Dynamic Wireless Charging For Electric Vehicles
Dynamic Wireless Charging For Electric Vehicles
Dynamic Wireless Charging For Electric Vehicles
ISSN 2249-3352 (P) 2278-0505 (E)
Cosmos Impact Factor-5.86
Abstract-- Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) charging system Inductive Wireless Power Transfer (IWPT) and
for electric vehicles (EVs) is a promising technology that MATLAB/Simulink software.
eliminate the need for physical cables offering a more I. INTRODUCTION
convenient and user-friendly charging experience. This
Large scale deployment of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)
provides an overview of the benefits of wireless charging,
based vehicles in transport system lead to the release of harmful
including reduced wear and tear on charging equipment,
fumes into an atmosphere lead to global warming and climate
enhanced user convenience, reduced infrastructure maintenance
change, which is main concern of global community.
costs and enhanced safety and the potential for autonomous
Therefore, to lessen dependence on fossil fuel-based energy
charging in the future. The techniques developed for EV
sources and to reduce its harmful impacts on the atmosphere,
dynamic charging includes inductive coupling and magnetic
there is a need for alternative solutions such as EVs charged on
resonance coupling. However, Inductive Wireless Power
renewable energy sources. Normally, batteries have low energy
Transfer technology (IWPT) faces the challenge of poor power
density, makes them weighty, costly, bulky. In addition, slow
transfer efficiency which can leads to high power consumption,
in charging and provides shorter lifetime. Now a days lithium-
and limited to shorter distances. The analysis of power
ion batteries are mostly used in EVs. Battery capacity restricts
consumption and power transfer efficiency with different
the cruise range. Adding the batteries will increase the cruise
frequencies are performed by using Magnetic resonance
range, which further increase the weight and cost of the vehicle.
coupling technique. The results are analysed with the aid of
Some authors presented fast battery charging methods to
simulation in MATLAB/Simulink software.
minimize the full charging time less than 30 min. However,
Keywords: Electric Vehicles (EVs), Wireless Power Transfer available fast charging systems are costly and complex in
(WPT), Dynamic charging, Magnetic resonance coupling, control. Still, the charging time of battery more than time that
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needs to refuel a car based on fossil fuel. Another solution system. Another concern with WPT is its leakage EMF
proposed is based on the use of “swapping stations,” where the radiation at higher frequencies. This radiation is restricted by
depleted EV batteries are exchanged with fully charged using proper shielding to make it safer [1].
batteries. For the development of EVs, charging systems are
Secondary Side (Vehicle Side)
playing the main role. The currently available technology for
Battery Conv- Sec.
EV battery charging consists of plug-in charging (conductive Pack -erter Comp.
Secondary coil
charging or wired charging) and Wireless charging
EVDS Primary
(contactless) methods. Plug-in charging system further
classified in to Off-Board and On-Board chargers based on EVDS Secondary Primary coils
controlled full-bridge inverter, and a properly selected When coil vibrates the surrounding coil having the same
compensation tank. On the secondary side, there is another natural frequency is excited thereby producing energy for
compensation tank, which is connected to the secondary coil. charging the electric vehicle. Advantages: High frequency,
These tanks supply the reactive power for the coils inductances High power and longer charging distance. The main
and filter harmonics injected by the inverter or the rectifier disadvantage is its big size Magnetic resonance wireless
units. High-frequency AC power at the secondary side is power transfer occurs at the point where the transmitter and
rectified and then through a buck or boost converter delivered the receiver coil are in resonance. This resonance can be
to the vehicle battery. In order to detect the position of a subdivided into two; the first is self-resonance that is
moving EV, some form of EV Detection System (EVDS) is controlled by the self-inductance and self-capacitance of the
typically applied. Primary coils are energized consecutively coils and the second is external and excited resonance which
based on the position of the moving vehicle. In other words, is controlled by the self-inductance and the installed
only the coil that has the EV’s receiving pad over it will be capacitance of the coil [4].
connected to the primary compensation tank and energized [2]. First, The WPT system consists of the sum of
magnetically coupled primary and secondary coil, associated
II. PROPOSED SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE with a power electronic device such as an inverter, a rectifier
and a Bi-directional DC-DC converter associated with their
A typical wireless EV power charging system is studied and control. Resonance operation on the WPT system is employed
shown in Fig. 1. It is mainly composed of three stages: to boost up the energy transferred between primary and
Firstly, DC power is converted to high frequency AC power to secondary coil. For an efficient operating system, a typical
drive the transmitting coil through a compensation network. switching frequency is requested.
