Ijite 6301 20281
Ijite 6301 20281
Ijite 6301 20281
Abstract - Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) technology is an power WPT systems is below 100 kHz due to high
emerging research area due to its safety and convenience. A switching losses at a high frequency. Additionally,
Conventional WPT system has Front End PFC and DC-DC resonant circuits reduce the reactive power requirement for
Boost Converter, which makes the system bulkier. The Z Source
the system thereby boosting the overall power transfer
Inverter (ZSI) was introduced into WPT systems to improve the
capability and minimizing the VA (Volt-Ampere) ratings
system performance. The ZSI regulates the input voltage in
WPT systems without Front End Converters and makes the of the system.
inverter bridge immune to Shoot Through (ST) states. This WPT technology deliver power through an
paper includes the design and implementation of an inductive electromagnetic field without any physical connection
power transfer system for wireless charging of future electric
between the transmitter and receiver [1]-[3]. Recent
transportation using Z Source Resonant Converter. In addition,
advancements in this field have led to more stringent
fabrication and control of an efficient series-series resonant
inductive power transfer (SS-RIPT) system for electric vehicle design requirements being proposed and studied by
battery charging application. The results are through researchers, such as efficiency improvement [4]-[8],
simulations and finally, the designed system is implemented coupling variation [9], [10], foreign object detection [11],
experimentally. [12], and output regulation [13]-[15]. Electronic
Keywords - Wireless, Power Transmission, Electric Vehicle,
technology plays a crucial role in these research studies
Charging and spurs WPT technology development. The voltage
source inverter (VSI) is an essential part of a WPT system
I. INTRODUCTION that generates high-frequency ac power for transmission
Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) systems are designed to across a wireless media. Unfortunately, the output voltage
transfer power efficiently from a stationary primary coil to of conventional VSI is always is equal to or lower than the
a stationary or movable secondary coil through an air gap. input voltage, which limits this inverter‘s application in
Contactless means inductive coupling between two objects small-voltage or wide input situations. To address this
through an air gap. The fundamental principle of a WPT barrier, front-end converters, such as boost converter or
system is similar to the closely coupled electrical and buck-boost converter are inserted between a dc source and
electromechanical devices such as transformers and a VSI to boost the dc-rail voltage [16], [17]. However, this
induction motors in which leakage inductance is very low require more space and increase the cost of the system. To
due to high magnetic coupling. But WPT systems are add one additional IGBT/MOSFET one extra heat sink and
operated at a large air gap resulting in high leakage associated drive circuitry is to be accommodated.
inductances and low magnetic coupling. Due to high Considering the incremental cost and design
leakages and low magnetic coupling, WPT systems have complications, the ZSI presents a better alternative to
very poor power transfer efficiency. In order to offset the front-end converters in WPT system.
effect of low magnetic coupling due to high magnetic When compared with a conventional VSI, the ZSI has an
leakages, WPT systems are generally operated at high input diode DS and a Z-source network added between the
frequencies to improve the quality factor of the WPT dc voltage source and the VSI [18]. The Z-source network
transformer. On the other hand, at high frequencies, losses consists of two identical inductors (L1 and L2) and
in the system will be increased due to high switching capacitors (C1 and C2) to boost the output voltage by
losses of the inverter and thereby affecting the overall shorting one or two legs of the rear-end inverter bridge.
power transfer efficiency of the system. To overcome this This is also referred to as the shoot-through (ST) state.
drawback, WPT systems are commonly operated at
resonant frequency by incorporating compensating Guidelines to design Z-source network based on steady
capacitors. Presently, the operational frequency for high state parameters were presented in [19]. Since the network
is connected to a three-phase VSI, the output current of the about 1.5 hrs, to fully charge the battery pack of the
network is regarded as a constant current. Meanwhile, the Chevrolet Volt [16]. Besides this, charging stations are not
current in the network of WPT system is approximately as readily available as fuel stations. These limitations of
sinusoidal over part of one switching period due to a EVs have been termed as 'range anxiety‘ issue for obvious
sinusoidal resonant current. The mathematical analysis in reasons.
[19] is modified when applied to a WPT system. In [20],
The aforementioned limitations of EVs can be overcome
the benefits of a ZSI in resonant converters are analyzed.
by adopting wireless charging technology for EV battery
These benefits include improved robustness and reliability,
charging which provides the following advantages over
buck/boost function, and high efficiency over wide input
conventional wired charging: reasons.
and load ranges.
Range Extension: Wireless charging has the scope for
The ZSN in the proposed ZSRI provides the unique feature
‗opportunity charging‘ i.e. charging the vehicle little and
of inherent power factor correction (PFC) without adding
often during the day when the EV is not in use [17]. For
extra switching devices. It is possible because it adds the
example, in addition for residential garage, public and
unique features of immunity to the H-bridge inverter
private parking areas, the wireless charger can also be
during shoot-through states. This characteristic makes the
installed at: traffic lights; bus stops; high traffic congestion
input current as a sinusoidal waveform and in phase with
area where vehicles are slow moving; and taxis ranks that
the ac input voltage. This variable also provides a boost
move forward as taxis are hired [18]. These opportunity
factor to the system. However, to regulate the output
charging are possible since wireless charging does not
voltage, the proposed ZSN-based inverter uses the active
require human intervention and therefore charging can be
state duty cycle, which is a common control variable used
carried out automatically. This in turn leads to significant
in series resonant inverters. Both control variables are used
improvements in range compared to that available from a
in the series resonant H-bridge inverter and the ZSRI does
single overnight plug-in charge.
