Malaria Parasitic Detection Using A New Deep Boosted and Ensemble Learning Framework
Malaria Parasitic Detection Using A New Deep Boosted and Ensemble Learning Framework
Malaria Parasitic Detection Using A New Deep Boosted and Ensemble Learning Framework
Malaria is a potentially fatal plasmodium parasite injected by female anopheles mosquitoes that infect red blood cells and
cause millions of lifelong disability worldwide yearly. However, specialists’ manual screening in clinical practice is laborious
and prone to error. Therefore, a novel Deep Boosted and Ensemble Learning (DBEL) framework, comprising the stacking of
new Boosted-BR-STM convolutional neural networks (CNN) and the ensemble ML classifiers, is developed to screen malaria
parasite images. The proposed Boosted-BR-STM is based on a new dilated-convolutional block-based Split Transform
Merge (STM) and feature-map Squeezing–Boosting (SB) ideas. Moreover, the new STM block uses regional and boundary
operations to learn the malaria parasite’s homogeneity, heterogeneity, and boundary with patterns. Furthermore, the diverse
boosted channels are attained by employing Transfer Learning-based new feature-map SB in STM blocks at the abstract,
medium, and conclusion levels to learn minute intensity and texture variation of the parasitic pattern. Additionally, to enhance
the learning capacity of Boosted-BR-STM and foster a more diverse representation of features, boosting at the final stage
is achieved through TL by utilizing multipath residual learning. The proposed DBEL framework implicates the stacking of
prominent and diverse boosted channels and provides the generated discriminative features of the developed Boosted-BR-
STM to the ensemble of ML classifiers. The proposed framework improves the discrimination ability and generalization of
ensemble learning. Moreover, the deep feature spaces of the developed Boosted-BR-STM and customized CNNs are fed into
ML classifiers for comparative analysis. The proposed DBEL framework outperforms the existing techniques on the NIH
malaria dataset that are enhanced using discrete wavelet transform to enrich feature space. The proposed DBEL framework
achieved Accuracy (98.50%), Sensitivity (0.9920), F-score (0.9850), and AUC (0.9960), which suggests it to be utilized for
malaria parasite screening.
Keywords Screening · Squeezing · Boosting · Split-transform and merge · Transfer learning · Malaria · Parasite · Cognitive ·
B Saddam Hussain Khan Malaria is a life-threatening illness transmitted by female
B Tahani Jaser Alahmadi Anopheles mosquitoes that inject plasmodium parasites with one nasty bite. In most cases, plasmodium parasites target
Hafiz M. Asif healthy red blood cells (RBC) around 1 or 2 weeks after their
3 Department of Information Systems, College of Computer
Tariq Alsahfi and Information Sciences, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman
University, P.O. Box 84428, 11671 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Amena Mahmoud
4 Department of Information Systems and Technology, College
of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Jeddah,
1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sultan Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman 5 Faculty of Computers and Information, Department of
2 Department of Computer Systems Engineering, University of Computer Science, KafrElSkeikh University, Kafr el-Sheikh,
Engineering and Applied Sciences, Swat 19060, Pakistan Egypt
Complex & Intelligent Systems
emergence in the human body [1]. This bacterial infection Transform Merge (STM) block. Moreover, the developed
is hazardous to kids, persons with impaired immune sys- STM block of deep Boosted-BR-STM uses the concept of
tems, pregnant women, and the elderly at risk [2]. Falciparum homogenous and heterogeneous. The significant contribu-
malaria is particularly dangerous to pregnant women as it tions are as follows:
increases stillbirth, maternal death, miscarriage, and new-
born [3]. The World Health Organization reported roughly 1. A new Deep Boosted and Ensemble Learning (DBEL)
241 million malaria suspects and 627,000 fatalities in 2021. framework is proposed comprising a new residual learn-
The African continent is perhaps the most afflicted, account- ing based Boosted-BR-STM CNN and ensemble learning
ing for 95% of 90% of deaths and 80% of child disability for detecting RBCs infected with the plasmodium falci-
caused by acute malaria [4, 5]. parum using blood smear images. The dataset is initially
RBCs were microscopically examined in a thick, thin enhanced and reduced in dimension using a discrete
blood smear frequently used to identify malaria [6]. The thick wavelet transform (DWT) to improve computational
and thin-smear test aids in identifying the density of parasites complexity.