Secondly, the primary and the secondary coil, the high The inverter used in DWPT systems operates at the resonant
frequency current in the primary side coil generates an frequency of the primary coil and is typically chosen to be in
alternating magnetic field, which induces an AC voltage on the region of 20 kHz to generate a strong electromagnetic field
the receiving coil. By resonating with the secondary and maximize system efficiency. It converts the DC power to
compensation network, the transferred power and efficiency 20 kHz high frequency. In a resonant converter, a switched
are significantly improved. At last, the AC power obtained is voltage is input to a resonant tank, exciting a sinusoidal current.
rectified to charge the battery, and in order to improve the This current either lags or leads the input voltage, causing the
efficiency of the WTC magnetic resonant coupling, a DC/DC semiconductor switches to turn on or off at zero voltage or zero
converter on the secondary side must be connected [3]. current, respectively, so there is very little switching loss. Since
Magnetic resonance makes use of the principle of a vibrating loss tends to scale with switching frequency in hard switched
turning fork which is an application of the sound resonance.
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capacity transferred between the two sides of the coupler. The generation are situated near highways, with no interconnection
magnetic structures are used to enhance coupling, reduce flux to the grids of neighbouring territories. The distribution
leakage and shape the magnetic field (Fig. 5). In the dynamic network is used to supply power to the DWPT model at 1200
charging, the mutual inductance of the primary and secondary V, 800 A using a 50MW substation.
coils will change, which will cause a fluctuation of the 2) Single Phase Inverter: The inverter used in DWPT systems
magnetic flux. Several studies using different approach are operates at the resonant frequency of the primary coil and is
carried out to offer the optimal design of the coupler typically chosen to be in the region of 20 kHz to generate a
respecting the functional requirement [3]. strong electromagnetic field and maximize system efficiency.
It converts the DC power to 20 kHz high frequency at 1100 V
800 A.
3) Primary Compensation: The primary compensation ensures
that the primary coil is tuned to the resonant frequency of the
secondary coil by varying the capacitance of the circuit with
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the series-series (SS) high frequency resonant topology being C. Electric Vehicle
most suitable. 1) Secondary Coil: The secondary coil is a discrete inductive
B. In-Road coupler or power pad mounted on the EV chassis.
The three main primary coil loop configurations employed in 2) Secondary Compensation: Similar to the primary
DWPT for EV charging are described below. compensation, the secondary compensation ensures that the
1) Long Loop: The long loop power track allows power to be secondary coil is tuned to the resonant frequency of the primary
supplied with minimum use of inverters and sensors. It has a coil.
typical coupling coefficient of approximately 0.0175 when a 3) Single Phase Rectifier: The single-phase bridge rectifier
single pickup coil is over the primary track. Unlike the spaced allows the single-phase AC from the pick-up coil to flow
and sectional loops, however, it allows multiple EVs to be through the diode bridge producing a DC output.
charged simultaneously from the same primary coil and as such 4) Bidirectional DC-DC Converter: Bidirectional DC to DC
it is characterized by a coil to coil efficiency of 2.23%, 4.46% converters play a key role in dynamic wireless charging for the
and 8.91% for the low, medium and high EV densities electric vehicles (EVs) by facilitating vehicle-to-grid (V2G)
respectively. Due to the short 1 m gap between adjacent loops, and grid-to-vehicle (G2V) energy exchange. These converters
it allows for a road coverage (length of roadway covered per enable seamless bi-directional power flow between the EV's
unit length of installed DWPT infrastructure) of 99.2%. battery and the charging infrastructure, allowing the vehicle to
2) Sectional Loop: The sectional loop, unlike the long loop both receive power during charging and feed excess energy
requires a relatively large number of inverters and sensors and back into the grid when needed. This bidirectional capability
supplies only one vehicle at any point in time resulting in a enhances grid stability, supports renewable energy integration,
predictably higher coupling coefficient of approximately 0.152 and enables EVs to serve as flexible energy resources,
with a road coverage of 92.6%. This configuration is contributing to a more efficient and sustainable energy
characterized by a coil-to-coil efficiency of 45.4%. ecosystem.
