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From all courses of the package

1. Which of the following is coagulase positive?

A. S.pneumonia C. S.epidermides
B. S. aures D. Salmonella

2. Which of the f.f is found in CSF?

A. C. tetani C. C. perfergenes
B. C. difficle D. C. neoformans

3. fuzzy, often pigmented colonies are the characteristic’s of which of the following ?
A. All fungi C. Yeast
B. Mold D. Bacteria
4. mitotic division of the haploid nucleus and is associated with production by budding spore-like
conidia or separation of hyphal elements takes place in
A. Sexual reproduction C. Both
B. Asexual reproduction D. none of these
5. Which of the following is not the characteristics of histoplasmosis
A. Person to person transmission C. mycelial phase in the soil
B. Yeasts in tissue D. Specific geographic distribution
6. Infections caused by dermatophytes are best examples for
A. Superficial mycosis C. Systemic mycosis
B. Cutaneous mycosis D. Opportunistic mycosis
7. Germ tube test is a conformatory test for which of the following
A. C. neoformans C. C.albicans
B. H. capsolutm D. None
8. Burn was occur in Ataye town at North Shewa and few peoples were at risk and after 2 weeks of this
occurance the ulcer develops in to fungal pustle , the possible cause of this infection could be
A. Mycetoma B. Cryptococcus neoformans C. Candida albicans D. H.capsulatum
9. What is the use of KOH in fungal examination
A. Dissolve keratin C. No function
B. As fixative D. Totally not needed
10. At human body temperature Dimorphic fungi can exist as
A. Yeast B.Mold C. In both form D. None
11. A genus, named as coccidioides immitis, responsible in causing a disease, called
A. Coccidioidomycosis C. Candidiasis
B. Histoplasmosis D. Aspergillosis
12. Which of the following found in CSF ? A. C.tetani B. C.perfergens C. C.neoformans D. S.aures
13. One is cutaneous fungi A. T.pedis B. T. nigera C. Candidiasis D. Sporotricosis
14. Which of the following is not true about fungi?
A. Heterotrophs C. Yeast and mold
B. It is prokaryotic D. Non photosyntetic

15. Most opportunistic fungal infection in HIV infected individual
A. Candidasis B. Histoplasmosis C. Tinea Nigeria D. T.pedis
16. Among the following course one is not included under microbiology
A. Virology C. Bacteriology
B. Mycology D. Hematology
17. Indian ink is best test for the diagnosis of A. T.capitis B. C. neeoformans C. Candidiasis D. All
18. Fungi classification include , A. RNA and DNA B. Yeast and Mold C. Fungs and virus
19. Basidiomycetes conisists of A. Mushroom B. Toad stool C. Puff balls D. All
20. Which one of the following organisms are not grouped under both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
A. Bacteria’s B. fungi C. Viruses D. algae
21. --------------------------are fungal diseases that may affect internal organs and may disseminate to
multiple sites of the body and are sometimes known as deep mycoses.
A. Superficial mycoses C. Cutaneous mycoses
B. Systemic mycoses D. Opportunistic mycoses
22. ----------------- This technique is commonly used for the detection of intracellular Histoplasma
capsulatum in, thick blood film or bone marrow smear.
A. LPCB B. Giemsa or wright stain C. Saline mount D. KOH
23. Which of the following is used for dilution of platelet
A. 1%HCL B. Turks solution C. 1%Ammonium oxalate D. Gowers solution
24. One is a cutaneous fungi ? A. T.pedis B. T. Negri C. T.corporis D.All
25. In AFB stain if you count 13 baacili/100 field this can be graded as A. +1 B.+3 C.+2 D. Scanty
26. Hemolytic disease can be caused by
A. +Ve mother with +ve father C. –ve mother with –ve father
B. +ve father with –ve mother D. –ve father with positive mother
27. One is not true about WBC diluting fluid
A. Increase/decrease WBC no C. Lysed platelet
B. Lysed RBC D. Facilitate WBC count
28. One is a DNA virus ? A. HBV B. HCV C. HIV D. HDV
Match the following
Coloumn A 42. Cellular immunity
29. Tinea captis 43. Leukemia
30. Tinea corporis 44. Leukopenia
31. Tinea pedis 45. Accuracy
32. Tinea cruris 46. Percescion
33. Sporotrichosis 47. HIV test kit
34. Histoplasmosis 48. RFT
35. Tinea nigera 49. Eosin
36. Aspergillosis 50. Media for TB
37. Factor for fungal infection 51. Media for V.cholera
38. Sample for C.neoformans 52. Hematoxylin
39. PCV 53. Sputum preservative
40. MCV 54. CPDA
41. Humeral immunity 55. Pnuemonia

