Courier SMS Request Form

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Courier (Home Address) & SMS Request Form

Date: ………………………………..
To be filled by applicant in BLOCK LETTERS. SMS is an optional service.

Passport Number: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Applicant Name: .…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Address (Please reconfirm the details with VFS staff):

Flat No & Floor:

Building Name &

Street Name:




Pin Code:

3. In case of Non Serviceable Location, I agree to collect the above mentioned passport from the below
mentioned Hold at Location: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. SMS: YES NO If YES, Contact No

I,……………………………………………….………………….. Holding……..……………………. Passport Number(s)…………………….. ,

have requested & authorized M/s.VFS Global (“VFS Global”) to send / deliver my --------------------- (set out the
document/s) by third party courier on my behalf. I agree not to hold VFS Global responsible for any liabilities,
claims or other consequences including expenses arising out of any loss, temporary misplacement of the
document/s, delay or damage to the document/s. I agree that my claim arising out of any of the above shall be
restricted to what the courier company pays / delivers to VFS Global if any of the above events occur. I confirm and
agree that this constitutes a genuine pre-estimate of damages suffered by me. I confirm that I have read / had the
same read and understood the terms of this Declaration.
The Visa Applicant acknowledges that, due to a variety of factors such as, the Visa Applicant‘s mobile phone being
on DND activated mode, switched off, disconnected for any reasons, out of coverage, or due to any other technical
issue the Visa Applicant may not receive SMS. If such a situation continues for a period of 24 hours or more, the
Visa Applicant’s mobile network provider may delete any SMS to be received by the Visa Applicant. Since receipt of
SMS is dependent upon variety of factors including technical issues which are outside the control of VFS Global,
VFS Global does not guarantee the receipt of such SMSs. VFS Global shall not be held liable or responsible in any
manner whatsoever for non-receipt of the SMS by the Visa Applicant.


For internal use only:

SO Done By & Date _______________________ DO Done By & Date ____________________

F/OPS/10.b Effective Date: 21 Sep 2016

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