This angel report will guide you into discovering more about Archangel Michael, and
how he can lead you to the path of your life purpose, soul mission, and infinite
abundance. Abundance, for this matter, is not just about financial or material prosperity,
but abundance in all aspects.
Archangel Michael will revolutionize your relationship with yourself and others. He will
lead you every step of the way to transform your life inside and out. He is an angel of
tremendous light that will shower prosperity in every aspect of your life. Take Archangel
Michael’s hand now as he shows you the path to live a life of miracles and bliss.
A Background on Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael has a great impact in human history and religion. He is the only
angel mentioned by name in all the sacred texts of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In
all those faiths, Michael is revered as the leading angel who fights evil with the Divine
power of God.
Michael’s name means “Who is Like God” as he defends God’s rulership and
overcomes the darkness of this world. He is also the Chief of Angels and commands an
angelic army. He serves the first ray of protection, faith, and the will of God.
Archangel Michael has four main responsibilities. These include to combat Satan, to
escort the faithful to heaven, to be a champion of all those who love God, and to call
men from life on Earth to their heavenly judgment. Michael is mentioned in the Book of
Revelation, where Michael and his army of angels battle the dragon in the most crucial
point of human history. He is the Defender of Faith and the Angel of Deliverance.
Michael is the patron of soldiers, police and doctors. He is the sponsor of police
departments and law enforcement agencies around the world.
Archangel Michael and his legions of angels descend everyday into the astral plane in
their mighty blue armor and carrying shields and swords of blue flame. They cut free
those who have passed from the screen of life for them to rise to the higher octaves of
service and the retreats of ascended masters.
What’s so incredible about Archangel Michael is that he works tirelessly with the angels
to rescue souls from the accumulation of their own human karma for centuries. Michael
will never give up until the last person has risen to the God Source in the process of
What Archangel Michael Has To Say About You
You are blessed to have Archangel Michael as your guardian angel as he is the epitome
of strength. He protects and defends people who love God. He is particularly concerned
about justice and truth. Michael communicates in a bold manner with people whom he
helps and guides.
Archangel Michael is connected to you becoming the ultimate nurturer. You are a
beacon of truth, justice, righteousness and domesticity. You have paternal or maternal
instincts. You are a sympathetic and kind person, while being generous with personal
and material resources. Wisdom, balance and understanding are the cornerstones of
your life.
You can always call upon Archangel Michael to help you with daily duties,
responsibilities, and career success. He will clear negative energies, shower light upon
your home, and protect you while traveling.
You have it in you to be highly successful in romance and relationships. You have an
intuitive sense of what other people want in a relationship and how to make them
happy. The other archangels such as Ariel, Haniel, Raguel, Uriel, Jeremiel, Raziel,
Raphael and Jophiel are proud of you because the people whom they guide are
compatible with you.
You are a caretaker at heart, and you give your partner an incredible sense of safety
and comfort. However, Archangel Michael wants you to know that you don’t have to
carry all the burden of a relationship by yourself. You don’t have to rescue your loved
ones all the time. You also have to take care of yourself first before you can save
anyone else. You have to be careful in committing to someone who will resist all your
efforts, because it may take a toll on your mental health. Archangel Michael asks that
you seek him out in guidance with your relationships.
You are a natural for leadership roles, just like how your guardian angel is the Leader of
all angels. Your compassion makes you a leader whom everyone admires. You know
what people are thinking and feeling, which is why you can easily empathize with their
You are also good at motivating people, and your management will make a job or
business successful. You make people feel safe and have a lot of confidence in you.
Never fear if people underestimate you. With Archangel Michael’s guidance, you will
have the strength to face high-impact projects which will prove to anyone that you are a
valuable asset. Don’t let your self-sacrificing tendencies hinder you from achieving what
you want. If you want to ask for more, such as a salary raise, let your boss know.
Michael will help you ask for what you want without feeling guilty.