not require additional control circuitry to provide power
factor correction. In other words, because of the ZSN, the Safety and Convenience: Wireless charging provides
ZSRI can perform power factor correction as well as dc/ac galvanic isolation between load and source. Therefore it
conversion in single stage. eliminates the disadvantages of plug-in charging
technology such as: risk of electrocution, especially in wet
and hostile environment from aging wiring and bad
The transport sector alone accounts for approximately 23% connections; failure to plug in; trip hazard from a long
of the total energy-related emissions [13]. EVs are seen as connecting wire; poor visual appeal due to hanging cords;
a viable solution to the growing pollution problem. contactor wear caused by excessive use and thermal
However, the major hurdle in the broad acceptance of EVs cycling; and, most importantly, discomfort in handling a
is attributed to their high battery cost and limited driving plug-in charger in a harsh climate that commonly has snow
range. and where the charge point may become frozen onto the
vehicle [14], [19], [20].
The Li-Ion battery is widely used as the primary power
source for the EV's drivetrain due to their high specific Battery Volume Reduction: Due to the scope of
energy (100-265 Wh/kg) and specific power density (250- opportunity charging, charging can take place more
340 W/kg) compared to other battery technology. Despite frequently. Therefore, EVs can travel the same distance
its superior characteristics, it still adds considerable weight with a reduced battery pack [13], [20]. This, in turn, can
and size to the vehicle. For example, Nissan Leaf‘s 24 lower the price of EVs and make them more efficient due
kWh battery pack weighs around 200 kg. In addition to to the reduced weight. Frequent charging also extends the
high weight and size, the estimated cost of the battery pack battery life by reducing the depth of discharge in the
is about US$700/kWh. Therefore, the price of an EV is battery.
almost double that of a gasoline counterpart with nearly
Weather Proof: In a wireless charger, power transfer takes
half of the cost for the battery itself [14].
place due to an electromagnetic link, therefore charging is
The limited driving range is an even greater obstacle to the not affected by the presence of snow, rain, or dust storms.
market penetration of EVs than their higher cost. For Besides, a transmitter is embedded underground, therefore,
example, gasoline vehicles can go over 500 km before is safe from extreme weather condition and requires less
refuelling which takes about 2-3 minutes at a filling station frequent maintenance or replacement than a plug-in
which are located every few kilometers. On the other hand, charger would require.
most EVs can only go about 100-200 km before
In 2010 the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
recharging, and take a long charging time [15]. For
assembled an international committee, known as
example, Level 2 charging circuit of 9.6 kW power takes
SAEJ2954, to develop a working industry standard that
Zero State: During the zero state‘s time interval, two
horizontal switches are ON. The ZSN is isolated from the
load. The load current is freewheeling and the ZSN
inductors charge the ZSN capacitors. The ZSN inductors
voltage for this time interval is given as,
These three states are all the possible states in ZSRC. Fig.4. Block Diagram
Different allocation of these three states along one The figure 4.1 gives the block of the Wireless power
switching period would generate different load regulation transfer for EV charging with high power transfer
characteristic. capability. There are mainly four blocks in the system, the
power supply, Diode Bridge, converter block and the
Wireless network. at first ac voltage Vac (phase voltage) is
rectified into DC voltage Vdc by a diode bridge rectifier.
This DC link voltage serves as the DC input voltage to the
Z-source network. The DC output voltage of the Z source
network is converted into a high frequency single phase ac
voltage by an MOSFETs-based full-bridge resonant
inverter for WPT system.
The Microcontroller block that sends corresponding pulses
that varies the output accordingly at the converter stage.
The voltage pulses send by the microcontroller might not
be large enough to drive the MOSFETs in the converter
stage, so these pulses are fed to the MOSFET driver stage
where the signals will be amplified enough to drive the
MOSFET in the converter stage.
In the proposed system we use ATMEGA 328 as the
microcontroller. Its operating voltage range is 2.5V-5.5V.
The MOSFET used in converter section is the IRFP250N.
In the MOSFET driver stage opto coupler is used. The
opto coupler which is used here is TLP250H.
Fig.3. Time domain waveforms for phase shift control in According to the placement of the compensation capacitors
ZSRC on the primary and secondary sides, there are four basic
VII. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION system with the insertion of shoot-through modes of the Z-
source inverter have been investigated. In simulation, ideal
The main circuit diagram consists of four sections,
MOSFETs and diodes were used. The output voltage of 27
converter section, control section, driver section and power
V and output current of 0.9 A, i.e output of 23.5 W is
circuit. The converter section consists of four IRFP460N
obtained for the coupling coefficient k of 0.2. In the
MOSFETs. Even if there is any fluctuations in the input
experiment, an output current of 0.9 A, and output voltage
the output will be maintained constant by the program
of 16 V was obtained. The slight difference between the
stored in the microcontroller. Microcontroller sends the
simulation and experimental results is due to the following
corresponding signals, which will be too feable to drive the
reasons: Core losses, simulation-ideal diode and MOSFET
MOSFET switches, so a driver circuit consisting of
switches were used. Nevertheless, in both the simulation
TLP250 Driver are used which boosts the amplitude of the
and experiment, the results obtained are very close to the
signals enough to drive the switches.
analytical design value. This, in turn, validates the
designed parameters.
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Athira Rajan has received her Bachelor of Technology
degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from
University of Calicut, in the year 2017. And she completed
her M.Tech with the specialization of Power Electronics
from NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad. Her area of