in a person’s body and malaria species, respectively [7, 8]. 2. The proposed deep Boosted-BR-STM exploits the chan-
Expert pathologists manually analyze blood smear films to nel SB technique with a novel STM block. Moreover, the
get a microscopic diagnosis which is time-consuming, labo- developed STM block uses the concept of homogenous
rious, and unreliable [9]. Malaria patients are usually seen and heterogeneous.
in emerging countries, where diagnostic lab facilities and 3. The innovative SB concept is carefully integrated into
tools are unavailable. In addition, a global shortage of trained the new STM block at abstract, medium, and conclusion
professionals significantly impacts the healthcare systems levels effectively capturing the diverse pattern of homo-
of developing countries [10]. Therefore, a computer-based geneous, heterogeneous, contrast, and textural variations
screening tool is essential for speedy and reliable malaria of the parasitic cell. SB notion is utilized by merging
analysis [11]. reduced prominent channels with TL-based extracted
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) additional feature maps to improve Boosted-BR-STM
have aided in the development of malaria diagnostic meth- performances. In addition, to improve the learning capac-
ods that are effective and precise in processing large amounts ity of Boosted-BR-STM and promote a more diverse
of parasite-contaminated RBC samples [12–14]. Computer- representation of features, residual learning-based fea-
based software will support clinicians in diagnosis and ture map boosting is achieved at the final stage through
therapy, facilitating established lab practices [15–17]. How- TL.
ever, this convention performed poorly on massive data 4. The proposed framework grants the inherent properties
and was incapable of learning complex patterns. There- of diverse prominent and boosted channels to the dis-
fore, deep learning (DL) algorithms emerged and inspired criminative feature level and fed to the ensemble of ML
researchers’ interest in dealing with enormous amounts of classifiers, improving the capability of discrimination
data and learning complicated patterns [18, 19]. They have and generalization of ensemble learning. The ML clas-
significant growth for medical imaging infection diagnosis sifiers’ ensemble effectively reduces feature dimension
[20–22]. Malaria parasite analysis is crucial for diagnosing and improves diverse decision space. Ultimately, early
infected cells. In this regard, a deep CNN-based identification detection reduces the possibility of permanent disabili-
helps quickly and accurately analyze malaria parasite images. ties.
Several CNN-based classification frameworks and experi- 5. The proposed hybrid DBEL framework performance is
mental models have extensively been employed on the NIH compared to existing techniques utilized in NIH-malaria
malaria dataset to improve detection [23, 24]. CNN extracts original and enhanced datasets.
deep features automatically by avoiding the time-consuming
hand-crafted feature extraction and reduces computational The rest of the manuscript is arranged in the follow-
power [23, 25]. ing ways. “Related work” and “Malaria parasite detection
To our knowledge, this study is the first to introduce a scheme”, the remainder of the article discusses related work
new deep hybrid framework comprised of novel Deep resid- and the proposed malaria detection framework. Materials
ual and spatial blocks CNN and ensemble learning to analyze and implementation details are provided in “Experimental
malaria parasite-afflicted patients accurately and efficiently. configuration”. The performance analysis and outcomes are
The proposed deep Boosted-BR-STM exploits the channel presented in “Results and discussion”. Finally, the article’s
Squeezing and Boosting (SB) technique with a novel Split conclusion is in “Conclusion”.