You have to actively cultivate the light and joy within you to fully receive the great
abundance of the universe. Archangel Michael will help you in this path of prosperity.
Seek him out in evaluating what you should do in all aspects of your life. You have an
incredible potential within you, and you shouldn’t waste it in this lifetime. The world is
blessed to have you, and you shouldn’t fear in shining your light for others.
Archangel Michael wants to tell you that you should never think that you are unworthy of
happiness. God and the angels always want what’s best for everyone, and they want
you to be joyful in this life. If you embody your happiness that comes from within, you’ll
be able to help more people. You have to seek out what’s best for you as well before
you can authentically be of service to the world.
You can find fulfilment by bringing a sense of creativity to all of your pursuits. As you
allow God and the angels to pour out their positive light to all that you do, you can live
an exemplary life that is truly rewarding and blissful.
Archangel Michael’s Guidance to Manifest Your
The abundance of the universe is infinite. There’s so much to go around for everyone.
Remember this and always be in the mindset of abundance and never of lack.
The first step towards experiencing the great abundance of the universe is to be present
in the moment and expressing gratitude. Even if you have so many troubles and feel so
much lack, take note of the things that you appreciate in life. You can write them down
to guide your thoughts. Just feel the flow of gratitude from within. You can write the
things you’re grateful for at the start or end of the day. Even as little as three to five
things you’re grateful for is fine. It is highly recommended that you list 11 things you’re
thankful for everyday.
Do this for 21 days and see your life change for the better - it’s as simple as that. This is
because you have shifted your mindset to look at how abundant you really are.
Abundance starts with the mind, and heaven is a mindset. Why focus on the negatives
in life when there’s so much positive and good in the world? Even the most pessimistic
person changes when they do 21 days of gratitude.
So try it out and see for yourself. List down things you’re grateful for everyday for 21
days. If you miss a day, start with Day 1 again. It will take 21 days straight for the magic
in your life to happen.
During the 21 days of practicing gratitude, your energy starts to shift. You will feel
grateful for many things in life that you would have usually ignored or neglected. The
universe then gives more of what you want. You start to work on a frequency that
attracts everything you want in life.
Maintain this positive vibration by thinking good thoughts, transmuting the negative into
positive, and seeing that everything happens for a reason. You don’t have to think
positive thoughts 100% of the time, but you have to recognize negative thoughts and let
them go instantly. You can find a reason why bad things happened, and they all lead to
our transformation as a whole. You can even find humor in the little circumstances that
happened during the day, and transmute them into something positive.
It all starts with being grateful, and being mindful of the little and big things. Never forget
that you are one with everyone and everything, and all of creation lies within you as
Let this affirmations be your stepping stones towards living a life of gratitude,
mindfulness and abundance. You don’t have to memorize everything word per word.
Say these affirmations as you remember them, and you can even come up with your
own as a devotion to God, Archangel Michael and all the Divine Light Beings.
“God and Archangel Michael, thank you for guiding me, helping me, and blessing me
with all the good things in life.”
“I see things happening for a reason. Archangel Michael, please help me shift my
thoughts and feelings for gratitude.”
“Archangel Michael, guide me all throughout the day to fulfill my purpose in life.”
Special Prayers to Archangel Michael
When praying to Archangel Michael, you can light a blue candle as a devotion to him.
Here are special prayers you can say whenever you need Archangel Michael’s light to
flow through you.
Seek out Archangel Michael when it comes to clearing and balancing your throat
chakra. You may do this simple ritual as a meditation and clearing session with Michael.
1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. It’s best that you do this at the start or
end of the day.
2. Take deep breaths - inhale and exhale. With every inhale, visualize the flow of air
into your body, and the outflow of air with every exhale.
3. Imagine a red ball of light clearing your root chakra - the base of your spine.
4. Then move on to your sacral chakra, which is below the navel. Visualize a ball of
orange light clearing your sacral chakra.
5. Next is to imagine a yellow ball of light clearing your solar plexus chakra, which is
at your upper abdomen.
