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3D Scanning A Comprehensive Survey

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3D Scanning: A Comprehensive Survey

Morteza Daneshmand, Ahmed Helmi, Egils Avots, Fatemeh Noroozi, Fatih Alisinanoglu, Hasan Sait Arslan,
Jelena Gorbova, Rain Eric Haamer, Cagri Ozcinar, Gholamreza Anbarjafari

Abstract—This paper provides an overview of 3D scanning workflow is limited by the number of iterations.
methodologies and technologies proposed in the existing scientific In [6], methods of 3D on-road object extraction from Mobile
and industrial literature. Throughout the paper, various types Laser Scanning (MLS) data were represented, e.g. for road
of the related techniques are reviewed, which consist, mainly,
of close-range, aerial, structure-from-motion and terrestrial pho- surface, pavement cracks, road markings and manhole covers,
togrammetry, and mobile, terrestrial and airborne laser scanning, where the samples were collected at driving speeds.
as well as time-of-flight, structured-light and phase-comparison In [7], a comparison of analytical aerial photogrammetry,
arXiv:1801.08863v1 [cs.CV] 24 Jan 2018

methods, along with comparative and combinational studies, the i.e. B/W stereo photographs, Time-Of-Flight (TOF) LS-based
latter being intended to help make a clearer distinction on the measurement mechanic, TS based on ground control points
relevance and reliability of the possible choices. Moreover, outlier
detection and surface fitting procedures are discussed concisely, and rover with GPS surveys was provided in terms of gener-
which are necessary post-processing stages. ating Digital Terrain Models (DTM). Reportedly, TS led to the
best accuracy, although demonstrated a very slow performance
Index Terms—Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging, Three-
dimensional image acquisition, Scanners. in data collection, with LS being second, which demands com-
plex data analyses. Aerial photogrammetry required expensive
equipment to be viable, and Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS
I. I NTRODUCTION was the most unreliable one.
Automated scene interpretation is a topic of major interest In [8], an easy-to-use motorized and automated system was
in photogrammetry, Remote Sensing (RS), and computer vi- developed that scans 3D scenes in a reasonable time frame,
sion. 3D shape measurement, also known as range imaging which can be utilized for viewing scalable multi-object scenes,
and depth sensing, plays an important role in many appli- as well as for path planning purposes. The resolution they
cations. However, the mainstream methods do not provide achieved was 0.1 mm on a variety of different objects.
measurements accurate and dense enough for a reliable 3D Due to the fact that 3D scanning with Light Detection And
reconstruction [1]–[4]. Ranging (LiDAR) is expensive, in [9], it was attempted to
3D scanning of scenes and multiple objects is time-consuming, achieve comparable results on topography mapping of a fault
and thus bottlenecked by manual labor. Nevertheless, since the zone with a low-cost digital camera mounted on a UAV.
associated processing techniques are under constant improve- They used the Agisoft PhotoScan software [10] for processing
ments, the latter drawback has been substantially alleviated in the images in order to reconstruct the ground. Comparisons
the last few years. It should be noted that usually, when the with LiDAR showed nearly no difference in accuracy, but the
object of interest has a distinctive surface, photogrammetric Structure-From-Motion (SFM)-based photogrammetry method
techniques are favored. yielded a denser point cloud.
On the other hand, there are not enough free benchmark In [11], an evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)- and
databases available for testing the associated algorithms and photogrammetry-based 3D scanning methods was provided. It
procedures. It should be noted that photogrammetry may revealed that UAVs have a lower operational cost, where the
not be as efficient as Total Station (TS) and ground-based task can usually be performed by two operators, but often carry
Interferometric Synthetic-Aperture Radar (InSAR) systems, small or medium format cameras, which is why they require
due to accuracy and response-time requirements. more images to reach the same accuracy as conventional
In [5], a differential 3D scanning procedure was proposed, methods.
in each iteration of which, the designer creates a 3D model, In [12], an Reduced Bundle Adjustment (RBA) method was
prints it using a 3D printer, edits it, and then scans it back to proposed for reducing the computational complexity and mem-
apply the changes. The true changes made to the model are ory cost of the task of Bundle Adjustment (BA). It uses both
automatically detected based on the reference model, which oblique and nadir camera data to fixate their orientations and
are chosen based on the coefficients related to the printing positions. The accuracy of the proposed method is slightly
accuracy, aiming at minimizing the accumulation of errors. poor, but the efficiency is significantly improved.
The method does not work well on shiny and translucent One of the important applications of RS is in exploring,
objects, and as 3D printers are slow, this type of iterative recording or documenting objects, landscapes and heritage
sites [13]. New sensors and multi-resolution 3D scanning and
M. Daneshmand, A. Helmi, E. Avots, F. Noroozi, H. S. Arslan, J. Gorbova,
R. E. Haamer, and G. Anbarjafari are with iCV Research Lab, Institute of visualization methodologies developed in the foregoing con-
Technology, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. e-mail: shb@icv.tuit.ut.ee text are aimed at purposes such as mapping and conservation.
F. Alisinanoglu and G. Anbarjafari are also with Department of Electrical One of the applications of PaRS is in improving the speed
and Electronic Engineering, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Gaziantep, Turkey.
C. Ozcinar is with Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Dublin 2, Ireland. e-mail: and accuracy of progress reporting, where a construction site is
ozcinarc@scss.tcd.ie scanned regularly, and the scans are compared to each other, as

