ENG10-Week 2 Q3
ENG10-Week 2 Q3
ENG10-Week 2 Q3
Parts of Argumentative Essay Outlining an Argumentative Parts of Argumentative Essay Argumentative Essay
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning English-Grade 10 Module Pangasinan Division
Review of the previous lesson. Directions: Copy the following Review of the previous lesson. Review of the previous lesson.
A. Reviewing previous
table on your paper and sort out
lesson or presenting
the words/phrases into their
the new lesson
corresponding columns.
It aims to develop your critical Activity 1 Directions: Complete
thinking skills as you read the following table. Write your
samples of argumentative answer on a separate sheet of
B. Establishing a purpose essays. paper.
for the lesson
An argumentative essay is a How To Outline an Can you identify the thesis statement
type of writing that presents Argumentative Essay in 4 Steps in the following paragraph?
C. Presenting
arguments about both sides of Argumentative Essays should
examples/instances of
an issue. have a straightforward structure
the new lesson
so they are easy for readers to
It could be that both sides are 1. Introductory With more information readily Activity 2 Directions: Identify the
presented equally balanced, or paragraph. available than ever before, it's crucial reason/s or claim/s presented by
it could be that one side is 2. The thesis statement. that students are prepared to examine the writer in the paragraph.
presented more forcefully than 3. Body paragraphs. the material they're reading and
the other. It all depends on the 4. Conclusion. determine whether or not it's a good On ABS-CBN Shutdown The
D. Discussing new
writer, and what side he source or if it has misleading attempt to shut down ABS-CBN is
concepts and
supports the most. information. Teaching students digital a thinly-veiled attack on press
practicing new skills
literacy and helping them to freedom. “This government is
understand the difference between hellbent on using all its powers to
opinion or propaganda from shut down the broadcast network,”
legitimate, real information is the National Union of Journalists
integral. in the Philippines (NUJP) declared
in a statement.
Directions: Read the following A clear, concise, and defined Here’s the general structure of an Activity 3 Directions: Read the
argumentative essay on thesis statement occurs in the argumentative essay: disagreement between two friends
cigarette smoking. Answer the first paragraph of the essay. 1. Introduction: Attention Grabber / on same sex marriage. Who do
questions that follow. Hook, Background Information, you think has a better argument?
Thesis Statement Why do you think so?
E. Discussing new COMPREHENSION 2. Body: Three body paragraphs
concepts and QUESTIONS 1. What is the (three major arguments)
practicing new skills main topic of the essay? 2. 3. Counterargument: An argument
#2. What is the stand of the author to refute earlier arguments and give
regarding smoking? 3. What weight to the actual position
are the claims/arguments raised 4. Conclusion: Rephrasing the thesis
by the author why cigarette statement, major points, call to
smoking should be banned in attention, or concluding remarks.
all public places?
Can you identify the thesis PROCESSING QUESTIONS
F. Developing Mastery statement in the following 1. What is an Argumentative Essay?
paragraph? 2. What are its main parts?
G. Finding practical Relate the lesson to real-life Relate the lesson to real-life Relate the lesson to real-life Relate the lesson to real-life
applications of situations. situations. situations. situations.
concepts and skills in
daily living.
H. Making Share what have learned. Share what have learned. Share what have learned. Share what have learned.
generalizations and
abstractions about the
I. Evaluating learning Choose the letter of the best Create a concept map about Compose an argumentative essay
answer and write it on your argumentative essay. about Aggressive Driving using its
answer sheet three essential parts in the box.
J. Additional activities
for application or
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?