Pamplet - Endemic Flowering Plants of Eastern Ghats, India

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Ophiorrhiza chandrasekharanii Pimpinella tirupatiensis

Croton scabiosus Decalepis hamiltonii

Rhynchosia beddomei

Dipcadi montanum var. madrasicum Drimia nagarjunae

Pterocarpus santalinus

Eriolaena lushingtonii Habenaria panigrahiana Themeda odishae

Cover page photo legends

1. Argyreia cuneata
1 2 2. Strobilanthes kunthiana
3. Ceropegia spiralis
3 4
4. Shorea tumbuggaia
5 6 5. Dendrobium aqueum
Syzygium alternifolium 6. Barleria stocksii

Enquiries EI-Division, MoEF & CC, New Delhi

Scientist-in-Charge Dr. Anandi Subramanian, Sr. Econ. Advisor
ENVIS Resource Partner on Biodiversity Sri Yashvir Singh, Econ. Advisor
Hildegardia populifolia
Botanical Survey of India
CNH Building, Botanic Garden
Howrah – 711 103 Dr. P. Singh, Director, BSI
West Bengal. Dr. V. Sampath Kumar, Scientist-in-Charge
Phone: 033 2668 0667 Dr. S. Gantait, Programme Officer
Fax: 033 2668 6226 Sri T. Chakrabortty , Information Officer
E-mail: Sri S. Nandi, IT officer ENVIS Resource Partner on Biodiversity © BSI ENVIS 2018 Botanical Survey of India
Text and Photos: Dr. K. Prasad, AJCBPDF, Botanical Survey of India, Howrah
Maerua apetala Oberonia brunoniana http:\\
Eastern Ghats, the broken hill ranges lying on the eastern side of the Deccan Plateau of (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae), Hildegardia populifolia Schott & Endl. (Malvaceae),
Peninsular India, located between 11030'–220 N and 76050'–86030' E in a north-east to Homonoia intermedia Haines (Euphorbiaceae), Kalanchoe cherukondensis Subba Rao & Kumari
south-west strike, covers an area of about 75,000 km2 with an average width of 200 km in (Crassulaceae), Lasiococca comberi Haines (Euphorbiaceae), Maerua apetala (Spreng.) M.
the north and 100 km in the south. It extends over a length of 1750 km between the rivers Jacobs (Capparaceae), Ophiorrhiza chandrasekharanii Subba Rao & Kumari (Rubiaceae), Oryza
Mahanadi (in Odisha) and Vaigai (in Tamil Nadu) along the east coast. Geographers jeyporensis Govindasw. & K.H. Krishnam. (Poaceae), Pimpinella tirupatiensis N.P. Balakr. &
consider the Similipal massif lying to the north-west of the Khondmal hills in the Phulbani Subram. (Apiaceae), Pterocarpus santalinus L.f. (Leguminosae: Faboideae), Rhynchosia
district of Odisha as the northern starting point of Eastern Ghats. Towards the south, the beddomei Baker (Leguminosae: Faboideae), Rhynchosia heynei Wight & Arn. (Leguminosae:
Eastern Ghats runs in a westward direction meeting the Western Ghats in Nilgiris, Tamil Faboideae), Shorea tumbuggaia Roxb. (Dipterocarpaceae), Syzygium alternifolium (Wight)
Nadu. Walp. (Myrtaceae), Tephrosia calophylla Bedd. (Leguminosae: Faboideae), Terminalia pallida
Brandis (Combretaceae), T. paniculata Roth (Combretaceae), Themeda mooneyi Bor
Eastern Ghats spreads over states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Odisha, Tamil Nadu and
(Poaceae) and Wendlandia gamblei Cowan (Rubiaceae).
Telangana. The region has a most humid tropical monsoon climate, characterized by Andrographis beddomei Andrographis glandulosa
moderate to high year-round temperatures/seasonal heavy rainfall. The tropical climate is After the establishment of Deccan Regional Centre of Botanical Survey of India, major
experienced in a strip of northern Eastern Ghats of Odisha and the tropical wet and dry portion of the Eastern Ghats (Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Telangana) is under the
climate, drier than areas with a tropical monsoon climate prevails over most of the parts jurisdiction of this regional centre. During this decade, a number of new taxa have been
except for a semi-arid rain shadow region to its south. Winter and early summer with described from the Eastern Ghats, which include Brachystelma penchalakonense Rasingam &
minimum temperature above 18°C, summer is exceedingly hot with temperatures al. (2013), Tripogon tirumalae Chorghe & al. (2013), Glochidion tirupathiense Rasingam & al.
exceeding 45°C and rainy season from June to September with annual rainfall averaging (2014), Rhynchosia ravii K. Prasad & A. Narayana Swamy (2014), Tripogon mahendragiriensis
from 16 to 60 cm across the region. During the rainy season relative humidity is quite high Chorghe & al. (2015), Brachystelma annamacharyae K. Prasad & al. (2016), B.
(70–80%). The soil types found in the Eastern Ghats are black, red and alluvial. seshachalamense K. Prasad & Prasanna (2016), Euphorbia seshachalamensis K. Prasad &
