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Unit-3 IOT

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Unit-3 [ Iot & Cloud Computing ]

What is Cloud Computing? water while the clouds are filled with 'digital
 Cloud Computing is a technology in data' and where do these clouds live? -“On
which data and programs are stored and very big computers” which are called
accessed over the Internet. servers.
 In other words, “Cloud computing is a  For example – in Facebook we see
technology by which data or information images and files, all these images and
is stored, managed and retrieved with files are stored on the cloud.
the help of the Internet.”  Hard disk, database and software
 Cloud computing is called “Badal or applications are used to develop cloud
Megh Computing” in Hindi. computing.
 Cloud computing is a type of delivery of  Cloud computing is a very popular
services hosted over the Internet. technology for any business or firm
 Cloud computing involves many types of because it reduces costs, increases
resources such as data storage, productivity, improves security and
servers, databases, networking, and increases performance. This is a better
applications. option for organizations that need more
 Whenever we store any data in a memory space and need to take
computer, we store it in the hard disk, backups from time to time.
but through cloud computing, we can  The services provided in this technology
store our data in the cloud. can be both private and public. These
 Cloud which we call Badal or Megh in services are divided into three
Hindi; These clouds are full of data. The categories, first IaaS, second PaaS and
clouds that are in the sky are filled with third SaaS.
 Examples of cloud computing are:-  Public clouds are clouds that provide
Google cloud, Amazon aws and cloud services to users over the
Microsoft azure etc. Internet. Public cloud is managed by a
third party (such as – Amazon, Microsoft
and Google etc.).
 Public Cloud can be used by any person
with the help of internet. In this, any
person can store and access data.
 In public cloud, you have to pay on pay-
per-use basis, that is, you have to pay
the same amount as you use it.
 This is a better option for those people
who have less money. This cloud
provides service to more than one user
Types of Cloud Computing at a time.
 Examples of public cloud – IBM
There are 4 types of cloud computing:- SmartCloud Enterprise, Microsoft,
Google App Engine, and Windows
Azure Services Platform etc.
Computing resources in this cloud are
managed by CSP (Cloud Service Provider).

2- Private Cloud
 Private clouds are those which work on

1- Public Cloud private infrastructure. It is also known as

internal or corporate cloud.

 Private clouds are those clouds which  The security of this cloud is better than
are used by private companies. Private public cloud but less than private cloud.
cloud is used by companies to manage  Examples of hybrid cloud are – Gmail,
data and create their own data centers. Google Apps, Google Drive, and MS
 The security of private cloud is very Office etc.
high, in this firewall is used to keep the
data safe. Services of Cloud Computing
 This cloud is managed by the user and It has four services which are given below:-
cloud service providers do not provide
any services to it.
 This cloud is divided into two parts on
the basis of location and management:
First is On-premise Private Cloud and
second is Outsourced Private Cloud.
1- IaaS
3- Hybrid Cloud  Its full name is infrastructure as a
 Hybrid cloud is a combination of public service. This is a service model in which
and private cloud, that is, it is made up hardware, networking and storage
of public cloud and private cloud. This services are provided to the customer in
cloud has characteristics of both public a cloud environment.
and private clouds.  In other words, IaaS is a service where
 Hybrid cloud is also called networking devices, databases and web
heterogeneous cloud. It provides both servers provide an infrastructure to the
public and private services. enterprise.
 Hybrid clouds are better for  It is also known as Haas. In this, the
organizations or companies that need user has to pay as much money as he
more security. uses it.
 This service model provides the 2- PaaS
operating system, security, networking,  The full name of PaaS is (Platform as a
and servers to develop applications and Service). It is a service provider that
services. provides customers with a platform
 In this model, it is the responsibility of through which they can easily create,
the customer to update the software manage, and deliver software
applications and operating systems that applications.
are installed by the customer.  This service is used by web developers
 In this model, the user can use to create custom applications. In this
computing power and virtual machines service, developers do not need data
without managing the server. This storage, data serving and management
model is a good option for those people to create custom applications.
who have less money.  PaaS is also commonly called
 Its examples are:- Google Compute middleware because it is a service
Engine, and Microsoft Azure etc. model between SaaS and IaaS.
 Its examples are:- Google App Engine,
Features of IaaS and Amazon Web Services etc.
1. This service is based on GUI (Graphic Features of PaaS
User Interface) and API (Application  In this, different users can be accessed
Program Interface). through the same application.
2. In this, the work is automated, that is,  It is based on virtualization technology
the work is done automatically. due to which the organization can
3. It is dynamic and flexible. manage resources as per its
4. It works on pay-per-use, that is, we have requirements.
to pay only that much money as we use  It supports many languages and
it. frameworks.