well as to the planned outcome, in order to measure the amount for automatic extraction and reconstruction of building roofs
of work done quantitatively, and help make management and from ALS point clouds.
control decisions [14]. In [34], a method was proposed which allows to obtain DEMs
A homemade 3D scanner consisting of a camera and a and the corresponding orthophotography of surfaces larger
projector was built in [15], aiming at relatively high levels than 3 km2 at VHR. They used two delta kites of 4 and 10 km2
of accuracy and precision, as well as a compact and dexterous and a SONY NEX-5N camera [35], which met a compromise
setup. As a case-study, the system was utilized for monitoring between weight, image quality and geometry, and cost. In the
a flume under construction. proposed method, the kit flight angle stability was properly
As demonstrated in [16], 3D image correlation photogram- estimated by taking several flights with different conditions
metry, possibly in combination with stroboscopic illumina- and flight-line lengths. One of the limitations of the proposed
tion [17] or high-speed video cameras [18], [19], has ap- method is that the route of flight should be open and clear.
plications in full-field dynamic displacement, deformation, The importance of icing thickness measurements of transmis-
stress and strain measurement, e.g. for ionic polymeric and sion lines for preventing possible resulting accidents has been
dielectric elastomer artificial muscles [20], [21], and presents investigated in [36] through photogrammetry. The proposed
a higher robustness and dynamic range than other full-field system consists of a High-Resolution (HR) camera, a laser
imaging approaches such as 3D Electronic Speckle Pattern range finder and an inertial measurement unit, which has led to
Interferometry (ESPI) [22] or moiré topography [23]. a flexible and accurate performance along with a conventional
In [16], pulsed laser was used to investigate the behavior fixed terminal.
of a flywheel in a spin pit at a maximum speed of 35,000 In [37], photogrammetry was used for 3D reconstruction of
Revolutions per Minute (RpM), and a notched rubber dogbone oil paintings. They obtained several sets of orthophotomaps
sample was pulled to failure in 38 ms, where numerous strain to create 3D models of oil paintings through UV inkjet
maps were obtained. printing [38]. They used the collinearity equation, i.e. the
While displaying a point cloud obtained through photogram- condition equation, in order to represent the image details,
metry, it should be decided which points are visible from followed by reconstructive accuracy analysis. The contours
a given viewpoint, where surface- and voxel-based meth- and hypsometric tints of the model were determined by using
ods [24], [25] have been proposed for Hidden Point Removal spot color swatches in four colors for a UV printer, in order
(HPR), which have been investigated in [26], along with issues to print 1-10-layer spot color swatches. Then RGB image
such as guidance with synthetic images [24], camera network segmentation and section extraction were performed. The
design [27], [28] and gap detection and classification [29]. results showed that digital photogrammetry can effectively
Photogrammetry can make use of the geometric data present in establish a colorful 3D model for oil paintings.
data resources shared through social media such as Facebook Coastal monitoring is fundamental to studying dune and beach
and Instagram, in order to calibrate and recover information behavior related to natural and anthropogenic factors, as well
about important facts, events and locations, such as burial as coastal management programs. Various tools have been
places, with possible changes occurring from the time of applied for the foregoing task, including LiDAR, satellite
taking an image to another one potentially introducing further images and TLS.
challenges [30]. This paper reviews various 3D scanning technologies, includ-
In [31], a compact 3D imaging radar based on Frequency- ing close-range, aerial, SFM and terrestrial photogrammetry,
Modulated Continuous-Wave (FMCW)-driven frequency- along with mobile, terrestrial and airborne LS, followed by
scanning antennas was proposed for a small and lightweight TOF, structured-light and phase-comparison approaches, and
radar-system, which is equipped for catching two orthogonal some of the existing comparative and combinational studies.
2D pictures. Angular and parallel determination of these Last but not least, outlier detection and surface fitting pro-
pictures are adequate to supply vital data about the field cesses will be briefly discussed as well.
in basic circumstances. Moreover, a fundamental algorithmic The purpose of this paper is to help grasp an understanding
approach was proposed for joining the two pictures to a pseudo of the state-of-the-art in the area of 3D scanning. Therefore,
3D model of the landscape. As the compass time per check is the articles to be reviewed have been picked up from the list
under 1 ms, and every 3D picture is developed from only two of publications by the most highly accredited conferences and
filters, the frame-rates achievable with this framework design journals in the last four years up to the time the paper has
are appropriate for real-time utilization. been written, as well as a few older, but most frequently cited,
In [32], an algorithm has been proposed that makes it con- seminal, ones.
ceivable to fabricate a 3D model of a miniaturized object
on the premise of a stereo combination of pictures acquired
by a REM. The parallax in the stereo match is required for
revising the performance of the algorithm. The basic grid is II. G ENERAL E XAMPLES OF U TILIZING
computed through Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC). P HOTOGRAMMETRY
The algorithm is adapted for work with vast magnification
coefficients, and can utilize both parallel and point-of-view A few illustrative examples of usage of photogrammetry
projection models. will be presented in this section, followed by discussions on
In [33], a hybrid generative statistical framework was proposed more specific types of it in the upcoming ones.

A. Fast Implementation of a Radial Symmetry Measure B. Line Detection and Matching

In [39], a parallel implementation of two algorithms for In [48], a novel approach for line matching was proposed,
target detection and recognition was reported, which led which is designed specifically to achieve high performances in
to competitive results, but were computationally expensive. industrial environments, characterized by low textured objects
They parallelized both of the algorithms on CPU using and uncontrolled illumination conditions. They extracted the
OpenMP [40], and implemented the slower parts, e.g. target line segments via phase congruency and continuity criteria,
detection, on GPU. One of the observed results was that and then matched them individually according to their local
increasing the size of the image, the execution time on GPU appearances and photometric properties, without resorting to
increases less than either of the two executions on CPU. Fig. 1 any prior knowledge about scene or camera position. The
represents the general pipeline of the proposed system. total number of extracted lines was reportedly close to the
real number of perceived lines, avoiding fragmented lines and
B. Survey of Natural Areas of Special Protection overlapping segments. The line matching procedure exhibited
In [41], a pair of diapositives were scanned using a pho- a high level of robustness against changes of rotation, scale,
togrammetric scanner, and processed with the Leica Pho- perspective and brightness.
togrammetry Suite (LPS) 9. They used the scans to evaluate
ecological degradation, where Geographic Information System
C. Forest Analysis
(GIS) was taken into account in the survey of natural areas of
special protection, with the aesthetic forest Kouri Almyrou CRP has been widely used for analyzing and monitoring
Magnisias as a case-study. different characteristics pf forests, which will be elaborated in
sthis section.
C. Relative Pose Measurement of Satellite and Rocket 1) Plant Diversity and Surface Fuel Structure: In [49], a
Image-based measurements can be used for calculating the CRP approach was introduced and discussed for measuring the
relative pose of satellite-rocket separations [42]. In the case the 3D structure of understory vegetation and woody debris, and
camera parameters are known, the camera has been installed to test the utility of photogrammetric points for distinguishing
on the rocket launcher, and more than six cooperation signs and predicting understory fuels and plant diversity. They com-
have been set on the satellite, the latter are captured in real- pared height data derived from CRP and field measurements
time, and the pose estimation task is handled by combined of fuelbed depth, and evaluated the utility of photogrammetry-
virtues of the Efficient Perspective-n-Point (EPnP) [43] and derived data for separating and classifying 10-cm scale fuel
Orthogonal Iteration (OI) [44] methods, the latter being re- types, plant species, and plant types by studying the area
ferred to as LHM as well, which is abbreviated from the last located in Air Force Base (AFB) in northwestern Florida.
names of the authors, i.e. Lu, Hager and Mjolsness. In the A total of 57 different species were observed, with an average
aforementioned study, an accuracy assessment framework has of 19 species per plot and a standard deviation of 6 species
been proposed as well, which has verified the reliability of the across plots. Digital imagery was processed with the pho-
foregoing strategy in terms of estimating the relative position togrammetry software PhotoModeler Scanner [50]. Using the
and attitude. Smart Match feature-based method, stereo pairs were created
by automatically detecting and matching pixels of similar
III. C LOSE -R ANGE P HOTOGRAMMETRY (CRP) texture and color between overlapping paired images. The
CRP is one of the most prevalent variants of photogramme- statistical and classification analyses were such that the overall
try, whose applications will be discussed in this section. classification accuracy was computed as 100 minus the out-
of-bag estimate of error rate. Overall quantity and allocation
A. Automatic Camera Calibration difference were calculated using the diffeR package in R.
Obtaining CRP measurements requires calibration of the The Field-measured heights were often much greater than
digital camera based on sensor modeling, which can be photogrammetric heights.
achieved through self-calibration. It has been reviewed based Overall classification accuracies of fuel type, species, and plant
on targeted planar arrays and target-less scenes in [45]. type classifications were 44, 39 and 44 percent, respectively.
In a CRP-image-based 3D measurement context, the camera Patterns and distributions of point-intercept measurements of
calibration parameters for DSLR cameras [46], as well as high- fuelbed depth and photogrammetric maximum height were
end or consumer-grade ones, need to be calculated indepen- similar, but there were discrepancies. The results indicated that
dently from the characteristics of the scene at hand, which CRP has a potential for yielding fine-scale measurements of
can be performed automatically based on coded targets [47]. understory fuels and plants. Advantages of CRP in the forego-
However, the latter study suggests that a set of considerations ing context include its ability to create a permanent record of
are required for an optimally accurate and reliable calibration understory vegetation and fuels that would support retrospect
procedure, which concern either the self-calibration functional analyses, and for the calibration of human interpreters.
model or practical issues, and among others, include the 2) Mapping Eroded Areas on Mountain Grassland: In [51],
effect of image scales on lens distortions, color imaging the problem of erosion in mountain areas has been inves-
and chromatic calibration, focal plane distortion, 3D object tigated, and a method for mapping and monitoring eroded
space control, image point distribution and interior orientation areas has been proposed for selected scenes, using CRP data.
stability. In order to automatically extract eroded and grass-covered,

