Courier Request Form
Courier Request Form
Courier Request Form
Date: ___________
COURIER/SMS REQUEST (To be filled by applicant in BLOCK LETTERS)
*Important Note: These are optional services and charges are per courier and/ or per SMS.
Applicant Name:
First Name:
Last Name:
2. Address* (To be filled in Capital Letters only) required for courier (delivery of Passport):
* Please reconfirm the details with the officer.
Street Name:
Pin Code:
3. In case of Non Serviceable Location, I agree to collect the above mentioned passport(s) from the below
mentioned BLUE DART (HAL) Location: __________________________
I,…………………………………………………….. , have requested & authorized M/s. VFS Global (“VFS Global”) to send /
deliver my decision envelope (set out the document/s) by third party courier. I agree not to hold VFS Global
responsible for any liabilities, claims or other consequences including expenses arising out of any loss, temporary
misplacement of the document/s, delay or damage to the document/s. I agree that my claim arising out of any of
the above shall be restricted to what the courier company pays/ delivers to VFS if any of the above events occur. I
confirm and agree that this constitutes a genuine pre-estimate of damages suffered by me.
I confirm that I have read / had the same read ,and understood the terms of this Declaration.