Diabetes Overview
Diabetes Overview
Diabetes Overview
Dr S Al-Falahi
Learning Objectives
Update on epidemiology and background
Targeting the patient: What’s new in glucose/A1c targets?
Choosing therapy for your patient with type 2 diabetes: When
to use which meds and when to avoid
Exploring unique patient factors that drive pharmacologic
choices in type 2 diabetes: New Focus on Cardiovascular and
Renal risk reduction
Innovations in insulin therapy and glucose monitoring: 2 steps
forward (increased safety and easier monitoring) and 1 step back
Diabetes in the US: Who is bearing the brunt?
National Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division of Diabetes Translation; based on NHIS data
T2D is progressive and requires changes to therapeutic
strategy over time
Can we change this natural history?
* Both statements have caveats allowing for more aggressive HbA1c goals based on patient
preference and overall health.
Davies MJ, et al. Diabetologia. 2018;61:2461-2498.
Garber AJ, et al. Endocrine Practice. 2018;24:91-120.
Diabetes Care. 2019;42(Supp 1).Qaseem A, et al. Ann
Intern Med. 2018; 168:569-76. AGS. J Am Geriatr Soc.
Does age matter? Consider Heterogeneity In The
Older Patient Population
Setting treatment goals will depend on the health status and social support
of each individual patient.
Assess each patient for:
– Cognitive ability
– Cardiovascular co-morbities
– Other medical conditions such as malignancy, hepatic
– Life expectancy
Assess each patient for social support:
– Family resources
– Community
Correlates of Dementia and Glucose
Higher A1C levels predict lower scores on
tests such as the “Clock in a Box”
Increase in CV mortality
Causative or marker of vulnerability still debated
* Does not include diabetesADL: Shared decision making: individualised targets may be
activities of daily living (e.g., eating, lower or higher
bathing, dressing)IADL: instrumental
activities of daily living (e.g., Adapted from: Leroith, et al. Managing Diabetes in the Older Adult. A Clinical Practice Guideline. JCEM in press.
managing money, doing housework) Cigolle, et al..J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 67 (12):1313-20, 2012; and Kirkman, et al. Diabetes Care. 2012.
Choosing therapies for Type 2 Diabetes
The New “Big Chart” for Diabetes Rx
Half-Century of HTN & T2DM Medications in U.S.
Glucose Lowering Drugs Classes
Still the first choice: Metformin
Metformin available since 1995.
Mechanism: reduce hepatic glucose output. May also increase
insulin sensitivity.
Dosing: slow titration, with meals, 2000 mg/day maximal
effective dose.
A1c lowering: 1-2%
Pros: weight loss, no hypoglycemia, efficacy, metabolic
improvements, outcome measurements, history of use. Possible
cancer prevention effec
Cons: GI side-effects, renal insufficiency and lactic acidosis.
Updated Metformin–CKDPrescribing
Guidelines (April 2016)
Obtain eGFR before starting metformin and annually
Obtain eGFR before starting metformin and annually
Contraindicated in patients with eGFR <30
More frequently in those at risk for renal impairment (e.g., elderly)
Avoid starting in patients with eGFR between 30-45.
If IfeGFR falls below 45:
eGFR falls below 45:
Contraindicated in patients with eGFR <30
Assess benefits and risks of treatment
D/C starting
if eGFR in patients
falls below 30. with eGFR between 30-
http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm493244.htm (ac
Available since 1954.
Names: Glipizide, Glimeperide,
Highest risk profile (do not use):
Mechanism: bind to SU receptor, stimulates insulin secretion = the
insulin squeeze
Dosing: prior to meals, glucose-lowering effect plateaus around 1⁄2
max dose.
A1c lowering: 1-2%
Pros: long history of use, cost, efficacy, daily dosing, outcomes
Cons: weight gain, hypoglycemia, (CV effects, beta- cell decline?),
caution with renal and liver dysfunction.
TZDs are affordable and effective but should I
use them?
rosiglitazone pioglitazone
Meta-analysis1 of all Meta-analysis3 of 19 trials
available randomised trials
The primary outcome (death,
- MI risk increased 43% (p=0.03) non- fatal MI, non-fatal stroke)
- CV death risk increased 64% was 18% LESS common with
(p=0.06) pioglitazone (p=0.005)
- Risk of CV death was double -Other benefits4.4%
Pioglitazone: from RCTs:
the comparator (p=0.02) NASH,
MI risk confirmed with - Control: 5.7%
Stroke risk after TIA
longer- term meta-analysis2
Case:Part2: 72yearoldwomanwithT2Dfor25 years
who suffered an MI 3 months ago. A1c 8.2%
Utilise patient characteristics to select best agent when multiple options are available.
Review: When to AVOID a class
years who suffered an MI 6 years
6 years have passed. Overall well, EF normal
Current diabetes regimen:
Which offollowing
Which of the the following is the
is the best strategy best strategy
for optimising her diabetesfor
medication regimen
optimizing her diabetes medication regimen now?
A. Add nightly NPH or glargine. Stop metformin and
B. Add SGLT2 inhibitor empagliflozin to current regimen.
C. Add Pioglitazone (Actos) 15mg to current regimen
D. Add nightly basal insulin, whichever she can afford.
Continue metformin and dulaglutide
Case:Part2: 78yearoldwomanwithT2Dfor 25
years who suffered an MI 6 years ago. A1c 9.2%
Which offollowing
Which of the the following is the
is the best strategy best strategy
for optimising her diabetesfor
medication regimen
optimizing her diabetes medication regimen now?
A. Add nightly NPH or glargine. Stop metformin and
B. Add SGLT2 inhibitor empagliflozin to current regimen.
C. Add Pioglitazone (Actos) 15mg to current regimen
D. Add nightly basal insulin, whichever she can afford.
Continue metformin and dulaglutide
T2D is progressive and requires changes to therapeutic
strategy over time
When should insulin be initiated?
Newly diagnosed patients