56. N. gonehorrea I. ring worm of the scalp
57. Sensitivity J. True negative
58. Crescent shaped K. Red orange
59. Aseptic method L. Dark blue
60. Paraffin wax M. Embedding
61. Basophill N. Alchool
62. Eosinophil O. Sickle cell
63. Specificity P. True negative
Q. Gram negative cocci
Coloumn B
R. Gram positive diplo cocci
A. CSF S. Blood preservative
B. Obesity T. CPC Nacl
C. Opportunistic fungal infection U. Stain cytoplasm
D. Superficial fungal infection V. LJ media
E. Subcutanous fungal infection W. Stain nucleus
F. Jocky itch X. Urea
G. Athelets foot Y. Abon
H. ring worm of the body Z. Reproducibility
AA. Closeness to the true value
BB.Decrease WBC
CC.Abnormal proliferation of WBC
DD. T-lyphocytes
EE. Antibody
64. Gout arthritis is caused by excess accumulation of
A. Creatinine C. Glucose
B. Uric acid D. Protein
65. Enzymes can be measured by a unit of
A. Mg/dl C. IU/L
B. Litre D. Mole/l
66. Of the following blood groups one is a universal donor?
A. O C. AB
B. B D. None
67. One is considered as universal recipient
A. Blood group O C. Blood group A
B. Blood group AB D. Blood group B
68. Blood and chocolate agars are
A. Enerchied medium C. Basic medium
B. Enerchiment medium D. Selective medium
69. Alkaline peptone water are best for which bacteria?

A. Shiegela
B. C. difficle
C. V.choleria D. C.tetani
70. Antibiotic associated deharroea are caused by
A. C.tetani C. C. botoulisim
B. C.difficle D. C. perfergines
71. MRSA(multi resistant staphylococcus auers) is treated by
A. Amoxicillin C. Setreptomycin
B. Vancomycin D. Kanamycin

72. Suppose you are allowed to test your blood group with whole blood and if there is agglutination with
anti B, and no agglutination on Anti A and D ,then your blood group could be
A. Blood A Rh positive C. Blood group AB Rh positive
B. Blood group B Rh negative D. Blood group B Rh positive
73. The ability of a test to detect true infected individual is
A. Sensitivity C. Precision
B. Accuracy D. specificity
74. common RNA virus
A. HIV C. Measle
B. RSV D. Mump
75. Which one of the following is profile of renal function test?
A. Uric acid C. Creatine
B. BUN D. All
76. Which one of the following is excellent GFR monitouring and renal function test?
A. Urea C. BUN
B. Creatinine D. lipid
77. one of the following is cuse of typhus ?
A. Salmonella
B. Ricketessia
C. Syphilis
78. One is the cause of typhoid
A. Proteus C. Syphilis
B. Salmonella D. Ricketssia
79. The information recquired for virus to replicate contains
A. Capsid B. Neuclus

C. Envelope D. cytoplasm
80. blood group O contains
A. A-antigen C. No –antigen
B. B-antigen D. Aand B antigen
81. Incompatible blood transfusion distracts
C. Plasma
D. All
82. Higest histamine contains participate in acute allergic reaction
A. Esinophil C. Basophil
B. Neutrophil D. Effusion
83. Hct is expressed as by all of the following , except
A. Pcv C. MCV
B. Volume of erythrocyte D. None
84. One of the following can used to classify Rh positive or negative ?
A. D C. O
B. A D. B

85. Monocyte is --------------------- line of defense ?

A. 1st C. 3rd
B. 2 nd D. 2nd and 3rd
86. True about fungi
A. Spore type C. Sexual cycle
B. Moropholgy by hyphae D. All
87. Best anticoagulant for total leukocyte test is
A. EDTA C. Heparin
B. Sodium citrate D. None
88. More specific enzyme to evaluate disease of pancreas ?
A. Amylase C. Pepsin
B. Lipase D. GOT
89. Fixation ,dehydration, cleaning, infiltration, embedding, sectioning, staininig, microscopic
examination , from this is it correct histopathological procedure? A. True B. False
90. One is grouped under family enterobacterciae

A. S.aures C. Shigella
B. S.pneumonia D. Bacillus
91. What volume is used to prepare 10% formalinof 100ml from 37% ?
A. 17 ml C. 270 ml
B. 27 ml D. 37 ml
92. Not true about fungi
A. Are eukaryotic cell C. Posses both RNA and DNA
B. Have mitochondria D. Always exist as yeast and mold
93. One is not LFT
A. SGOT C. Albumin
B. Bilirubin D. Uric acid
94. Which one of the f.f is not a factor that contributes to laboratory accident
A. Lack of concentration D. All
B. Work over load and fatigue E. None
C. Poor training
95. One is not structure of virus
A. Capsule C. RNA
B. Capsid D. DNA
96. A good anticoagulant for ESR
A. Na citrate C. CPDA
B. EDTA D. Acid
97. In serological test Ag-Ab reaction for widal test in slide typing is
A. Agglitunation C. Latex formation
B. Perciptation
98. Not function of capule in bacterial structure?
A. Adeherance C. Protection
B. Antigenicity D. None