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Validation Malaria Parasite Detection Frameworks
Dataset Validation Loss
Parameter Optimization
Model Validation
Proposed Deep Boosted Feature Spaces and Ensemble Learning
70% data
Dataset Implementation of
well-established and TL-based SVM
ResNet Softmax
Training Phase
Trained Models
Ensemble of
Proposed Boosted-BR- Parasitic
NIH Malaria Dataset AdaBoostM1
Testing Data Trained from Scratch
30% data
and TL-based Non-Parasitic
Softmax (Normal,
Enhanced Dataset
Testing Phase
Fig. 1 The flow diagram of the developed malaria parasite detection scheme
Complex & Intelligent Systems
Fig. 2 Parasite and non-parasite (healthy, stain artifact) samples from the NIH malaria dataset are shown in panels (a, c). While (b, d) displays their
DWT-enhanced examples, respectively
The proposed deep boosted and ensemble learning In the equation, ‘x’ represents the input feature map, size
framework is shown with the symbols ‘k’ x ‘l’ and ‘I’ x ‘j’, and ‘f’
stands for the filter (1) in Eqs. (2–3). As indicated in the
This research proposes a new deep DBEL framework that is equation, every one of the four convolutional blocks (B, C,
comprised of the developed Boosted-BR-STM BRNet and D, and E) uses channel SB differently to learn distinct par-
ensemble techniques for malaria parasite detection. More- asitic feature sets (4). While learning blocks D and E from
over, the developed Boosted-BR-STM penultimate layers are scratch, TL builds additional channels in blocks B, C, M, and
used for deep feature extraction. The workflow of the malaria N to provide different feature maps. Each STM convolutional
parasite detection framework is illustrated in Fig. 3. block has 32, 64, 128, and 128, 256, 512 channel dimensions
Complex & Intelligent Systems
DWT Image
128 256 768 768, 256 SVM
64,64 Block C Block C Block C
AdaBoost Ensemble of
Block A + Boosted + Boosted
+ Boosted Block F
M1 Classifiers
Block D Block D Block D
Block E Block E Block E Ensemble Learning
B Block M Block N
Block A Block B Block C Block D Block E Block F
Convol. 3×3 Convol. 3×3 Convol. 3×3 Convol. 3×3 Convol. 3×3 Convol. 3×3 Convol. 3×3 Convol. 1×1 Convol. 3×3
Convol Specificity
RelU RelU RelU RelU RelU RelU RelU RelU
Convol. 3×3 Convol. 3×3 Convol. 3×3 Convol. 3×3 Convol. 3×3 Convol. 1×1 Convol. 3×3 Convol. 3×3
RelU RelU RelU RelU RelU RelU + + SVM: Support Vector Machine
MLP: Multi Layer Perceptron
Average-Pooling Convol. 1×1 Convol. 1×1 Average-Pooling Max-Pooling Max- Pooling RelU
l RelU
Max-Pooling Average-Pooling
Fig. 3 The proposed malaria parasite detection framework comprised the developed boosted-BR-STM and ensemble of classifiers
when squeezed and boosted, correspondingly [49]. Finally, and preserve target-specific features and minimize overfit-
a systematic approach has been adopted, which involves ting. va serve as an example of the number of neurons in
the stacking of TL-based residual learning-based M and N Eq. (5). Lastly, Eq. (6), where c stands for the number of
blocks, culminating in their concatenation at the final stage classes, represents softmax, an activation function.
to effectively learn diverse feature spaces. Three residual
Significance of using auxiliary channels and Squeezing—
blocks are sequentially arranged to facilitate the acquisition
Boosting (SB) Ideas
of diverse features, wherein the number of channels progres-
The hybrid framework’s representational capacity is
sively escalates from 32 to 256.
enriched by introducing multiple additional channels into the
TL’s core role is to gain information from the trained
advanced deep Boosted-BR-STM through ensemble learn-
source-domain and solve issues in the target-domain while
ing. The Squeezing–Boosting (SB) ideas employed in the
pursuing a high level of performance. Block A also uses
proposed deep CNNs, initially squeezed channels to get
region smoothing techniques to minimize the distortion and
salient and informative feature space. Then, combined with
outlier acquired while capturing the input images [50]. The
each STM block at abstract, mid, and high levels to boost and
boosted channel is handled in block F to lessen connection
achieve a diverse feature map using TL-based auxiliary chan-
intensity and obtain ideal attributes.
nels. Concatenating the prominent and notable information
from various deep CNNs using distinct channels enhances the
xBoosted b(xB ||xC ||xD ||xE ), (4) malaria infection depiction. Moreover, feature-map enhance-
ment is achieved by incorporating auxiliary channels from
pre-trained residual models. These supplementary channels
xD B F va xBoosted , (5) are subsequently employed in conjunction with the proposed
a b CNN at the final stage. The SB-based deep CNN effec-
tively learns intricate local and global patterns, enabling the
exi discrimination of textural variations between parasitic and
σ(x) c xc
. (6)
i1 e healthy samples.