 It is very easy to integrate PaaS with Features of SaaS
other applications.  It makes the software available on the
 The security in this is very good. Internet.
 It is managed from a central location.
3- SaaS  This service is hosted by a remote
 The full name of SaaS is (Software as a server.
Service). A special computing service  It can be accessed through the internet.
that is used to distribute applications  It helps in updating hardware and
and services over the Internet. software.
 It is a distribution model that makes  In this, software and hardware are
software applications (such as updated automatically.
browsers) available on the Internet as a
service to customers. Advantages of Cloud Computing
 The best thing about SaaS is that we do 1- In cloud computing, it is easy to store and
not need to install, maintain, and run backup data.
any software application because all its 2- It is easy to share information.
software applications run directly from 3- In this, the user can access the information
the web browser. stored in the cloud from anywhere in the
 This includes both IaaS and PaaS world using the internet.
services. 4- The software and hardware used in cloud
 In SaaS, customer data is completely computing cost less to maintain.
secure and even if there is a glitch in the 5- In this the user can access the data
system, the data remains safe. through mobile.
 Examples of SaaS applications are:- 6- In this, the user has to pay only for the
google apps, and office365 etc. services he buys.
Examples of SaaS applications:- google
apps, and office365 etc.
7- In cloud computing, more memory space is 1- Online Data Storage (to store data
available to store data like documents, online)
images, audio, videos. Cloud computing is used to store files, images
8- It uses firewall to keep the user's data safe, and videos on cloud storage. It provides
due to which the user's data remains safe. access to cloud storage of data and files.
Apart from this, it is used by the organization
Dis-advantages of Cloud Computing to store and access large amounts of data.
1- In cloud computing if we do not have a
good internet connection then we cannot
access data and files. 2- Backup and Recovery (to take backup)
2- Its biggest disadvantage is. In this, the It is used to backup data. There are many
organization or company has to face many tools in it to retrieve the lost data.
problems to transfer its services from one It is quite difficult to recover any lost data but
customer to another. this is not the case with cloud computing. It is
3- We all know that cloud computing is quite easy to recover data in this.
managed and controlled by the service
provider, due to which users are rarely able to 3- Big Data Analysis
control and access its services. Cloud computing is used by big companies to
4- Cloud computing is good in terms of analyze stored data. We all know how difficult
security, but despite this, hackers can steal it is to analyze large amounts of data, but
data while transferring it. cloud computing has made this task easier.

4- Testing and Development

Applications of Cloud Computing It is used to test and develop an application. It
It is used at the following places:- is very easy to develop and test the

