Glossary of Command Terms
Glossary of Command Terms
Glossary of Command Terms
Assessment Objective 1
Define Give the precise meaning of a word, phrase, concept or physical quantity
State Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or
Assessment Objective 2
Calculate Obtain a numerical answer showing the relevant stages in the working
(unless instructed not to do so)
Distinguish Make clear the differences between two or more concepts or items
Assessment Object 3
Analyze Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure
Compare Give an account of the similarities between two (or more) items or situations,
referring to both (all) of them throughout
Compare and Give an account of similarities and differences between two (or more) items
Contrast or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout
Discuss Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments,
factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly
and supported by appropriate evidence