Complex & Intelligent Systems
space used for combining ML classifiers. Ensemble clas- Table 2 Benchmarked NIH malaria detail
sifiers, guided by a voting strategy, amalgamate decisions
Characteristics Overview
from various classifiers. This hybrid learning strategy har-
nesses the strengths of the developed deep Boosted-BR-STM Total 27.5 k Samples
and the discriminating power of ML classifiers by isolating Non-parasite (healthy/impurities) 13.8 k Samples
key characteristics. We extract deep feature spaces from the
Parasite 13.8 k Samples
final layers of boosted deep CNNs and feed them to com-
Train, validation (70%) (9.6 k, 9.6 k)
petitive ML classifiers, including SVM [48], MLP [51], and
Test (30%) (4.1 k, 4.1 k)
AdaBoostM1 [52]. The activation functions are represented
in f SV M (.), f M L P (.), f Adaboost (.) as shown in Eqs. (7–10). Input image 164 × 164 × 3
The proposed DBEL framework extracts deep boosted Improved image size 82 × 82 × 1
channels from the proposed Boosted-BR-STM to achieve
diverse channels and provides to ensemble classifier. The
ensemble method combines the outputs of individual models, Utilization of customized CNNs
leveraging their diverse strengths. The ensemble aggre-
gates predictions from multiple models, reducing the risk Several current CNNs like VGG, ResNet, GoogleNet,
of overfitting and enhancing the generalization ability of the DenseNet, and Inception have been adapted to classify par-
proposed framework. Moreover, the DBEL benefits from the asite malaria images for comparative analysis [23, 25, 32,
generalized detection model and provides deep rich infor- 35, 37, 38]. The existing CNN’s abstract and final classifica-
mation feature space and ensemble learning [53]. The deep tion layers are customized using additional layers according
feature maps are generated, the 2nd last fully connected to the input and target-class dimension of the dataset. CNN
(FC) layer of developed Boosted-BR-STM and customized models were primarily backpropagation strategies learned
CNNs and fed to the ML classifier. Ultimately, integrating from scratch where initial weights were randomly selected.
deep boosting and ensemble classifiers improves the DBEL The convolutional layers’ initial weights were borrowed from
framework generalization ability. In Eq. (10), f Ensemble (.) an pre-train models using TL to improve the model conver-
ensemble of ML classifiers makes the final decision from the gence. In this regard, we used TL to adopt effective model
boosted feature-maps. parameters derived from the modified prior CNNs designed
to precisely capture the target-domain specific parasite char-
y M L P f M L P (x D B F ), (7) acteristics mostly on the malaria dataset employing improved
filter weights acquired from ImageNet [55].
y SV M f SV M (x D B F ), (8)
Experimental configuration
yAdaboost f Adaboost (x D B F ), (9)
yFinal f Ensemble ( f M L P (x D B F ) ,
The NIH dataset separated parasitic cells from a thin blood
f SV M (x D B F ) , f Adaboost (x D B F )). (10) smear slide for research on monitoring and diagnosis [25,
56]. The dataset includes samples of falciparum patients
Significance of hybrid learning collected from the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Cen-
The training of the proposed deep Boosted-BR-STM and cus- ter and Bangladesh’s Chittagong Medical College [57]. The
tomized CNNs may sometimes cause overfitting. Therefore, institutes mentioned above are proficient slide readers who
the proposed hybrid framework learns the effective discrim- differentiate between parasitic images and healthy individ-
ination features and improves generalization. Additionally, uals. Plasmodium is present mainly in positive (parasitic)
SVM [48], MLP [51], and AdaBoostM1 [52] represent three specimens, while the artifact effect is seen in negative (non-
distinct ML classifiers that minimize the structural risk. Deep parasitic or healthy) samples with staining and contaminants.