There are many tools in cloud computing distance program learning, and student
through which any application can be easily information portal.
developed and tested. All these tasks have become possible due to
cloud computing. This technology has
5- Antivirus (for antivirus) provided a better environment to the students
Cloud computing has a type of antivirus to study in a new way, due to which studying
software that monitors the systems in the has now become even easier.
business and protects them from viruses. Nowadays, online education is being given in
When there was no cloud computing every corner of the world. In which cloud
technology, businesses had to install antivirus computing has a huge role.
software on their computers, but now this is
not the case because it already has an 8- In E-Governance
antivirus application. Nowadays cloud computing is also used to
complete all government work. Today there is
6- E-commerce (in e-commerce) no government institution where computers
Cloud computing is used in e-commerce to are not used.
store the data of any product online. The government keeps people's data saved
One advantage of buying and selling products in the cloud. So that it can be easily accessed
online is that both the merchant and the later. Like we can get all the information about
customer can directly connect with each other Aadhar card through internet.
and the customer does not need to go to the
shop himself. The goods reach home. 9- Medical Field (in the field of health)
Cloud computing is used in the medical field
7- Education to store and access patients' data.
Cloud computing is also used in the field of Apart from this, it helps in easily distributing
education. Such as e-learning, online information among patients. Doctor

emergency call, ambulance information can Distributed Systems: It is a composition of
be easily accessed through cloud computing. multiple independent systems but all of them
are depicted as a single entity to the users.
10- Entertainment (in the field of The purpose of distributed systems is to
entertainment) share resources and also use them e!ectively
It is also used in the field of and e"ciently. Distributed systems possess
entertainment. This technology provides characteristics such as scalability,
various entertainment applications such as concurrency, continuous availability,
online games, and video conferencing. heterogeneity, and independence in failures.
Apart from this, there can be many But the main problem with this system was
applications like music/video, and streaming that all the systems were required to be
services etc. This is a new form of present GEEKSFORGEEKS 05/02/23, 7:08
entertainment which we call On-Demand PM Page 1 of 7 at the same geographical
Entertainment (ODE). location. Thus to solve this problem,
distributed computing led to three more types
of computing and they were-Mainframe
Evolution of Cloud computing, cluster computing, and grid
Computing Cloud computing is all about
renting computing services. This idea first
came in the 1950s. In making cloud
computing what it is today, five technologies
played a vital role. These are distributed
systems and its peripherals, virtualization,
web 2.0, service orientation, and utility

Cluster computing: In 1980s, cluster
computing came as an alternative to
mainframe computing. Each machine in the
cluster was connected to each other by a
network with high bandwidth. These were way
cheaper than those mainframe systems.
These were equally capable of high
computations. Also, new nodes could easily
be added to the cluster if it was required.
Thus, the problem of the cost was solved to
some extent but the problem related to
geographical restrictions still pertained. To
Mainframe computing: Mainframes which solve this, the concept of grid computing was
first came into existence in 1951 are highly introduced.
powerful and reliable computing machines.
These are responsible for handling large data Grid computing: In 1990s, the concept of
such as massive input-output operations. grid computing was introduced. It means that
Even today these are used for bulk di!erent systems were placed at entirely di!
processing tasks such as online transactions erent geographical locations and these all
etc. These systems have almost no downtime were connected via the internet. These
with high fault tolerance. After distributed systems belonged to di!erent organizations
computing, these increased the processing and thus the grid consisted of heterogeneous
capabilities of the system. But these were nodes. Although it solved some problems but
very expensive. To reduce this cost, cluster new problems emerged as the distance
computing came as an alternative to between the nodes increased. The main
mainframe technology. problem which was encountered was the low
availability of high bandwidth connectivity and
with it other network associated issues. Thus. Service orientation: It acts as a reference
cloud computing is often referred to as model for cloud computing. It supports low-
“Successor of grid computing”. cost, flexible, and evolvable applications. Two
important concepts were introduced in this
Virtualization: It was introduced nearly 40 computing model. These were Quality of
years back. It refers to the process of creating Service (QoS) which also includes the SLA
a virtual layer over the hardware which allows (Service Level Agreement) and Software as a
the user to run multiple instances Service (SaaS).
simultaneously on the hardware. It is a key
technology used in cloud computing. It is the Utility computing: It is a computing model
base on which major cloud computing that defines service provisioning techniques
services such as Amazon EC2, VMware for services such as compute services along
vCloud, etc work on. Hardware virtualization with other major services such as storage,
is still one of the most common types of infrastructure, etc which are provisioned on a
virtualization pay-per-use basis. Thus, the above
technologies contributed to the making of
Web 2.0: It is the interface through which the cloud computing.
cloud computing services interact with the
clients. It is because of Web 2.0 that we have What is Cloud Computing?
interactive and dynamic web pages. It also Cloud computing refers to the delivery of
increases flexibility among web pages. computing services, including servers,
Popular examples of web 2.0 include Google storage, databases, networking, software,
Maps, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Needless to and analytics, over the internet.
say, social media is possible because of this
technology only. In gained major popularity in
Instead of owning and managing physical work, collaboration, and seamless data
infrastructure, businesses, and individuals access.
can access and utilize these resources on- 4. Cloud computing services are designed
demand from cloud service providers. to be highly available, with robust
infrastructure and redundancy measures
Cloud computing offers a flexible and cost- in place, ensuring uninterrupted access
effective alternative to traditional IT to applications and data.
infrastructure, allowing users to scale 5. Cloud providers implement
resources as needed and pay only for what comprehensive security measures to
they use. protect data and infrastructure, often
surpassing what many organizations
Benefits of Cloud Computing can achieve on their own. This includes
advanced encryption, authentication,
1. Cloud computing enables easy
and threat detection.
scalability, allowing businesses to adjust
their resource usage based on What is Networking?
fluctuating demands.
This ensures optimal performance and Networking involves the connection of
cost-efficiency. computers, servers, and devices to enable
2. By eliminating the need for upfront communication and resource sharing.
investments in hardware and software, Networks can be local (e.g., home or office
cloud computing reduces capital networks) or wide-area (e.g., the internet).
expenses and provides a pay-as-you-go
model, resulting in cost savings. In the context of cloud computing, networking
3. With cloud computing, users can access facilitates the transfer of data between cloud
their resources from anywhere with an service providers’ data centers, users, and
internet connection, facilitating remote other components of the cloud infrastructure.

