GI Elimination Medication Cards 1

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Comparing Hyperacidity Medications

Class Generic Mechanism Indication & Contraindications Side Effects Administration and
Prototype Therapeutic Nursing Considerations
(Brand) Effect
Antacid calcium Neutralizes Decreased  Drug interaction  Constipation  Don’t admin within
carbonate hydrochloric symptoms of with ceftriaxone  Hypercalcemia 1-2 hrs of other
acid in gastric heartburn  High calcium and  Rebound meds
secretions. low phosphate hyperacidity when  Drink a full glass of
levels. discontinued water after admin
 Kidney stones  Use cautiously with
renal disease

H2 blocker famotidine Inhibits H2- GERD Hypersensitivity to H2- headache, dizziness,  Give 15 to 60 mins
receptors and receptor antagonists. constipation, and before foods or
therefore Gastric and diarrhea drink
inhibits gastric duodenal  Adjust dosage for
secretion ulcer Immediately report pre-existing liver
increased pain or signs of and kidney disease
Heartburn bleeding (coughing/  Report any signs of
vomiting of blood) GI bleed

Proton pantoprazole Suppresses GERD  Concurrent  Anaphylaxis and  Delayed release

Pump the final step infection with serious skin  Can be taken with or
Inhibitor in gastric acid clostridium difficile reactions without food
production bacteria  Zinc, magnesium, or  Report any signs of
 Osteoporosis B12 deficiency GI bleed.
 Interstitial  Headache, abdo pain,
nephritis diarrhea,
 Renal dysfunction
 OP- bone fracture
Mucosal sucralfate Creates Gastric and Hypersensitivity  Constipation Administer on an empty
protectants protective duodenal End stage renal disease  Hyperglycemia stomach, 2 hrs after or 1
barrier to ulcer  Several drug hr before meals
pepsin and interactions Use cautiously used
bile, inhibits Prevents clients with chronic renal
diffusion of recurrence of failure
gastric acid. ulcers
Anti- simethicone Changes Relief of gas Hypersensitivity Diarrhea, nausea, Shake drops before
flatulent surface discomfort vomiting, headache administering
tension of gas
allowing for
Comparing Types of Anti-Emetics
Class Generic Mechanism Indication & Contraindications Side Effects Administration and
Prototype Therapeutic Effect Nursing Considerations
Anticholinergic Scopolamine Inhibits Prevent or reduce Contraindicated in  anticholinergic  Apply to hairless skin behind ear
(Hyoscine) postganglionic N/V associated clients with effects for 3 days or the night before
(Transderm) muscarinic with motion glaucoma  Stop if it surgery and remove 24 hours later
receptor sites, sickness or surgery exacerbates  Do not cut patch
and acts on psychosis or causes  After application, thoroughly wash
smooth muscles seizures, cognitive and dry hands
that respond to impairment  Remove before an MRI
Dopamine prochlorpera Depresses Control N/V Use of other CNS Drowsiness, dizziness,  Can be administered PO, IM, PR, or
antagonist zine action on the associated with depressants amenorrhea, blurred IV
(Stemetil) chemo-receptor surgery vision, skin reactions,  Not suitable for children under the
trigger zone. Dementia-related low Tardive dyskinesia, age of 2
psychosis NMS

Prokinetic metoclopra Stimulates GERD GI hemorrhage Restlessness, Can be administered PO, IM, and IV
mide upper GI tract GI obstruction drowsiness, fatigue,
(Maxeran) N/V associated GI perforation depression, and suicide Onset: 1 to 3 mins for IV dose, 10 to 15
Antagonizes with surgery or ideation. Tardive mins for IM admin, and 30 to 60 mins
dopamine chemo-therapy History of seizures dyskinesia, NMS for oral dose
Serotonin antagonist ondansetron Selective 5-HT3 Prevention or Hypersensitivity  Headache, Can be administered as oral
(Zofran) receptor treatment of drowsiness, disintegrating tablet, PO, or IV
antagonist. severe N/V constipation, fever,
associated with and diarrhea
surgery, chemo-  May prolong QT
therapy, or  serotonin
hyperemesis in syndrome if given
pregnancy concurrently with
antagonists or
Neurokinin receptor aprepitant selective high- Prevention of Clients on Hypersensitivity  Can be administered PO or IV
antagonist (Emend) affinity nausea and pimozide reaction, such as hives,  If on warfarin, increase INR
antagonist of vomiting rash. and itching; skin monitoring
human associated with peeling or sores; or  If on oral contraceptives, use
substance chemo-therapy and difficulty in breathing or backup birth control
P/neurokinin 1 surgery swallowing
(NK1) receptor
THC dronabinol central For treatment of Hypersensitivity  Neuropsychiatric Administered PO
or medical sympathomime N/V associated to sesame oil. Adverse Reactions
marijuana tic activity with cancer  Hemodynamic Dosage may be escalated based on
chemo-therapy Instability initial results
when other  Seizures
treatment fails  Paradoxical Use cautiously in elderly clients
Nausea, Vomiting,
and Abdominal

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