3) Spaced Loop: The spaced loop builds on the advantages (in 5) BMS: The BMS regulates power flow to and between the
terms of coupling) and complexities (in terms of inverters and battery and motor. It also ensures that regenerative braking and
vehicle detection sensors) of the sectional loop leading to a DWPT cannot occur simultaneously since this can adversely
predictably higher coupling coefficient than both the long loop affect the battery due to the presence of two different sources
and sectional loop with a value of approximately 0.301 and a of energy which are likely to be at different voltage and current
road coverage of 33.33%. This configuration is characterized levels.
by a coil-to-coil efficiency of 53.4%. 6) EV Battery: The output power of the boost converter
(described in the DWPT Input section) flows to the 400 V 20
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kWh lithium-ion battery (average EV battery capacity) active segment. This ensures efficient energy use and avoids
allowing charging and/or directly feeding the motor to provide overloading the system.
traction power. The battery SOC and resulting change in 3. Safety Management: The CCU monitors system parameters
capacity from charging or discharging [5]. like voltage, current, and temperature to identify potential
safety hazards. It can initiate corrective actions such as power
reduction or system shutdown in case of anomalies.
Key Components
1. Roadside Power Transmission Units (PTUs): Each segment B. Mid-Level Control (Roadside Power Transmission Units):
of the embedded coil network connects to a dedicated PTU. 1. Phase Synchronization: Each PTU synchronizes its AC
These units house power electronics components responsible output with neighbouring units to create a continuous magnetic
for generating the high-frequency AC current that excites the field along the road segment. This ensures efficient power
coils and regulates power flow. transfer to the moving EV.
2. Vehicle-Side Power Receiving Unit (PRU): The EV carries a 2. Frequency Tuning: PTUs can dynamically adjust the
PRU equipped with a receiving coil that couples with the operating frequency based on vehicle speed and coil
energized road segments. The PRU converts the received AC misalignment. This helps maintain optimal coupling between
power to DC to charge the vehicle's battery. the road and vehicle coils, minimizing energy losses.
3. Central Control Unit (CCU): A central control unit oversees 3. Foreign Object Detection: PTUs use embedded sensors or
the entire system operation. It communicates with roadside image recognition to detect foreign objects on the charging
PTUs and the vehicle-side PRU, coordinating power transfer surface. The CCU is alerted if a potential safety hazard is
and optimizing system performance. The proposed control identified, allowing for appropriate action.
algorithm operates in a hierarchical manner, encompassing
C. Low-Level Control (Vehicle-Side Power Receiving Unit):
three levels:
1. Impedance Matching: The PRU dynamically adjusts its
A. High-Level Control (Central Control Unit): internal impedance to match the impedance of the energized
1. Traffic Monitoring: The CCU gathers real-time traffic data to road segment. This maximizes power transfer efficiency by
predict vehicle location and speed. This data can be obtained minimizing reflected energy.
from embedded road sensors or vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) 2. Power Regulation: The PRU regulates the received AC
communication. power to convert it to DC at a voltage suitable for charging the
2. Power Allocation: Based on traffic information and EV battery. This ensures efficient energy use and prevents
individual EV battery needs, the CCU allocates power to each battery damage.
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3. Communication with CCU: The PRU maintains changing conditions. Factors like varying traffic flow, vehicle
communication with the CCU, providing real-time data on speed, and misalignment between the vehicle and charging coils
battery state-of-charge, power consumption, and any potential can be accounted for, ensuring efficient energy delivery.
faults. 2. Multi-Objective Capability: DWPT control needs to balance
multiple objectives like maximizing energy transfer efficiency,
D. Communication Protocols
maintaining safety, and optimizing power allocation among
Secure and reliable communication protocols are essential for
multiple EVs. MPC's ability to handle these competing
the control algorithm's functionality. V2I communication
objectives simultaneously makes it well-suited for this complex
allows for data exchange between the CCU, PTUs, and the
PRU. This includes traffic data, power allocation information,
3. Adaptability to Uncertainties: Real-world conditions in
system status updates, and safety alerts. Standardized protocols
DWPT systems are inherently uncertain. Unexpected events
like IEEE 802.11p (WAVE) can be utilized to ensure
like foreign object detection or sudden changes in traffic flow
interoperability and efficient data exchange.
can occur. MPC's predictive nature allows it to adapt control
E. Algorithm Implementation strategies on the fly, mitigating the impact of these uncertainties
The proposed control algorithm can be implemented using and maintaining system performance.
