Compendium of Case Studies MAED 205
Compendium of Case Studies MAED 205
Compendium of Case Studies MAED 205
Make a compendium of Case Studies/research on real-world applications of the key course concepts learned specifically on organizational behavioral theories. Limit your
compendium into 5 case studies.
Published Key Course Concept/Organizational Objectives of the Study Methods Used Results & Findings Conclusion Personal
Research/Case Behavioral Theory Reflection
Personality of Democratic Management To examine the Maximum variety The study found Most of the I believe that all
Organizations-case Personality Traits personality traits of sampling as a out that it is participants employees
studies of 4 higher higher education sampling strategy necessary to study believed that should be
education institutions operating in has been used. the relationship they had a motivated to
institutions (2009) the TRNC (Turkish between the peaceful and achieve goals
Republic of Northern personal harmonious within an
Cyprus). motivation of the work institution. If
individual and the environment. the
objectives towards The management
which the activity management styles were not
of the styles were not authoritarian
organization is authoritarian but rather a
oriented (Simon, but rather democratic one,
1976:16) democratic. then there will
be harmonious
and unity in an
Learning from the Faculty Development To investigate, A qualitative case 1. The study found The study As I reflect on
problems and the Collaborative Learning specifically the emerging study research that even in suggests that it this case study,
Challenges in higher institutions, which method was Blended will be a good of all the
blended learning: hinder effective and employed to Learning measure to challenges
Basis for faculty efficient delivery of interview the environment, facilitate encountered
development and teaching and learning. participants. class size comprehensive during the
Program plays an discussion and implementation
Enhancement important institutional of blended
(2020) role for intervention to learning, there
teaching and address the will always be a
learning problems and revision
delivery challenges development of
because it encountered. the program.
affects the Because, I
way teachers The experience believe that our
teach and shared by curriculum
manage the selected changes
learning participants of anytime and
environment. NSTP that we as
facilitators implementers
signifies the need to adapt
need to to every
understand changes in the
and listen to system.
their voices in
developing and
Responsive and Inclusive Education To analyze whether a Analytic Tools Throughout the This study on Socially
Inclusive Education Adaptive Curriculum two-month holistic included: T-test of intervention, as the responsible
in the New academic, psychosocial results of the suggested by practicability show learners
Normal: A Case and logistics intervention diagnostic and Ignacio and Perlas of continuing benefit from
Study of Adaptive that uses an outcome- mastery set, a (1995), teaching extended
Curriculum based education psychological test, psychosocial learners in an service
Implementation in adaptive curriculum can the Neuroticism support emergency, mitigating
a Philippine lead to measurable Scale (counseling, such as a displacement.
Tertiary Classroom language learning and Questionnaires, and security, housing, natural Educators have
student easing from Critical Narrative materials, calamity, a critical
displacement. Analysis. services, showed that emancipatory
allowances) likely an adaptive role as social-
A qualitative study contributed to curriculum change agents
of ten displaced student’s providing championing
university students. performance in learner ethical, more
daily social material, responsive, and
interaction. psychosocial inclusive roles
and in nation/work
intellectual building, now
support and into the
resulted in future.
in the English
skills of ten
tertiary level
students from
the Visayas
campus of the
University of