CNNs cause empirical risk by reducing training error using The malaria dataset distribution for experimental setup is
the optimal hyper-parameter selection [48]. The proposed shown in Table 2 and Fig. 4, pictorially depicting the para-
framework significantly reduces both training and test errors site and non-parasitic or healthy RBC samples.
and thus improves the generalization. Moreover, ensemble
learning aims to increase performance and promotes integrat-
ing numerous feature spaces into a single rich information
feature vector [54].
Complex & Intelligent Systems
Classified Parasitic
a Classified Parasitic + Incorrectly Classified Parasitic
Classified Parasitic
b Sensitivity , (13)
Total Parasitic Samples
Classified Healty
Specificity , (14)
Total Healty Individuals
Fig. 4 Panel (a, b) DWT enhanced parasitic and normal samples,
respectively (Sen × Pre)
F − Score 2 , (15)
Sen + Pre
Hyper-parameter Values
Results and discussion
Learning-rate (α) 10–3
This study uses the original and DWT-improved datasets
Optimizer SGD
to establish a novel detection DBEL framework system
Epoch 10
for malaria and distinguish parasite malaria sufferers from
Momentum 0.90
healthy individuals. Moreover, a novel Boosted-BR-STM
Loss Cross entropy is developed for testing the usefulness of boosting and
boundary-region based STM to forecast affected parasite
cells in RBC-thin-smears microscopy samples, and its effec-
Model training tiveness is contrasted with modified existing CNNs. Further-
more, the existing CNNs are upgraded, deployed in the TL,
The training and testing parts of the dataset are divided into and trained from scratch. Table 4 assesses the developed
a 70:30% ratio. Additionally, cross-validation is executed in malaria detection employing defined performance metrics.
the training phase, which is partitioned 80:20 into training
and validation sets during model training. The training set Performance analysis of detection results
includes the data validation set when optimum parameters are
picked via hold-out cross-validation. Table 3 lists the selected Enhanced dataset evaluation
optimal parameters in detail. The MATLAB-2022a tool was
used to create the modified CNNs. The tests were carried out Impurities, staining, and noise artifacts in the original malaria
on an NVIDIA-GeForce GTX-T-Dell PC with 32 GB RAM dataset generated a striking likeness between the normal
and CUDA support. CNNs required nearly 12–24 h during and parasite samples. In this regard, an enhancement pro-
training or 1–2 h for each epoch. cess is essential to remove stains/impurities and impulsive
noise from blood smear images. In this case, DWT reduces
noise effects, stain impurity, and computing time, attaining
Performance evaluation streamlined, improved feature channels. Moreover, DWT
coefficients preserve important low-resolution and diag-
Standard performance criteria are used to evaluate the effi- onal features that aid in differentiating malaria-infected
ciency of the detection CNNs and the developed hybrid learn- RBCs from healthy samples. Employing CNN techniques
ing framework. The detection measures, including Accuracy, on improved DWT image outperformed the standard dataset
Precision, Sensitivity, Specificity, and F-score, are used as in terms of Accuracy (1.86–3.1%), F-Score (1.8–2.9%),
optimization metrics for evaluating the technique’s perfor- Sensitivity (0.60–2.2%), Precision (2.40–5.50%), Specificity
mance. These measurements, along with a mathematical (2.6–6.1%), as shown in Table 4 and Fig. 5. The minimum,
explanation and abbreviation, are explained in Eqs. 11. average, and maximum performance for each parameter
is demonstrated in Fig. 5. Moreover, DWT is frequently
employed as an enhancement approach for data cleaning,
Classified Correctly significant feature-map generation, and improved classifica-
Accuracy × 100, (11) tion framework performance.
Total Samples
Complex & Intelligent Systems
Table 4 Performance of
Boosted-BR-STM and current Models Trained-scratch (original-data)
CNNs on unseen dataset
Accuracy% F-score Sensitivity Precision Specificity
The proposed Boosted-BR-STM by decreasing false positives, which reduces the med-
ical staff’s workload significantly. The tables demon-
The developed Boosted-BR-STM improved the generaliz- strate that the Boosted-BR-STM fared better than reported
ability of the proposed DBEL scheme compared to early approaches using the NIH dataset. The Boosted-BR-STM
techniques and yielded better results on a DWT-enhanced test performs better than other methods; Accuracy values range
dataset. Table 5 and Fig. 5 show a significant enhancement from (1.16–7.44%), F-score (1.2–7.5%), and Sensitivity
in the developed Boosted-BR-STM to forecast plasmodium (2.5–4.8%) (Fig. 5). The developed Boosted-BR-STM lower
falciparum-infected patients. The Boosted-BR-STM exploits False Negative (FN 71) and improved sensitivity relative
homogenous and boundary-driven parasite patterns in the to the finest, most reputable TL-based DenseNet CNN (FN
STM block, boosting through STM and residual learning, 131) on unseen DWT enhanced dataset, as demonstrated
and TL to improve the Sensitivity and F1-score. Region in Tables 5 and 6.
homogenous and boundary characteristics aid in learning the
distorted parasitic samples. Moreover, TL-based generated
The proposed hybrid learning
feature maps and SB can capture subtle contrast and texture
variation across artifact and parasite samples.
The malaria parasite samples are diagnosed using a new
The data augmentation strategies employed in the training
deep-boosted feature-map and ensemble learning (DBEL).
portion yielded performance improvement and model gen-
In this regard, three competing ML classifiers are ensem-
eralization. Moreover, Accuracy and Precision are attained
bled with feature vectors of the proposed Boosted-BR-STM
Complex & Intelligent Systems
Fig. 5 The proposed Boosted-BR-STM CNN and DBEL framework performance gain over the existing detection. Moreover, an enhanced DWT
samples considerably improved performance
that contribute as feature extractors. Moreover, the malaria proposed DBEL outperformed the customized CNNs by
parasitic images are detected by extracting the deep features providing a deep-boosted feature map to the majority voting-
from existing CNNs and providing them to ML classifiers based ensembled classifiers. Combining boosted deep feature
in the DHML scheme. The significance of exploiting deep maps and utilizing three classifiers creates a hybrid of diverse
features is identified and compared with Softmax-based feature spaces and ensemble learning. Boosting learning aims
evaluation. The DHML using TL-based fine-tuned exist- to increase performance and promotes integrating numerous
ing CNNs scheme outperforms Softmax-based evaluation in feature spaces into a single rich information feature vector.
terms of Accuracy (0.47–1.7%), F-Score (0.50–1.6%), Pre- Moreover, the ensemble classifiers’ improve the proposed
cision (0.50–3.6%), Specificity (0.5–4%), as illustrated in framework’s differentiation capacity by merging deep fea-
Table 7. ture maps to construct the boosted and diverse feature space.
The proposed DBEL framework The individual models within the ensemble like SVM,
MLP, and AdaBoostM1 are chosen because they have distinct
The hybrid learning approach evaluates the performance characteristics and strengths. SVM learns optimal decision
of deep-boosted feature maps and ensemble learning. The boundaries, MLP captures complex non-linear relationships,
Complex & Intelligent Systems
Table 7 Performance of
TL-based current CNNs deep Models TL-based DHML scheme
feature and ML
Accuracy% F-score Sensitivity Precision Specificity
and AdaBoostM1 enhances the classification of challeng- Specificity (1.5–8.6%), as shown in Table 8 and Fig. 5.