Fig. 1. The general pipeline of the radial symmetry measure system proposed in [39]: (a) Input image, (b) Locations of radial symmetry, (c) Local maxima
of symmetry, (d) Elliptical fitting and rejection, (e) Coded target decoding. The figure has been taken from [39].

i.e. non-eroded, parts of selected 3D point clouds of the instantaneous sub-mm vertical and horizontal resolutions of
scene, they presented an approach applied on object-based surface water topography.
image classification with automatic threshold optimization,
using the Excess Green Vegetation Index. For classification, F. City Modeling
the raster-based feature ExG was used, which characterizes
In [59], a procedure was described for making large-scale
the segments in terms of spectral properties. The proposed
3D city models using video image sequences. Initially, the
method resulted in overall accuracies between 90.7% and
buildings were filmed in order to obtain a 360 coverage.
95.5%, comparing the automatically extracted eroded areas
Afterward, the video sequences were split into frames, and
with manual detection.
the camera positions for a selected number of frames were
obtained by finding the fundamental matrix. The point clouds
D. A Simulation Tool for the SRT of the buildings were created with the Agisoft Photoscan Pro
In [52], a CRP approach was used to measure the self-load software [60], which utilizes the SFM algorithm. The 3D
deformations of the SRT primary reflector from its optimal model was created by generating a wireframe and adding
shape by using a near real-time CRP system with cameras shading and textures to create a photorealistic representation
installed in fixed positions. They developed a simulation of a scene. The compositions of the 3D models was created in
pipeline to realistically reproduce and evaluate photogrammet- the Autodesk R 3ds Max R software [61]. The results of the
ric surveys of large structures. The simulation environment foregoing study showed that 3D model creation from video
consisted of the following items: sequences is simple and cost-effective.
• A detailed description of the SRT model, the measure-
ment points and the camera parameters; IV. A ERIAL P HOTOGRAMMETRY
• A tool capable of generating realistic images accordingly The potential of UAVs for imagery tasks in the context of
to the above model; PaRS has attracted attentions from numerous research commu-
• A self-calibrating BA procedure to evaluate the perfor- nities for decades. According to [62], their competitiveness
mance in terms of Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) of lies in the fact that they have combined low-cost capturing
the camera configurations. devices with advances computer-vision and robotic systems,
AICON 3D Studio [53], MicMac [54] and MATLAB [55] have which lead to cm-level accuracies.
been used in the simulation process. The study has solved the RS and RPAS are used in different contexts such as environ-
self-calibrating BA for a pair of exemplifying scenarios, and mental studies, cultural heritage, civil engineering, forestry and
evaluated the results by specifically comparing AICON 3D cartography. MicMac [54] is a popular open-source software
Studio and MicMac. A quantitatively similar performances in which allows to process the images resulting from RPAS for
terms of RMSE and estimate of interior camera parameters, generating georeferenced information, which can be manip-
having measured the target positions with different accuracies, ulated or visualized under a GIS environment. In [63], an
depending on their radial distance from the reflector vertex. open-source GIS application was proposed based on MicMac,
and tested on both natural and urban environments, obtaining
E. River Surface Water Topography Mapping at Sub-mm HR databases. Moreover, UAV-based photogrammetry can be
Resolution and Precision utilized in contexts such as landslide cut, whose results are
suitable for repair and management.
High-precision and high-density measurements of surface
The rest of the subjects related to aerial photogrammetry will
water topography in laboratory rivers are useful in hydro-
be discussed from different perspectives in what follows.
morphodynamic studies for analyzing energy, momentum, and
mass balances. In [56], wax powder was used as seeds to
generate HR and high-accuracy DEMs of a flowing river A. The ISPRS Benchmark
water surface. They collected stereo-pair photos of the wax The ISPRS Benchmark on 3D Semantic Labeling [64]
powder, and then post-processed them using 3DM Analyst [57] was gathered specifically for fostering research on automated
and 3DM Calibcam [58] commercial software. They achieved analysis. However, only a few approaches have been evaluated

on it due to several classes having quite similar geometric acquisition and processing techniques have been studied as
behavior, making the classification on the database rather well, which involve calibration, flight planning and data man-
challenging. agement. The case-studies considered included two historical
In [65], airborne oblique images were obtained on four car- buildings of the city of Strasbourg, namely, a part of the Rohan
dinal and nadir directions, along with UAV images on both Palace façade and the St-Pierre-le-Jeune Catholic church, as
nadir and oblique directions, as well as terrestrial images, well as the Josephine Pavilion. In [71], it has been concluded
consisting of both convergent and redundant ones, of two test that small sensors are associated with less reliable calibration
areas. They prepared databases for two tasks, namely, dense parameters, where dense matching is more challenging, espe-
image matching evaluation and Image orientation evaluation. cially in the presence of noise.
In [66], a framework was presented for semantic labeling on a
per-point basis, using collections of spherical and cylindrical E. Street-level Modeling
neighborhoods, as well as the spatial bins as the basis for
This section discusses the problem of street-level modeling
a multi-scale geometric representation of the surrounding of
on the basis of aerial photogrammetry, as one of its substantial
each point in the point cloud. In addition, baseline results were
provided on the ISPRS database.
1) Steep Surfaces: Regularly monitoring the boundaries
of a territory including steep surfaces, e.g. mountainsides,
B. Feature Extraction and Matching quarries, landslides or river basins, is amongst the important
In [67], an efficient feature extraction and matching imple- applications of aerial photogrammetry, which can be achieved
mentation was presented for large images in large-scale aerial with a decent level of details using lightweight UASs, having
photogrammetry experiments, which intended to overcome recently led to higher-quality results taking advantage of
memory issues with SIFT. The red-black tree structure [68], inclined images under oblique photogrammetry frameworks,
the tree key exchange method and segment matching were rather than relying on strictly vertical images [74]. In the
used to improve the efficiency, having in mind that near-zero latter study, a large sandpit has been considered as a case-
pitch/roll angles might make the application unrealistic. study, with linear, radial and semi-circular strips as different
flight configurations, where 300 control points were captured
using a topographic TS. The evaluation of the acquired point
C. Accurate Optical Target Pose Determination
clouds was performed based on their densities, as well as their
In [69], a novel optical target design was developed with differences with given checkpoints.
the goal of determining its center, as well as its distance from 2) Building Abstraction: City model reconstruction is one
UAV-based mapping elevations relatively accurately. They of applications of aerial photogrammetry and image-based
determined the target pose and the projection of the circle 3D reconstruction. Multi-view stereo has been shown to be
center, followed by evaluating the results based on real-world a viable tool for the foregoing task. However, it results in
data, which demonstrated remarkable accuracies, noting that dense, but noisy and incomplete, point clouds when applied to
further improvements could be achieved correcting for the aerial images. In [75], a fully-automatic pipeline was applied
exposure induced bias. in order to generate a simplified mesh from a given dense
point cloud. Specifically, they employed the results of the prior
D. Survey of Historical Heritage works on interpreting the estimation of a dense depth map as
a labeling problem. The depth map, which is turned into a
Investigation and observation of historical heritage sites
height map, serves as an intermediate step for the construction
can broadly benefit from the virtue of aerial photogrammetry,
of a simplified mesh which is as close as possible to the data.
which will be discussed in this section.
Major geometric structures were maintained while clutter and
1) Pre-Hispanic Wall Painting: In [70], the use of pho-
noise were removed.
togrammetry for creating a 3D reconstruction of the Las
3) Effects of Image Orientation and Ground Control Point
Higueras architectural structure has been described. The pho-
Distributions: In [76], the procedure of generating a 3D
tographic survey was made with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II
model of a landslide using the UAV platform Microdrones
camera with a resolution of 21.1 Mega-pixels. Altogether,
md4-20041 was described. The vehicle took photos while
964 pictures were taken, of which two thirds were used. The
flying through predefined flight paths. All the photogrammetric
image processing was done using the MicMac software [54].
operations were carried out with the Photomodeler Scanner
The generated 3D model produced acceptable results regarding
V2012 [77] software. The DEMs and the adjusted mosaic of
correct survey of paintings and conservation treatment, with a
images were used as input data to the orthorectification pro-
resolution of 4 pixels per mm.
cess, which consisted in reprojecting the mosaic based on the
2) Historical Buildings of the City of Strasbourg: Both
morphology of the DEM, and then performing interpolation
small- and large-scale cartography can be achieved through
in order to fill the holes in the DOMs.
UAV photogrammetry, which is helpful for tasks demanding
short response times, e.g. observing or monitoring buildings
which may be inaccessible to conventional terrestrial de- F. Topographic Monitoring
vices [71]. In the latter study, based on Sensefly Albris [72] According to [78], UAV photogrammetry can generate 3D
and the DJI Phantom 3 [73] Professional UAVs, the related models of cliff faces, for kinematic stability analysis purposes,