6. Moving on to your heart chakra, imagine a green ball of light clearing this area.
7. Now we come to the throat chakra. Imagine a ball of blue light clearing the
energy in your throat area.
With every inhale, imagine this blue light getting brighter. With every exhale,
imagine all blockages or impurities flowing away.
8. Next is to imagine a ball of indigo light clearing your third eye chakra.
9. Now we move to your crown chakra, which is on top of your head. Imagine a
river of white light coming through your crown chakra and lighting up every
chakra in your body.
With every inhale, imagine this incredible white light nourishing every cell in your
With every exhale, imagine the light dissolving any impurities away.
Continue your visualization and breathing meditation until you feel light and
energized. After this session, give thanks to God, Archangel Michael, and all the
Divine Light Beings for healing and helping you.
You can say a little prayer such as “Archangel Michael, thank you for pouring out
your light and helping me experience your Divine presence.”
Signs of Archangel Michael’s Presence
There have been many reported cases of Archangel Michael protecting and saving
people from dangerous situations. Michael has a compelling presence that makes his
miracles leave a deep impression on people. Here’s how you’ll know that you’ve been
guided and helped by Archangel Michael.
God often sends Archangel Micahel when people are facing urgent crisis. Call upon him
when there’s an emergency and you need help immediately. No matter what protection
or support you need, Michael is always willing and ready to help you. He will give you
the necessary strength and courage to face problems, no matter how big or small it is.
You may see Michael’s angelic aura or hear his voice during a crisis. Michael’s aura can
be seen as royal purple, or as bright as cobalt blue. People have reported in seeing
Michael’s blue light in a crisis, and heard his voice loudly and clearly without knowing
where it comes from.
Michael will let you know of his presence very clearly. His way of communicating is
powerful, and you’ll sense his strong guidance in your mind or through a gut feeling.
Michael may visit you when you need encouragement to make important decisions. He
will reassure you that God and His Divine Light Beings are watching you and supporting
you all throughout your path.
He is particularly concerned with truth, integrity, strength, courage and protection. If you
have difficulty overcoming situations within these areas, call upon Michael to help you. If
Michael comes close to you, you will get a clear picture of him in your mind. You’ll also
experience a sense of warmth and comfort.
Michael can make his presence known to you through flashes of light, but he can also
put in substantial guidance through it. His angelic guidance comes through consistent
urgings that will let you know he’s around and direct you to the right path. You may get
his guidance through clairaudience (psychic hearing) or dreams. He wants to establish
a strong connection with you, and links you with God and the angels.
Make sure that you ground yourself before making any conclusions of any sign you
saw. Approach the signs from Michael or any angel with an open mind. Have a form of
detachment and do not become too obsessed with trying to dissect what they mean.
Understand these Divine signs through your heart. At the very basis of it all, they only
mean that angels are walking beside you in this journey.
One of Archangel Michael’s specialties is helping you find your purpose in life. He will
help you become more motivated, organized and productive in fulfilling your God-given
purpose and mission. If you gain a strong resolve on what you should do in life, it may
be a sign that Archangel Michael is with you at the present moment. Do not worry that
Archangel Michael is too busy to be with you regarding a concern, because Divine Light
Beings have the power to be everywhere at the same time. He can always be with you
whenever you need him.
Michael will also help you develop the talents and skills needed to support your
livelihood or career that will benefit communities. He knows that you can make a greater
impact through being organized and disciplined in your everyday routine tasks. He will
set in you a healthy foundation that will make you stable and strong. Through trust,
constancy and dependability, you’ll be able to thrive in this world.
How to Continually Work With Archangel Michael
and Your Guardian Angels
You’ll experience miracles upon miracles if you recognize that angels are always
nearby. Appreciate their presence and allow them to help you every step of the way.
Here’s how you can be empowered by angels and work with them every single day.
Whenever you feel blocked or low in mood, do the chakra healing session with
Archangel Michael as indicated above. As you go about your day, your chakras have to
be balanced and you need to clear your energy field to continuously live within the light.