99. Most popular embedding medium for histological preparation is

A. Alchool C. Xylene
B. Paraffin wax D. Formaldehyde
100. What could be the BUN wth urea concentration of 40 mg/dl ?
A. 18.7 mg/dl B. 20 mg/dl

C. 42.8 mg/dl
101. From the above question if BUN is 120 mg/dl the urea conc. Could be
A. 56mg/dl C. 256.8 mg/dl
B. 12 mg/dl D. 24 mg/dl
102. Why Fluoride and citrate anticoagulants are not used for urea determination?
A. Inhibit urease enzyme C. Decrease /increase enzyme
B. Increase urease D. All
103. An elevated concentration of urea in the blood is termed as
A. Uremia C. Ketonuria
B. Azotemia D. Glycosuria
104. VDRL antigen contain all except
A. Cardiolipin C. Lectin
B. Cholesterol D. Carbon particle
105. One of the following can increase during parasitic infection
A. Neutrophil C. Eosinophil
B. Basophil D. monocyte
106. which of the f.f bacteria can be transimitted by vector or arthropod
A. Borrelia species C. Salmonella
B. Psedomonass D. S.aures
107. One is RNA virus
A. Papiloma virus C. HBV
B. Polio virus D. Herps virus
108. One can increase ESR ?
A. Plasma protein increase C. Viberation
B. Decrease protein D. None
109. S.auers can cause
A. Skin infection C. Gastero entrites
B. Pneumonia D. All
110. Sterptococci can be differentiated from staphylococci due to their
A. Morphological arrangement D. All
B. Coagulase positive E. Aand B
C. Gram reaction
111. Lock jaw is caused by
A. C.tetani B. C. diphetria

C. C. Perfergines D. C. botulisim
112. One is lactose fermenter enterobacteria
A. E. coli C. Shigela
B. Salmonella D. All
113. Which of the following is not true about fungi
A. Non photosynthetic C. Yeast and mold
B. Prokaryotic cell D. None

114. Serum urea of the patient is 60 mg/dl , the BUN of this patient is
A. 40 mg/dl C. 28 mg/dl
B. 14 mg/dl D. 20 mg/dl
115. One of the f.f is specific immune response is
A. Macrophage C. Nk cell
B. Monocyte D. B cell
116. One can cause cervical cancer and its genome character is
A. Herpes simplex virus, DNA C. Human papiloma virus, DNA
B. Epistin bar virus , RNA D. Human papilloma virus ,RNA
117. Renal function test which is not affected by any factor is
A. Urea C. BUN
B. Creatinine D. Glucose
118. Which of the following is not true about pre hepatic jaundice?
A. Indierct bilirubin increase or normal in serum
B. Normal color of stool
C. Urobilinogen excreted in urine
D. Direct bilirubin increase in serum
119. One is not included in CBC
A. WBC count C. ESR
B. RBC count D. Platelet count
120. One is gram negative bacteria?
A. L.monocytogenes C. C.tetani
B. H. influenza D. S. auers
121. One is Responsible for hemolytic zones (on blood agar plate), Not antigenic
A. Anti streptolysin O C. Strepto lysin oO
B. Streptolysin S D. None
122. Steaming of the material is done at 100 0C for 30 minutes on three consecutive day

A. Tynadalization C. Steaming
B. Lypholization D. Hot oven
123. Is a process which involves rapid freezing with subsequent drying.
A. Tynadalization C. Steaming
B. Lypholization D. Hot oven
124. is used for transportation of gonococci.
A. Amies transport medium C. Nutrient broth
B. Tryptos soya agar D. None
125. Uncoating (1),Attachement (2) ,Penteration (3), Biosynthesis (4), Assemble (5), Release (6),
from this the correct sequence of viral replication from the first to the last is
A. 2,3,1,4,5,6 C. 6,5,4,1,3,2
B. 1,2,3,4,5,6 D. 4,5,6,1,3,2
126. From question 125 the correct sequence of viral replication , from the last to the first is
A. 6,5,4,1,3,2 C. 2,3,1,4,5,6
B. 4,5,6,1,3,2 D. 1,2,3,4,5,6

