1 Primary (Sustained) Loads

Design Pressure

This is the pressure at most severe condition of coincident internal or external

pressure and temperature (minimum or maximum) expected during the service. The
most sever condition is that which results in the greatest required component
thickness and highest component rating.

Dead Loads

Weight of pipe with insulation and all piping components permanently attached to it.
Valves and flanges weight shall be used from CAESAR II Library or from the
catalogues. Attention shall be given to the actuated and gear operated valves, rigid
element shall be used for the items like strainer, sight glass etc. and weight shall be
referred from relevant Vendor Catalogue.

Condensate Loads

Following norms shall be followed for calculating the condensate load of gas mains:

Height of filling of
Pipe Dia. pipe Filling in cross –
Sl. No.
(mm) cross-section with section (%)
condensate (mm)
Steel to Steel Up to 500 Full 100
Teflon to Teflon 600 – 1400 500 88 – 35
Graphite to 1500 and
500- 800 30 - 14
Graphite above

4.2 Occasional Loads

These are the loads that occur occasionally such as wind, seismic loads, etc. In
addition the effects of the traffic on the buried lines should be considered. Though
these are the occasional weights these should be considered as permanent weights
for the design purpose.

Permanent External Forces and moment

If any permanent external force and moment is present in the system like the force
due to large pressure drop across control valve etc. shall be considered.

Wind Loads & Stress considerations

The lines which are to be analysed for the wind loads are to be identified in the
stress critical line list. In general no wind Load is applied to lines within enclosed
structure or lines running entirely below 10m elevation. Also no wind load to be
furnished to civil for the lines running on the pipe rack as civil group take into account
wind for pipe rack structural design & limit deflection. Lines should be properly
guided to take care of the occasional Stresses.

PSV Discharge Force

Relief Valve and Safety Valve discharge forces are to be calculated prior to piping
stress analysis and the discharge forces are to be included in the analysis and
supports are to be located and designed accordingly. (Refer clause 6.5 of this

4.3 Secondary (Thermal) Loads and Stress considerations

Thermal Stresses

Thermal Stresses shall be calculated using the elastic modulus at installation

temperature (generally 70°F i.e. 21.0°C) as per clause 319.4.4, ASME B31.3.
The temperatures to be considered in thermal analysis are as detailed below: For
lines operating below minimum ambient temperature, the expansion from maximum
ambient or solar temperature (for uninsulated lines) should be considered.
 Maximum Operating Temperature
This temperature is quoted in line designation tables and is the maximum
temperature that line is considered to see under any operating condition. In absence
of Maximum operating temperature, Design temperature is to be considered for the
 Normal Operating Temperature
This temperature is quoted in line designation tables and is a temperature that the
line is considered to see during normal operation.
 Solar & ambient Temperatures
These temperatures should be considered when calculating the stress range if solar
& ambient temperature higher than the Design temperature.
 Steam Out
Steam-out Temperatures and the lines which will be steamed out should be
established with the engineering Group at the beginning of the project.
Additional load case should be prepared if Steam out temperatures exceeds the
design temperature. It should also be considered that loads on equipment for this
condition may be increased by up to two times for short term duration. This should
be confirmed with the equipment manufacturer as soon as possible. If equipment is
kept structurally isolated in steam out condition, no nozzle loading will be there on
equipment during steam out condition and this practice is normally followed.
Consideration should also be given if equipment and piping are steamed out
together or separately.
 Steam Tracing
Generally Pipe temperature is considered as 70% of the Steam tracing temperature
as a good engineering practice. If 0.7*Steam tracing temperatures is greater than the
pipe design Temperature then it should replace the design temperature for flexibility
 Operation Philosophy
In case of equipment with more than one unit (as a stand by) all possible operating
conditions are to be considered (i.e. A operating B stand by, B operating A stand by
and if both operating together, take A & B operating).

Thermal Cycles

Normally 7000 thermal cycles are considered for calculation. If the number of cycles
is greater than 7000 cycles then it shall be discussed with the client.