with a point density and accuracy that is similar to those only financially considerably costly, but also inconvenient, due
produced using TLS, but with a reduction in equipment costs. to the inaccessibility of some fields of interest, which are
Moreover, in [79], a relatively low-cost method of using the fundamental drawbacks of TLS, and consequently, the
UAV was proposed, which includes aerial triangulation with GPS [85]. Therefore, the latter seminal work proposes the
camera calibration and subsequent model generation, being SFM algorithm for alleviating the underlying shortcomings
mostly automated. They demonstrated high-accuracy and high- of classical photogrammetric systems, which automates the
quality results, analyzing two very sensitive test areas on the aforementioned procedures through applying highly redun-
Portuguese northwest coast. dant BA processes [86] according to the matching feature
The above study was successfully replicated in [80] on the points observed on overlapping bunches of images having
Ravenna beach dune system. The methodology can also be been acquired using a computer-level digital camera, thereby
applied in multidisciplinary scientific studies such as those in achieving decimeter-level vertical accuracies on land areas
the context of economics and management, in order to evaluate with complex topographies and with various scales. The
environmental changes from a monetary perspective, or in proposed method has been successfully tested on an exposed
biology, for the sake of investigating the changes in vegetation rocky coastal cliff, a breached moraine-dam complex and a
and habitats. glacially-sculpted bedrock ridge in the original study.
From an ecological perspective, one of the applications of
G. Determining Fault Planes SFM photogrammetry is in surveying vegetation structures
of drylands, and accordingly, their manner of functioning,
The accuracy and precision of digital photogrammetry and which has been performed using a small UAS on a semi-
field observation procedures utilized by UAVs may be in- arid ecosystem in [87]. Ultra-fine 3D height models with
creased by non-metric oblique and vertical camera combina- cm-level spatial resolutions were obtained from landscape
tion, as well as by properly configuring ground control points, levels. Above-ground biomass was predicted from canopy
according to [81], which have shown to perform equally well volume with rather high coefficients of determination, i.e.
in producing DEM and LiDAR, where the fault plane is r2 ranging from 0.64 to 0.95, which proved to be sensitive
found through detecting the cross-section and interpreting the to vegetation structures, being useful for capturing changes
extreme height of terrain changes. caused by environmental conditions in spatially or temporally
In [82], a practical framework has been established for resolv- discontinuous canopy covers. It is worth noticing that drylands
ing early aerial photogrammetric processing in the Tanlu fault overall constitute more than 40% of the whole terrestrial
zone throughout China East, whose activities have led to some surface.
strong earthquakes. Digital photos obtained by high-precision
special scanners and the elements of relative orientations VI. T ERRESTRIAL P HOTOGRAMMETRY
of image pairs were obtained by theoretical analysis. Then
The most essential applications of terrestrial photogramme-
whole digital photos were processed by using the Inpho
try are in topological monitoring, whose examples will be
photogrammetry software [83]. The horizontal and vertical
presented in what follows.
deformation values were the main quantitative parameters in
the morphotectonics research.
By processing the above aerial photo images, DEM, DOM and A. Coastal Projectors
large-scale topographical map covering, the interesting areas In [88], a robust coastal projector monitoring system called
were acquired, based on special maps such as profile map, 3D C-Pro was introduced, which uses terrestrial photogrammetry
landscape map and gradient map, for the sake of analyzing to project a photograph to a georeferences plane. A mathemat-
fault and morphotectonics. ical formulation was proposed where the roll and pitch rotation
angles were computed using an approximation of the horizon
curve. The proposed method allows to make an accurate
H. Improving Height Accuracy Using a Multi-class System
projection of the coastal photograph on the georeferences
In [84] a method for aerial photogrammetry was proposed, plane, even missing internal orientation parameter. The main
which improves the height accuracy. They collected multiple restriction of the proposed method is that it has been developed
groups of stereo images obtained by a multi-camera system only for imaging systems containing horizon curves.
with 60% overlap between adjacent stations and 90% overlap
between simultaneous images. They compared the results of B. Landslides
using a single camera with those of a four-camera system.
Photogrammetry is useful for observing landslides and
Their experiments resulted in the conclusion that the height
shape changes of scenes [89]. A competitive system of the
accuracy by one group of stereo images is worse than using
aforementioned type has been developed in the latter study,
redundant stereo images.
which compensates for possible attitude variations automati-
cally. The system consists of two reflex cameras and a local
V. S TRUCTURE -F ROM -M OTION (SFM) computer which receives the preliminarily captured data, and
P HOTOGRAMMETRY makes the DSM of the scene to be sent to the host computer.
HR topographic surveying based on triangulation of the data The Mont de la Saxe landslide has been considered as a case-
acquired at known poses of cameras or control points is not study.

VII. G ENERAL E XAMPLES OF U SAGE OF LS modeling kernel [96], utilizing the Gauss-Legendre quadrature
LS offers highly accurate 3D topographic point clouds recipe [97], a cable arrangement plan stage was produced
that have traditionally not been provided by competing RS which could provide an advanced 3D cable model. Under
technologies, which will be generally discussed in this section, similar given limits with simulation, a real cable design was
followed by the investigation of more specific types of it in measured through LS.
the upcoming ones.