Benefits of Networking Networking plays an important role in various
aspects of cloud computing:
1. Networks allow computers and devices
to communicate with each other, 1. Connecting Data Centers
enabling file sharing, collaborative work, Cloud computing providers use networks to
and real-time interactions. interconnect their data centers, which are the
2. Networks enable the sharing of physical locations where cloud services are
resources such as printers, storage hosted.
devices, and applications among
connected devices. This promotes
efficiency and reduces costs by These networks facilitate the transfer of data
eliminating the need for redundant and enable resource sharing between data
resources. centers, ensuring high availability, fault
3. Networking provides a central point for tolerance, and scalability of cloud services.
managing access to resources, allowing 2. Delivering Cloud Services
for the implementation of security
measures such as firewalls, access Networks are crucial for delivering cloud
controls, and intrusion detection services to users. Cloud providers utilize
systems. various network technologies, including the
4. Networks establish multiple paths for internet, private networks, and dedicated
data to travel between devices, connections, to ensure the efficient transfer of
improving availability and ensuring data between their infrastructure and end-
seamless connectivity even in the event users.
of network failures.
These networks enable users to access cloud
What is the Role of Networking in Cloud services from anywhere, at any time, with
Computing? minimal latency.
 Platform as a Service (PaaS)
3. Securing Cloud Computing
 Software as a Service (SaaS)
Service models allow us to use cloud
Networking plays a significant role in securing
computing technology in a way that best fits
cloud computing environments. Cloud
our needs, whether it’s building and deploying
providers implement network-level security
applications, storing data, or using computing
measures such as firewalls, virtual private
networks (VPNs), and intrusion detection
systems (IDS) to protect against unauthorized Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
access, data breaches, and other security
threats. IaaS allows you to rent computing resources,
such as virtual servers, storage, and
Networks also facilitate traffic monitoring and networking, from a cloud service provider.
encryption to ensure the confidentiality and This eliminates the need for expensive on-
integrity of data within the cloud infrastructure. premises data centers and allows you to
scale your resources up or down based on
your needs.
IaaS allows for more efficient deployment of
Cloud computing service models refer to compute, storage, and network resources.
different ways of delivering computing You can deploy via API or web-based
services over the internet. consoles with the click of a button. You also
get more flexibility because you can configure
These services fall into three categories: each resource individually and easily
provision and scale resources on demand
 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) based on spikes in traffic.
For example, software development Platform as a Service (PaaS)
organizations require temporary storage,
networking, and compute resources to test PaaS provisions a larger portion of the IT
applications or develop new software. It can workload than IaaS. In addition to managing
be costly to set up all of this infrastructure on the physical infrastructure, a PaaS platform
premises. IaaS eliminates the need to will also maintain the software including OS,
purchase, store, and maintain hardware on- middleware, runtime, and frameworks. This
site. Organizations can use IaaS to deploy the includes all services related to software and
resources they need on demand by only hardware security, upgrades, and backups.
paying for the resources they use. All resources provisioned under the PaaS are
done so over the internet using a GUI.
It’s due diligence to consider the negatives of
any tool, so let’s go through a few limitations. PaaS is great if you want to focus on writing
IaaS requires a certain level of technical code and deploying applications without
knowledge to manage and maintain the worrying about the underlying infrastructure. It
infrastructure. Depending on the complexity of can help simplify the development process,
your infrastructure, this can impact cost and increase productivity, and reduce costs.
technical resources. It’s also important to
keep in mind that IaaS doesn’t generally PaaS is the model most used by DevOps
include security and compliance teams to collaborate on each aspect of the
management, so those are your responsibility application development lifecycle. It allows
to maintain and update. you to build and deploy applications while
maintaining flexibility and control over the
There are a great deal of benefits (and a few deployment environment. PaaS platforms
drawbacks) we can get from using IaaS. Let’s typically offer a range of development tools,
take a look at the next type of service model. frameworks, and libraries, making it easy to
get started.