You can do this by saying affirmations: “Dear God and Archangel Michael, please
embrace me with your light. Heal me, protect me, guide me, and bless me all
throughout the day.”
When you feel like you have absorbed so many different energies during the day, you
can do a sea salt wash that will clear your energy. Mix an ample amount of sea salt in
your bathwater and bathe in it for a few minutes. Rinse or shower with regular water and
continue your usual ritual of bathing. This will help you cleanse and re-balance yourself.
It will also help you get into a deeply refreshing sleep at night.
You can ask for a sign from Archangel Michael for a particular concern that you need
guidance on. Angels usually show you signs such as coins, feathers, shapes and colors
of the clouds, rainbows, and music that you can relate to. Angels also make their
presence known if you can smell lavender, flowers, coffee or chocolate without having
any source of them nearby. Take note of them. Be mindful of the things that attract your
attention and be grateful for them.
Your sincere prayers, no matter how short or quick they are, will always be heard by the
angels. For example, if you are in an overwhelming situation and you call upon
Archangel Michael, he will come to you and help you immediately. You’ll experience a
feeling of relief whenever you call upon angels for help. Thank them and allow them to
guide you further into resolving any issue you have in life.
List of Stones You Can Use With Archangel
Crystals are energetic entities that help clear your vibration and empower you to attract
the things and situations you are hoping for. As Archangel Michael is part of the blue
angel light ray, you can use blue crystals to enrich your life in many aspects. Here are
blue crystals you can use in prayers and rituals with Archangel Michael.
Purpose: Labradorite is referred to as a stone of magic that brings luck and wealth to
the wearer. It’s a powerful stone that transforms any life situation. It improves your
creativity so that any venture will become prosperous.
Other benefits of this stone: This stone increases your self-confidence so you can
bring magic into your work, relationships, or any situation. It will also help you live your
life towards the direction of your higher purpose. Sleep with a piece of Labradorite near
you (on the upper edge of the bed or under the pillow) to invite magic, creativity and
What it looks like: Labradorite exhibits a schiller effect, which is a strong play of
iridescent blue, green, red, orange and yellow colors.
Lapis Lazuli
Purpose: Lapis Lazuli is dedicated to Venus, the Goddess of Love. It brings about
honesty, compassion and harmony within relationships. It also opens up your
communication channels and active listening to improve your connection of love to
Other benefits of this stone: Lapis Lazuli is connected to your intellect and wisdom.
Use this stone or wear it as jewelry to improve your communication abilities and make
yourself more efficient at work.
What it looks like: Lapis Lazuli is formed by multiple minerals, mostly Lazurite,
Sodalite, Calcite and Pyrite. It is a rich medium to royal blue color with gold flecks from
the pyrite.
Other benefits of this stone: Sodalite can also enhance self-esteem, self-acceptance,
and self-trust.
What it looks like: Sodalite is a dark blue stone with violet and white striations.
Purpose: Turquoise is used as a good luck charm for overall prosperity. It benefits your
mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being to be more open to the abundance
of the Universe.
Other benefits of this stone: Turquoise heals the mind, body and soul. It helps
balance your emotions and give you that needed spiritual grounding. It is also said to
benefit the immune, skeletal and respiratory systems.
What it looks like: This is a blue crystal that is opaque. It’s light blue color has a tinge
of green that can be likened to clear blue waters of the sea.
Purpose: What makes Sapphire special is it can help heal many physical health issues.
It helps heal eye concerns, blood disorders, and cleanses the body from the cellular
level. It also eases insomnia, anxiety and depression.
Other benefits of this stone: This stone is said to attract happiness, prosperity and
peace. It opens up the mind to improve intuition and accept beauty.
What it looks like: Sapphire is the most valuable blue gemstone. It is the blue variety
of the mineral Corundum.
Blue Lace Agate
Purpose: Blue Lace Agate is an immensely nurturing and supportive stone when you
need emotional healing. It dispels feelings of being rejected and judged. It helps you
overcome feelings of self-sabotage. Use this stone to bring out love for yourself and
Other benefits of this stone: This stone can also be used for clearing your crown
chakra to help you connect with Divine guidance.
What it looks like: Blue Lace Agate is of a light blue color, almost grayish white and
light purple. It has blue, white and indigo marbling on its surface.
There are various ways in which you can cleanse your crystals and program it with your
intentions. You’ll know when your crystals have been cleansed when you can feel a
clear vibration from them. The crystals would also feel clean and light when they have
been thoroughly cleansed by your preferred technique.
Smudging involves burning sage sticks, palo santo, or any herbs bundled together to
cleanse a space or item through smoke. You need a ceramic bowl or abalone shell
where you can stub out the smoking end of the stick after use.
Sage sticks or sage bundles are perhaps the most popular for smudging. Burn one end
of a sage stick over a lighted candle and wait for a few seconds for it to smoke. When
there’s a good amount of smoke coming out, let your crystals bathe in this wonderful
smoke. You can use a feather to direct the smoke to your crystals. You’ll know when it’s
time to stop when you feel that your crystals are free from dense energy and has a light
aura to them.
After smudging, stub out your sage stick with a fire-proof bowl or abalone shell. Clean
the ashes from your bowl by sprinkling it with sea salt first and washing it off with water
from the sink. This will bring all negative energies back to the earth through the drain.
Sea Salt
Sea salt is also used to cleanse crystals. To do this, set all your crystals into a bowl.
Sprinkle sea salt around your crystals and jewelry. The sea salt doesn’t have to touch
all your crystals, and it will do an effective job of absorbing all dense energy. You can let
your crystals be cleansed this way for as long as you want. Some people prefer to let
crystals be set on this overnight. You’ll know when to get your crystals back when they
feel fresh and light on your hands.
There are also powerful benefits with letting your crystals be cleansed and charged by
sunlight. Place your crystals on a plate or bowl and let them bask underneath the
sunlight for as long as you feel that your crystals need cleansing. Visualize the heat
dispelling all negative energies and lower densities, while being charged with the
Source Light.
There are many spiritual aspects in letting your crystals be cleansed during the full
moon. If the sky isn’t cloudy during a full moon phase, place your crystals on a bowl or
plate and let them bathe in the moonlight. You can do this by putting them on a table
outside or place them by the window where the moonlight can shine through. With this
you can charge your crystals with the powerful energy of the moon.
After cleansing your crystals, lay them on your left palm and cover them with your right
hand. Set your intentions as to what you want the crystals to help you with. You can
take note of all the benefits of the crystals on a piece of paper and be reminded of them
when you program your crystals. You’ll feel a tingling sensation when you have
powered up your crystals. Do this one by one with each crystal or gemstone jewelry.
Programming crystals with intentions, affirmations and daily prayers will activate the
energy needed to make abundance to flow through from the Universe. You’ll discover
how amazing it is that crystals, as energetic entities, will do the job of helping you
manifest anything. You’ll be surprised how your wishes, dreams and desires will come
to fruition faster than you imagined with the use of crystals.
Bonus Angel Card Reading
There are times when it’s crucial to take a stand. It could be that you’re being called to
claim your personal power and to be an advocate for your principles. You’ll know in your
heart if this is one of those times or if this is a battle that simply isn’t worth fighting.
Listen to your guidance and ask your angels for courage and fortitude. Don’t let your
fears get between you and doing what you know is right!
If you find yourself being challenged, stand back and take a moment to review the
situation objectively. Is this really a problem with another person, or are you
experiencing a reflection of your own inner struggles? Perhaps Heaven is providing you
with an opportunity to be freed of old, personal conflicts that are holding you back!
Additional meanings of this card: Strength in adversity. Never giving up. Saying no
when you should. Having the courage of your convictions. Knowing that you’re right.
Impeccable character.