A. Heritage Monitoring
Heritage monitoring is a fundamental use-case of LS. The When it comes to using MLS point clouds for creating
associated examples will be presented in what follows. 3D models, the current methods usually demonstrate great
1) Statues of Michelangelo: In [90], a system was intro- accuracies, but are not yet fully autonomous, and require high
duced for digitizing the shape and color of large statues, with computational costs, i.e. there exist no ideal methods as all
the statues of Michelangelo as case-studies. They proposed of the methods entail their own drawbacks, which will be
new methods for representing, viewing, aligning, merging, discussed in what follows.
and viewing large 3D models using a laser triangulation
scanner. The costs of equipment shipping and the protection
considerations have been reported as the main underlying A. Extracting Road Information
2) The Guyue Bridge: Under severe environmental con- MLS point clouds can be utilized to extract road informa-
ditions, in combination with historic evidence, precise 3D tion, whose examples will be provided in what follows.
models obtained through LS can be used to observe, and 1) 3D Local Feature BKD: Autonomous vehicle naviga-
possibly speculate previous stages of, heritage sites, which tion, which requires obtaining road information from point
has been performed in order to approximate the original clouds, is one of the applications of MLS, which can be
dimensions and scales of the Guyue Bridge, which had been achieved through BKDs, consisting of Gaussian kernel es-
constructed on A.D 1213 by the Southern Song Dynasty in timation and binarization [98]. More clearly, the curbs and
Yiwu, China, as well as to capture the folding arch, i.e. the markings on the road are detected through RF classifiers, from
transitional stage from beam to curved arch, in [91]. the shape and intensity data present in the point clouds, being
then processed in order to extract the number of lanes, as well
as their widths and intersections. However, point density and
B. Mining
noise are among issues that might affect the performance of
Different 3D LS technologies utilized for mining were such a system, which have been tackled with an accuracy of
discussed in [92] based on the scanner applications elaborated around 90% in the aforementioned study.
on the basis of domestic situation, consisting of 3D recon-
2) Semi-automated Delineation: In [99], a method was pro-
struction and measurement of open pit, headframe deformation
posed for the extraction and delineation of 3D roads utilizing
monitoring, mining subsidence monitoring, construction land
the GPS time, in order to separate the point clouds of the
reclamation regulatory, difficult arrival region survey of coal
MLS system into a set of sequential road cross-sections and
gangue dump, landslide monitoring and deformation moni-
then filtering the non-ground points by applying a window-
toring of underground mined area. They also discussed five
based filtering operator. Three types of curbs, namely, jump,
aspects of possible future developments, which should be able
point density, and slope change, were modeled and integrated
to provide some measure of protection for construction of
into the proposed method, which detects the curb points
digital mines.
from filtered point clouds. Visual inspection and quantitative
In [93], two solutions were described for roadway modeling:
evaluation showed that the proposed method is effective at
The projection method and Poisson equation, experiments of
extracting 3D roads from MLS point clouds, even in complex
roadway modeling based on which were carried out. The com-
urban street-scenes. The disadvantage of the foregoing method
pared results of the experiment showed that the roadway model
is that it is difficult to deal with curbs with boundaries
established by the Poisson equation method was smoother than
that are characterized as asphalt/soil, asphalt/vegetation, or
that of the cylinder projection method, and that the modeling
asphalt/grassy bank.
time of Poisson equation method was much larger than that of
3) Detecting Road Boundaries: In [100], an algorithm was
the cylinder projection method. Both methods could also be
proposed for extracting road boundaries from MLS point
further applied to similar tunnel engineering problems, such
clouds. The algorithm was tested on a point cloud database
as subway tunnels.
acquired by a RIEGL VMX-450 system [101]. In general, the
algorithm performed non-ground point removal by creating a
C. Configuration Modeling for a Constrained Elastica Cable set of grids based on separating the space into voxels in the
In [94], explanatory solution formulas as elliptic functions vertical direction. Afterward, the lowest points with highest
were picked up to depict spatial cable setup in a cylindiri- density are selected. In the next step, the road curbs are
cal shape framework. The system was set up as indicated detected using energy minimization and graph cuts, which may
by Saint-Venant guidelines [95]. Based on the OCC solid fail on roads with waved surfaces or roads without curbs.

B. Street Object Recognition

On top of road information, data about other objects present
in the scene can be extracted using MLS, which will be
discussed in what follows.
1) Feature Matching: In [102], an approach was proposed
for urban road object recognition from MLS point clouds,
namely, robust 3D multi-scale shape descriptors referred to
as SigVox, which is based on eigenvectors’ properties and
recursive subdivision of each potential point cluster using the
octree algorithm [103]. Significant eigenvectors of the points
in each voxel are determined by PCA, and mapped onto the
appropriate triangle of a sphere approximating an icosahedron.
The latter step is repeated for different scales.
The number of required levels of the SigVox descriptor de-
pends on the complexity of the geometric shape of the selected
objects of interest. The proposed approach has been tested on
4 km road, and achieved over 94% of accuracy compared to the
ground truth data. It presents a shape descriptor for complete
objects, in order to efficiently extract repetitive objects from
large scene point clouds.
2) Detecting Street Lighting Poles: MLS point clouds have
been utilized for the purpose of detecting street lighting
poles, which consists in removing ground points from the
frames returned by the RIEGL VMX-450 MLS system [104]
using elevation-based filtering, clustering the rest of the Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the post-processing stages of the method
points according to Euclidean distance, applying segmentation proposed in [115]. The figure has been taken from [115].
for separating overlapping objects by means of voxel-based
Ncut [105], and performing statistical analysis on the geomet-
ric features, so as to extract 3D representations of the lighting software. The processed 3D models were used to generate
poles [106]. drawings of buildings with AutoCAD [113], and processed
with the Add-on Pointsense Heritage from Faro/Kubit [114].
IX. T ERRESTRIAL L ASER S CANNING (TLS) 3) Geoarchaeological Sites in Jordan, Egypt and Spain:
TLS is a major type of LS, whose applications will be Geoarchaeologically interesting sites can be documented using
reviewed in this section. TLS, which has been done on samples in Jordan, Egypt and
Spain in [115] using the LMS-Z420i from Riegl [116] and
an RTK-GPS [117] for georeferencing the point clouds [118].
A. Archaeological Site Documentation
Local surveying networks [119] were also incorporated for the
3D modeling of monuments can be achieved in a fast, sake of registration. The resulting data were then utilized for
accurate and flexible manner, using TLS. It will be discussed volumetric determination, approximating the ceiling thickness
in what follows. of caves and simulation of lighting using path tracing under
1) Byzantine Land Walls of Istanbul: The performance of harsh experimental conditions, with the weight of the device,
DSLR cameras has been compared to classical photogrammet- the time-consumption and the minimum measuring distance as
ric dense matching of stereo images, i.e. point clouds, in the the underlying limitations. The results can be imported into a
PIXEL-PHOTO software, considering a scene consisting of 3D GIS [120]. The post-processing stages from the foregoing
the Byzantine Land Walls of Istanbul as a case-study, in [46]. study have been schematically illustrated in Fig. 2.
2) The Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic at Kandy, Sri
Lanka: In [107], the process of capturing the Temple of the
Sacred Tooth has been presented using TLS, by means of
B. Data Acquisition for Indoor Assets
the RIEGL VZ-400i [108]. Additionally, to aid the scanning
process, the scanner was used in combination with a laptop In [121], the accuracy of TLS was evaluated in terms of
and the software RiSCAN PRO [109] for controlling the scanning a room and modeling it, through comparing the
device on site. The color information was captured using a measurement differences. The RMSE was 2 cm. They used
Nikon D700 with 14 mm lens connected to the top of the the Leica ScanStation C10 [122], which is a high-accuracy
scanner. The documentation of high-level details was done by medium-range, i.e. 0.1∼300 m, laser scanner, the Leica Cy-
hand-held structured-light scanner, namely, Artec MHT [110]. clone 7.3 point cloud processing software [123], which is
The gathered scans were registered and triangulated with capable of aligning multiple scans and removing the noise,
the scanning software Artec Studio [111]. Afterward, the and the SketchUp 3D modelling software [124]. They made
surface model was denoised using the Geomagic Studio [112] the final models from point clouds manually.