1. Model Predictive Control (MPC): This technique utilizes a transfer based on real-time data, MPC can minimize energy
dynamic model of the DWPT system to predict future losses throughout the system. This translates to a more efficient
behaviour and optimize power transfer in real-time. use of available power, ultimately extending the driving range
2. Fuzzy Logic Control: This approach leverages human Fig. 3 Simulation of proposed system
expertise to design control rules that account for complex of EVs.
system dynamics and uncertainties. 5. Enhanced Safety: MPC can incorporate safety constraints
3.Neural Network Control: Machine learning algorithms can be into its control strategy. It can monitor system parameters like
employed to learn optimal control strategies based on training voltage, current, and temperature, and predict potential safety
data collected from system operation. hazards. Based on these predictions, it can take corrective
actions such as reducing power transfer or shutting down the
The Model Predictive Control (MPC) is performed due to system if necessary.
several advantages: 6. Scalability: As DWPT systems expand, the control algorithm
1. Real-Time Optimization: MPC utilizes a dynamic model of needs to be scalable to handle a larger number of EVs and also
the DWPT system to predict future behaviour. This allows it to
optimize power transfer in real-time based on constantly
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for charging segments. MPC's ability to handle complex models voltage is kept 1100v. The various parameters Battery Voltage
makes it suitable for large-scale deployments. (Vb), Current (Ib) and State Of Charge (SOC) are shown in
Fig.4 and Fig.5 respectively.
In this study the Dynamic Wireless Charger for EV is designed
in MATLAB Simulink environment. The proposed WPT
dynamic charging system is based on an optimal designed,
power electronic converters and a magnetic coupler. The whole
system is designed for a low transferred power and for an air
gap considered of 15 cm. The mechanic and thermal behaviour
of the coupler will be taken into account in the design process,
since the shape result obtained, the electromagnetic inference
will be treated by using solutions to reduce the electromagnetic Fig. 4. Battery Voltage and Current waveform.
maglev (magnetic levitation) trains. By integrating DWC Dynamic wireless charging (DWC) technology can be
technology into the road infrastructure and equipping EVs with integrated into Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication
receiving coils, electromagnetic induction can propel vehicles systems, enabling electric vehicles (EVs) to wirelessly
forward without the need for traditional electric motors. This exchange data with surrounding infrastructure and other
setup simplifies vehicle design, reduces mechanical vehicles. By incorporating DWC capabilities, EVs can not only
complexity, and enables continuous charging while in motion, receive power while in motion but also communicate with
akin to the frictionless propulsion of maglev trains. It offers traffic signals, road signs, and other vehicles to optimize
potential advantages such as streamlined vehicle designs, driving routes, enhance safety, and improve traffic flow. This
improved efficiency, and enhanced passenger comfort. integration of DWC with V2X technology offers potential
However, challenges remain in optimizing power transfer benefits such as increased energy efficiency, reduced
efficiency and ensuring compatibility with different vehicle congestion, and enhanced overall mobility experiences.
designs and safety standards.
3. Accident prevention:
Dynamic wireless charging (DWC) technology can serve as a
means of accident prevention for future road structures through
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the use of electromagnetic fields. By embedding transmitting grid integration enables vehicles to store excess renewable
coils beneath the road surface and equipping vehicles with energy. The system doubles as a propulsion method,
eliminating the need for internal combustion engines or electric
receiving coils, DWC systems can create electromagnetic
fields that help guide and stabilize vehicles. These fields could
potentially assist in maintaining safe distances between REFERENCES
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combining power transfer and communication capabilities,
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paving the way for seamless integration of EVs into smart
IEEE Senior Member. Department of Electrical and Computer
transportation networks.
Engineering, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA,