Wiring Installation Instructions: Notice
Wiring Installation Instructions: Notice
Wiring Installation Instructions: Notice
1-1 Accessories
M8 / S type speed
1 Meter X 1 2 Speed sensor X 1 3 D6 X 5L mm magnet X 6 4 sensor bracket X 1
Speed sensor (Accessories 2)
Magnet (Accessories 3)
Main power switch wire reference: RPM wire reference: Fuel indicator wire reference:
Power Key on Ground YAMAHA Yellow / Black BUELL Pink YAMAHA Green KYMCO Yellow / White
YAMAHA Red Brown Black HONDA Yellow / Green CAGIVA Gray / Green HONDA Yellow / White SYM Yellow / White
HONDA Red Red / Black Green SUZUKI Yellow / Blue DUCATI Gray / Green SUZUKI Yellow / White PGO Gray
SUZUKI Black Green KAWASAKI Light Blue H-D Pink KAWASAKI Black / L Green
KAWASAKI White Brown Black / Yellow APRILIA Gray / Violet MV Gray / Yellow
Red Black Green BMW Black TRIUMPH Red The fuel sensor is electronic type, do not connect
KYMCO in parallel with the original wire - otherwise
SYM Red Black Green BENELLI Gray / Violet the fuel gauge won't display.
PGO Red / White Orange Black NOTE The wrong installation of the fuel
M10 / S type speed M5 X 5L mm Hexagon The colors listed above may differ depending
5 sensor bracket X 1 6 screw X 2 7 Meter bracket X 1 8 M5 X 12L screw X 2 NOTE The colors listed above may differ depending
on the model and year of the vehicule.
on the model and year of the vehicule. wire might damage the instrument.
N pole of the Magnet needs to be facing outward (facing the sensor) and must be installed on the brake disk or chain gear fixing bolt.
NOTE When connecting the power wire, follow the instructions carefully. If the red & brown wires are connected in parallel, the
meter will not work properly.
5 Meter bracket
NOTE Some of the optional accessories may not be available in your area. Contact your local distributor to obtain more information.
Put the magnet into the Install the s type sensor Adjust the sensor bracket Install the speed sensor In order to get a good
brake disc screw hole. bracket. position to make sure on the bracket. speed signal, the distance
the sensor is facing the between the speed sensor
magnet to receive good and magnet should be
speed signal. under 8 mm.
Higher number of magnets installed on the disk brake will result in a faster speed display on the gauge. EX.1 EX.2
EX.3 EX.4
The letter “N” on the magnets must face the speed sensor in order to pick up the speed corectly.
EX 1: If the disk brake has 3 screws, you can install 1 or 3 magnets.
EX 2: If the disk brake has 4 screws, you can install 1,2 or 3 magnets.
EX 3: If the disk brake has 5 screws, you can install 1 or 5 magnets.
EX 4: If the disk brake has 6 screws, you can install 1,2,3 or 6 magnets.
3-1 Basic function instructions ●In the clock screen. ●In the hour meter A screen,Press the
Adjust button one time to enter the hour
Indicators lights ●Turn Signal (Green)。 ●Neutral (Green)。 ●Warning Light (Red)。 Clock meter B screen.
●Engine Light (Yellow)。 ●High beam light (Blue)。 ●24 H ●Hold pressing Adjust button for 3 seconds
Volt meter to reset hour meter A records.
Odo meter Fuel meter ●Display range:DC 8.0 ~ 18.0 V
●Display range:0 ~ 99,999 km (mile),reset ●Display range:6 levels Volt meter warning
automatically after 99,999 km (mile) ●Display unit:Each level represnts ●Display range:Flashing warning
●Setting unit:1 km (mile) 16.6 % when voltage lower than 11.5 V or
●Adjust button function instruction ●In the hour meter B screen,Press the
Trip meter A、B higher than 15.5 V
●In the ODO screen, Press the Adjust Adjust button one time to enter the Speed
●Display range:0 ~ 9,999.9 km (mile),reset
Select button one time to enter the Trip A screen. record (MAX、AVG) screen.
automatically after 9,999.9 km (mile)
●Setting unit:0.1 km (mile) Adjust ●Press and hold the Adjust button for 3 seconds
to reset hour meter B records.
Hour meter Speed record
●Display range:99,999 hour,reset automatically ●MAX speed record:
after 99,999 hour Display range:0 ~ 360 km/h
●Display unit:1 hour (0 ~ 225 MPH)
●In the Speed record (MAX、AVG) screen,
Hour meter A、B ●Average speed record: Press the Adjust button one time to enter
●Display range:9,999.9 hour,reset automatically Display range:0 ~ 360 km/h ●In the Trip A screen, Press the Adjust
the ODO screen.