C. Urban Environment Modeling 1) Quantification: ALS can be utilized for reconstruction

Scene modeling is a major application of LS. Street, i.e. of 3D forest canopy, which has been done with a density of
urban, modeling by means of a HD LiDAR laser scanner was 0.6-0.8 points.m−2 and a resolution of 400-900 pixels.m−2
proposed in [125], which enables detecting, segmenting and in [131]. It can be performed based on topological connectiv-
classifying objects present in the resulting point cloud. Binary ity, computational geometry and numerical optimization [132],
range image processing was employed for detecting building with ordered sets of simplices as outputs. In the context of
facades, where the rest of the point cloud is segmented ALS, triangulation consists in subdividing the point space into
into voxels, and subsequently, super-voxels. After extracting weighted simplicial complexes, hence quantifying it, requiring
features from the latter, they were classified by means of filtering out the canopy voids. In [131], vegetation point
trained, boosted decision trees into semantic classes such as clouds were obtained while optimizing the filtration based
tree, pedestrian and car. Finally, the scene was reconstructed on field measurement and analyzing the persistent homology,
through rendering facades using the ShadVis algorithm [126], thereby calculating the tetrahedral volume with relatively high
followed by fitting a prescribed solid mesh model to the degrees of determination (R2), i.e. 0.65 alone and 0.78 together
aforementioned classified objects. The proposed method was with the rest of the predictors. The field measurements were
qualitatively and quantitatively assessed on the TLS NAVTEQ reported to enhance the homology persistence of the point
database [127]. clouds representing the stem volumes.
Moreover, in [128], a viable strategy was proposed to obtain 2) Estimating the LAI: The LAI is one of the main metrics
high-accuracy spatial data of urban structures. The practicabil- used when quantifying the energy exchange between land sur-
ity of urban structures’ spatial data was discussed in view of faces and the atmosphere. In [133], an approach was proposed
the earthbound 3D LS technology. The analysis results demon- to estimate forest canopy effective LAI by 3D triangulation of
strated the legitimacy of the data. The use of the technology ALS point clouds. The benefit of their approach over the more
can diminish the field workload, avoid labor climbing, and commonly used Beer’s law-based approach [134] is that the
maintain a strategic distance from touch estimation of each triangulation also produces shape estimates.
building, which can upgrade the proficiency.
According to [129], the main applications of ALS are in the Due to their underlying comparatively simple technology,
following items: TOF sensors bear potential for economical and handy scanning
procedures, which will be illustrated in this section. It should
• Mapping of surfaces with very little texture definition;
be noted that turntable-based 3D scanning requires a specifi-
• Mapping of forests and vegetated areas, where ALS can
cally designed tool or markers for calibration, since otherwise,
provide measurements on the ground;
the rotation axis will be lost after the space configuration is
• Mapping of long, narrow features;
changed. Moreover, the accuracy of the inter-beam points in
• DSM generation of urban regions for urban planning and
the anticipated optical pattern impacts the precision of the
roof-top heights for communication antennas;
• Mapping of very small objects, e.g. power lines;
• Fast response applications.

Some of the above applications will be reviewed in what

A. Motion Compensation
In [135], a 3D scanning system combining stereo and active
illumination based on phase-shift was proposed for robust
A. Landslide Activity Analysis
and accurate scene reconstruction. The system works in real-
In [130], geospatial methods were utilized in order to time, and aims at constructing complex scenes of several
analyze landslice surface of complex rockslide systems, which independently moving objects at 17 FpS. In stereo phase-shift,
are affected by strong surface pattern changes. 3D vectors correlation-based calculations are utilized with optimization at
and displacement fields were detected using ALS, based on segment level. It allows to avoid the problem of discontinuity.
image correlation and breakline tracking. Image correlation To overcome the motion of artifacts at pixel level, they applied
algorithms used in the foregoing study are fully automated and an analysis of the motion error.
less time-consuming than breakline tracking. However, image
correlation usually produces more accurate results. In either
case, breakline tracking is currently the only method which B. A Tool-free Calibration Method
allows to detect displacement vectors for areas with very high
surface pattern changes. In [136] a gray-coded structured-light pattern projected onto
the object was used for calibration, which outperforms a
sphere-based calibration model both in terms of accuracy and
B. Forest Canopy Analysis ease of use. However, it should be noted that the foregoing
Forest canopy data have been broadly obtained using ALS method fails with reflective, featureless and slippable untex-
in the literature, which will be illustrated in what follows. tured objects.

C. Improved Coverage through Online Structured-light Cali- 2) Persons: 3D scanning and printing procedures can be
bration utilized for creating miniatures of persons, which has been
Structured-light 3D scanners suffer from incomplete cov- handled by means of a Kinect sensor [141] and a color
erage problems due to limited lines of sight, which has printer in [143], where color and depth frames are acquired
been alleviated in [137], through a novel online method by while the person is rotated on a swivel chair. The model is
augmenting the use of a pair of stereo cameras coupled created, updated and visualized in real-time through adopting
with a non-calibrated projector. The main advantage of this a SDF [144], and possible holes caused by self-occlusions
method is that it can be performed during the normal scanning are automatically filled. In order to minimize the 3D printing
process, allowing an improved scene coverage with little or no costs, a watertight but hollow shell is then obtained, where
additional effort. the quality of the resulting miniature depends on numerous
factors, including the camera pose and the consequent self-
D. 3D Shape Scanning with TOF Sensors occlusions, the non-rigid deformations of the subject’s body
and the rotation speed.
In [138], it was demonstrated that 3D shape models of
static objects can be acquired with a TOF sensor, which was
achieved by the effective combination of 3D super-resolution G. Polarization and Phase shifting
with a new probabilistic multi-scan alignment algorithm tai- Polarization and phase-shifting approaches have been uti-
lored to TOF sensors, by aligning depth scans that were taken lized to a considerable extent for the sake of developing 3D
from around an object with a TOF sensors at video rate. scanners, whose examples will be provided in this section.
The algorithmic challenge they faced was that the sensor’s 1) Translucent Objects: Performing 3D scanning on
level of random noise was substantial, along with a nontrivial translucent objects is considered a challenging task, which is
systematic bias. prone to errors, as subsurface scattering shifts the intensity
peak beneath the surface of the object. In [145] phase shifting
E. Low-cost Hand-held 3D Scanning of Architectural Ele- and polarization filtering were tested, and then combined.
ments However, it should be noted that they only tested the algorithm
In [139], the feasibility of using hand-held structure sensor on homogeneous, i.e. single-color, single-material, objects.
scanners for creating 3D meshes of architectural objects was 2) A Wideband Antenna: In [146], a design of a wideband
investigated. A structure sensor is a near-IR structured-light 45 polarized electrical scanning antenna array was proposed
3D device that works well for scanning objects of volumes for metallic 3D printing. As wideband array elements, they
less than 1 m3 . To test the scanner’s ability to scan larger used a ridged horn. To avoid the problem of increase in the
objects, an 18th century doorway in Benedettini monumental element space in the scanner plane, they designed a rigged
complex in Catania (Sicily) was scanned with a structure horn of ‘S’ shape and a bulkhead between the two ridges.
sensor and TOF laser scanner, namely, HDS 3000 by Leica The last modification makes array suitable for ±30 scanning.
Geosystem [140], which was used as a reference model. Due to The test of the proposed antenna array resulted in a less than
the limited precision of the structure sensor, the doorway was 0.3 dB measured loss in 3D printing.
scanned in 23 segments, with 30% overlap, and afterward, put
together. The results showed that the mean distance from the H. An Infrared System for Metallic Surfaces
TOF model for details was less than 5 mm and 9.6 mm for the In [147], an application of SfH was proposed, namely, an
whole model, thereby demonstrating that hand-held structure operational 3D digitizer for metallic objects. They have shown
sensors are affordable and precise solutions for digitizing that laser and an IR camera can be set up to digitize metallic
cultural heritage. specular surfaces in 3D. Compared to methods based on po-
larization imaging or deflectometry, the SfH method proposed
F. The Kinect Sensor in the aforementioned study results in higher measurement
The Kinect sensor [141] has greatly reduced the underlying errors, but is applicable to much larger sets of surfaces. Also
computational and financial costs of making 3D models of compared to systems developed in the visible domain, SfH is
objects and persons, which will be discussed in what follows. less dependent on the roughness of the surface.
1) Objects [142]: In [142], an algorithm was developed for
making 3D scans of deformable objects and people without XII. C OMPARATIVE S TUDIES
requiring access to prior information or having them stay
Due to the fact that 3D scanning methods and apparatuses
still. The method uses a single Kinect sensor [141]. They
constitute a significantly wide range, numerous studies have
detect loop-closures to handle severe drifts, and perform dense
attempted to compare them from various perspectives, a few
nonrigid BA, in order to correct the evenly distributed error
examples of which will be reviewed in what follows.
from a pure loop-closure. The final result is a unified 3D
model that does not need an initial template. The method is
susceptible to complex changing topologies in the scene, and A. 3D Scanning Instruments
the computational cost is relatively high: With a 8-core 3.0G In [148], a general overview of TOF and phase comparison
Hz Intel Xeon CPU and 64 GB of memory, a sequence with 3D scanning technologies has been provided. As there are no
400 frames takes 9∼10 hours. instruments that can be applicable to all scanning situations,