127. Enzyme kinetics can be best for

A. ALP D. Bilirubin
B. Glucose E. All
C. Cholesterol

128. A type of anemia mostly seen in leukemia patient is

A. Normocytic ,normochromic
B. Microcytic, hypochromic
C. Macrocytic ,normochromic
D. Normocytic, hypochromic
Match the following items
Coloumn A 139. Atrophy
129. Negelar reaction 140. Fixation
130. Bubonic plague 141. Comb test
131. Quellung reaction 142. Granulocyte
132. S.pyogens 143. HDL
133. S. mutans 144. LDL
134. Agglitunogen 145. Dierct biluribin
135. Agglutinin 146. Indirect bilirubin
136. Apoptosis 147. End point
137. Autograft/allograft 148. Kinetics
138. Xeno graft 149. Differential

150. Agar 168. Biological hazard
151. Insulin 169. Coding
152. Glucagon 170. Abnormal
153. Agranolocyte 171. Screening for extrinsic clotting
154. Supervital staining 172. HCG
155. VDRL 173. 100%transmittance
156. Tinea versicolour 174. Stains blue violet granule
157. Tinea nigera 175. Invade by fungi
158. Black piedra 176. Contaminated by toxin
159. Tinea barbae 177. Used to cut biopsy specimen
160. Zoonotic virus 178. Physical examination of bilirubin
161. Flaccid paralaysis 179. Intero invasive
162. Pancytopina 180. Jaffe reaction
163. Benigin viral parotites 181. Bound albumin
164. H.ducryi 182. Buffy coat
165. Protoblast 183. Metaplasia
166. Muller hinton agar 184. Standard
167. Atrichous

Coloumn B I. Pathology
A. Foam J. Calibrating
B. Microtome K. Ingestion of toxin
C. Mycotoxicosis L. Bacteria without flagella
D. Mycosis M. DST test
E. Neutrophil N. Bacteria with out cellwall
F. 0% transmittance O. Chancroid
G. Pregenancy test P. Mump virus
H. PT time Q. HIV
R. Polio virus BB.Decrease glucose
S. Rabis virus CC.Solidifying media
T. Trichophyton spieces DD. Bilirubin
U. Pidera hortae EE. Creatinine
V. Hortae woraiki FF. Cholesterol
W. Malsia furfur GG. Water soluble
X. Syphilis HH. Water insoluble
Y. Reticulocyte II. Bad cholesterol
Z. Lymphocyte JJ. Good cholesterol
AA. Increase glucose KK. Neutrophil
MM. Decrease cell size RR.Antibody
NN. Tissue from differnet spieces SS. Antigen
OO. Tissue from the same spieces TT. Tonsilites
PP. Programed cell death UU. Tooth decay
QQ. Decalcification VV. S.mutans

WW. C.perefrgens AAA. Ig G
XX. Yersina pestis BBB. Known solution
YY. E.coli CCC. Layer b/n Platelet and wbc
ZZ. Reptable cell damage DDD. C. botulisim
Short answer
185. Define terms like Hyperplasia,metaplasia,neoplasia,etc
186. Know the three assay techniques in clinical chemistry with their example.
187. Describe the basic characterstics of types of jaundice.
188. Know the SOP for LFT and RFT ,as well as enzymes and electrolytes.
189. Differentiate histological samples like ,autopsy,biopsy,and nodule.
190. Identify the basic componenet of spectrophotometer
191. Describe the beer –lamberts law
192. Know the difference between calorimeter and spectrophotometer
193. Identify the differnet culture medias based on their consistency and fuctional use
194. Identify gram positive bacteria and gram negative bacteria with their example
195. Describe the dry and moist heat sterilization with their examples
196. Know the difference between Bomby and para Bomby phenotype
197. Know the different blood group typing methods ,direct and indirect
198. Know histopathological procedures with their clinical significance
199. Know about the types of cross match with their clinical significance
200. Know about criterias for blood donation
201. Know each common serological tests
202. Identify the different types of anemia
203. Describe more about RBC indices
204. Know about Differential count ,and staining in hematological techniques
205. Describe about leukemia

Practicum suggestive tasks for level 4 COC

Task 1; perform microbiological test
 Perform gram staining technique
 Perform KOH preparation
 Perform acid fast staining techniques
Task2; perform hematological test
 Perepare thin blood film and perform blood morphology
 Perform total WBC count using hemocytometer
 Perform Hb determination using sahali acid hematin method
 Perform ESR determination method
 Perform manual HCT determination method
 Sop for ESR, HCT, Hb ,and peripheral blood morphology
Task 3;Prepare stained smear for histopathological examination from FNA sample
Task 4; perform serological and immune hematological test
 Perform widal and welfliex test
 Perform urine HCG test
 Perform ABO blood grouping and cross match test

 Perform rapid HIV test using current HIV test algorithim
 Perform VDRL test
Task 5; perform calibration and clinical chemistry test
 Calibrate photometr for LFT test (if available)
 Perform liver function test
 Perform renal function test
NB. Know each genral principles and SOP techniques for the above techniques
Be remined this is a workshhet which gives a hint for your COC preparation.

Avoid blind diagnosis

Reveal the hiden


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