Attachment - 1 (Nozzle Loads)

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Allowable forces and moments as stated in this specification are applicable to steel
equipment at the connecting interface nozzle flange face.

The allowable forces and moments on equipment nozzles at maximu m operating

temperature shall comply w ith the table below. Whenever these loads are exceeded,
then the actual loads shall be extracted from Caesar II (Ver. 7.0) and submitted to
equipment vendor for acceptance.


Unless specified otherw ise, the allowable moments and forces shall be estimated based
on the formula:

This formula shall be applicable for both CS and SS nozzles.


FA = K1 * 1250 * D in Newton MT = K2 * 125 * D2 in Newton- meter

FC = K1 * 1300 * D in Newton ML = K2 * 100 * D2 in Newton-meter

FL = K1 * 1300 * D in Newton MC = K2 * 100 * D2 in Newton-meter

Where “ D ” is nominal nozzle size in inch; and the value of “ K1 & K2 “ shall be as per
table below.

“ K “ Value Sha ll be take n based on Pipe Size

From 1.5” to 8” Pipe From 10” to 12” Pipe From 14” & above Pipe
“ K1 “ “ K2 “ “ K1 “ “ K2 “ “ K1 “ “ K2 “
150 # 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

300 # 1.10 1.10 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25

600 # 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

900 # 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

1500 # 1.80 1.80 2.25 2.25 2.50 2.50

2500 # 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 3.50 3.00

Axis A - is the nozzle centreline.

Axis L & C - are mutual perpendicular to axis A.
FA, FL & FC - are component allowable forces.
MA, MC & ML - are component allowable moments (Nm)
FR and MR - are resultant force (N) and resultant moment (Nm)
Flange ratings - are in accordance with ASME B16.5

The following gives the allowable nozzle loads for pressure vessels, columns, drums,
flare stack, filters, strainers, shell & tube heat exchangers etc.,

Allowable nozzle loads

Nozzle Forces ( N ) Moments ( Nm )

(inc h) FA FL & FC FR MA MC & ML MR

150 # 1875 1950 3335 281 225 425

300 # 2063 2145 3668 309 248 467

600 # 2344 2438 4169 352 281 531

1.5 “
900 # 2813 2925 5002 422 338 638

1500 # 3375 3510 6003 506 405 764

2500 # 3750 3900 6670 563 450 850

150 # 2500 2600 4446 500 400 755

300 # 2750 2860 4891 550 440 830

600 # 3125 3250 5558 625 500 944

900 # 3750 3900 6670 750 600 1132

1500 # 4500 4680 8003 900 720 1359

2500 # 5000 5200 8893 1000 800 1510

150 # 3750 3900 6670 1125 900 1699

300 # 4125 4290 7336 1238 990 1869
Allowable nozzle loads

Nozzle Forces ( N ) Moments ( Nm )

(inc h) FA FL & FC FR MA MC & ML MR

600 # 4688 4875 8337 1406 1125 2123

900 # 5625 5850 10004 1688 1350 2548

1500 # 6750 7020 12005 2025 1620 3058

2500 # 7500 7800 13339 2250 1800 3397

150 # 5000 5200 8893 2000 1600 3020

300 # 5500 5720 9782 2200 1760 3322

600 # 6250 6500 11116 2500 2000 3775

900 # 7500 7800 13339 3000 2400 4530

1500 # 9000 9360 16007 3600 2880 5436

2500 # 10000 10400 17785 4000 3200 6040

150 # 7500 7800 13339 4500 3600 6795

300 # 8250 8580 14673 4950 3960 7474

600 # 9375 9750 16674 5625 4500 8494

900 # 11250 11700 20009 6750 5400 10192

1500 # 13500 14040 24010 8100 6480 12231

2500 # 15000 15600 26678 9000 7200 13590

150 # 10000 10400 17785 8000 6400 12080

300 # 11000 11440 19564 8800 7040 13288

600 # 12500 13000 22232 10000 8000 15100

900 # 15000 15600 26678 12000 9600 18120

1500 # 18000 18720 32014 14400 11520 21744

2500 # 20000 20800 35571 16000 12800 24159

150 # 12500 13000 22232 12500 10000 18875

300 # 15625 16250 27790 15625 12500 23593

10 “
600 # 18750 19500 33348 18750 15000 28312

900 # 25000 26000 44463 25000 20000 37749

Allowable nozzle loads

Nozzle Forces ( N ) Moments ( Nm )

(inc h) FA FL & FC FR MA MC & ML MR

1500 # 28125 29250 50021 28125 22500 42468

2500 # 31250 32500 55579 31250 25000 47186

150 # 15000 15600 26678 18000 14400 27179

300 # 18750 19500 33348 22500 18000 33974

600 # 22500 23400 40017 27000 21600 40769

900 # 30000 31200 53356 36000 28800 54359

1500 # 33750 35100 60026 40500 32400 61154

2500 # 37500 39000 66695 45000 36000 67949

150 # 17500 18200 31124 24500 19600 36994

300 # 21875 22750 38906 30625 24500 46243

600 # 26250 27300 46687 36750 29400 55491

900 # 35000 36400 62249 49000 39200 73988

1500 # 43750 45500 77811 61250 49000 92485

2500 # 61250 63700 108935 73500 58800 110983

150 # 20000 20800 35571 32000 25600 48319

300 # 25000 26000 44463 40000 32000 60399

600 # 30000 31200 53356 48000 38400 72478

900 # 40000 41600 71142 64000 51200 96638

1500 # 50000 52000 88927 80000 64000 120797

2500 # 70000 72800 124498 96000 76800 144957

150 # 22500 23400 40017 40500 32400 61154

300 # 28125 29250 50021 50625 40500 76442

600 # 33750 35100 60026 60750 48600 91730

900 # 45000 46800 80034 81000 64800 122307

1500 # 56250 58500 100043 101250 81000 152884

2500 # 78750 81900 140060 121500 97200 183461

Allowable nozzle loads

Nozzle Forces ( N ) Moments ( Nm )

(inc h) FA FL & FC FR MA MC & ML MR

150 # 25000 26000 44463 50000 40000 75498

300 # 31250 32500 55579 62500 50000 94373

600 # 37500 39000 66695 75000 60000 113247

900 # 50000 52000 88927 100000 80000 150997

1500 # 62500 65000 111159 125000 100000 188746

2500 # 87500 91000 155622 150000 120000 226495

150 # 30000 31200 53356 72000 57600 108718

300 # 37500 39000 66695 90000 72000 135897

600 # 45000 46800 80034 108000 86400 163076

900 # 60000 62400 106712 144000 115200 217435

1500 # 75000 78000 133390 180000 144000 271794

2500 # 105000 109200 186747 216000 172800 326153

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