ing instances. The selection of these classifiers is based Finally, the proposed DBEL framework further reduced
on their inherent ability to minimize structural risk, and the FN (34), as contrasted to the best and most reputable
this contributes to improved performance. The proposed DenseNet-201. However, a few samples were missed due
DBEL framework outperformed the existing techniques for to a similarity between malaria-infected and healthy people
classifying malaria parasite samples in terms of Accuracy owing to impurity, stained, or noise anomalies in non-
(1.72–5.65%), F-Score (1.70–5.4%), Precision (1.60–8%), parasitic instances, as seen in Fig. 6. In the summarized
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Customized CNNs
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Fig. 7 The visualization for the generated of PC1, PC2, and PC3 distinct features for the proposed DBEL, Boosted-BR-STM, and DenseNet on
DWT-enriched datasets
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Fig. 7 continued
data. Additionally, compared to DenseNet-201 trained from are drawn for the developed DBEL framework, Boosted-BR-
scratch using improved DWT data, TL-based DenseNet-201 STM, and customized CNNs on test data. These graphs depict
better indicates the instance class. the capability of the classifier to differentiate across various
potential ranges. The detection cut-off of the best positive
class classifier can be considerably accessed via ROC and
Graphical analysis PR curves; results are shown in Fig. 8 [60]. The Boosted-
BR-STM reduced false-negative or miss-classified parasitic
The Sensitivity and Precision metrics for assessing the mod- compared to existing CNNs on an enhanced dataset with a PR
els are critical for malaria parasite detection. Therefore, Pre-
cision–Recall (PR) and Receiver–Operating Curve (ROC)
Complex & Intelligent Systems
Fig. 8 The developed Boosted-BR-STM with TL-based fine-tuned CNN’s ROC and PR curves on original and DWT enriched data
AUC 99.20% [61]. Moreover, the developed DBEL frame- that our system’s testing time for each parasitic sample aver-
work maintains minimal false-positives by detecting malarial aged 5–7 s. In the future, the proposed DBEL is intended
infections with strong sensitivity due to its high ROC-AUC to help healthcare practitioners by developing an application
value. to automatically screen, identify, and stage parasitic malaria
patients for clinical examination, as well as impurity, stained,
or noise anomalies in non-parasitic instances. Moreover, the
Conclusion developed framework can be employed in diagnosing mon-
keypox, brain tumors, lung cancer, and breast cancer using
Early detection of malaria can be treated properly and medical images.
quickly enough to prevent irregular disability. The proposed
Acknowledgements The authors extend their appreciation to the
hybrid DBEL framework stack deep boosted features of the Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Researchers Supporting
developed residual Boosted-BR-STM CNN and ensemble Project number (PNURSP2024R513), Princess Nourah bint Abdulrah-
learning to detect RBC thin smears microscope images of man University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. We thank the Department of
Computer Systems Engineering, University of Engineering and Applied
malaria patients. The proposed DBEL framework benefits
Sciences (UEAS), Swat, Pakistan for providing the necessary facilities
from DWT enhancements, data augmentation, incorporating to carry out this research work.
TL, inherent discriminative deep features from the devel-
oped Boosted-BR-STM, and ensemble learning to improve Data availability The standard benchmark NIH Malaria dataset has
been collected from the standard medical centers and made available in
detection performance. Moreover, the developed Boosted- the standard open-access Kaggle and other repositories. https://www.
BR-STM employs TL for the diverse rich information
feature-maps generation, residual learning, and SB ideas in
the STM block, enhancing the ability to learn homogeneity, Declarations
and parasitic structural patterns. Moreover, residual learning
systematically extracts features, starting with basic image- Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no known com-
peting financial interests or personal relationships that could have
level features to more intricate texture-based differences.
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
This novel approach allows for the acquisition of boosted
features at varying levels of granularity. The proposed frame- Informed consent Not applicable.
work achieved an Accuracy of 98.50%, an AUC of 0.996, an
F-score of 0.985, and a Sensitivity of 0.992. Furthermore, the Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adap-
proposed Boosted-BR-STM CNN and framework excelled tation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as
in existing techniques, experimentally in accurately detect- long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
ing malaria-infected patients. We have assessed our proposed source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indi-
framework’s runtime compared to manual analysis, gauging cate if changes were made. The images or other third party material
in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence,
its efficiency and time-saving potential. It is worth noting unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material
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