Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Dr Amar Behera
Email: amarkb@iitk.ac.in
Extension: 2401
What is not design?
• Engineers deal with predictable factors, like a concrete beam
• They know how a conrete beam will behave under specific forces
• Engineers integrate different parts of the product to work together.
• Designers deal with unpredictable factors like HUMANS and their
• They make the interaction between the product and humans better.
• That doesn’t mean a designer cannot code nor does that mean an
engineer can’t design.
• But when a designer codes for production, he no longer will be
designing. He will be coding. And vice-versa.
What is design then?
• The process of creating the general
arrangement of the different parts of
something that is made
• The process of explicitly deciding
how something will look like, how it
will work, and how it can be used
• Thinking about communicating the
design and presenting for others to
The design process
The design process: Double Diamond
The Design
Process as a
The key design principles
• Put people first. Start with an understanding of the people
using a service, their needs, strengths and aspirations.
• Communicate visually and inclusively. Help people gain a
shared understanding of the problem and ideas.
• Collaborate and co-create. Work together and get inspired by
what others are doing.
• Iterate, iterate, iterate. Do this to spot errors early, avoid risk
and build confidence in your ideas.
Who uses the design process?
• Architects
• Engineers
• Scientists
• Designers – e.g. Graphic Designers, Product Designers, Industrial Designers
• Process Engineers (Chemical, Industrial, Manufacturing)
• User Experience Designers
• Software Specialists (Computer Science, Cybernetics)
• Social Scientists
• Entrepreneurs
• Inventors, Innovators, & Technologists
So much so about design, but what is VR?
• VR tech has been evolving rapidly
• Hence, it is hard to define VR using specific devices
• Current VR devices may be obsolete in a year
• First, look at the word ‘virtual’ in Virtual Reality
• Now, consider the word ‘reality’
That’s a contradiction, so
how do we define VR?
Let’s take a step through whose grace, I have obtained excellent and celestial apprehension, sight beyond the
range of the visual sense, and hearing, O king, from great distance, knowledge of other people's
hearts and also of the past and the future, a knowledge also of the origin of all persons
transgressing the ordinances, the delightful power of coursing through the skies, and
back into the past untouchableness by weapons in battles, listen to me in detail as I recite the romantic and highly
wonderful battle that happened between the Bharatas, a battle that makes one's hair stand on
-- Mahabharata 6.15
Definition of VR
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e3Vvvk-rjY
VR Definition:
Key terms
• This could be:
• You
• Someone else or
• Another life form such
as a cow, fruit fly,
cockroach, fish, rodent,
or monkey
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Munich
VR Definition: Key
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/dec/08/vr-goggles-for-mice-create-immersive-scenarios-for-brain-research
VR Definition: Key terms
• While having the experience,
the organism seems unaware
of the interference, thereby
being “fooled” into feeling
present in a virtual world.
• This unawareness leads to a
sense of presence in an altered
or alternative world.
• It is accepted as being natural.
Source: Vox
Go to:
good VR environment
is immersion
• And many modern computer
games do just that…
• How many of you have ever
played a computer game?
• And, how many of you have
played in a multi-player online
• A key feature of most of these
games is immersion
• An example from my lockdown
days as a Twitch streamer of COD
Talking of games, if
you are fascinated by
VR and games, head
on to …
• https://store.steampowered.com/
and try out some of those fab VR
• Framework for Innovation: Design Council's evolved Double Diamond,
• V Mamtani, The power of collaboration in design, https://uxdesign.cc/
• Karl T Ulrich & Steven D Eppinger, Product Design and Development, McGraw-
Hill, ISBN 007-123273-7, 3rd Edition
• G Boothroyd, P Dewhurst & W Knight, Product Design for Manufacturing and
Assembly, Marcel Dekker, ISBN: 0-8247-9176-2
• Isabel Casanova Ledesma, An introduction to design and the design process
• The Process of Design Squiggle by Damien Newman, thedesignsquiggle.com
Design.(1989).In Oxford English dictionary online(2nd ed.)
• scottkim.com
• Steven Lavalle, Virtual Reality, Cambridge University Press
Before the next class…