the scanning devices are divided into three general range city center of Ghent, Belgium, have been considered as case-
categories: 0.1 to 1, 1 to 10 and 10 to 100 m. When considering studies, each of which covers around 0.4 km2 . The analysis
the practical use of 3D scanning equipment, the speed of relied on pixel-wise comparison of the models, where the real
point acquisition can increase or decrease the working time changes were distinguished from false alarms caused by noise,
for scanning an area or object. Typically, higher scanning vegetation or outliers. The newly reconstructed or removed
resolutions are preferred. Each scanner is limited by its FoV, buildings were detected based on the difference models, whose
with typical scan area of about 40 by 40. Large FoVs have surfaces and volumes were quantified as well.
the potential to collect large amounts of data from a single 3) Terrestrial Photogrammetry for Complex Buildings:
observation. In addition to the distance measurements, users In [151], different software for photogrammetric 3D modeling
may desire photo-realistic views of scanned objects, which can were compared. The models were compared with LS. The soft-
be achieved by adding high-quality cameras to the scanning ware considered were Agisoft Photoscan [10], MicMac [54],
setup. Ease of transportation is a major factor, i.e. scanners Bentley ContextCapture [152] and VisualSFM [153], which
preferably should be small and lightweight, and have portable were evaluated in terms of modeling buildings. For com-
generators, in addition to power line supply. Last but not least, parison, the C2C distance was considered as the criterion.
the scanning software must be fast and simple. It should make From selected buildings, 150 photos were taken. Photoscan
dynamic adjustments, and calculate the scanning times. and ContextCapture returned results of comparable accuracy
with that of TLS, but overall, Photoscan led to a better under-
B. A Comparison of Photogrammetry and ALS standing of the geometry. MicMac demonstrated an accurate
representation of the geometry as well, but appeared noisy,
In [129], data acquisition and processing from passive with some gaps. VisualSFM produced the noisiest results, with
optical sensors, i.e. photogrammetry, and ALS were compared. a weak geometric performance.
The main differences between them are overviewed in Table I.
E. Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)
A review of the applications of UASs in PaRS has been
C. Fast Methods for LS
provided in [62]. Including among others, the technical as-
3D perception has various applications in manufacturing, pects, e.g. sensing, navigation, steering or data processing,
automatic control and robotics. A review of TOF 3D mea- privacy-related issues, safety, and war and peace topics as
surement and scanning systems has been provided in [149], regards RPAS such as UAVs, aircrafts and drones have been
evaluating the performance of the relevant techniques based on investigated, along with the consequent conflicts with the
the number of points captured from an area of interest within traditional aeronautical methods and regulations, paying a
a given time interval, which has resulted in recommendations particular attention to the ones operating at nano, micro or
as to how to improve the efficiency of mechanical scanning mini scales.
devices in terms of speed and accuracy. In the aforementioned
study, the methods taken into account have been compared
F. Forest or Vegetated-area Analysis
through implementing them on a mobile robot with a Linux
operating system, being run in real-time. Forests and vegetated areas can be 3D-scanned using var-
ious approaches, which have been compared in the studies
reviewed in what follows.
D. Building and Urban-area Modeling 1) A Comparison of Low-altitude UAV Photogrammetry
As demonstrated in the previous sections, buildings and with TLS for Terrain Covered in Low Vegetation: The results
urban areas can be scanned in 3D using a variety of method- of performing photogrammetry using UAV and TLS have been
ologies. Some of the studies comparing the related approaches combined in [154], in order to explore and detect land relief,
in terms of their performance in the foregoing context will be requiring rather high precisions for mapping of the land’s nat-
discussed in this section. ural and anthropogenic uplifts and subsidences. The possible
1) Heritage Sites: In [13], a review of a diverse range of effect of vegetation on the detection of the surface has been
optical 3D measurement and modeling devices, techniques and reported as one of the underlying challenges, tackling which
algorithms developed by the time has been provided, which demands determining and excluding the areas whose heights
can be considered as a reference when it comes to focusing are severely affected by the foregoing issue. In [154], the
specifically on the progress made during the last few years latter task was handled through capturing dense measurements
by means of comparing the state-of-the-art on the time the returned by a tacheometer and a rod-mounted reflector. As an
aforementioned article has been written with the one as of now, affirmative conclusion, it has been realized that UAV is more
in terms of the underlying properties, limitations, capabilities efficient than TLS for the purpose of photogrammetry.
and limitations. 2) Predicting the SI in Boreal Forests Using ALS and
2) A Comparison of Aerial Photogrammetry and LiDAR: Hyper-spectral Data: In sustainable forest management, the SI
DSMs resulted from stereoscopic aerial images constitute a is the most common quantitative measure of site productivity,
means of change detection or 3D reconstruction from urban which is usually determined for individual tree species based
areas. In [150], they have been qualitatively and quantitatively on tree height and the age of the largest trees. In [155], a
compared with airborne LiDAR ones, where three areas in the method has been proposed to determine the SI using RS data.


Photogrammetry ALS
Passive Active
Frame or linear sensors with perspective geometry Point sensors with polar geometry
Full area coverage Pointwise sampling
Indirect acquisition Direct acquisition
Geometrically and radiometrically high-quality images with multispectral capabilities No imaging or monochromatic images of inferior quality
Height of flight over 1000 Height of flight over 6000
High variability: 2D, linear and multiple-line methods and point detectors
Geometric, radiometric and spectral resolution Less variability and flexibility
Geometric accuracy measures, i.e. metric, semi-metric and non-metric
Higher flying speed and height Lower flying speed and height
Requiring manual intervention Under ideal conditions, proved fully automatic