4.4 Load Cases

Following Basic Load Cases to be considered:

Sustained loads and primary loads are due to:

 Design pressure
 Hydro-test/Pneumatic test
 Vacuum design
 Operating weight
 Environmental loads
 Occasional weight

Loads and Secondary stresses may be caused by displacement or expansion due


 Temperature
 Pipe bowing
 Differential temperature
 Solar/Ambient temperatures (Depending on insulation)
 Steam out
 Steam or Electrical Tracing
 Decoke/Nitrogen - Purging
 Equipment expansion and tank bulge
 Settlement
 Column or other vessel or equipment sway
 Structural sway

Dynamic and other load and stresses may result from:

 Seismic
 Dynamic loads from equipment
 Wind and vortex Shredding
 PSV and Rupture Disc Reaction
 Slug force and valve opening/closure

5. Piping Stress Critical Line List

The Piping Critical Line List shall be produced as soon as possible after receiving the
final P & ID's, Line Designation List and piping specifications. Lead Stress Engineer
along with the lead piping engineer shall prepare the piping stress critical line list.

For guideline to identify the stress critical lines and detail Criticality Index, refer
following Categories. A flexibility review is required to be carried out by a Piping
Stress Engineer due to temperature, weight, supporting arrangement, external
loading, lines connection to strain sensitive equipment vibrations etc.

I. CATEGORY 1: Stress Critical Lines

These lines are identified based on the general guideline and temperature. In
absence of maximum operating temperature, design temperature shall be
considered. Operating temperature shall be considered only if client ask for.
Following are the criteria to establish critical lines under this category:
 Lines 100 mm (4") NB at temperature 300°C and above.
 Lines 200 mm (8") NB at temperature 150° C and above.
 Lines 400 mm (16") NB and above at temperature 80°C and above.
 Non-ferrous lines operating above 100° C.
 Jacketed Lines - All sizes.
 All piping 3" NPS and larger subject to steam out.
 All COG lines.
 Underground lines having diameter 500 mm (20”) and above. Underground
lines with gravity flow are excluded.
 Lines for which a probable requirement for an expansion joint (e.g. bellows).
 Any line for which formal calculations are specified, either by client or local
authorities, for example IBR-370 calls for flexibility analysis of IBR controlled
piping. However, IBR lines analysis shall be done using ANSI B31.1 code.
 Lines that although not in themselves critical, tie in to critical lines and have a
significant effect on their flexibility.
 Lines having very long straight run and are subjected to harsh solar
temperature (above 50° C).
II. CATEGORY 2: Equipment Critical Lines

Lines connected to strain sensitive equipment fall under this category:

 Piping connected with centrifugal pumps having size 80 mm (3") NB and
above with maximum operating temperature 120° C.
 Piping connected with centrifugal pumps having size 150 mm (6") NB and
above with maximum operating temperature 65° C.
 Line 50 mm (2") NB and smaller are not normally considered critical unless
specifically required by client or based on the criticality condition.
 Lines connected to rotating machinery, other than centrifugal pumps e.g.
steam turbines, centrifugal compressors and fans.
 Lines connected to Reciprocating compressor or Reciprocating Pumps.
 Lines connected to any vessel or tank which may undergo settlement in
course of its working life are also classified critical in this category.
 Lines having design temperature 120° C and above and connected with
sensitive static equipment e.g. Boiler, Reactor, Stripper etc.

III.CATEGORY 3: Support Critical Lines

Lines which require special care and consideration during supporting falls under this
Following are the criteria to establish support critical lines:
 Lines to which field welding is prohibited such as, stainless steel, alloy steel or
thick carbon steel which require stress relieving after welding.
 Lines subject to two phase flow.
 Lines connected to reciprocating compressor
 Non-Metallic lines shall be supported as per vendor’s recommendation.
 Lines with schedule 160 or higher.

