GI Elimination Medication Cards 1
GI Elimination Medication Cards 1
GI Elimination Medication Cards 1
Class Generic Mechanism Indication & Contraindications Side Effects Administration and
Prototype Therapeutic Nursing Considerations
(Brand) Effect
Antacid calcium Neutralizes Decreased Drug interaction Constipation Don’t admin within
carbonate hydrochloric symptoms of with ceftriaxone Hypercalcemia 1-2 hrs of other
acid in gastric heartburn High calcium and Rebound meds
secretions. low phosphate hyperacidity when Drink a full glass of
levels. discontinued water after admin
Kidney stones Use cautiously with
renal disease
H2 blocker famotidine Inhibits H2- GERD Hypersensitivity to H2- headache, dizziness, Give 15 to 60 mins
receptors and receptor antagonists. constipation, and before foods or
therefore Gastric and diarrhea drink
inhibits gastric duodenal Adjust dosage for
secretion ulcer Immediately report pre-existing liver
increased pain or signs of and kidney disease
Heartburn bleeding (coughing/ Report any signs of
vomiting of blood) GI bleed
Prokinetic metoclopra Stimulates GERD GI hemorrhage Restlessness, Can be administered PO, IM, and IV
mide upper GI tract GI obstruction drowsiness, fatigue,
(Maxeran) N/V associated GI perforation depression, and suicide Onset: 1 to 3 mins for IV dose, 10 to 15
Antagonizes with surgery or ideation. Tardive mins for IM admin, and 30 to 60 mins
dopamine chemo-therapy History of seizures dyskinesia, NMS for oral dose
Serotonin antagonist ondansetron Selective 5-HT3 Prevention or Hypersensitivity Headache, Can be administered as oral
(Zofran) receptor treatment of drowsiness, disintegrating tablet, PO, or IV
antagonist. severe N/V constipation, fever,
associated with and diarrhea
surgery, chemo- May prolong QT
therapy, or serotonin
hyperemesis in syndrome if given
pregnancy concurrently with
antagonists or
Neurokinin receptor aprepitant selective high- Prevention of Clients on Hypersensitivity Can be administered PO or IV
antagonist (Emend) affinity nausea and pimozide reaction, such as hives, If on warfarin, increase INR
antagonist of vomiting rash. and itching; skin monitoring
human associated with peeling or sores; or If on oral contraceptives, use
substance chemo-therapy and difficulty in breathing or backup birth control
P/neurokinin 1 surgery swallowing
(NK1) receptor
THC dronabinol central For treatment of Hypersensitivity Neuropsychiatric Administered PO
or medical sympathomime N/V associated to sesame oil. Adverse Reactions
marijuana tic activity with cancer Hemodynamic Dosage may be escalated based on
chemo-therapy Instability initial results
when other Seizures
treatment fails Paradoxical Use cautiously in elderly clients
Nausea, Vomiting,
and Abdominal