Aluminium Remediation
Aluminium Remediation
Aluminium Remediation
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4 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Setyo Budi Kurniawan on 23 April 2018.
Aluminium recycling is a growing industry in Indonesia. Waste that produced as
by-product of aluminium production still not well processed. This waste contains
hazardous materials, primarily aluminium metal. Further treatment need to be carried
out to process the aluminium recycling waste, before entering the bodies of water.
Isolation and identification of indigenous bacteria will be useful in further aluminium
wastewater processing. Six isolated bacteria, turned out to have good ability in
resisting aluminium based on screening process. Acidity resistance test showed that
Moraxella urethralis and Brochothrix thermosphacta were resistant to acid up to pH
4. Vibrio alginolyticus, Brochothrix thermosphacta and Moraxella urethralis showed
aluminium resistant characteristic with MIC value up to 500mg/L.
Key words: Al, Brochothrix thermosphacta, MIC, Moraxella urethralis, MTC,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vibrio alginolyticus
Cite this Article: Ipung Fitri Purwanti, Setyo Budi Kurniawan, Harmin Sulistiyaning
Titah and Bieby Voijant Tangahu, Identification of Acid and Aluminium Resistant
Bacteria Isolated from Aluminium Recycling Area, International Journal of Civil
Engineering and Technology, 9(2), 2018, pp. 945–954.
Aluminium recycling is a series of process to obtain pure metal by refining aluminium waste
(Tsakiridis, 2012) [24]. Tsakiridis (2012) [24] stated that aluminum recycling consists of
sorting, burning, smelting, printing and cooling process. In the melting process, some fluxes
are added to bind aluminum. Pure aluminium and some impurities can be achieved from these
processes (Ingulstad, 2012) [11]. Some impurities cannot be used and need to be managed
properly because they can cause pollution. One of technologies that can be used to treat metal
pollution is bioremediation (Deepali, 2011) [6]. Several factors affecting the bioremediation
process include the types of microorganisms used and environmental factors such as the pH
and the concentrations of contaminants (Chau et al., 2014) [4]. Indigenous bacteria are widely
known to be used as metal processing agents. Nath et al. (2012) [19] stated that bacteria
isolated from metal contaminated waste can be more tolerant to metal exposure.
Bioremediation using indigenous bacteria isolated from contaminated environment also
considered to be more effective for treating metal pollution (Ahluwalia and Goyal, 2007) [2].
Mittal et al. (2003) [17] stated that Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus circullans were tolerant
to aluminum. Hard et al. (2010) [8] also stated that Bacillus sp. was able to bind Al3+ into
their bacterial cell. At aluminum concentrations of 2071 μM and 3106 μM, Pseudomonas sp.
can still grow well (Mittal et al., 2003) [17]. Martins et al. (2012) [16] also stated that
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans can reduce aluminum by 85% with 0.9 mM of initial
concentration in 27 days. Differences in the use of bacterial culture may affect the efficiency
of aluminum removal from polluted environment. Environmental condition such as pH and
the concentration of pollutant may also affect the aluminium removal efficiency. This occurs
because of differences in complex enzymatic reactions for each type of bacteria used and the
effect of environmental condition in the bioremediation process (Deepali, 2011) [6]. The main
objectives of this study were to obtain aluminium and acidity resistant bacteria from isolation
process as the preliminary test of aluminium contaminated soil remediation.
transferred onto slant nutrient agar inside a test tube for bacterial stock and to prevent
did not cause the death of test organism or species (IUPAC, 1993) [12]. This test was
conducted refers to Mythili and Karthikeyan (2011) [18] and Ruangpan (2004) [23].
MIC in solid medium was carried out by streaking bacterial culture onto several
concentrations of aluminium contaminated nutrient agar surface. Aluminium contaminated
medium ranged from 0 to 1000mg/L. Aluminium contaminated medium was made by mixing
10ml of sterile nutrient agar and 10ml of sterile aluminium chloride (SAP, Indonesia) solution
inside sterile petri dish. This act was conducted due to the problem of aluminium
contaminated medium solidification after sterilization process. Streaked culture then
incubated in 37oC incubator (Memert+, Germany). The area of visual growth of 24 hours
incubated culture then calculated and compared with the control medium.
MTC analysis was conducted by inoculating 2% of bacterial culture (OD600 = 0.5 A)
(Ibrahim et al., 2010) [10] into several concentrations of sterile aluminium contaminated
nutrient broth medium. Aluminium contaminated medium ranged from 0 to 1000mg/L.
Aluminium contaminated medium was made by mixing aluminium chloride solution and
nutrient broth medium at certain ratio to achieve the desired concentration. Inoculated bacteria
in medium then 150 rpm shaken for 24 hours. The optical density of bacterial cultures then
checked by using Spectrophotometer using 600nm wavelength. MTC value was determined
by analyzing the measured optical density after 24 hours of shaken. MTC value was
determined by comparing OD measured with control reactor (0mg/L of aluminium). MTC
value was chosen in highest aluminium concentration reactor that OD value still ≥ OD in
control reactor (P≤0.05) (IUPAC, 1993) [12].
Based on macroscopic and microscopic analysis, 4 potential bacteria which were S5, W1,
W2 and W5 analyzed further using Microbact 24E. Response obtained from bio-chemical
analysis for 4 potential bacteria showed on Table 3. All responses obtained from Microbact
24E then matched with Bergey’s Manual and the matching results which were bacterial
species showed on Table 4.
28 Gram Staining - + - -
29 Shape Rod Rod Rod Rod
Optical Density 600nm (A)
3 4 5 8
Vibrio alginoliticus Brochothrix thermosphacta
Moraxella urethralis Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Vibrio alginoliticus Brochothrix Moraxella Pseudomonas
thermosphacta urethralis aeruginosa
Optical Density 600nm (A)
Vibrio alginoliticus Brochothrix Moraxella Pseudomonas
thermosphacta urethralis aeruginosa
Based on all observations in this research, Moraxella urethralis and Brochothrix
thermosphacta showed to have acid resistant characteristic up to pH 4. Vibrio alginolyticus,
Brochothrix thermosphacta and Moraxella urethralis showed aluminium resistant
characteristic with the value of MIC were 500mg/L. The MTC value for Vibrio alginolyticus
was 250mg/L while Brochothrix thermosphacta, Moraxella urethralis and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa were 100mg/L.
Authors would like to thank Kemenristek DIKTI through the scheme of Penelitian Unggulan
Perguruan Tinggi / PUPT 2017 for funding this research
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