IV. CATEGORY 4: Relief Critical Lines

Lines upstream and downstream of pressure relieving devices such as relief valve
fall under this category.
Following is the criteria to establish relief critical lines:
 Relief valve having Inlet line 80 mm (3”) NB and above.

V. CATEGORY 5: Category M Fluid Service Lines

These are lines 80 mm (3") NB and larger, at any temperature, with piping spec.
codes identified in the Piping specification as ANSI B31.3 Category "M'' Fluid

VI. CATEGORY 6: Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic analysis shall be performed wherever following criteria is found:

 Lines involving pulsating flow such as those connected to reciprocating

pumps & compressors
 Two phase with slug flow in piping is expected as per the process requirement

The fundamental or natural frequency of the piping system shall be well above the
excitation or imposed frequencies.
A typical system supported in accordance with a good pipe support standard should
result in a lowest natural frequency not less than 4 to 5 Hz.

6. Technical Guidelines

The following guidelines to be adhered during piping design:

6.1 Bellows

Modelling of the expansion joint shall be done in accordance with EJMA standard &
as per the CAESAR II guide lines. Values of stiffness, pressure thrust & weight of the
expansion joint shall be referred from the relevant vendor catalogue.

6.2 Supports

Pipe supports are rigid supports & flexible supports.

 Rigid Supports

 For guide support & line stop, standard gap of 3 mm to be considered in

stress analysis.
 A gap other than 3mm for guide & line stop shall be specifically called out on
stress sketch & shall be religiously implemented in support design &
fabrication isometric.
 D Need of antifriction pad shall be clearly marked by stress engineer on stress
sketch & shall be religiously implemented.
 Use of vessel supported platform for supporting the lines 3" & above should
be avoided. If lines are supported form platform then the loading on the
platform shall be religiously communicated with vessel engineer & shall be
taken into account for platform cleat design.
 Coefficient of Friction
Use following values of coefficient of friction for various pipe supports based
on the type of surfaces in contact.

Surface Coefficient of Friction

Steel to Steel 0.3
Teflon to Teflon 0.1
Graphite to Graphite 0.15
Rolling friction (Roller) 0.05

Coefficient of friction shall not be considered for guide & line stop.
Temperature limit and Maximum recommended loads on antifriction pads-

Material Compressive Strength
Teflon 150°C 2000 PSI (13.8 MPa)
Graphite 455°C 2800 PSI (19.3 MPa)

 Spring Supports

Depending on the Project Philosophy the provision of spring supports shall be

selected as under. If vertical movement for the first spring support from the sensitive
equipment (rotary) is less than 100mm, then the spring support can be replaced with
rigid adjustable support based on the stress engineer's judgement. This approach
shall not be adopted for Turbine and Compressor Piping system.
If the vertical movement of the spring for the supports near static vessels is less than
2.0mm then the spring support can be replaced with rigid support based on
engineering judgement. When spring hangers are provided on vertical line, double
spring hangers are to be provided instead single spring hanger.
Spring hanger settings are to be based on normal operating temperature instead of
maximum operating temperature. However the spring selection should be checked at
Design temperature. This can be achieved by designing the spring for operating
temperature and then making it 'user defined' in Caesar II and then check Hot load &
Cold load and movement are within the range at design temperature.
For high vertical movement where variability is >25% constant Spring Supports are
to be used.
Constant Spring supports are also adopted near the strain sensible equipment like
Turbine etc. even though the variability is <25%.
Spring supports, rigid hangers shall not normally be used for the vibrating lines e.g.
reciprocating compressor suction and discharge lines, relief valve inlet and outlet
lines etc. For 'F Type' the spring supports guided load column are to be specified
whenever horizontal movement is >12mm or the spring load is >2000 kg. Extended
column load shall be specified whenever a field adjustment at >50mm is anticipated.
F type spring shall be used with low friction sliding bearing wherever friction affects
the loads generated at equipment nozzle.
Analyse the 'WNC' (weight no content) case if the spring is connected to line having
heavy density fluid (oil, water) and connected to nozzle. Check the nozzle loads for
WNC case.

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