In particular, they fused on ALS and airborne hyper-spectral elevation profiles through nonparametric methods, utilizing a
data, based on ITC delineation, i.e. the tree species and height, TS, which led to an accuracy of between 0.54 m and 24.26 m
DBH and age were modeled and predicted at ITC level. These for the photogrammetry-based approach and between 0.22 m
four dominant ITCs per 400 m2 plot were selected as inputs and 3.20 m for the LiDAR-based one, at the 95th percentile,
in order to predict the SI at plot level. i.e. the latter has resulted in more precise representations of the
actual surfaces, especially in the case of the parts which have
been invisible to photogrammetry, e.g. Canarian pine forests.
G. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) based Comparison
DEMs can be obtained utilizing a variety of approaches. XIII. C OMBINATIONAL S TUDIES
A few sample studies which have compared items from the
foregoing list will be discussed in this section. For the sake of alleviating the problems from which the
1) A Comparison of United States Geological Survey 3D scanning techniques presented in the previous sections
(USGS), Digital Line Graph (DLG), Shuttle Radar Topo- suffer, some studies have suggested devising combinational
graphic Mission (SRTM), a Statewide Photogrammetry Pro- approaches. A few examples from the foregoing list will be
gram, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection reviewed in what follows.
(ASTER), Global DEM (GDEM) and Light Detection And
Ranging (LiDAR): The field of geomorphologic analyses relies A. Forest Inventory Attribute Estimation Using ALS, Aerial
on topographic changes calculated from DEM differencing. Stereo Imagery, Radargrammetry and Interferometry
Over the years, many such models were proposed, which differ The first results of using digital stereo imagery and space-
greatly in terms of the collection procedure, resolution, and borne SAR in forest inventory attribute mapping in Finland
accuracy level. The study reported in [156] compares several have been reported in [161], on areas where detailed ALS-
regional- and global-scale DEMs with a high-accuracy LiDAR based DTM is available. Alternative 3D techniques such as
DEM, in order to quantitatively and qualitatively assess their aerial imagery and Spaceborne SAR have been utilized to
differences in the rugged topography of the southern West study inventory attribute estimation in three different study
Virginia, USA coalfields. They concluded that SRTM DEMs sites in Finland. The results were also compared to LiDAR-
and GDEMs describe a topographic surface substantially based ALS.
preferable to the one modeled by LiDAR DEM. From the user’s point of view, the preference on the aforemen-
2) Quality Assessment of TanDEM-X Using Airborne Li- tioned 3D RS methods in forest inventory attribute updates
DAR and Photogrammetry: In [157], a survey was provided depends on data availability, acquisition and preprocessing
of DEMs gathered using TanDEM-X, which is TSX’s twin, costs. User-ready products such as DSMs or point clouds can
a German Earth observation satellite using SAR technology, be easily processed with available software, and used for area-
where interferometric data are acquired in bistatic mode. based estimation of forest inventory attributes.
Specifically, TanDEM-X was evaluated in comparison with
other mainstream DEMs such as LiDAR. The study concluded
that TanDEM-X raw DEMs are comparable, with RMSEs B. Cultural Heritage Documentation
being around 5 m, to LiDAR ones. A few combinational methods which have been proposed for
3) A Comparison of LiDAR and Photogrammetry in Tener- the purpose of documenting cultural heritage will be discussed
ife Island: DTMs representing ground elevations can be in what follows.
obtained through manual photogrammetric restitution of al- 1) Metric Documentation of Cham Towers in Vietnam Us-
timetric features [158] or aerial LiDAR [159], which have ing LS and PSP: 3D reconstructions of Cham towers in
been compared on the basis of various vegetation covers in Vietnam have been presented in [162]. The models were
the island of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, in [160], both made using LS, SFM and PSP. LS was performed using
with pixel sizes of 5 m, and the latter possessing a nadir Z+F IMAGER 5006h [163], and processed by means of the
density of 0.8 points.m−2 . The foregoing study analyzed three Cyclone software [164]. The SFM algorithm was applied using

the Agisoft Photoscan software [10]. Finally, PSP models were geometrical consistency between the point clouds and
created using two Cannon cameras with resolutions of 12 and stereo images;
14 Mega-pixels. The obtained images were stitched together • An over-segmentation-based graph cut optimization pro-
with the PTGui 9 [165] software, and the model formation cedure [173] was carried out, taking into account the
was created using the Sphere package and bundle block color, depth and class information, so as to compute the
adjustment [166]. The authors preferred the PSP procedure changed area in the image space.
because of the ease of use, although the LS system resulted The method proved invariant to light changes and robust
in more precise model reconstructions. against small co-registration errors between images and point
2) A Comparison of Digital Photogrammetry and LS: clouds.
In [167], technologies related to digital photogrammetry and
TLS were discussed, along with monoscopic multi-image
evaluation, stereo digital photometry and TOF TLS. Mono- D. Area-based Quality Control of ALS Models Using TLS
scopic multi-image evaluation methods were used to document In 3D earth modeling using RS techniques, one of the most
historical building facades. The task of image acquisition was significant issues is correct surface determination under dense
performed using a Nikon D100 DSLR camera [168]. The cre- vegetation. ALS DEM performance under high vegetation was
ation of 3D photogrammetric line drawings was carried using assessed in [174] using RVA analysis. They also assessed VHR
efficient CAD functionalities provided by the MicroStation ALS 3D earth models using visual approaches and TLS-based
software [169]. Stereo digital photogrammetry was used for reference models. The AVAs of VHR ALS DSMs in open,
documenting the Fatih Mosque facades, and model generation grass, and building areas were reported to be very similar,
was achieved with the Z/I Phodis ST30 software. Finally, with 3-5 cm σ and normalized median absolute deviation,
a TLS-based survey of the Muayede (Ceremonial Hall) of which in high-vegetation areas were 35 cm. It also revealed
the Dolmabahce Palace was performed with a TOF scanner, that ALS DEM AVA under canopy satisfies the requirement
namely, LMS-Z420i from RIEGL [116], with a mounted for a 1/1000-scale topographic map.
Nikon D70s calibrated digital camera [170]. The DOMs were
automatically created by the RiSCAN PRO processing soft- E. Single-shot 3D Scanning via Stereoscopic Fringe Analysis
ware [109].
3) Accuracy and Block Deformation Analysis in Automatic In [175], a single-shot method was proposed that improves
UAV and TLS: The conclusions made through analyzing the both density and accuracy of 3D scanning by combining
performance of an integrated system meant for UAV and TLS two conventional techniques, namely, stereoscopic and Fourier
have been reported in [171]. The archaeological site of the fringe analyses [176]. In addition, due to its low complexity,
Roman theater in Ventimiglia, Italy, has been considered as the proposed method performs well even in time-critical
a case-study, in order to validate the proposed evaluation applications.
framework. The drawings were created at a scale of 1:20. A
GSD of less than 4 mm was considered in order to abide XIV. P OST- PROCESSING
by the latter requirement, which means that the accuracy was Raw point clouds resulted form 3D scanning procedures
4 mm. Both vertical and oblique images were obtained by usually suffer from presence of outlying points and jagged-
the UAV. On the other hand, terrestrial images were acquired nesses in their apparent surfaces, which are caused by noise.
aiming at capturing individual dense point clouds of vertical Thus post-processing them is necessary for removing the
structures. The robustness of the photogrammetric system, i.e. outliers and smoothing the surface, which will be discussed
the repeatability of the experiments, was examined against in this section.
various network configurations, based on the presence of
ground control.
A. Outlier Detection and Normal-curvature Estimation
In [177], two techniques were proposed for outlier detection
C. 3D Change Detection at Street Levels Using MLS Point
in LS 3D point cloud data. The first algorithm was based
Clouds and Terrestrial Images
on RZ-score, which is a classical distance-based measure
In [172], a method for change detection at street levels was computed as follows:
proposed. In order to achieve the aforementioned goal, they
took the following steps: pi − median(pi )
Rzi = , (1)
• The point clouds were recorded by an MLS system, and
processed, with the data cleaned and classified by semi- where M AD stands for MAD. If the calculated Rz-score for
automatic means; observation zi is greater than or equal to 2.5, then it is deemed
• At a later epoch, terrestrial or MMS images were taken an outlier.
and registered onto the point clouds, which were then The second algorithm uses MD for outlier detection, which is
projected on each image by a weighted window-based z- defined as follows:
buffering method for viewing dependent 2D triangulation;
• Stereo pairs of the terrestrial images were rectified and
M D = (pi − p̄)T (pi − p̄) (2)
reprojected between each other, in order to check the

funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the

European Network on Integrating Vision and Language (iV&L
Net) ICT COST Action IC1307.

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