A typical example of a PaaS platform for browser or mobile app and use it as needed.
development is Heroku. Heroku is a cloud- The vendor fully manages system upgrades,
based PaaS platform that provides a pre-built patches, and security. SaaS applications are
environment to deploy web applications. generally licensed by a large organization and
hosted and maintained on the cloud service
It’s worth noting that PaaS has some provider’s data center.
limitations, too. If you use a PaaS, you may
have limited control over the underlying Organizations choose SaaS primarily
infrastructure and architecture of the platform. because these fully-baked applications make
Because there are restrictions on your ability it easy to begin work immediately, with hardly
to customize the platform, there can be an any initial configuration time. Plus, a
increased risk of vendor lock-in, and other subscription model makes it easy for large
resources may not be compatible with the teams and organizations to scale up or down
platform. depending on their required licenses.

Now let’s look at our last (but not least!) You’re probably already familiar with some
service model. SaaS applications like Slack, Salesforce, and
Microsoft Office 365. While there are
Software as a Service (SaaS) drawbacks to a full-fledged app, the ease of
use and out-of-the-box workability is hard to
SaaS is a cloud computing model where argue with.
users can access and use software
applications over the internet without installing Let’s Compare
or maintaining any software locally.

Instead of purchasing a license and installing

software on a local computer, users can
access the software application via a web
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) provides
virtualized computing resources over the
internet, such as storage, networking, and
computing power. The user has more control
over their infrastructure and operating
systems, while the cloud provider manages
the hardware and network.

PaaS (Platform as a Service) provides a

platform for developers to build, deploy, and
manage applications. PaaS includes the
underlying infrastructure, operating systems,
middleware, and application runtime
environment. Users can focus on building and
deploying their applications while the PaaS
provider manages the infrastructure.

SaaS (Software as a Service) delivers

software applications over the internet, with
no need for users to install or maintain the
software themselves. SaaS providers handle
An on-premises service model provides the everything from data storage to security, with
highest level of control but at the highest cost. users accessing the software through a web
Here, the organization is tasked with browser or app.
managing every aspect of the IT assets.


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