(0 ~ 225 MPH) button one time to enter the Trip B screen.
after 9,999.9 hour NOTE MAX Speed Record (MAX) and
●Display unit:0.1 hour ●Press and hold the Adjust button for 3 Average Speed Record (AVG) will
seconds to reset Trip A record. switch between each other every
3 seconds.
77.5 mm 24 mm 10 mm
●Display range:0 ~ 360 km/h (0 ~ 225 MPH)
●Display unit:km/h or MPH alternative ●Press and hold the Adjust button for 3 seconds
●In the Trip B screen, Press the Adjust to reset MAX speed record.
74.8 mm
●In the oil maintenance mileage screen, ●Maintenance Mileage "Reset" screen. ●Press the Adjust button to choose the ●Press the Select button to go back to the
Press the Adjust button for 3 seconds to ●EX. The Maintenance Mileage to be reset setting number. circumference and sensing point setting
enter the Maintenance Mileage "Reset" from -1 to setting value. screen.
screen . ●Ex. Now the circumference and sensing
The reset value will depend on the setting
point setting from USER to 100 Ω.
value according to 4-5 Maintenance
Mileage Setting.
●Press the Select button twice to go back to ●Press the Adjust button to enter the Clock
the highest fuel level's resistance setting (Hr / Min)setting screen. 4-4 Backlight brightness settings P.S.
●EX. The highest fuel level setting is ●Press the Select button to enter the
changed from 0 to 10 Ω. backlight brightness setting screen.
●For example the YAMAHA The highest position ●Example:To activate the Maintenance
T-MAX 530; if the fuel surface Mileage Indication and set the warning ●Example:To set Total Mileage (ODO) to
sensor float is in the highest value to 500 km. 15,000km.
position then it will detect the ●Press the Select button to go back to the ●Press the Select button and notice the ●Press the Select button to the digit you
resistance as around 4 - 10 Ω. clock (Hr / Min)setting screen. Maintenance Mileage Indication is want to set.
●EX. Now the setting is changed from activated. Now the setting value is flashing!
10:00 to 10:10. NOTE If you don't want to use this NOTE Setting range:0 ~ 99,999 km (mile).
●Press the Adjust button to detect the function, then set it as
highest fuel level resistance. "OFF". When you set "OFF", the NOTE Cursor moving order is:From ten
Maintenance Mileage indication thousands digit, thousands digit,
will not be shown. hundreds digit, tens digit then to
the units digit.
●Press the Adjust button to select the ●Press the Adjust button to choose the
Backlight brightness setting. ●Press the Select button to the digit you setting number.
want to set.
Now the setting value is flashing!
●Press the Select button 5 times to go back
to the fuel gauge resistance. NOTE Setting range:300 ~ 5,000 km (mile).
●EX. Automatically detect the highest fuel Setting unit:100 km (mile).
level resistance value as 10 Ω. NOTE Cursor moving order is:
from thousands digit to hundreds digit.
●Press the Select button to go back to the ●Press the Select button for 3 secinds to go
Internal ODO display screen. back to the main screen.
●EX. The Odometer setting is changed from ●EX. Internal ODO setting is 12,500 km.
0 to 15,000 km.
5 Trouble shooting
The following situation does not necessarily indicate malfunction of the meter. Check the following points, before taking it in for repairs.
Trouble Check item Trouble Check item
The meter does not work when ●The meter has no power. The odometer and trip meter ●It is possible that the permanent power
the power is on. →Make sure the wiring is are not accumulated or wire is not connected properly.
connected. accumulated the wrong data. →Check if the red positive wire is
The wiring and fuse are not broken. connect propery.
→The battery is broken or the battery is Fuel gauge does not appear ●Check your fuel tank.
too old to supply enough power or appears incorrectly. ●Check the wiring harness.
The meter shows the wrong (DC 12 V) to make the meter work. →Is the wire connected properly?
information. ●Check the voltage of your battery,and ●Check the tire-size setting.
Speed does not appear or make sure the voltage is over DC 12 V. →Refer to the manual 4-2 fuel gauge
appears incorrectly. ●Make sure the speed sensor is connected resistance settings.
The clock is incorrect. ●Did you connect the wires correctly?
→Check if the speed sensor is →Check if the positive wire (Red)
connected and working properly. Also connected to the battery, and the main
check whether the speed sensor cable positive wire (Brown) connected to the
is broken or lose. main switch.
●Check the tire-size setting.
→Refer to the manual 4-1 circumference
and sensing point settings.
* If the problem is not resolved after following the steps shown above, please contact your loval distributor for assistance.