Prasanna (2016), Glochidion talakonense M. Sankara Rao & al. (2016), Themeda odishae
As per Champion & Seth (1968) classification nine different forest types are met within the Chorghe & al. (2016), Brachystelma mahendragiriense K. Prasad (2017) and Dimeria connivens
Eastern Ghats, namely Evergreen Forests, Tropical Semi-evergreen Forests, Tropical Moist Hack. var. roxburghiana K.C. Mohan & Prasanna (2017).
Deciduous forests (Northern Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests (Sal Forests), Southern
Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests (non-Sal forests), Southern Tropical Moist Deciduous Threats: The biodiversity, especially the plant diversity in the Eastern Ghats is under
Argyreia cuneata Brachystelma ciliatum
Riverine Forests), Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests, Northern Mixed Dry various anthropogenic pressures. The region also exhibits a range of negative consequences
Deciduous Forests, Dry Savannah forests, Tropical Thorn (Scrub) Forests and Tropical Dry due to various natural disasters such as unusual heavy rainfalls, extreme temperature,
Evergreen Forests. change in edaphic environments, natural competition between native and invasive species,
lack of pollination due to absence of pollinators or amicable environmental conditions,
Phytogeographically, the Eastern Ghats is treated as a part of Deccan Province. Eastern consequently no seed formation and low level natural regeneration in plants.
Ghats is rich in plant diversity due to geographic factors, high seasonality and variations in Anthropogenic activities such as encroachment of forest lands for agricultural and various
elevation. This hill range is home for wide array of flowering plants; there are over 4000 developmental activities, mining, artificial forest fires, grazing, tourism, illegal trade of
flowering plant species (Krishnamurthy & al., 2014). A total of 166 flowering plant taxa are economically and medicinally important plants, especially red sanders and medicinal plants
exclusively endemic to the Eastern Ghats (Singh & al., 2015). Some of the well-known and overexploitation of biological resources lead to destruction and fragmentation of
endemic species found in this hill ranges are: Acacia donaldii Haines (Leguminosae: natural habitats in the region.
Mimosoideae), Albizia thompsonii Brandis (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae), Argyreia arakuensis Conservation: Due to various anthropogenic activities there is considerable reduction in
N.P. Balakr. (Convolvulaceae), Boswellia ovalifoliolata N.P. Balakr. & A.N. Henry the area of occupancy and extend of occurrence of many endemic species in the region.
(Burseraceae), Brachystelma brevitubulatum Gamble (Apocynaceae), B. glabrum Hook.f. The centres of endemism in the Eastern Ghats deserve immediate action for effective
(Apocynaceae), Ceropegia spiralis Wight (Apocynaceae), Croton scabiosus Bedd. Byttneria herbacea Caralluma diffusa
conservation of endemic species. For their long term survival, they need to be conserved
(Euphorbiaceae), Decalepis hamiltonii Wight & Arn. (Apocynaceae), Decaschistia through "in situ" and "ex situ" conservation strategies. Protection of the natural habitats is
cuddapahensis T.K. Paul & M.P. Nayar (Malvaceae), Dimeria mahendragiriensis Ravi & al. the first line of defense for protection of endemic species effectively. There should strict
(Poaceae), D. orissae Bor (Poaceae), Dimorphocalyx kurnoolensis R. Venkatar. & Pull. and complete ban on encroachment of forest lands. Accidental or intentional introduction
(Euphorbiaceae), Drimia nagarjunae (Hemadri & Swahari) Anand Kumar (Asparagaceae), Eria of invasive alien species in the forests should be carefully monitored. The State Forest
meghasaniensis (S. Misra) S. Misra (Orchidaceae), Eriocaulon echinulatum Mart. Departments should create awareness by educating the local communities about the
(Eriocaulaceae), Eriolaena lushingtonii Dunn (Malvaceae), Glochidion tomentosum Dalzell importance of conserving forests and environment and sustainable utilization of biological
(Euphorbiaceae), Habenaria panigrahiana S. Misra (Orchidaceae), Hardwickia binata Roxb. resources for posterity and involve them in conservation activities.

Caralluma stalagmifera Ceropegia juncea

Veligonda Hills, Andhra Pradesh Nallamala Hills, Telangana part Ceropegia spiralis Cleome felina

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